I Hear Your Voice: Episode 17

Instructions On How to Survive Watching This Episode: (1) Don’t watch alone, and if you must, keep a friend on speed dial handy. (2) If you have a defibrillator lying around, get it charged. If not, put a lifeguard/medic/random friend who knows CPR on speed dial. (3) Write the words “Breathe” and “It’s just a TV show” on your hands, and that way, every time you freak out and cover your face with your hands, you’ll remember not to die. Ready? Here we go…


Loveholics – “그대만 있다면” (If Only I Have You) [ Download ]

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EPISODE 17: “Without your eyes I can’t see what’s in front of me”

After finding out that Hye-sung now knows the whole truth (and more importantly that he lied to her again after swearing he wouldn’t), Su-ha nervously picks up the payphone to try calling. He starts in on a plea begging her not to hang up, but suddenly Min Joon-gook’s voice answers on the other end: “Are you looking for Jang Hye-sung? She’s with me.” Su-ha breaks down in panic and rage, and screams that if he touches her, he’ll die.

But Min Joon-gook is the one with the threats: “Listen carefully… your actions will determine whether she lives or dies.” He orders Su-ha to come alone in an hour, and if he spots anyone else with him, Hye-sung dies on the spot.

Su-ha: “Let me hear her voice. Let me hear that she’s alive!” Oof, what a different meaning that carries now. Min Joon-gook has to prod her to speak, and then finally she does.

Hye-sung: “Su-ha, don’t you dare come. Send the police. Don’t come alone! Don’t worry about me—” she gets cut off and the line goes dead. He drops the phone in his hand and throws himself against the booth in helpless fury.

And then we catch up to Su-ha’s ominous narration that ended the last episode, that in two and a half hours, their eleven-year story would come to an end. We’re jumping around with time in this episode, so I’ll use their time markers to help keep it straight. The phone call is at 3:10 PM.

Rewind to three hours ago. 12:10 PM. When Su-ha comes out of the mall with the necklace in hand, the cell phone thief is already tailing him on foot. He waits for his opportunity on the street, and swipes Su-ha’s bag. As soon as he’s safely away, he calls “Ajusshi” to say he’s picked up the package.

At the same time, Hye-sung is confronting Kwan-woo about the mysterious letters. She finally gets him to talk, and he tells her that the reporter is Su-ha’s father, that the grandma and boy found dead were Min Joon-gook’s mother and son, and that Min Joon-gook has been sending those letters to all of them.

He tells her that Min Joon-gook’s saga begins with the death of his wife, and he thinks that Su-ha’s father had something to do with it. When he came to see Kwan-woo a while back, he had said that he’d see it through to the end. Hye-sung panics at those words: “The end? What’s the end?”

12:55 PM. The motorcycle thief hands Su-ha’s bag over to Min Joon-gook, who only takes the cell phone and gives the bag back. He turns off the tracking app, and then notices the locket.

He opens it up to see a picture of Little Su-ha with Mom, and he yanks it off and throws it to the ground with a sneer.

Hye-sung calls Su-ha over and over, thinking it weird that his cell phone is turned off completely, which is never the case. She calls Sung-bin to ask if she’s heard from him, and Sung-bin says he’s just probably in class and ran out of battery or something.

Sung-bin wonders if that’s really something to get so worried about. Choong-ki (who’s back at the nail shop for another manicure) overhears and thinks it’s a sign that Hye-sung likes Su-ha back.

Sung-bin insists Su-ha’s crush is still a one-way street, and that Hye-sung will never ever ever give in. She swears she’s an expert in these matters… and then in the same breath has to ask why Choong-ki’s so into hand-care. Hahaha.

He blusters that he works with his hands so obviously, he has to take care of them. She buys the lame excuse, even though he has I’m here to have you hold my hand written all over his face. As soon as she leaves him alone he bursts into giggles just looking at his hand. Adorable.

1:10 PM. The motorcycle thief gets arrested and Su-ha’s bag is recovered. Hye-sung sits at her desk screaming into her phone at Imaginary Su-ha to turn on his goddamned phone.

Kwan-woo comes by to pick her up with the reminder that they both have 2:00 cases in court today, and she jumps to see how much time has passed.

Pretty the Paralegal watches them leave and wonders why Kwan-woo came all the way back here just to escort her to the courthouse when he could’ve gone straight there. He sighs that she’s giving him mixed messages and stringing him along.

Lawyer Shin flicks him on the forehead and explains that this isn’t about romantic feelings, but guilt and responsibility—Kwan-woo could never live with himself if something happened to Hye-sung after he helped set her mother’s killer free. She knows that, and that’s why she lets him protect her.

Su-ha gets his bag back, and he’s so fixated on the necklace that he doesn’t even notice his phone is missing until the detective asks. He figures they can take their time with that and runs off, with nothing but happy thoughts of necklace-giving in his head.

And then from a rooftop, Min Joon-gook takes out Su-ha’s phone and turns it on. Ohgod. I already know what’s coming but I’m still nervous. In the courthouse, Kwan-woo promises to wait so they can return together after their hearings, and Hye-sung gently tries to tell him it’s okay. But he says that it’s never a bad thing to be too careful, and leaves with a smile.

Hye-sung checks her watch and sighs that she still hasn’t heard from Su-ha. Notably, this whole time the thing she seems maddest about is that Su-ha isn’t picking up his phone, not that he lied.

Suddenly, her phone rings. It’s Gum-wad, so she answers with a litany of complaints about him not keeping his phone on and how worried she was. But it’s Min Joon-gook who answers: “Do you remember my voice?”

He asks if she’s looking for Su-ha. Oh noes. I knew this was coming, but why am I scared? She asks in a shaky voice why he has Su-ha’s cell phone, and he says that he has Su-ha, and that he’s okay… for now. He lies that he doesn’t care about the kid—what he really wants is her.

He tells her where to meet, and says if she doesn’t come alone, Su-ha dies. She panics for a split second, but then immediately springs into action. She runs out the front door but then realizes she’ll pick up her police detail that way, and goes around the back.

She literally hops a fence barefoot and gets to the street, where she picks up a cab and races to Su-ha.

But Su-ha is racing to her at exactly the same time… and they actually zoom right past each other in the street. NO. Augh, you’re killing me. He runs right past her cab, smile on his face, necklace in hand. And she races away without seeing him, at her wit’s end.

2:30 PM. Hye-sung gets a call from Judge Kim (whose number is saved as Fan Judge, har), waiting for her to show up for the trial. But she ignores the call, and so he’s forced to postpone the hearing.

Min Joon-gook waits on his rooftop, and watches as Hye-sung arrives down below. She’s come alone, as promised. He actually laughs out loud, calling her vision so far gone (as in, so swept up in her feelings) that she was lured here so easily.

