Queen of Tears: Episodes 9-10

Our second half kicks off in Yongdu-ri, as the Hongs are now jobless, penniless, and friendless. Good thing they’ve got a devoted son-in-law to champion their fight against the usurpers. Despite their divorce, our lead couple cannot stop worrying about each other, and there’s only so much a villain can do when his opponents put up a united front.


Last week, the Hongs were kicked out of Queens Group and Queensville. And since Grandpa Hong put his family as joint surety in the contract for the failed resort project, the family’s real estate is seized, and their stocks and personal bank accounts are also frozen. They lose company cars and credit cards and they’re practically broke now. *Chuckles and then remembers that Hae-in and Aunt Beom-ja are also affected* As a result, it’s Welcome to Samdal-ri Yongdu-ri for the humbled Hongs.

Hae-in is uncomfortable accepting help from her ex-husband and ex in-laws, but Hyun-woo won’t have it any other way. He wants her under his nose because he doesn’t have the luxury to worry about her elsewhere. “I’ll stop worrying when you’re better. Just stay with me,” Hyun-woo says. Happiness together might be a stretch, but at least they can focus on being less miserable together. Still, Hae-in draws the line: just because she’s in Yongdu-ri doesn’t change things between them. But guess who spends the night texting each other — and deleting what they actually want to say in favor of more mundane stuff? That’s right, it’s BaekHong! Lol.

Queen of Tears: Episodes 9-10

When Hae-in confirms her high school connection with Hyun-woo via the music player in his room, she can’t help but think that he was born to love her. A teasing Hae-in asks if the owner of the MP3 was pretty, and a panicked Hyun-woo flies into the room to reassure her that he can’t even remember the owner. LMAO! BaekHong thrives on misunderstandings and miscommunication, but of all the times for Hyun-woo to be vocal, it’s now? Loool. This drama cracks me up in the most unexpected ways. It’s even funnier when Hyun-woo tells Yang-gi later on that not only does he remember the owner of the MP3, he’s sure he’ll recognize her right away if he sees her again. Tsk. For all his smartness, Hyun-woo can be really dense sometimes.

Anyway, since Hyun-woo and Hae-in are under the same roof once again, they forget that they’re supposed to be divorced. If Hyun-woo is not smiling to himself when he comes to check in on a sleeping Hae-in in the morning, a worried Hae-in is getting secret updates from Secretary Na on Hyun-woo’s activities in the office in the light of the restructuring at work. It’s either BaekHong is going to the hospital together for Hae-in’s checkups, or they’re plotting Eun-seong’s downfall — as they should. But you know how it is with this drama. One minute you’re laughing because their divorce is not really divorce-ing, and the next, you’re hit with Hae-in’s newfound goal of doing everything to get back on her feet so that she can part ways with Hyun-woo for good. Sigh.

Queen of Tears: Episodes 9-10

The reality of a fall from grace is humbling. It also exposes the strength of the relationships our characters have cultivated over the years. Mommy Hong’s sister doesn’t bat an eye at the Hongs’ predicament after receiving so much help from them in the past. It’s the same story with the people around Daddy Hong — and to an extent, Daddy Baek after losing the village head election. At least Daddy Baek has his family, and Hae-in has Hyun-woo and Secretary Na to rely on. As for Beom-ja, well, we don’t know much about her friends, but she has her go-to private investigator on her side, and that counts for something.

Hae-in, Aunt Beom-ja and Daddy Hong readily adjust to their new reality at Yongdu-ri, but Mommy Hong and Soo-cheol take their sweet time to adjust. Mommy Hong envies Hae-in’s warm relationship with Mommy Baek — but she’s the same person who campaigns for gold medal in the suffering Olympics and dismisses Hae-in’s “anemia” when Hae-in passes out on the street. “It’s not normal to faint,” Mommy Baek counters, and this is why she wins the mom Olympics.

Mommy Baek is crushed when she inevitably learns that Hae-in is sick, and she doesn’t hesitate to scold Hyun-woo for his initial reaction to Hae-in’s illness. Of course she makes sure to properly feed and tend to her daughter-in-law, and Mommy Hong can go hit her head against a pear tree or something if she’s so jealous. As for the dads, they bond over losing the election and the Queens’ vice chairmanship by drinking, watching dramas — and shading drama writers for lack of proper research. Lol.

Queen of Tears: Episodes 9-10

Checking in on the usurpers, Eun-seong and his mom clash because Hae-in is no longer at Queensville. “How can we live under the same roof as those we stole from?” Ms. Girlfriend asks, and I co-ask as well. Eun-seong was more unique when he was just a sociopathic villain, but the advent of these “feelings” for Hae-in makes him like other dramaland second male leads.

Eun-stereotypical claims to have done everything he did because of Hae-in, and he threatens to choose her over Ms. Girlfriend. After all, mommy dearest chose the Hong family over him for 20 years. Smh. Mr. Delulu needs to pick a side and stick to it because I’m sending a drone of curses to him, and I don’t want it to drop on innocent people. That aside, the cracks in the mom-son relationship gives me joy. Ms. Girlfriend makes it look like she “sacrificed” the joy of motherhood and sent Eun-seong to be adopted abroad for their grand takeover plans, but I don’t think she loves her son as much as she claims.

Watching last week’s dog attack flashback, I found it odd that Ms. Girlfriend was more concerned about Hae-in’s injury than Eun-seong getting scolded. Not a single backward glance to see if her son was all right. Even at Grandpa’s birthday when Mommy Hong wanted to seat Eun-seong with the family, Ms. Girlfriend was very firm in her insistence that Eun-seong was not family. Pretense or not, these actions aren’t very motherly of her.

Since they’re now rivals rather than co-conspirators, Eun-seong turns down Ms. Girlfriend’s attempt to take over Hae-in’s position at Queens’ department store. Ms. Girlfriend reminds him that as long as Grandpa is still in a coma she controls 21% of the stocks. So what does Eun-seong do next? He kidnaps Grandpa from the hospital to force his mom’s hand! I mean, if the old man kicks the bucket, her power of attorney becomes useless. Ha!

Speaking of hospitals, Eun-snoop finds Hae-in’s hospital card in her room at Queensville, and he uses it to print out her medical reports. Shocked at her diagnosis, he storms into her doctor’s office demanding answers, but since he’s not Hae-in’s guardian, the doctor refuses to tell him anything. Tsk. Not this guy violating Hae-in’s privacy and expecting an applause because he’s “worried about her.” What is he even supposed to be right now? A knight in rusty armor? Lord Protector of the Order of Hae-in? Smh. Eun-stalker further tracks Hae-in to Yongdu-ri, and gives her two days to return to the department store — and to him — otherwise, he’ll tell her parents about her condition. Oh! He’s crazy crazy.

While Eun-seong has become chairman of Queens, he needs one of the Hongs — in this case, Hae-in — to publicly show support and add legitimacy to his claim. But since Eun-steal didn’t achieve the position legally, Hyun-woo is determined to expose him as a fraud. Hyun-woo has a whole plan to this effect involving a scammer attached to the land for the failed resort project, but the business-y stuff hurts my brain, so we’ll just focus on how super hot and sexy Hyun-woo is in the middle of all this plotting.

Queen of Tears: Episodes 9-10

We get an action sequence when Hyun-woo has to fight off Land Scammer and his thugs, and it turns out that not only does Hyun-woo have a sexy brain, he’s also got sexy fists! *Fans self* Oppa needs to star in an action flick next. Moving on, Hyun-woo gets home with a few cuts and scrapes, and Hae-in jumps into mother hen mode. Again, this is not how divorced people behave.

Hae-in tears up on seeing his bruises, but Hyun-woo can’t promise not to further put himself into harm’s way as long as Hae-in is concerned. This is not what someone in love wants to hear when it concerns the person she loves, so Hae-in reminds Hyun-woo that only married couples throw caution to the wind for each other. Now she remembers that they’re no longer married? Sigh. These people stress me. If I grow gray hairs after this drama, just know it’s because of them.

Following this incident, Hyun-woo wonders if things would have been different if they had treated their marriage with the same care and attention as Hae-in did to his wounds, and Hae-in wonders if he would have gotten hurt in the first place if they never got married. But Hyun-woo replies that — even knowing how their marriage eventually turned out — he’d still choose to marry Hae-in if he went back in time. The only difference is that he’d be more attentive towards her because that’s one of the things he regrets not doing while they were married.

Meanwhile, since BaekHong hasn’t launched their How to Navigate Marital Crisis podcast, Soo-cheol has no manual to deal with his current situation. In Da-hye’s Dear John letter, she revealed that: 1) she’s 5 years older than Soo-cheol — who already has noona issues stemming from his inferiority complex towards Hae-in; 2) GEON-WOO, their son, is not Soo-cheol’s. Damn! Way to kick a man when he’s already on the floor. When Hae-in remarks that Soo-cheol won’t be able to find Da-hye because she’s probably in hiding after scamming them, Soo-cheol replies that Da-hye forgot something: “Me!” LMAO. This is so funny and sad at the same time, and Kwak Dong-yeon is totally killing it as Mr. Pathetic and Sympathetic.

Like he hasn’t done enough damage, Eun-separation lies to Da-hye that Soo-cheol has vowed revenge on her so as to ensure Da-hye remains unreachable. But Soo-cheol gets an eureka moment when he remembers that they used to play an online game together. Through the in-game messaging feature, he’s able to send a message to Da-hye — but it’s not a hate mail as she expects, it’s Geon-woo’s vaccination records and a reminder to make sure he gets all his shots. Soo-cheol’s love for his wife and son makes me tear up, and you just know if they return, he’ll welcome them back no questions asked. I don’t like what Da-hye did to my boy, but she needs to come home before he dies of a broken heart.

By the way, Hae-in is such a typical noona. She’ll smack Soo-cheol upside the head for being a brat to the in-laws, but she’ll sympathize with him over Da-hye’s departure, and ensure that he doesn’t blame himself for trusting Eun-seong and leading the family to ruin. Of course, all of this is done in the Hae-in style because she just cannot be a normal softie when it comes to things like this. Lol.

Queen of Tears: Episodes 9-10

As the week winds to a close, Secretary Na informs Hae-in that Hyun-woo has been hit with a malpractice charge. The same Hyun-woo that was cleared by the audit team last week? Ha! This frame-up has Eun-seong written all over it, and he gleefully confirms that he’s going to send Hyun-woo to prison. Okay, is my drone of curses stuck in traffic or what? Hyun-woo doesn’t mind the humiliation, but Hae-in is done. Hae-in can’t just sit back and watch Hyun-woo suffer because Eun-sadistic is an obsessed fool, so she tells Hyun-woo to quit worrying about her. She will handle her business herself, thank you very much.

Hae-in takes up Eun-seong’s offer to return to Queens, and Eun-seong is excited to announce their upcoming wedding at her welcoming press conference. But first, Hae-in has to speak, and… she informs the press that Eun-seong “threatened to falsely charge and put Mr. Baek Hyun-woo, my husband, and former legal director, behind bars.” *Screams in 16 different languages* Hae-in addressed Hyun-woo as “my husband,” people!! What is a divorce? What is an ex? Those terms don’t exist in BaekHong’s dictionary. Hae-in also reveals her diagnosis to the press, and Eun-shut-the-hell-up loses his final leverage against her. That, ladies and gentlemen, is queen behavior.

Earlier on, Hyun-woo assumed that Hae-in had switched to Eun-seong’s side, and he’s shocked — and touched — to see his wife publicly defend his honor. Hae-in really said noble idiocy is not allowed in their household. Lol. In the sea of reporters, Hyun-woo and Hae-in can only see each other, and these two are going to kill me with all the acting they are doing with their eyes.

We’re rewarded with the best epilogue yet, as we finally get to see where Hae-in told Hyun-woo about his drunken adorableness back in their dating era. But more importantly, we get a drunk Hyun-woo in the present day confessing his love for Hae-in in front of her closed door. Hae-in hears him, of course, and that press conference was her “I love you too.” This is romantic and all, but I am a simple person, so I need them to say their I love yous to each other without the liquid courage and grand gestures. Yes, I am also an Oliver Twist.

In other news, Eun-seong and Ms. Girlfriend dumped Grace Go-screw-yourself after the successful Queens heist, and I can’t even lie this made me soooo happy. Grace was working for snakes and she thought she was immune to their venom? How cute. All it took was a little threat from Hyun-woo, and Beom-ja’s satisfying hit on Grace’s head to get her to switch alliances and locate the hospital where Eun-seong is holding Grandpa Hong. And without Ms. Girlfriend’s negative energy around him, Grandpa seems to have come out of his coma.

We’ll know for sure next week, but this development makes me happy for Beom-ja because she needs that old man to wake up and assure her that it’s not her fault he ended up that way. Ms. Girlfriend was going to incapacitate him one way or the other even if Beom-ja treated her with respect. From the look of things, Beom-ja is also being set up for a love story in Yongdu-ri, and since there’s enough love to go around, can someone spare some for my BaekHong? They also deserve to be happy after everything they’ve been through.

Queen of Tears: Episodes 9-10


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Poor Soo-cheol. The Hongs might be licking those wounds with regards to the lost stakes, but he was dealing with and grieving something way more consequential to him. I loved him more this week.
He might be a fool in generality. And even maybe a fool for love. But his sincerity and affection was never a question. I'm jealous. The injection scene was so touching.

I guess Yongduri is a learning experience for the Hongs
Dad finally has a taste of makgeoli and he can't seem to get enough of it.
Mom...well don't waltz around in unfamiliar terrains.
Beom-ja...My favorite character save for the leads. Seems like a 4th will be her charm. Now Kim Young-min's casting is making some to think about.

This week was fraught with laughter and tissues. Soo-chul brought the tissues. Hae-in's mom brought the laughter. I couldn't get enough of Hong lady sleeping slumber without using her sleeping meds. Her life of rest hasn't earned her some sleep but a few hours of toiling did the magic easy-peezy. The breakfast follow scene 🤣🤣🤣. Can we please have her on the farm more.
The fun part aside, I'd really wish to see her grow in character and earn at least 100000won for once by the end of their Yongduri stay.

I know once they've regained their status as Queens, whatever they learnt in Yongduri becomes forgotten memory. But I do hope they become better in-laws to Hyun-woo not out of gratitude but out of character.


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I like seeing Mommy Hong toil away in the farm and the satisfying sleep she had after. I do hope that she gets along with Mommy Baek soon.
I can't blame Daddy Hong for loving makgeolli. It is better than soju.


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I think she is a little jelly of Mommy Baek right now. Anyway, Mom Baek's heart was so broken when she found out about the illness.


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oh she is TOTALLY jealous of the way Hyun-woo's mother gets along with Hae-in, that was obvious even from ep 5 when she watched the video of Hae-in visiting her in-laws.

On one hand, I don't think she's irredeemable, on the other I also think she has 0 right to be jealous that Hae-in found a better mother figure than her. I hope the two mother-in-laws get along, even if I still find it sad that Hae-in gets more actual love and care from Hyun-woo's mother than her own, even when she thought they were headed for a divorce.


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She blames her daughter for the death of her sun, and while we have watched, we have not seen her be even remotely nice to her daughter at any time.
She has even been accusing her of planning the downfall of the family together with Eun-sung.


And Mommy Baek was smart enough to put two and two together about the timing of calling off the divorce. She gave Hyun-woo a well deserved Mommy dose.


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the family scenes were on fire this week, weren't they? But this was my favourite of the emotional ones, nothing gets past Hyun-woo's mother, whether it's the leaf trail or the timing of Hyun-woo suddenly going changing his mind about wanting the divorce.


@pogo1 Indeed she's the smartest in the family. Hyun-woo takes after her. 😊


City dwellers (specially society ladies) doing farm work is such a hoot. It was fun having her earn the money and some well-deserved sleep as service!!


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I feel bad for Soo-cheol too. I am glad that the drama is making us feel for a genuinely soft guy who is maybe not meant for a harsh cruel world that demands success and constantly being on your guard. Usually such characters are just reserved for mockery. I like that Hae-in consoled him in her own way by telling him that it was not his fault, that everyone had been fooled by them.


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yeah he's a buffoon and a coddled spoilt brat but the drama gives us points of genuine empathy with him even before this - very tragicomic, like him being unable to ride a bike as a grown man but wanting to learn so he could teach his son, or breaking down in front of Hyun-woo on seeing his nephew's towel. The drama has ways of making him look like a fool, but also turning those moments incredibly sad. I also liked the way Hae-in tried to comfort him in a way that's very true to her.