And this is when Su-ha arrives at the courthouse looking for Hye-sung, and finds that she never showed up to her trial.

Hye-sung carefully makes her way into the abandoned warehouse, and takes out her taser. She inches forward, and with every step the hair goes up on the back of my neck. Could they have picked a scarier building? This place is gonna give me nightmares.

Aaaaaaaaahhhh… Min Joon-gook creeps up behind her and just follows her silently, two steps behind her. He gets closer… and closer… and closer…

He finally gets right up behind her, and in one swift move he grabs the taser with his hand and grabs her in a headlock. She screams.

When we cut back inside, she’s lying on the ground, unconscious. Joon-gook ties a rope nearby, and then answers a call from Kwan-woo. He hangs up right away. This is the call we saw only on Kwan-woo’s end, after which Su-ha finds out that Hye-sung knows everything. He races off in tears.

3:05 PM. Hye-sung comes to, tied to a chair. She looks around her, and judging from the stuff around her, this must be where Min Joon-gook was hiding out for some time.

He sees that she’s awake, and calls her brave for coming here with nothing but a taser to fend him off. He tosses it aside like a dinky toy. She asks where Su-ha is, but he smiles as he shows her the phone and tells her he doesn’t have Su-ha.

Joon-gook: “No matter how rational the person, in a situation like this you see nothing. You become an idiot. I’ve been there, so I know.” Curious. Does he mean that literally?

She asks what he wants, and he tells her that at first, he was just planning to kill them both. But then what Su-ha said to him on that fishing dock… he pauses as his eyes change and he lets out this tiny twitch that sends shivers down my spine. “It really… pissed me off.”

We see it in flashback—the moment when Joon-gook had egged Su-ha on to kill him, to prove that he was no different. But we know that Su-ha stopped himself and said that he’d never live as a beast like him.

Joon-gook repeats those words, “A beast like me… a beast like me.” He says he began to wonder if it could be true, so then he realized he could paint a different picture to find out. If Su-ha truly ended up like him, and lost everyone he loved, could he really endure and not become a monster?

And then the call. Joon-gook puts it on speakerphone and lets Hye-sung listen in. When Su-ha flips his lid and screams that he’ll kill him if he touches her, Min Joon-gook points at the phone and smiles, See, look, he’s a killer already.

Joon-gook says that’s what he’s hoping for, actually, and gives him instructions for where to find them. Hye-sung’s eyes fill with tears, terrified that he’ll come, and that it’ll all go as Joon-gook wants.

She refuses to answer at first, but then hurriedly tries to tell Su-ha not to come. Joon-gook hangs up. Now we’re finally caught up to the present.

Su-ha walks away from the phone booth in a stupor, covered in tears and sweat and not knowing which way is up. “What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?” He stands there for another second, and then takes off running. By now his detective has caught up, but when Su-ha bolts he falls behind again, gasping for air.

Choong-ki is back at work, and stops to gaze at his pinky finger that Sung-bin painted for him. He gives it a little kiss (so cute) and then jumps out of his skin when he sees Su-ha run up. He stammers for an excuse, but Su-ha only asks for his cell phone and takes off running again with no explanation.

The detective arrives a minute too late, and Choong-ki tells him that Su-ha’s acting weird. He looked like he was crying, and he stole his phone out of the blue. That’s enough for the detective to know something’s not right, and he asks for Choong-ki’s number. Aw yeah.

Back at the warehouse, Joon-gook observes that for an eleven-year relationship, he and Hye-sung have had very few real conversations. She tells him to turn himself in because this is the end for him, and he doesn’t disagree with her: “This is my end. I brought you here to witness my end.”

She asks what that is, and he says it plainly: “I’m going to turn that kid into a beast before I go.” He says that Su-ha will prove to the world that anybody would become a beast in the situation I was in.

Hye-sung holds her head up high: “Su-ha will never end up like you.” Joon-gook tells her not to be so quick to judge—he didn’t think he’d end up this way either. She says she knows his story, and why he blames them. He thinks his wife died because of Su-ha’s father, and then because of her testimony in court (that put him away), his mother and son died too.

He gives her a gold star for figuring it out and says that Su-ha’s father started all of this. But Hye-sung corrects him: “No, YOU are the one who started this. Don’t act like the victim. You’re just a murderer. The moment you killed Su-ha’s father and my mother, all of your excuses, your reasons—they all disappeared. That’s the beginning.”

Thank you. Man, I love her. Joon-gook cries that no one would listen to him—not doctors, not cops, not lawyers—what was he supposed to do? Just stand by? She remembers now what Mom told her in her last moments, about not wasting her life away with hate and revenge, and to pity those who do.

She says she understands now why Mom said those things. She looks over at Min Joon-gook with a hint of pity in her eyes, wondering what kind of hell it must have been for him to live in such hate and resentment for eleven years. He turns to her with that same look of rage when her mother had pitied him the same way.

She says defiantly that Su-ha will never be like him: “Su-ha isn’t as low as you.” That strikes a nerve and Min Joon-gook raises his wrench above his head to strike her… “Shut up!” ACK I can’t watch.

But she doesn’t lower her gaze, and just stares up at him without moving a muscle. He freezes, wrench in air.

3:45 PM. Kwan-woo gets a call. Oh phewwww, it’s Su-ha. He tells Kwan-woo the truth, that Hye-sung is being held hostage and that he’s just arrived outside the building. Kwan-woo urges him not to go in—he’s feeding right into Min Joon-gook’s hands.

But Su-ha screams, “If I don’t go in there, she’ll die!” Kwan-woo screams right back that he’ll die, which isn’t what Hye-sung wants. Su-ha hesitates as a tear falls, “…That’s why I need you to save her.” Omo.

Su-ha: I don’t want to die. Before, I thought that it didn’t matter if I died protecting her, but I don’t think that now. If something happens to me… it’ll scar her. So please, save her, save me.

He asks Kwan-woo to call the police or whoever he wants, and that he’ll do what he can to stall until he gets here. *fistpump*

But Su-ha doesn’t wait as long as I’d hoped, and walks right up to the building. Gah, I’m a nervous wreck. Can’t we wait until the police are nearby?

Min Joon-gook stands up on the roof and watches as Su-ha comes closer. We pan down to the wrench tucked under his arm, and OHMYGOD it’s covered in blood. Ugh, my heart just sank five stories. Joon-gook confirms that Su-ha came alone and motions for him to come in. He puts sunglasses on to cover his eyes, and prepares to face him.

Kwan-woo hauls ass into a cab and calls Detective Hyung, who’s already caught on to the kidnapping. What he doesn’t know is that Su-ha is on his way there to save her by himself, and both sides race to the location.