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Yes: [Hits him hard in the neck] "NO! It's NOT your fault! How could you think that?! EVERYBODY was fooled. Drop that Idea immediately!" [Holds up hand ready to strike from the front this time]
Soo-cheol [Winces and recoils from the hand]: "Yes, Noona. Sorry, Noona."


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Soo-cheol in the hands of a less experienced writer or actor would have ended up just being tragic.


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So well expressed. I too was not very fond of Soo-cheol initially but I must say he is well written and even better acted. He isnindeed not of this world.


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My guess is that mom hasn't been able to sleep well since the lost of her child. The look dad gave her seemed to be of surprise at first but then it turned a little sad.

My Soo Cheol T.T
"his sincerity and affection was never a question". Yes! He loves his family with such a pure heart.
I hope Da Hye noticed that he isn't mad at her. She should know he's incapable of that.

Beom Ja is my fave too! I need more of her and the "let's save th Hongs" squad. Tbh, that squad should run Queens.
Beom Ja and Hyun Woo are the real bosses of the family.

" I'd really wish to see her grow in character and earn at least 100000won"
Kkondae-sunbae would finally be proud of her, hahahaha. That sunbae needs more screentime.


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Da-Cheol: She will notice. But it is easy for her to believe he is suddenly furious and violent because she feels she deserves it.


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That is such an astute observation about Hae-in's mom. I put down the insomnia to typical "rich mom" problems who hasn't done a lick of work but what you're saying actually makes more sense.


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Kim Youngmin is a handsome ahjussi. He looks good for his age. I thought he was in his late 30s.


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👋🏾Good to see you back in the comments.


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Aww! Thank youu ❤️❤️ I hope to try to join in more discussions!! It's been a long time since I've been invested in a drama.


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Soo-cheol - Someone give this boy a hug.. KDY is owning this role..
It hurts just watching him silently suffering... It doesn't matter if this child his or not, he cares.. he loves... I need a happy ending for him.. I need this family to reunite.... I did appreciate that one moment when Hae-in told him that it wasn't his fault...

Hae-in - Watch me show how I care for you in a million ways without ever saying it ; )

Hyun-Woo's mom - awwww... Hyun-Woo's dad totally off target watching his wife cry - Story of married life!! tsk tsk.

The ending was awesome! Thank you writers for avoiding the noble idiocy (I was ready to be mad flipping tables if she went to Eun-whatever).. That is how you fight for your love girl! Hwaiting!


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In my book he is his father even if they don't share a single cell...I still don't like DY but hope SC is reunited with his child...Was also happy seeing they went all over the noble idiocy trouple and exposed it ...Kinda sad we don't see her eding going to HW and leaving the place in hands all high and mighty


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same - I'm of the belief that it doesn't take just blood relation to make a parent, that little boy is Soo-cheol's son whether they share DNA or not.


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He definitely is. But not being his DNA indicates a let-down, and that is hurtful, too.
The actual father *could* be Eun-sung, from a short relationship that he then would have given up in pursuit of money and Hae-in.
There's a good chance Da-hye actually haven't slept with anyone else while being with Soo-cheol, but lies about it because Eun-sung otherwise would not trust her to keep being an evil ally if she is genetically involved with the family and he might END HER.
She is afraid of him.
Whether Soo-cheol is the DNA-father or not, it's an important point that he actually loves that child. Since the right to be loved - not depending on your status of birth - is an important theme brought in with the worst Mr. NiceGuy® you can imagine; If it is so important to take care of a loved dog, and a loved child; how then about the dogs and kids that are not loved?
And DNA plays a part there, too.
I imagined EUn-sung could actually be the chairman's son and not know it, and the mother is bitter and hateful towards the family exactly because of their neglectful treatment of the "bastard" son.
That would make her REALLY not want her son to be with Hae-in, and it would make it a revenge project for her to not just take that family's money, but to break them up and fall apart, like with Hae-in's uncle who is not welcome in the family anymore.


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💯 agree on Soo-cheol and family.


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GO Hae In!! I was SO proud of her in that final scene, screw you Eun-Viper, our strong woman Hae In will NOT be coerced. And she referred to Hyun Woo as her husband, not her ex. Daebak!! The look in Hyun Woo's eyes, I was so relieved for him. Gaaah each week is a long wait! This was also, frighteningly enough, the first time I was concerned she might not survive. The fact that she admitted her illness to everyone. Better not because I'm counting on that second - truly HEA - marriage ending.

Loved the bandaid analogy. It was interesting, their opposite perspectives. Hyun Woo the carer wants to go back and make things better, while Hae In in her direct aggressive approach wants to go back and kill it before it has a chance to begin. Wish their communication would carry over though, I was frustrated by the unsent messages can I/you take a day off tomorrow, and the music player lie. I am liking that whenever something is overheard it has a positive outcome vs the old bathroom gossip trope. And whew Hyun Woo and his boxing skills!! That man has lots of hidden talents. I was so glad to see the police arrive, I find it annoying when characters enter dangerous situations without requesting backup.

Hyun Woo's sports car, verrry nice. Him racing up to the house in that car and then running inside...🔥

Leopard Auntie has remained faithful in her promise to keep Hae In's secret despite the many temptations she's had. I hope she finally gets her HEA with the neighbor. And I love Hyun Woo's mom. The time she spent with Hae In in the kitchen, her warm support even before she learned of the diagnosis. I'm glad Hyun Woo had someone to talk to, what a heavy burden he's been carrying.

I'm glad they're using Grace now but I do not want a redemption storyline for her. Eun-Trash is an intriguing villain who is thankfully not one-dimensional, but I don't want redemption for him either. And aside from mom I'm still not liking Hyun Woo's family. All are way too self centered.

Last thought. If Hyun Woo was so impressed by the girl with the music player that he was inspired to do a Cinderella search (hehe again with the assumption that Hae In was poor) and keep her player, why did he not remember/recognize her name?! It was clearly written on her name tag and people at the school would have known when he asked.


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And aside from mom I'm still not liking Hyun Woo's family. All are way too self centered.

Hyun Woo's dad is alright. He is funny and gas his heart at good place. He consoled Hae In's dad, but Hyun Woo's bro and sis are annoying. I don't know how they are earning money when one keeps gossiping at her salon and the other simply keeps drinking without watching his gym.


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Hyun-woo's parents have their hearts in the right place - I like that Dad actually has flaws like being a touch self-centred (thinking his wife was crying about his election defeat when it was actually Hae-in's condition) and not just the nice down-to-earth country bumpkin most dramas would do. The dads' makgeolli conference over losing their respective positions, was one of my favourite bits from the supporting players this week.

The siblings too - they can be gossipy but for the most part, they mean well, noona's rant to Hyun-woo about how it's a good thing he got away from that terrible family and cursing the Hongs for how they treated him was mortifying for her when they turned out to be in the van, but also I appreciate that she was sincere about being on her brother's side in this.


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I know that this family all love one another and they mean well, they are the comic relief and have good intentions even when they cause trouble. They're just not all that likeable for me.


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fair enough, I understand what you mean. I don't mind the siblings as comic relief/Hyun-woo's sounding boards, but I probably wouldn't enjoy it if the drama tried to give them a storyline too the way it has to Soo-cheol.

(is having idiot siblings something Hyun-woo and Hae-in have in common? Looks like it)


is having idiot siblings something Hyun-woo and Hae-in have in common?

Omo I thought that was a perquisite only for weekender leads. 😂 😉


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Yeah dad is ok. I think just in comparison to Hyun Woo and his mom the rest of the family seems lacking.


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He was smart enough to figure out that a direct threat to Hyun-woo would get her moving

but only an Eun-stupid would forget that Hong Hae-in even with a brain tumour and no access to a credit card, is not someone you want to cross.

re: teenage Hae-in's 'Cinderella' mp3 player and name tag - she was down on the ground, name tag angled away from him - by the time she stood up and stormed away, I don't think he had time to read it or register it (for starters, his attention seems to be fixed on her face lol).


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Hehe yes in that brief moment he knew she was his type then that had to be based only on appearance!
I still wondered, because if he put in a lot of effort to find her like his friend implied you'd think he would have discovered her name. And then if he kept her player out of hope he'd find her again you would think he would have remembered her name as well. Just seemed odd. But really this show is so well done I'm not finding inconsistencies.


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I don't think it's appearance alone, her aloof, cold-while-hiding-vulnerability side was obvious even in that brief encounter and didn't seem to put him off at all so I'm not surprised he fell for adult Hae-in who had the same traits.