Kwan-woo warns that this could get ugly—Min Joon-gook lured them both there and plans to die himself, and based on past actions, he’s pretty sure Joon-gook means to make Su-ha a killer.

4:10 PM. Su-ha makes his way up to the roof where Joon-gook is waiting for him, calm as you please. He even gives a little wave with his prosthetic hand.

Su-ha says he came alone as promised, and demands to see Hye-sung. Joon-gook decides he’s way too calm, disappointed that he’s not attacking him like before. Su-ha says he knows exactly what he’s trying to do, but he won’t fall for his tricks.

He reminds him that he won’t live as a beast like him, and Joon-gook asks, “Do you think I was always a beast? I was a person once too.” We finally see Past Joon-gook in flashback, before he became a killer. He slaved over every odd job he could find to make enough money to save his sick wife and get her the heart transplant that she needed in order to live.

Finally the day came and they got a heart from a donor. But then an hour before her surgery, that heart that was meant for his wife was stolen by someone else—Su-ha’s father. He cut in line with a few articles heaping praise on the hospital, and with that, the heart that was supposed to save his wife went to Su-ha’s mom.

Joon-gook asks if he knew. He did. Joon-gook: “So you see, the one who started all this was your father!” But Su-ha answers almost verbatim the way Hye-sung did: “No, the person who started all this was you. The moment you killed my father, you just became a murderer.”

Joon-gook laughs that Hye-sung said the same thing, and Su-ha asks where she is. Down below, Kwan-woo arrives first. HURRY.

Min Joon-gook says that when a person truly loses everything, you can’t help but become a beast. Because you can’t see straight. He picks up the wrench and throws it at Su-ha’s feet. It’s covered in blood, and Su-ha freezes at the sight of it.

He stumbles back, struggling to eke out a word or a breath.

Joon-gook says he didn’t initially plan on killing her. He was just going to lure her here as bait for Su-ha. “But then that girl kept pissing me off, saying that you’d be different from me. It made me so angry…” Su-ha finally gathers the words and asks, “Did you… kill her?” Joon-gook: “Yeah, I killed her.”

He smiles, knowing he’s got Su-ha teetering on the brink. And then we get a close-up of Su-ha’s phone by Joon-gook’s side… and it’s been on a call with Hye-sung’s phone this whole time. Oh phew, that means she’s alive, right?

She is. She’s tied up and taped up and sporting a gaping head wound, but she’s alive and listening to the call. She can hear Su-ha start to lose it, and panics.

4:40 PM. The cops finally arrive, and rush into the building. RUN FASTER.

Hye-sung shudders as she hears Min Joon-gook ask Su-ha how he feels. “You want to kill me, don’t you? Kill me. Kill me.” It would almost be funny, except for the part where it’s bloody terrifying.

Su-ha struggles to fight it, but he can’t think straight. All he can see is Min Joon-gook in front of him. He staggers closer and picks up the wrench. Oh hell.

Snipers arrive on the rooftop, and get Su-ha in their sights. Wait, are they going to mistake Su-ha as the bad guy in this scenario? That’s not what’s happening, right? Aaaaaah, how many things do I have to worry about at the same time?!

Joon-gook says he knows now exactly how he felt eleven years ago when all this began, and smiles as if welcoming him. Su-ha grips the wrench tighter and tighter, his eyes filling with uncontrollable rage.

The sniper locks onto Su-ha…

Hye-sung cries…

Su-ha’s whole body shakes as he looks at Min Joon-gook smiling back at him… and then he shuts his eyes. He takes a deep breath, and hears Hye-sung’s voice in his head: “No matter how much you want to kill him, don’t. Because the moment you do, all the reasons disappear.”

He takes another breath, and lets go. The wrench falls to the ground with a clang. Was I not breathing until now?

Joon-gook looks up in utter shock. Su-ha: “She’s alive. The fact that you’re covering your eyes from me right now means that you have something to hide. And it means that you’re lying right now.” Yeeeeesssssss! I love it when you use your brains.

Joon-gook’s voice falters as he swears he killed her, but Su-ha’s done listening. He screams her name from the rooftop: “Jang Hye-sung! You can hear my voice, right? Listen carefully! I won’t ever kill this person! I’ll keep my promise to you! I swear I’ll keep my promise, so don’t worry, and wait for me!”

Hye-sung hears him from the next building over, and breaks down in sobs of relief. A moment later, Kwan-woo finally finds her and runs over to untie her. He urges her to go downstairs to safety, but she breaks free and screams that she has to go up. She takes off running. Ack, don’t go up there!

Joon-gook ends the call, but he doesn’t change his story—he swears he killed her. Su-ha says she’s still alive, and then adds shakily, “But even if she isn’t, my choice is the same. I won’t live like you. She wouldn’t want me to spend my life on revenge… just like your wife wouldn’t have wanted for you.”

Su-ha says if his wife knew how he’d spent his life, she’d be in pain. He calls him horrifying and pitiful, and at that Joon-gook starts to twitch in anger again. Su-ha: “I’ve made my choice, so don’t try to use me as an excuse for your life anymore.”

He turns around, giving Min Joon-gook just the opportunity to grab the steel pipe sitting next to him. He screams in rage and raises the pipe to Su-ha’s head…

A gunshot. I don’t even want to open my eyes to see who got shot.

Oh phew, it was just the steel pipe. Wait, the sniper shot the pipe out of his hand? Dude. That’s some sharp-shootin’. Joon-gook reaches for the wrench and that gets shot away too. Su-ha sighs in relief as the SWAT team closes in.

Su-ha tells Joon-gook it’s all over, but he’s not acting like it’s over. He starts to back away, and he takes off his sunglasses and lets Su-ha look into his eyes.

He sees a flashback of Past Joon-gook, pleading with the doctors to bring back that heart, begging them to save his wife. “It was her turn! Please!” And then in her final breath, she pleaded, “I don’t want to die! Save me.”

He held onto her hand and had to lie that he would. Oh my god. That’s horrible. As his wife dies, Su-ha’s mom gets saved by that very heart, and Joon-gook stands by and watches as Su-ha’s dad thanks the doctor.

And we all know what happens next: he rams a semi into Dad’s car and bludgeons him to death. As Su-ha reads all this in his thoughts, Joon-gook inches back little by little until he’s teetering on the tiny ledge. Su-ha hears him think: “This is my end.”

He runs to catch him, and grabs Joon-gook by the collar, just as Hye-sung and Kwan-woo arrive on the rooftop. He’s the only thing holding Joon-gook up, and they’re just suspended in the air like that for a long moment. Joon-gook smiles, “Park Su-ha, let’s go together.”