It's not unbelievable to me that they didn't actually read each other's name tags - from the epilogue, she's avoiding looking at him beyond the first, hurried glance (because she's near tears) and he probably can't see hers from her position on the ground.

Also the mp3 player wouldn't have been identifiable by her classmates if she only used it after class, if his attempt to find her involved going from class to class to find the owner it's believable that no one could knew it was hers, she had no friends and was gone by then. I don't think it'd occur to him that the owner had left the school altogether.


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Comment was deleted


I deleted my comment because I watched the entire series from 1-12 in like, three days and I'm not sure whether the detail I shared was from after episode 10.


The OTP interactions are really the best.

Wishing a fourth time lucky for Leopard Aunt.

I don't want a redemption arc for any of the evil gang except for perhaps Da-hye and that too only for Soo-cheol's sake.


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Teenage Hyun-woo was obviously blinded by Hae-in's beauty (which he remembers vividly) and forgot to read the name tag.


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I need to start writing down my thoughts right after I watch the episodes, because I keep losing them. My husband said something really insightful and I was like, I need to write this down so I can share it on the recap discussion... and of course I didn't.
- I am 100% convinced that Soo-cheol is Geon-u's father. I really doubt Da-hye cheated on him. Who would she have cheated with? And how, since the family has people that tail everyone?
- Da-hye clearly is hurt that Soo-cheol doesn't remember her from their childhood, and thinks that he would reject her "real" self- hence why she bought into Eun-sung's lie. There's no reason for her to trust Eun-sung, but he said something that she already was fearful was true.
- Soo-cheol broke my heart! He looked so happy in that wedding flashback. I'm excited to see him learn to box.
- I really wish that Hae-in and Hyun-woo would just sit down and talk things out.
- I feel like Hae-in would have gone along with Eun-sung's scheme if she hadn't overheard Hyun-woo say that he loves her.
- Honestly, I'm a sucker for a "missed connection" in childhood that later gets resolved as adults, so I am here for that childhood backstory.
- I am already in love with Beom-ja and Yong-song's romance. What an adorable meet-cute!
- Mistress lady is right to be worried: Eun-sung gets emotional when it comes to Hae-in. She's his blind spot. He makes mistakes. He doesn't love her, but he comes as close to loving her as someone like him can, I think. I also think it's kind of like the Great Gatsby where it's more about what she represents than who she is. I wonder why he's been so obsessed with her--did he like her before she wrapped up his injury?
- It's kind of hilarious that Eun-sung is convinced that he could do a better job getting Hae-in access to treatment than Hae-in herself. I'm also glad there's at least one doctor in Drama Land who believes in patient confidentiality.
- I know that both participated in the demise of their relationship, but imo Hyun-woo's stonewalling and tendency to emotionally disengage at conflict has been the most damaging to the long-term health of the relationship. He needs to actually face things and not just run away or keep his thoughts/feelings hidden.
- My husband really hates Hae-in's mom. I keep having to remind him that she's her bio mom, because she acts like an evil step-mom drama archetype. She also seems to have zero common sense (do you not know what "frozen assets" means?)
- I was hoping that Hae-in's dad would help Hyun-woo's dad navigate that political snafu.
- They shouldn't have moved the grandfather to a VIP room. That would have been the ultimate way to hide him!
- I'm glad that the truth finally came out about Hae-in's diagnosis and prognosis.
- I loved Hyun-woo "black knighting" (that's the term, right?) for Hae-in in that flashback.
- I really wish I could remember my husband's insightful observation, or it might have...


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Haha, the irony. I was saying that, if I remember my husband's insightful observation (or it might have been a prediction), I'll add it as a reply to my comment


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"I really doubt Da-hye cheated on him."

I think you are right and her motive for telling him that may have been to somehow soften the blow of losing him also. The kid is not yours anyway so don't be hurt that you lost him.


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Yes, I screamed at the patient confidentially finally being followed.


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Yes, I nearly fell out of my chair.


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"I am 100% convinced that Soo-cheol is Geon-u's father."

I'm not buying it too. That's why I'm unbothered by it. I'll refrain from making up biological and time coincidental reasons proving Soo-cheol is his dad and just trust that the writer will do some justice. For all we know... Eun-seong is the one saying it, and she believed it.


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I think it was implied that Grace had faked the DNA report for the baby, so that it seemed Soo-cheol was the father. They were discussing how all the babies are DNA tested and Grace said that she took care of Soo-cheol's son DNA report.


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Right, but even if she faked the report, he still could be the father


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In a Chaebol family rigid protocols, supervised by the family lawyer, would have been followed for DNA testing (and it would have happened if only to prevent future mischief regarding inheritances). Grace took care of it? Are you kidding me? What about chains of custody? Yeesh.


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Could be so. Da-hye was definitely afraid of Eun-sung, and also the supposed bio-father, and obviously she must have slept with Soo-cheol ... we assume he knows that much about bees and flowers, right?
So she can have totally claimed Abusive Drunk was the father and Grace have put a spit example from Soo-cheol in the "Baby sample bag", when testing the actual baby would have given the same results.
Anyhow, she must have been with both men to make it credible - unless Abusive Drunk knows even less about Bees and Flowers.


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But a child's right to be loved, "stray" or not, is a theme. Though it ought not to make you shoot a dog either way.


Yes I agree that the baby is Soo Cheul's. She wanted to disincline him from finding her. Or maybe in a backward way help him feel better thinking it's not so terrible because she didn't take his son.

I cheered for the only Kdrama doctor who keeps his integrity!

But I disagree about Hae In joining Eun Seong. She might have considered it for a second as a way to infiltrate Queens but I don't believe she'd ever allow anyone to pressure her into doing something she doesn't want to do. And she has never fallen for Eun Seong's attempts to sway her.


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Yeah, I'm not entirely sure. I think that she was ready to sacrifice herself only because Eun-sung was threatening Hyun-woo.


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I personally think she planned it out - let her family, Hyun-woo and even Secretary Na believe the worst because she's playing it that close to the vest, but the delivery of that 'off-script' part of her speech sounded very rehearsed and sure, like she'd said it in her mind before.

Hae-in knew the leverage Eun-scumbag had on her was dependent on secrecy, because that was his threat all along - 'do what I say or I'll tell them and make them suffer', 'I'll expose your secrets'.
That verbal rug pull was absolutely planned in advance, I'd say, there's no wavering or uncertainty or even nervousness in her voice as she says it - if anything, she picks up strength and emphasis as she starts to speak, compared to the canned-sounding teleprompter read she was doing before that.


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You've really described each nuance of Hae-in's speech so wonderfully I feel like I'm watching the scene again. 👌👏


I think she planned it after his (planned) drunk-when-cute "talking to himself" the night before.


I agree that Eun-ugly isn't really capable of unselfish love. He wants to possess and manipulate Hae-in. He really doesn't know the subject of his obsession.


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All adjectives and affixes can be attached to Eun-seong except Eun-ugly. That guy is handsome please - a feast to the eyes. Everything but Eun-ugly is fine.


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On the final recap we really need to get a list of every epithet he's ever been called in db recaps and comments in place of his actual name (Eun-sociopath is my personal favourite)


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My fantasy is that there’s a drama blog in SK that has a list of all the creative English names created by Unit and Beanies: “look at what they’re calling him on this US blog, so funny!” 😆


Yes, let’s not go there because that’s insulting the actor. The character insults are fine, the actor insults are absolutely not.


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Comment was deleted


I'll comment on a previously deleted comment.
I apologize to those who were offended in my calling Eun-seong Ugly. I gave my opinion about the personality traits of the character in question, as I thought we all were. It never dawned on me that it could be viewed as an attack on the actor himself.


Handsome is as handsome does! So Enu-@%! is definitely ugly.

Now Park Sung-hoon is another matter. 😍😍😍


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Personally, I think the Eun-sung actor looks normal; not handsome, not ugly.
Eun-slug, the character, makes my intestines turn in their (my) tummy. I think if you touch him, he feels like the underside of a slug. Slugs are pretty compared to him.


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I don't think either of them are more to blame for their relationship issues. Hyun Woo has tried to talk with Hae In but she has not always been willing to listen. Remember for example in Germany he wanted to discuss his reasons for considering divorce and come to an agreement for what to do next but she refused to hear him.