He grabs Su-ha’s collar, and in a split second they both lose their balance, and go flying over the edge. WHAT.

I swear it’s just one second, but it feels like a hundred. They fall and fall and fall, and Hye-sung faints in shock.

And then they land… on the SWAT team’s inflatable landing pad.

JIMENY CHRISTMAS. Are you trying to kill me??!?!??! I don’t even care that it’s crazy that they happened to land on the one spot where they pitched that thing. Thank god he’s alive.

The cops rush over and drag Min Joon-gook away in cuffs, kicking and screaming that he wants to die. Su-ha staggers to get up, bleeding from the head. He asks where Hye-sung is, if she’s okay. But the detective down below doesn’t know yet.

A second later Kwan-woo carries her down, bloody and unconscious, and augh, she looks dead. We know she isn’t, but Su-ha doesn’t know that, and he freeeeeaks out as she gets carted away in an ambulance. I know she’s alive, but still he’s breaking my heart.

5:05 PM. The crime scene is secured, and evidence collecting begins. Do-yeon races to meet Kwan-woo and Detective Hyung outside the hospital, and the first thing she asks is if Hye-sung is okay. She sighs in relief to hear that she is. Aw, you luff her.

She swears up and down that she’s not going to let Min Joon-gook slip through her fingers this time, and plans to charge him with every single crime she can think of. She and Detective Hyung both agree that a person like Min Joon-gook shouldn’t exist in society.

Kwan-woo hesitates before speaking up, and he starts by saying he knows this is going to sound crazy, but he feels sorry for Min Joon-gook—just a little. She agrees, on the crazy part.

Su-ha’s ambulance arrives just then, and he’s brought out of it kicking and screaming just as much as he was going into it. He screeeeeams for Hye-sung over and over, out of his mind with blind panic. PEOPLE. Somebody tell him she’s alive, for crying out loud!

Kwan-woo asks Do-yeon what she thinks is the difference between Park Su-ha and Min Joon-gook. She doesn’t care to know, but he tells her anyway. As Kwan-woo narrates his answer, Su-ha races through the emergency room like a lunatic, frantically searching all the beds until he can see Hye-sung for himself.

Kwan-woo: Min Joon-gook had no one. No one to believe him, no one to listen to him, no one to love him. And he didn’t have anyone he needed to protect. If he only had that one person, Min Joon-gook might’ve lived differently… like Park Su-ha.

As he says that’s why he feels just a little bit sorry for Min Joon-gook, Su-ha finally finds Hye-sung in the emergency room. She’s awake, and alive, and they just grab each other in the most grateful embrace, each having believed the other was dead.

She cries that she thought he died, and then says, “I heard you. I heard your voice.” Su-ha just cries into her shoulder, “Thank you, for being alive.”

Su-ha narrates: “July 26, 2013, 5:40 PM. Min Joon-gook was arrested, and the three of us and our eleven-year story came to an end.” They lie on the tiny hospital bed facing each other in an explosion of cuteness (which we SO DESERVE right now), and Su-ha tells her the whole story as he holds her hand. She asks how his mother died, and he says she died a month after her surgery, because her body rejected the transplant.

She guesses that’s why Min Joon-gook was doubly furious, because the heart that could’ve saved his wife ended up being wasted (from his point of view). Su-ha apologizes for not telling her right away: “I kept getting greedy and that made me scared—that I might lose you.”

She finally gets to give him the talking-to that I’ve been waiting for: “Do I seem like the kind of person who would throw you away over something like that?” She starts to give her I’m-way-above-that speech, but he says it along with her as he reads her mind, and they erupt into laughter.

She reaches up to his face and tells him not to blame himself—it wasn’t his fault. He hugs her close and thanks her, and as we pan up, Su-ha narrates again. Augh, I’m starting to dread your voiceovers.

Su-ha: “There’s one thing the two of us forgot in that moment—that with Min Joon-gook captured, his past would come to light. And that if his past was uncovered, my hidden past would also be uncovered.”

We relive the moment when he stabbed her by accident as she rushed to keep him from killing Min Joon-gook. Uh-oh. This is bad. But how bad? How bad, exactly? Like attempted-murder bad? As they snuggle, he kisses her on the forehead and adds, “And I love you.”

Voiceover of Doom: “We were so drunk on the happiness that we were alive that we had completely forgotten…”


Damn, I spent the entire episode with my heart in my knees. The rewind to three hours ago drove me crazy. Not in a bad way, since I did want to see the B-side and be with Hye-sung this time around, but it was prolonging the tension to near excruciating levels of impatience. And the moment when they pass each other by in the street? That put me over the edge. If I wasn’t dying to find out what happened, I might’ve just stopped and had a good cry right then and there.

I’m happy with how Min Joon-gook’s murder spree and backstory got tied up, and also breathing a huge sigh of relief that we didn’t take any left turns into makjangville. I think his story is complex and interesting enough without needing any crazy twists, and even though I swore I wasn’t going to feel sorry for him, they totally made me feel sorry for him. Bah. He still deserves every punishment he gets, but man, when he had to lie to his wife in her dying moment, that gutted me. It’s Jung Woong-in’s fault, for playing him with such interesting color and pitiable pathos—you can’t help but have your heart break for him, despite knowing what horrible things he’s done, and is still doing, even in the moment of the flashback.

Thematically, I like that the Min Joon-gook/Park Su-ha comparison is essentially the are-monsters-made-or-born question. In that sense I Hear Your Voice is almost the hopeful counterpart to White Christmas. In this world you can take two people, put them in the same situation where they’re drowning in murderous rage, and the one who has someone who believes in him, someone who loves him, someone to live for—can choose not to become a monster. It’s the idealistic version (and therefore a little pat, to be sure) but it’s in keeping with everything that this drama is about—that people can save people with trust and forgiveness.

My one gripe is that if this was the endgame as far as the Min Joon-gook arc goes, then I wish we had touched on it less as a theme. It’s actually a fantastic closing to the arc and I’m happy with where we end up, but we dabbled with this conflict thematically not once but twice before—with Su-ha stabbing Hye-sung and again at the pier in flashback, where Su-ha refuses to kill him. Basically, the theme is great, but it would’ve had an even bigger impact had it not been overused. It’s a matter of degrees, of course, since Su-ha needed to be pushed to the absolute edge for Min Joon-gook to have his say and for Su-ha to prove once and for all that he wouldn’t become a monster, but by then he’d answered the question in various forms many times over. It felt just that two percent shy of having that perfect impact because it was a fear we’d already faced (whether or not Su-ha would become a killer) and it was a huge deal that he kept his promise to Hye-sung. Had this been the first time we were faced with those questions outright, then yes, you’d probably have to peel me off the floor, but it would’ve packed a bigger punch.