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Hyun Woo only explained to Hae In about the divorce because he got caught! The flaw in their relationship from the beginning is they both assume things of the other. Speak!


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yeah the 'making assumptions' has been mutual, Hyun-woo does it more and has been doing it since before they were even in a relationship (I am still slain by the fact that my boy told her he'd marry her before they were even dating!!) but Hae-in bases hers on her experience with her mother i.e. someone who's supposed to love her, instead blames and rejects her over a loss that was beyond her control and she just accepts it as a given. Unfortunately, Hyun-woo's avoidant tendencies fed right into this post-pregnancy-loss and this is how you get the pair as they were in ep 1.


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He told her he would marry her, but as a proposal. Not like: Hello, you are lucky, you get to marry me, and I will not talk about our difference in status, because I am a super graceful person ( a la cousin Collins in Pride& Prejudice).
But his boasting scene was so cute!


@ceciliedk - oh no, I didn't mean he said it like Mr Collins!!! just that it's different from the second proposal after they were officially dating, when he went down on one knee with the ring. Proposal 1 is very "I can take care of you, please think about it?" with cuteness compounded by the umbrella (which she kept to this day!!)

We've seen them through different stages of their early relationship from proposal-pre-dating, to what they'd call a 'some' (the whole Young-sookie epilogue in ep 7), to undercover office romance, to officially dating and then marriage proposals 2 (from him) and 3 (from her) but I still have so many questions about HongBaek mk. 1 and so many scenes I'm dying to see, sure sign of a great show and a great lead couple <3


I would not call the first one a marriage proposal though. The first one is actually a proposal to date-with-the-intent-of-marriage. It's recognisable within conservative cultures in the West, as well as Korea. It's saying ' I want to get to know you and I'm not a player' .


The way he is pretty proud, and don't want to boast, and is like, avoiding eye contact to avoid imposing on her with his education and already-halfway-paid apartment and more-than-thirty-almost-35 cows. It's gold.


@mazarin - it's like a cross between a matseon and regular proposal lol. I mean, I do come from a country where they do those, and even there, out-of-the-blue proposing to a girl you aren't even dating yet, in the 21st century at that, would still be considered ....... highly unusual 🤣

@ceciliedk right??!! He was trying SO HARD not to freak her out with his cows and his leased apartment and his ₩2 million monthly savings and then asking her to think about it and not demanding an answer rightaway 🤣 (but it's honestly really sweet too because you know that unlike a certain someone, he'd have honoured it if her answer was a no)


Well said, I completely agree with this


It's the out-of-the-blue that makes it unusual. But we saw it as a partial story, and very early in the narrative, so we don't actually know how out-of the blue it was. It marked the point that HI started crushing on HW, but we don't know how much else had happened before then. (When does the cute-when-drunk episode happen? It looks like its after they started dating, but they must not have been public, because HW is sitting next to Other Girls)


@ceciliedk - it's clearly after the little verbal nudge she gave him in episode 1 to please think about why he doesn't like seeing her scolded and worries about her, so he clearly had something to go on there even if they weren't yet dating.

but I think Hae-in expected a 'I like you, please date me' - not a jump straight to 'it's ok if you quit your job and be a housewife I'll take care of you' lol. If I had to guess I'd say it was before the Young-sookie conversation in the episode 7 epilogue, based on both the weather/outfits (the latter is winter) and their diminishing levels of formality with each other.


I'm referring to the proposal btw - Hyun-woo's drunken superpower unlock is most certainly at a later stage, after the Young-sookie conversation but yeah, our kids were definitely dating on the quiet during that dinner.


"Drunken Superpower Unlock" 🤣😄😍


and yes - he only explained to Hae-in about the divorce because he got caught.

She wasn't stupid, she even guessed he was faking at first before she found his 'research' on her survival prospects and assumed it was out of concern for her, but she was still in love with him so allowed her guard down and believed him after that. He did fool her - but only because she wanted to believe him (it's telling that she was clearly been waiting for him to initiate some kind of marital rapprochement even before she received her diagnosis)


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But when the absolute bottom of their relationship happened at the same time as her announcement that she was dying, then of course there was no good time to say it, ever. Even if it had been a more modern situation ("I like you, but this is not working out for us, I want us to look elsewhere for happiness") when she told him, how could he have said to her that now he wanted a divorce?
The horrible fact was all that joy he was hiding at the start. Even in pretty bad relationships I don't think it's normal to react like that. But of course ... he has felt he was actually in an abusive relationship, because the only real contact they had was at work, where she ruthlessly went for the trillion dollar club at the expense of existing good business relationships.
And as you remember, she even prioritized that trillion dollar club above anything she could do before her death.


@ceciliedk - here's the thing, this cold, heartless, borderline abusive monster he's worked himself up into believing she is in order to convince himself he wants to divorce her, is also something he's built up in his own head because he really can't keep it up when he finds out things like their baby's due date being her unlock code or her jumping in to try and help out his family, unbeknownst to him. Of course he didn't want to drop the divorce on her while she was still sick or getting treatment, but by the time it was exposed, he'd long since tossed the idea of divorcing her - he never would have told her if he hadn't been exposed.

She can be cold and ruthless in her business dealings (cheerfully resorting to blackmail to get her Hercyna deal), and since business has become their only real pretext for interaction by ep 1, it's how he sees her. It doesn't help that by the time they lost the baby, their mutually established behaviour patterns clashed in the worst possible way. I'd argue there's also a level of self-delusion going on with Hyun-woo - if he truly hated her so much that he was totally thrilled to be freed from the marriage via her death, his jealousy over Eun-snake potentially being a rival, doesn't make sense - like Yang-gi said, he should be celebrating but instead he's seething quietly over it even as he's still convinced that he wants her to die so he can be free. That delusion starts wavering once he finds her pass code, and it's clear by the end of episode 5 that it's gone altogether - I think we can agree that all thoughts of divorce were pretty definitively gone after Yongdu-ri, and certainly by the time he got on that plane to Germany. Which makes it even more of a tragic twist, in a way - he convinced himself he was faking but then it all turned out to be real, and that's when the bomb drops.


He did say that he hated her, that he despised her, that she doesn't care about him or how his family treats him, that she only cares about herself, that she is selfish and that he endured three years of this treatment from her and her family. It's all in episode 1 when he sees his psychologist ( at minute 37-38 ), played wonderfully by one of my favourite actor, his brother from IONTBO.
He wasn't jealous of Eun-stink from the beginning, at first he said something like he can have her at the party. His feelings for HI started to resurfaced after she kissed him in ep. 3 and found out the pass code, the day after he starts seeing her beautifull again and starts to get jealous. When she kissed him, she said that she will start doing things differently than up until that point and she asked herself why hasn't she been confident until then. She started changing because he changed, sadly for the wrong reasons (trying to make her change the will, getting close to her to not look in the phone to see the divorce message). You could say that his ill intent gave her the confidence to show that she wants him when she thought that he didn't anymore (because she was a monster to him) and that is what made him fall in love with her again (the kiss and the password are what he needed all along and the reasons he left the bedroom). I think that if she remained the same icy monster towards him he would not have fallen for her again, even if she was sick or not, and he would have divorced her if she would have beat the cancer.


@Kodra - the "he should have married her" monologue Hyun-woo gave himself in the bathroom at the party is directly contradicted by his reaction to emerging and - for the first time - actually seeing Eun-snake with Hae-in.

That's episode 2, with ever more indications sprinkled through it and episode 3 that Eun-sung's attentions to Hae-in bother him more than he lets on - trying to speak to her in the helicopter on the way to the ep 2 hunt only to find Eun-snake whispering into her ear instead (this is before the riflepoint confrontation in the woods which I think we can treat as the official start of ES giving him the creeps), physically putting himself between Hae-in and Eun-snake when Eun-snake tries to act all concerned about her near-death by wild boar to get close to her - after which Hyun-woo quite pointedly leads her away by the hand in front of him, Secretary Kim the Snake making a point of telling him all about Hae-in's dinner meeting with Eun-snake and how she'll be home late (Hyun-woo is obviously bothered by this), and finally, Hyun-woo side-eyeing Eun-snake for having the audacity to call her "우리" Hae-in in front of him when she comes home drunk from that dinner (definitely skirting a line on language there, as Eun-snake could be read to be implying she's 'his' Hae-in or 'our' Hae-in - and if Hyun-woo truly wanted him to take Hae-in off his hands before that kiss revived his feelings, it all simply doesn't add up because all of the above instances of fairly obvious jealousy at the idea of another man moving in on the wife he says he hates so much...... are pre-episode-3-kiss.


basically, he tells himself one thing - even convinces himself of it - only for his actions to point to the opposite.


Are you saying that she was great and it was all in his head? And mine? 🤣
He hated her because he loved her but whom he loved was not that person anymore. Once she changed a little those feelings reignited. But if she would not have changed towards him he would have still hated her. Why does she say that she will start doing things differently? Because she was different, just as HW said she was.
He didn't start getting jealous until after the kiss, he was just aware that Eun-stink was a bad guy until then. His hate was not making him wish to harm her or wanting her to be hurt, he was still concerned about her. That is why he couldn't tell her about the divorce. He wasn't happy that she was dying, he was relieved that it was a way to be released from the family that he was scared of without getting a divorce. His hate was because he was hurt, he felt deceived and abused by her.
He couldn't take his hands off because he started it all by coming close to her, if he wanted something he would have kissed her. He was just afraid he would be caught because of the phone.
He didn't feel jealousy when HI whispered something in Eul-stink, he felt hurt that she ignored him as usual.
Why did she say that she tricked him when she said that she would not make him cry? Let's not paint her all in white, he had plenty of reasons to hate her and to want the divorce. Maybe because of the disease that I suspect started long ago, she might have minor symptoms long before, but he would not have been aware of it and thought that she was like that. Which in turn made her more icy with him because she was not aware of what she did and lost confidence that he loved her anymore. Writer-nim didn't chose a brain cancer out of the blue, one that comes with changes in personality and mood, blackouts or even minor loss of memory.


@Kodra - not sure where you got that first line of your comment from, I'm just pointing out what's actually happening on the screen i.e. multiple instances of Hyun-woo being obviously bothered and jealous over Eun-snake's implied intimacy with the wife he says he hates and wished Eun-sung had married first (giving the lie to his words), and no, not just because he - correctly - thinks he's a wrong 'un, because he doesn't have any basis to think that until the 'trespassing on other people's territory' part at the hunting grounds and even before that we've seen him bothered by Eun-sung being physically close to Hae-in twice already. Once can be dismissed, twice and multiple times? Not so much.
And the entire pre-kiss scene of Eun-sung bringing a drunk Hae-in home and making a point to tell Hyun-woo that the two of them were drinking alone together, that he'd bring Hae-in inside, that he knew her hangover cure (implying more past intimacy), Hyun-woo keeps quiet through all of it but that "우리" is what causes him to snap and put Eun-snake in his place. I mean, you could keep believing Hyun-woo's just acting out of suspicion against Eun-snake at that point and doesn't revive feelings until Hae-in kisses him right after that, but I'd say between Kim Soo-hyun and the dialogue, the subtext is perfectly clear.



"basically, he tells himself one thing - even convinces himself of it - only for his actions to point to the opposite."

As I said, he hated the HI of the last three years but he still was in love with the one before the marriage. He obviously still cared for her, it's in his nature. He didn't see a way out, he did not just convinced himself, it was because how she was towards him. She started to change and that is why he didn't want to divorce again. He was still protective with her, that's who he is, when he saw that Eun-stink was lurking around HI but almost as he was with auntie, not because of jealousy up until the ep. 3 kiss. Just remember that he didn't want to even go in the room or cuddle with her at the hunting trip. If he would have been really jealous he would have made a move then. Compare that with when he is actually jealous in ep. 10 when not only he tells her but activates his superpower on her when talking to her didn't get him anywhere.


@pogo1 I wanted to reply to a comment you made below but the thread length doesn't allow it. Your comment was spot on! The reality of how they were treating one another and Hyun Woo's misunderstanding of Hae In's feelings, until he discovered her phone code. That started him thinking and looking at her behavior from a different perspective, and bit by bit he came to realize that he still loves her. There were so many hints in his own behavior that he hadn't picked up on. Divorce was no longer something he wanted but unfortunately he hadn't shredded that document.


@Kodra - "almost as he was with auntie" - we're going to have to agree to disagree about that one lol, I really doubt he'd act that way around Beom-ja.

The argument that Hae-in drunkenly kissing Hyun-woo at the end of episode 3 was what revived his actual feelings of jealousy, doesn't really make sense to me - he's not really into that kiss, is more distracted by her phone but lets it happen because he gave her the impression he was open to it by pushing her up against that tree while trying to stop her looking at her texts.

He's jealous, sure, but emotionally not ready to admit - even to himself - that that's what it is, or to follow up on what it means (i.e. he still feels attraction/desire for her, and for present-day Hae-in at that - he hasn't yet discovered the pass code). Similar thing in episode 5 in his bedroom, only by that time he's gained enough self-awareness to realise that he does want her but he's not ready to act on it so runs away.

But yes, I think there were flaws in the marriage even before the baby loss - like the small point of Hae-in never visiting her in-laws after the wedding, and Hyun-woo never going to Yongdu-ri with her in the first year of their marriage despite having no problems bringing her home when they were dating. I'd initially assumed this was on Hae-in being a snob about his family, but as episode 4 shows, she's not that way at all even in her present 'ice queen' era based on her interactions with Hyun-woo's siblings and parents. I'd wager that it had something to do with Hae-in's mother being a snob and somehow giving Hyun-woo the impression he shouldn't take her to visit the in-laws despite her already having made her way there twice, but I'd say the main problem of their marriage is not only a lack of communication, it's in accepted assumptions.


What I meant about being like he is with auntie was only towards Eun-stink up until that kiss and finding the password, meaning it was not jealousy but concern for her wellbeing. Yes, he was more worried about finding and deleting his sister's message but I don't think that only finding the password without her actually making a move on him right before would have changed anything. I think that both incidents helped and if only one of them had happened it would not have had the same impact on him to make him see her in a beautiful aura the next morning. And just think about it, jealousy means you want to be with that person but, like you said, he was still more interested in the phone (remember, at that time he was still faking it to get the will changed and her finding the divorce would have ruined it all) and had no interest of kissing her. He was starting to be annoyed by this guy, of course, because he sensed that he was more than what he was pretending to be and somewhat was concerned that she was drinking and with her disease it was not a good idea. At least that's my take on it, we don't have to agree with everything. Part of being here and discussing our ideas is to also find out if our ideas hold water and how we will find out if nobody would challenge them. At least that is how I am, it is more fun and makes the time goes faster until the next episodes. I have enjoyed our "confrontations", you are a great debater and you made me change some of my takes on this drama.
Silly question though...what's corn salad?


@Kodra - I get what you mean, but even if we confine all considerations of whether he was jealous or not to pre-episode 3 kiss/passcode discovery alone, Hyun-woo still looks put out - not concerned or worried for her, but discomfited - by seeing Eun-slime talk to Hae-in, once at a party with dozens of people around and the second time in the helicopter when he was right there (and as he himself tries - with no apparent faking - to talk to her himself). Eun-snake's trespassing on their hunt course+attempted dog killing was what triggered Hyun-woo's actual suspicions that Eun-snake is not what he seems to be, but imo there's definitely jealousy at play on his part well before the hunting incident and his first suspicions of Eun-snake, even if it's subconscious or he's in denial.

re: Corn Salad - remember a certain Mr Vincenzo? He's the Corn Salad in question. I would recommend watching his drama to find out how since I wouldn't want to spoil your fun, but if you're in a hurry, the answer is here: https://www.dramabeans.com/2021/03/vincenzo-episode-11/


@kodra - I had a whole reply typed out, but it seems to have vanished so I'll just stick to the operative part:

Corn Salad = a certain Vincenzo (if you want to find out why he's corn salad, I highly recommend watching the eponymous show as I don't want to spoil your fun).
Alternately, if you are in a hurry, read the recap of episode 11 of Vincenzo right here on db - I'd linked it, but apparently the spam filter ate it.