But in the end, of course, Su-ha’s speech makes it all worth it—when he understands that throwing himself into harm’s way to save the woman he loves isn’t the heroic thing. The heroic thing is to call for help and live, knowing that his death would only cause her more pain. It’s the total opposite of everything he was before he met her, but that’s the difference between harboring a one-sided self-sacrificing love for the woman in your fantasies, and knowing that that woman actually loves you back and would rather die than lose you.


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this drama deserves all the awards. I'm so happy that this episode managed to be such an emotional roller coaster and thriller. I was worried we would lose that with the extension.


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"Roller coaster" is definitely the right word to describe this episode. I think I'm still in post-adrenaline mode.


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SO MANY FEELINGS. so many AWESOME FEELINGS. OMG I can barely process.

#1 GO CHA BYUN!. Oska oppa is THE BEST.
#2 I didnt think it was possible to love soo ha more, but I was wrong. Rooftop speech FOR THE WIN.
#3 Im glad SOME of the police are not incompetent. Yay sharpshooters will great aim
#4 I don't give a CRAP about the secret. Ihope MJG throws them a bone and just confesses and kets them live happily ever after. All I want now is a whole hour of resolution and happy.

Man, that was intense.


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#5 Thank the heavens that SH is NOT MJG's son. You guys. That speculation was causing me pain (like Oska Oppa, O also feel a little bad for MJG now. but...not that bad).

OK. Going to have a drink to calm my nerves. JIMENY CHRISTMAS INDEED.


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Agree when they showed MIN JOOK flashback , i was relieved . because if they made SH son of MJ it would have ruined the show for me.

Extremely relieved and Happy about today episode.


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Of course you realize that no real sniper would ever attempt such showy shots when a multi murderer is in his sights?


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I agree. It was like the snipers was playing with MJG. In real life, they would for sure have shot him in the arm so that he wouldn't be able to make a second attempt.


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Indeed. I'm also aware that people don't read minds, that gumihos don't exist and that time travel is not a real thing. With your permission though, I'm going to go ahead and still be really excited about the episode and the sniper bit in particular.


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I'm okay with suspending my belief, but question: in real life, is there a chance that the bullet could ricochet and hit someone?


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OMGAH. I watched the live broadcast hugging my knees tight with my earbuds in. So I'm not entirely sure of how loud my curses and shrieks were. I vaguely remember some things:

- How nutty is it that I was gritting my teeth in tension when SuHa goes up to meet MJG, only to snort when he waved with his prosthetic hand?

- A VERY loud "NOOOO!" the moment both of them went over the edge of the roof. OMGAH my poor heart.

- The unexpected, almost-farcical comedic moment when Lawyer Cha, Do Yeon, and Cop talk, and then SuHa comes spilling out of his ambulance all deranged? Um, yeah. Sorry I did snort a little. And then wished Cha would at least grab SuHa to say Hyesung was okay. Seriously.

As amazing as this episode was, I have to agree with some Soompi commenters that the pacing felt all over the place for some reason in the first half. I was really expecting we would start the episode right from Hyesung's POV (essentially the B-side), not restart with the phone booth scene. As it is, I felt my emotions being manipulated whenever we were brought back to that scene. (or you know, my heart can't take so much SuHa suffering). I get wanting to show the B-side of events, but I think we could've had tighter editing. The constant flashbacks were a smiiiidge too annoying.

Still, after the terror of the roof, having these two finally in a bed scene (rawr?) just helped ratchet up the feels. (much rewinding happened)

I have to say, LBY and LJS's acting during the sadistic scene with the wrench was just heartbreakingly amazing.

Just a question:
- How did SuHa get a head injury from the fall if they fell into the inflatable thingy? I get him hurting his foot if he fell on it or twisted it.


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They hit an awning on the way down.


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They landed on the wooden awning before the bag

Also, there a price to be for adding 2 episodes. The last 3 and the next episodes would have total 2 hours without the padding/fillers.


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Just had a funny thought, SH loses his ability to hear minds and HS gets that ability and HS teases SH with it


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When I saw SuHa's head injury that was my first fear--holy sh!t, will that make him lose his ability?! When he grabbed the cop to demand how Hyesung was, I had a random thought that he wouldn't be able to read the guy's mind or something.


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I love how, even though Su-ha was bleeding from his head, when he found Hye-sung the doctors just kind of gave up on treating him right away. They know :-)


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If the last 3 episodes were originally meant to be 2, all my emotions would have been totally depleted for a week. Dehydrated too from crying and nervous sweat.
One of the best drama I've seen.

The entire cast, crew, writer, PD and everyone was wonderful, they even made the cliches enjoyable !!!


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Let's not forget MJG had his mother and son who needed him muchly when he set out to kill Su Ha's dad. If that wasn't enough for him to even so much as hesitate to kill people including a little innocent child, then no, I don't feel sorry for him.

My favorite part of this episode is Soo Ha's speech to Cha Byun. Like someone above said, a hero that asks for help, how rare, and it shows how much he grew from a boy who was all too ready to throw his life away for an unrequited love, to this rational young man who thinks of consequences.

When the poor thing jumped to the ground the moment they arrived at the hospital screaming for Hye Sung, it was both heart wrenching and funny.

I love everyone's acting in this episode, Lee Bo Young's especially when she sobs upon hearing Soo Ha's words from the rooftop, and then later telling him "I heard your voice." This hearing thing between the two just melts my heart. And Lee Jong Suk's acting, gyah. He shows raw emotions without going over the top, it's like watching someone next to you break down.


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Yes! This is why I don't feel sorry for Min Joongook. He still had plenty reasons to keep on living as a human being and he still had people who cared about him. I can kind of see why he would blame his wife's death on Dad but he mother and son are all on him. Obviously, revenge was more important to him than his family.


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That MJG was ready to kill a little boy (and he would have killed if he hadn't been caught by two witnesses) makes it hard to just forgive him. I feel bad for him and the situation with his wife, but there's still no excuse to kill a boy because his father did you wrong, who by the way, you already killed a minute ago.

I wonder if little SH would have reminded MJG of his own son at that moment and if so, how could he still be able to go through with the killing...?

I have to say though, I'm really impressed with the actor. He's good at showing both sympathetic side and the creepy psycho side.


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I stopped breathing and my heart skipped few beats last night when I watch it live. Watching PSH going through such agony, pain and confusion is killing me.

Uhh, this drama is trying to kill me with all its cuteness and suspense-ness.. I'll miss this drama once it's ended for sure, as I already am dreading for the last episode..


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SHOW. How can you keep doing this to me? Another ominous voiceover? Ahhhh.