But the "Cold, Heartless MOnster" is what other people see, too, so it's not like he has to invent the whole thing in his own head.
But still, it is based on that one thing; the aftermath of a tragic miscarriage. (If it was within the first three months, and if there was no dramatic illness rendering her unable to try again, they were wildly overreacting; I've heard it's like three out of five pregnancies that do not go on to beyond that mark. So don't count your chickens, as they say, strangely appropriate).
Hrm hm, anyway, when she had all the stuff removed, and didn't even talk to him about how it affected her other than in a "it annoys me" kind of way, that broke it.
Because yes, she has the coldest eyes, and yes, when she is loving towards her brother she instills self worth in him by hitting him for not valuing himself enough, ... but she was like that when he fell for her. He was seeing that she would have a hard time being liked by other people, and decided to be the one to protect her, if she would let him.
I can imagine she has become like that to protect herself against the ice cold hatred from her mother. I don't even know how the mother would suddenly see that herself now, having treated her so bad for so long.
I mean, I know of parents who have treated their kids differently,
(Small ep. 12 flashback SPoiler:)
but avoiding the hand hold out to touch them ... that is extreme.


Agree, that's what I mean, both of them need to communicate, so they're mutually to blame, neither more than the other. Yes, talk, please!!

And yes he got caught, but honestly if I were in his shoes and planned to break up with someone I could not have gone through with it upon learning news like hers. And I would not have come clean while she was going through treatment, that's too cruel. Afterwards, yes.


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Exactly! I just wrote something to the same effect before I read your comment.
You can't go to someone who is dying ... fast! ... and then demand a divorce.
You would have a talk about what they wanted you to be for them the next few months, and if it seemed they would actually rather be without you, then you could ask if what *they* really wanted was a divorce. Otherwise, you are their support person for the rest of their short life, or until the alarm is called off.
But actually, when you think about breaking up with someone, it is normal to have a last rush of sentimental longing and affection for all the good things. Sometimes that postpones breaking up and sometimes, the relationship gets better in that time. In your partner was dying, it would be quite natural to be induced with a great tolerance of their flaws and fondness for their good sides. Since all of it would be over soon.


I'm not saying that he's to blame, but he basically disengaged from the relationship after the miscarriage and I don't think that would have changed if Hae-in hadn't gotten sick. I think that withdrawal, while completely understandable, was ultimately the death knell.


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It's like the sad mirror of him ghosting her after he found out she was a chaebol heir - only that time, she just got in that helicopter and went after him.

By the time they lose their baby, self-blame and her decades-old pattern of rejection by her own mother have taken that fighting spirit out of her. I don't blame either of them for reacting the way they did, but I can see how it happened - like you said, his withdrawal combined with her reluctance to breach his boundaries or talk, created this.


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I don't know if he is to blame for that because she never talked to him before decided to clear the nursery and he still went to her to talk about it but she placed that big wall between them right then. The thing is we don't know much about if they had any problems until then. Yes, we were shown that they were happy when they heard the news or when they were fixing the nursery but cracks probably were started to appear before that and they might just have dismissed them when the news arrived. It is hard to believe that two people that were so much in love would have forgotten everything in an instant in face of a tragedy. Look at them now how much they actually got closer when faced with another one.
I think the problem was the disease all along because the symptoms must have started a lot earlier and both did not understand or noticed the mood and personality changes that come with such brain tumors. She might have had blackouts before and didn't realize that they were from the disease and maybe that is why she blamed herself for the miscarriage. Maybe she was just afraid to admit for so long that something was wrong with her and that made her angry at times and took it all on him.


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I wouldn't say he's to blame by any means. Hae-in refusing to talk about moving things out of the nursery was a major problem. That being said, Hyun-woo pretty much just gave up trying to reach out to her or talk to her right away, a very ineffective response that made things even worse. I would argue that his moving out of their bedroom was pretty much like a separation or breakup in itself.


But he did right away and asked her about the nursery. She said that it gets on her nerves and that they don't needed anymore. She turned away and continued her phone conversation. She obviously saw him upset and she didn't care when he left pissed off. At least he showed that he was upset and wanted to talk but she showed nothing, like she didn't care. Like she didn't care if he moved out, like he was getting on her nerves too. As I said, just saying that "we don't needed anymore" without explaining why means that she did wanted that separation from him also. She could have gone to talk to him after seeing him upset by her actions and her words.
So he did try to talk to her but she never did and never showed him that she was grieving also. She was cold as ice, concerned more about her bussiness and the whole baby thing was getting on her nerves. If you don't show that you are even grieving and you say that you don't needed anymore without explaining yourself, you see that he moves out because of how you acted and what you said and still are not doing anything to explain yourself, what are you actually saying? Did she say that they will not have babies at all? Did she say for awhile? Did she say why? Did she say anything else? She just turned away and talked on the phone. She pushed him away and by not going to talk to him means that she wanted him out of that bedroom. I am not talking here about why she did it, about her past and her ways of dealing with grief. We all know it and somewhat understand her. I am talking strictly about that he was not at fault for removing himself from the bedroom because he really tried to talk to her.


Be honest, people. Her cold look could keep food fresh for months. If you only count what is said, he seems the worst, but she did not seem inviting of questions and sympathy.
When she said he should go with her, it sounded like just even more work - not a word about what she needed him for. And he was at that time used to Cinderelling his way through mountains of paper that needed a keen legal eye.
I mean, I love her, but he hasn't just grown distant because he did'nt want to ask. He was scared.
And when he tried to say sad, normal things about what to do if maybe you will only live a few months more ... all she could talk about was getting richer. He kind of got lost for words.


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We share the same perspective on a lot of points here! Why he chose not to ask for divorce, and her cold food look. I just feel like I can't blame either one in particular for the break down of their relationship. It was a combination of each of their approaches to conflict learned from their past. All of these recent events are now conspiring to remind them of why they fell for one another.


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Exactly. I was just pointing out that even when she didn't do anything, she was frightening with that icy cold look.
For us viewers, it is fun to watch, but I would feel very unhappy if say, my hubby looked at me like that all the time.
Also, she never lets him see that she becomes happy when he says nice things to her. It's like in "Girl" with The Beatles
"When you say she's looking good
She acts as if it's understood
She's coo-ool! Oo-ooh! oo-ooh! oO-ooh!"
Then again, he should be prepared for that, because she did like that already when they met.
And he does like it, at least under some circumstances, or he wouldn't do that little "How Feisty!" when his secretary relays her long message about all the extra work he "ought to" have done.


@ceciliedk - that's the thing, she does show she's happy when she thinks he's done something nice for her - like her finding his open tabs on terminal illness survival rates and thinking he did it for her sake (and telling him so!), or drunk-kissing him after she thinks him pushing her against the tree in ep 3 was an invitation to do that, or all but issuing an open invitation to stay when she catches him in her bedroom while he's trying to erase his sister's texts from her phone.

There's no doubt she was icy, but it takes only a very little warmth - or even the impression of warmth from him - to make her start thawing. The problem is that neither of them wanted to be the first one to show 'weakness' for so long, but the choice has been taken out of their hands by her diagnosis.


As I recall, she doesn't show him that she is happy about his internet searches? I am not quite sure, but I think she only shows it to us, at least for some time.
Also, I giffed an example on my wall of what I mean: https://www.dramabeans.com/activity/p/1563840/
Just to make sure: I am at no point saying everything was her fault, or everything was his fault.
Probably, in another relationship he would be the one who would be more able to make it work for a long time; he is more "normal". But the girl he fell in love with was the one he already predicted would get fired again and again for being so unsociable. So that's what they need to make work.
Oh, my heart hurts when I think how logic it will be if she dies in the end. I really, really hope she survives. With her mind intact. It's drama-land. Give us miracles.


I think that when he came to her in Germany and said: You promised I would never have to cry, but I have cried so much - that was almost like admitting and withdrawing his wish for divorce in one breath. He was in love with her fully again, but he didn't just go there doing in-love-y things, he started by telling her how much he had suffered alone in the relationship.
At that point, those divorce papers were super irrelevant. Talking about that pain was so necessary and it was so painful when she wouldn't listen. For once, it didn't seem completely unrealistic that he didn't have it in him to get that story told (usual k-drama way is someone asking for an explanation while shoutingly interrupting any attempts at giving one - as just demonstrated by Sun-jae's dad in Lovely Runner).
But really, because he had told her even the day before about all the pain he had been hiding, he should have tried shouting a bit about that, and how it had made him feel lonely and abused, but that he still loved her, and loved her again - it could have spared them a lot of pain, maybe. But his bad conscience made it hard for him to say that, I guess.
For anyone who has forgotten: He thought she didn't know and didn't care about how he felt and how he was treated. And as to what he saw, that was true; He didn't see her defending him, it always happened when he weren't there. And she was talking to him more like a graceless employer than as a loving partner, really. But she also did that because she was being pressured by the ways of her family.
Reminds me: Her mother has only just found out that Hae-in's older brother did not drown because he rescued Hae-in at expense of his own life. He only drowned because he was so unlucky as to not be found and rescued by Hyun Woo. And Hae-in didn't see clearly who rescued her, she just assumed it was her brother. And Eun-serpent has now told her it was him.