I both love and HATE this drama. It has caused me to age prematurely. I'm one episode from a full on panic attack. I can't handle all of these emotions. OH, glorious emotions.

I'm going crazy! I'm equal parts happy and fearful. I just want my happy ending!

Thank you for the beautiful recap!!!!


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I covered my ears and went 'la la la ...i cant hear you' when he was narrating the last bit at the end. I dont care if he serves time for the stabbing or not cuz i know he'll come out ok plus he does deserve the punishment anyways. Only thing that could go wrong is if he ends up being cellmates with MJG-yikes!!! So u dont scare me dear show, as long as the worst is over...take ur best shot!


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Has to be more than the accidental stabbing... I wonder what it could be...


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Why do I have to be at work???

I have to stop myself from reading all these -- I want to watch it first. Seeing so many comments makes me realize that it's a good episode -- again.

That's it -- am declaring a holiday today.


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Okay...so I really didn't dig the first 30 minutes. It really didnt do much for me...but boy did those last 30...Good Gravy.
So how in the world are they going to wrap this bad boy up in one hour tomorrow?!?!?
I wonder if they are going to go down the road of Do-Yeon charging Su ha and Lawyer Oska defending him? hmmm.

Okay this might have been discussed on here before. But durring the trial crime scenes, on the TV it flashes (what I am assuming) is information about the Korean court of law. Is that correct?


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its just explaining technical terms used in the courts/law, since regular people might not know what these terms mean.


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80% of ep 17 was what happened b4 HS got kidnapped. I almost had pity on MJG like .0000000001% after what Kwan woo said. At the beginning of the recap girlfriday should have put "if u have a history of heart problems u should not watch this episode". Cuz PHEW when MJG was taking su ha with him I had a mini heart attack. Definitely one of the best kdramas in 2013. Can't wait for the last episode!!!!

Kdrama 2013 checklist:
Gu family book (check)
The queens classroom (check)
I hear your voice (check)
The heirs(waiting)


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Whoops I meant 50%


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Hurrah! Hurrah! Phew... I survived. That was a very sweet ending and I hope I still get my happy ending in the next episode. Even though I hate Min Jong Gook, I can't help but pity him when they showed the flashback on how his wife died... I LOVE SOO HA. Gosh, Lee Jong Suk is such an amazing actor. He gets me every single time. I love the part where Hye Sung was listening to him scream on the phone also unlike others, I wasn't laughing much when they fell onto that inflatable pad. I was relieved and I figured they had that prepared at that spot when they saw Min Jong Gook standing over that edge... So, anyways, I will really miss this drama. I don't want to let go of it. Happy ending tomorrow please!! :) Unlike before I'm more confident now that we will see a happy ending for this drama :)


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I agree! I didn't laugh either, it made sense how they landed properly. I have actually seen those things blow up with air in about 30 seconds. MJG was already walking backwards for about 2 min-ish. So it would make totall sense that they landed perfectly on the inflated platform.

I also pitied MJG throughout the episode. So glad the main characters have each other to love and live for :)

The drama is in my top 3 for sure. The "filler" episodes were not even irrelevant or boring to me. I enjoyed the character development and court scenes ( I truly enjoy watch court scenes!)


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I did chuckle when they fell onto the inflatable pad cos'... dude, did they REALLY had to use a white one? Can't they have gone with the usual all blue ones?

On an additional note, I don't get why people found the scene where SH leaped out of the ambulance, wailing like a batshit banshee gone crazy, funny :/ It was pretty heart-wrenching, tbh.


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I didn't find that scene funny as well. It pretty much captures a person's reaction when you lose a loved one. You go crazy. Lee Jong Suk captured that perfectly. I've seen people like that in real life, having witnessed a gun-shooting incident. It really isn't a funny matter for me and I applaud Soo Ha for capturing that emotion very very very well.


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IKR. I saw a couple of comments about it being funny here, on Soompi and on netizenbuzz so I went back to re-watch the scene in case I missed something.

And I still don't see the humor in it? It wasn't over-the-top or crazily dramatic, perhaps a little out of place given the proximity of the supporting characters but I still don't see the funny in it, and I thought it was a well-acted moment of genuine despair... topped off with some well-timed shoulder sagging of relief.


If tomorrow's episode doesn't give me happy ending, then...for me, I will take ep.17 as the last episode and be happy with SH & HS sharing one tiny hospital bed. That's the ending I'm going to remember!

If it's a happy ending tomorrow, I wish they just give us a sweet, pleasant moment of SH & HS...i want to see SH got accepted at the police academy, graduated and live a happy peaceful life with HS. Choongki can finally get the girl, SB and lawyer Cha, DY, Lawyer Shin, Pretty all can get their happy ending too! Because as far as I remember, this is the only drama that made me care so muchhhh about all the main + side_characters!


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You mean there is still episode 18? I thought it sounded like the end of the show??


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SH's ending lines sound like there is going to be a PART 2???!!!


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wat a great recap n summary.i cried watchin the show without subs n i cried readin yr summary.this shw appears to a comedy but actually has depth n lee jong suks acting just moved me a 100times.


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GF thank you for the recap, i really enjoy reading your recaps.and as always i have been refreshing the page like crazy, and yes my heart did stop several times through the ep,but what nearly gave me a heartattack is the fall.
Then my heart sank again reading the voiceover, but thinking back to the stabbing accident:
1st: how can they prove that SH intended to kill MJG, and even if he did try, he didn't kill him and i don't think they can convict someone based on their intention and yes he did bring the knife to the scene but he can argue that it was for protection.
2nd: yes, HS ended up getting stabbed by SH, but it was by accident and she survived, and yes they did lie and blamed it on MJG but how can MJG prove that, plus i'm pretty sure that both MJG and SH fingerprints were on the knife, which they can argue that the fingerprints found were due to both struggling to grab it.
And the last thing i would like to say that if KW did endup being MJG laweyr AGAIN because he sympathied with him, well i'll just erase him and consider him nonexistence at all, and i did feel for him(just a tiny bit, i guess i'm cold hearted) for MJG because no one listened to his pleas but still if i were in KW shoes, i wouldn't side with a man who killed my friend's mom? Plus what guarantee that MJG won't go after HS and SH again, honestly if someone threatened my friends 's life i would make sure he remain locked up for life, hell if SH and Hs were my enemies i would still make sure MJG pay for his crime for the name of justice, and yes he did unjustly lose his wife however what he did afterward was his own choice, and if KW really felt for him, he could go after the people who caused the death of MJG's wife, not free a criminal especially that he showed no remorse for his actions.


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Lee Bo-young, Lee Jong-sook and Jung Woong-in are absolutely stellar in this episode. The dynamic between these 3 had me on edge. It felt like I didn't breathe the entire hour. And when I finally breathed a sigh of relief, Su-ha mentioned his secret being revealed, then I just about had a heart attack. This show is going to kill me (but in a really good way.) I absolutely love it and am going to miss it. So far it is my favorite show of 2013.

(In the previous episode the detective that was supposed to be watching Hye-sung said the only way she could have gotten out of the building without him seeing her is if she climbed a wall . . . and that's exactly what she did. One smart cookie she is.)


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It could've ended here and I'd be happy.

Anyway, ditto.


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So Su Ha and Hye Sung don't die. Yay! Su Ha might go to prison. NO!!


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That will never happen. I think it is just a teaser to get viewers. expect half of the last episode to be flashbacks.


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Lawyer Cha's observation about the difference between PSH and MJG is wrong.

MJG had a son and demented mother to take care of then. If he hadnt gone on a rampage, those two wouldnt have died. Son and mother don't count as people he love? He would have killed regardless. And Lawyer Cha cant possibly be thinking of letting MJG go one more time?

What else is there to episode 18??? The suspense is officially killing me.


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Yes that's what I thought too. So MJG's son and mother weren't people that he'd want to protect? Really?

Also, I don't think you meant to say "demented", it gave me a good laugh lol.


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OMG, if Lawyer Cha is the defense lawyer for MJG again, he's going to be dead to me again. And he only just resurrected himself in this episode.


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I don't think Soo Ha will go to prison for attempted murder of anyone, per se, since Hye Sung was the actual victim and she won't press charges. Nor would the government press charges either, as the intended victim was the killer of Soo ha's father and Hye Sung's mother, and a possible doctor as well.

I know some people feel pity for Min Jin Gook -- but I don't -- because he's a psycho-sociopath. He has no guilt over what he did, yet he places blame quite well. People who can lie without even realizing it can be frightening. I'm hoping he's put away for life -- for 4 murders, kidnapping, blackmail, assault, theft, arson, parole violations, perjury, threats of murder and self-mutilation. Okay the last one isn't really a crime but I added in there because he's that special type of person.

I also, while recognizing the slight lack of believability of the swat team to have the landing pad in the right place, am still glad of their efficiency. Let's just say this is making up for all the times that the police have not been very helpful, and they at least have a moment to shine.

So far, with one episode to go, this show has been far and away the best of the year so far for me. The writing has been brilliant, taut, and the acting so good that I'm believing all of their situations. Looking forward to the writer's next drama.


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Who's the writer?


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Park Hye-Ryun


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Even I like shark more but at least this drama make me smile in relief... just another 1 ep..hope it end with a big smile.... please?? Finger cross..~


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wah.. i just loved your instructions... they are hilarious...


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I thought it was the end. Hearing Su Ha's voiceover makes me even more scared. Arrgghh..


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I'm holding my breath and clutching my heart as I read the recaps. Oh my. What a roller coaster ride this episode was. Looking forward to tomorrow. :)


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Omg I never expected to feel sorry for MJG. That scene of him crying while looking at SH's dad. That was so...omg...T__T

I was wondering what there is left to tell to fill up the final episode but I guess SH's narration means the finale ep is going to be about people knowing his past and stuff?


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Too many flashbacks fillers in this episode due to the 2 episodes extension.
Don't they have confidentiality whose heart is donated in Korea?
Very intense, but some moments were LOL, especially when MJK and Su Ha went over the roof together and landed on the inflatable air cushion. I would have preferred MJK missing the landing that way we could be saved from the final episode of MJK messing with Su Ha again regarding the accidental stabbing of Hye Sung..
Also, Su Ha running out of the ambulance screaming for Hye Sung was like a chicken whose lost his head was another LOL moment. Why hasn't anyone told the poor frantic man all that time that he's been in the ambulance that she's only fainted and that she's not deceased?
Hated the Voice of Doom at the end of the episode. Dreading...Please Drama Gods...I hope there is a happy ending.


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I don't get how confidentiality is relevant. He found out the SH's mom was getting the heart because he saw the conversation between SH's dad and the doctor who was supposed to operate on his wife.


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i cried a river watching these. and knowing that tomoro is the end is adding the pain.... what should I do with my life... huuuuu mane nak tgk sooha ngan hyesung lagi...


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I can't handle this. *rocks back and forth*


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Episode 17 feels like the final episode. Did everything wrap up??


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I am crying just from reading the recap...off to watch it now..


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I love love love the whole rooftop sequence. Have rewatched it so many times. Lee Jong Seok, not for the first time in this series, just blew me away with his performance. Kudos.


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Am I the only one who watched it raw didnt understand a word and believed 17th to be the last episode ????
I was going mad till now !!

That said, these two ! Ah!!! The final 5 mts!
THE FEELS ! These both deserve each other !

And even though I believed they both would come out alive, I couldn't help but scream when they both went over the roof !
And laugh and curse at seeing the cushion !

And I am not gonna lie , the first 30 mts of the filler, robbed me of all tension !
It was like they reason they were going like it cuz they didnt know what else to do, that kinda gave me the belief it's not a bad ending !

I forgive it all. All the bad stuff. Cuz the conclusion was perfect ! It's our choices more than anything.


That's gonna make me wish both has fallen over the edge and su ha is in coma ! I would take another amnesia rather than the COURTROOM !!!


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yea, i thought it ended too :D


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When they fell off of the roof, I swear that my heart literally stopped and I was on the verge of a major breakdown.

But when I saw the inflated landing pad...

Oh my god. You have no idea of how long I cursed at the television screen.

Man, I love this show. I hope tomorrow's episode won't let me down.


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Love the show and can take whatever the writer puts in ahead..but please.. bring Su-Ha's fashion sense back! I can't take his ridiculous clothes anymore!! D:
Let him end this in style!


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Just another random thought as I watched the big climactic fall again...IF MJG files charges against SuHa, SuHa can also files charges against MJG because hello, he pulled SuHa over the freaking roof to kill him!


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I would have agreed with Cha's little speech of idealism IF NOT for the fact that MGJ had his mom AND son. Add them to the list of people you have irreversibly damaged, MJK. And Cha... I just wanna smack you over the head, you're CERTAINLY in the wrong line of work. And get rid of them specs cos' you don't seem to need them!

I mean, it makes me wonder whether it was all that necessary for the writer to include them in the story? I thought his wife was a strong enough reason to drive a man teetering at the edge over the edge.

HS thwarting his plans as a witness, at least to me, sufficiently justified (in his mind) his wanting to get rid of her. So, I see absolutely no point in throwing in mom AND son into the mix.

And SH's mom's backstory... one hour before surgery? SERIOUSLY? No wonder the heart transplant got rejected! -_-


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A lot of flashbacks, yes... But I don't care. Even if it had only 10 minutes of cracktastic stuff (and there is more), this show is far more brilliant than a lot of other dramas out there.
I'm quite sure that the writer has already signed for a new drama on SBS after some well deserved vacations: Those last weeks must have been a hellish marathon for everyone involved in that production.
That OTP will become History and I'm not scared at all for Soo Ha for the last episode: He won't go to jail. To MS maybe, to the Police Academy more probably.
On a sidenote, I'm surprised at all the persons who didn't know that this show has been extended to 18 eps. Mindboggling since the information is everywhere...


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It's mind boggling that there is ANY left for episode 18 :)

Considering the tone, the voiceovers for the characters, lawyer Cha, the main lead.

After i watched the show with the sub (at least till the last last voice over by SH) I thought the writer demonstrated extreme restraint to not overdo the story, killing everything with it.

Going to look for the preview for 18 right away!


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Oh. My. God. That was nerve racking.


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Thanks for wonderful recap GF <3
Wah!! tonight is last Ep of Voice. Without IHYV :(( ottokke


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thanks for recapping! i've been dying since yday... o wells.. thank god the writer didn't kill off any of them. :) act, i have an honest comment.. i think there are some scenes which lee jong suk has done really well in.. but some which he hasn't really delivered ... i just hope he continues to hone his acting skills as he makes his break this year :) still, i like to see the couple scenes he does with lee bo young! :D

haaa. what a ride we have been. and tmr when it all ends, we'll be off to find another new show to get over our withdrawal!!... lol. who are you seems fun.. and i'm also waiting for master's sun?...

kudos to the team for IHYV... it's awesomely the best drama for 2013 :P *applauds*


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thanks so much GF!

daebak! that's how this episode is...

and i must admit i did feel sorry for mjg and his family...

and this episode just made a total puddle of goo...

and i almost had a cardiac arrest...

totally great drama. :)


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I know if someone threatens you about someone you love, you will most surely panic and do what that person tell you to do, but even so... just walking right into the trap, how can HS trust that MJG will keep his word and release SH? I wouldn't remembering his records of evil. At least tell someone, or give a hint to someone so that they'll know where you are going, so help can arrive later. You have NO idea what will come in a situation like that, trying to solve it entirely alone doesn't seem sane. >.<

*goes back to watch*


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And what about pincode protecting your cellphone? If SH had that, at least it would have made it a little more difficult for MJG to call HS, even though it would have been a matter of time before he unlocked it, but still... why make it easy for the killer...? O.o


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Thinking back, I think that is what kind of ruined ep17 for me - as in the write up, when even the killer guy is disappointed in how easy it was to lure you, you screwed up. You would think that after 16 episodes of evil, that she would figure out not to trust that guy, but no - she just rushes off to the rooftop.

I mostly blame the 2 episode extension for that and a couple of other WTF moments in this almost-final episode, no doubt it led to some very hasty rewriting, but still... :(


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It's true that she impulsively rushes off to the rooftop but imagine if you were in her position :/ She finds out that the person who she loves the most is in the hands of a murderer so it would make sense that she acts a bit irrationally in a situation like this...

but yeah if i were her, i would def call the police or something. going by herself is like asking for death x__x


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thank you so much girlfriday <3!!!!!


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Well written. Well played
It feels like they've ended the story in this episode & leave the final episode to be an epilogue
But still, they make us come back for more
Love this show. A lot


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Thanks girlfriday for the great recap, being able to share all these feels is almost as fun as watching the drama :D

I think Cha-byun will take MJG's case for the final trial, so in the end he will be touched for all this goodness and won't accuse SooHa of attempted murder or anything...

I hope this is what the voiceover was talking about and we have a huge dose of OTP cuteness and, please, SooHa, no more forehead kiss, we want to see more action!! FINGERS CROSSED till ep18 airs!!! ;)


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pl,s send me link where I can watch this drama with eng sub... I don't think that I cnt w8 tomorrow to watch the finale... somebody jae bal help me...


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Hey kisses, have you tried viki.com or gooddrama.net? epdrama should have it as well.


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Yay for SH asking for help. Being a hero is one thing, trying to survive is the best! ^^v

Though there are a few things that bother me in this episode:

1. Typical horror-movie-stupid-heroine-act when HS was going with the stungun. I buy it that he could be walking soundlessly (as he is a creepy stalker) but her not looking at her back at all? T_T And raising her stungun as a flag, wouldn't you want to be a little bit discreet and surprise him?

2. SH stopped reading mind when he met up with MJG. MJG lied he killed HS when she obviously still was alive and listened to their conversation. Why didn't he just kill her for real, since he knew there would be no point lying knowing about SH's ability.

Or because of his sunglasses he can't read the mind? Yeah. But it would be easy for SH to take it off and see the truth and THEN decide to go for a kill or not. I mean, SH wouldn't want to believe the fact that HS is dead, he would want to make sure and he doesn't believe MJG's word, so better read his mind. Was MJG out-of-character-soft here or he was just this sadistic jerk who wanted to torture HS and prove he's right?

I know, I know, this scene is all about SH's decision, will he give in or not? But still, it bugs me.

EDIT: Okay, so I take that back, because SH is AWESOME!!! Hehe, it's really attractive when a boy is using his brain. XDDD~ Haha, and he got to act his hero scene.

3. I still don't think people turn into psychopaths because of hatred. Of course they could be crazy and bitter and start to kill people of rage, but MJG was often portrayed as a psycho, he was enjoying his killings and the hunt. I still think he's sick, revenge or not... And not to mention, he already got his revenge, didn't he? He killed the father and the doctor? Messing with SH and HS is just his sick excuse to go on with the killings.

Okay, so I did feel a little bit pity for MJG when we saw the flashback of his life and when he tried to protect his wife, but in the end, the very end, he wanted to drag SH down with him.

4. I don't agree with Lawyer Cha about the difference between MJG and SH, that MJG was totally alone. If he was that nice human being he obviously was back then, he should have had friends supporting him. He had a mother and a son, that due to his choice to go murder SH's father (and got caught and sent to jail) died. He wasn't totally alone. He made himself alone.

5. Next episode is going to be about the knife attack? *sigh* I was hoping for some fluff and sweetness for an entire episode. I guess no, hehe...


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2) He decides that proving both of them wrong by torturing HS with an audio cast of SH's possible crime (killing MJG) in real-time and then having HS to live with the guilt is far worse than death itself. On that count, I have to agree with him.

I was half-expecting SH to rip the sunglasses off him but I *think* he was buying time AND was scared of knowing the truth.


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Here's a download link to the acoustic version of every single day. Enjoy!



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