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I forgot to say: If I were in his shoes, I would not have told her about my divorce-thoughts at that point either. It would, and it did, make the situation very difficult, and there was no reason, really. Not with such an all-encompassing problem at hand, not with such a time pressure.
Of course it became important the moment it was viciously revealed. But otherwise, they would have been better off just talking about the feelings that led him there, rather than about actually making the paperwork ready.
Had they had more time, having a long talk and admitting to having felt so desperate as to making preparations for a divorce could have been a good, honest talk. But sometimes, bringing up hurtful things that need a long talk-through is just counter-productive.


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I don't think anyone realizes yet that Hyun Woo was the one who rescued Hae In, not her brother. Her mom knows he rescued a child but not who, and Hae In probably still believes it was her brother because she knows Eun Snake is dishonest.


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"I'm also glad there's at least one doctor in Drama Land who believes in patient confidentiality."
> This!! I was so impressed that both the hospital director and doctor refused the budge, the doctor even gave BaekHong a heads up!


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I was also amazed that at least i see ONE doctor who actually is keeping his mouth shut and even informing the patient after...And sooo damn right at your insight about the VIP hospital room...That is somehow like how a rich person in dramas might do as he would never cross his mind to use a common room to do the evil deed because he's a snob LOL


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I think in a different way, the both families members have a big heart. Hae-In's family thought their money and statut will protect them, so they're a little bit dumb and the mum is awful with Hae-In and should have addressed her grieve with a psy but she cares for her family, the father too, the aunt is crazy but expresses her feelings, Soo-Chul is not the penguin who slides the furthest but he's just a fool in love. Kwak Dong-Yeon playing a scene with a baby being vaccinated reminded me Twice Again.

The couple is killing me! They spend so much time trying to protect each other without the other knowing... I love how he just sowed leafs like Tom Thumb, he was cute and touching when he confessed. Hae-In was right, he's cute when he's drunk, even their boss couldn't tell him no for a love shot during their diner 😂


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its always KDY and the babies getting vaccinated lol


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Yes, I noted Hyun Woo is adorable when drunk too, and I usually criticize drinking, but KSH was really adorable.


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That scene instantly reminded me of 'Never Twice'!!

KSH is definitely an adorable drunk!! No debates..


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Never Twice but Kang Dong-yeon says otherwise.


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"not the penguin who slides the furthest" this is killing me, he'd honestly be happier being a house-husband or something.

I agree that members of both families have a heart despite their imperfections, even if some of the Hongs are in need of a reality check (and getting it in Yongdu-ri). Like Dad and Auntie are really quite caring to Hae-in, even Soo-cheol in his goofy way expresses concern, it's Grandpa and the mother who are the real problem and whose complete stupidity, snobbishness and stubbornness helped get them to where they are now.

The leaf strewing!!! In the episode, when Hyun-woo's ma sees it and smiles, I assumed at first it was because she thought Hae-in had done it since she'd been 'out for a walk' (waiting for Hyun-woo) but realising it was actually Hyun-woo who left the leaf trail - and what it meant by the epilogue.....*insert fangirl screaming here*


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He planned being cute! But luckily, it worked.


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I think the drunk scene of episode one was extra hilarious because he looked real dum, while complaining loudly about how cute he was!
ANd I know very well that Kim can play the most adorable drunk, from tipsy to can't-stand-on-his-own-legs. If I didn't know that then, I certainly would have found out now.
But did you notice that he talked to Baek Hyun Tae about going back to the house, drunk, and act super cute ... if maybe that would get her back?
And that was exactly what he did. And he stood right in front of her door and talked "to himself". 🤣😽😻🩷


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I find it hard to believe that a married couple would not have seen each others childhood photos in any given time. It’s unnatural to believe that he had no idea that he has been married to his childhood crush.

And I also feel that they portrayed HaeIn more with the feelings than HyonWoo. Almost all epilogues centre around her looking at him secretly with lovey dovey eyes.

I really don’t want her to die but given the gravity of her illness I don’t see how they can turn it around. Let’s see.


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Excellent point about the childhood photos. I'm pretty sure that her anemia will improve with her new diet, she'll be able to get treatment, and the treatment will work.

I also want to see more of Hyun-woo's feelings.


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I'm pretty sure that her anemia will improve with her new diet, she'll be able to get treatment, and the treatment will work.

its so obvious lol


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She lost her brother, I'm pretty sure she doesn't really talk about the past, neither her family. I can't picture them making photo albums.


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yeah the Hongs don't seem the type to show off family photo albums once her oppa died, even if it was years later by then.


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re: no childhood pics, Hae-in was a teenager when they met and somehow doesn't seem like the type to take a lot of photos of herself at that age or share them (also 2006-era pre-iPhone cameraphones had terrible resolution no matter how fancy they were, any self-shot pics from that age were usually lost in phone changes if we didn't upload them to Facebook or something), can't see her mother showing Hyun-woo any family pics from that era either particularly with how hostile she was to him.

They made a point to show Hae-in looking at Hyun-woo's childhood pics when she visited but I can believe that she didn't see pics of him as a teenager and it's the mp3 that triggers the memory more than a stray pic would.


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The photo of him in his school uniform (when he transferred to the highschool in Seoul) is rather front and center in his room - and she saw it at least twice.

However, I wouldn't expect anyone to have a photo memory of him, especially since she was in tears and if I recall correctly, looking up at him with the sun behind him? But I admit, I thought when she first took the mp3 out of the drawer (in her prior visit) that she recognized it - I mean, how many teenage boys would have a pink mp3 player with the same play list as her own??

i was actually rather disappointed with the narrative (the writer) that Hyun Woo believed he would recognize the girl instantly if he met her - I didn't find it amusing that he apparently did not recognize her.


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I'm not totally surprised she didn't recognise him - like you said, teenage Hae-in was in tears and not 100 percent paying attention to the boy in front of her at the time.

Honestly, I'm not surprised she didn't recognise the mp3 player at first either - one of the major features of iPod nano type mp3 players, was that they could shuffle songs if shaken, so who knows if her playlist was even in its original order (and I certainly wouldn't remember my own playlist from that era either - artists and songs yes, order of playlists no). She recognised it based on her monogram, which she apparently didn't notice last time because she glitched out too fast to really start looking.

(What I am surprised by is the fact that it's still working after 17 years! Good advert for Samsung battery longevity if so, because I remember iPod batteries used to drain even if the player wasn't in use)


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Hyun woo always has his clueness hat on when it comes to being in and proxiemity of Hae in. I think he completely forgot about the high school girl the second he started courting and proposed to Hae in, as it should have been. Now that the divorce has happened, he is reminensing because the man is just a pure romantic. I'm sure they have seen childhood photos of each other and Hae in never gave it a second thought because she left and Hyun woo did after searching for her that one time in school and then moving on with his life. He just plain forgot and he did not want to admit that. :)


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"Mr. Baek Hyun-woo, my husband, and former legal director, behind bars.” *Screams in 16 different languages* Hae-in addressed Hyun-woo as “my husband,” people!!"

Yes, because something is fishy about this divorce. Like the papers being signed and dated by both parties but never filed with the court because Hae-in told Mr. Vincenzo not to until she gives the okay. She hasn't yet.


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This is my thought as well, the papers haven't been filed.


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does this mean we might see a return of Vincenzo??!!!

One can only hope!


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At this point I'm more gunning for a Se-ri/Jeong-hyeok cameo!


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@vienibenmio Beanie, how did you know that this is my dream?!? It would be the most bomb cameo ever! Imagine the three queens of dramaland, Se-Ri, Hae-In and Mun-Young in one screen. I would gladly take Jeong-Hyeok and all of their respective spouses together, too, but my mans might still be in North Korea.


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Maybe they will skip Switzerland this year and meet in Germany while Haein gets her treatment.


I'm hopeful that Jeong-hyeok has since defected to SK. Like his parents died or something. Which isn't great, true, but I want him out of NK!


💯👌❤ Yes please!!


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I didn't notice that. But good for her! And him! and us!


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Aunt Beom-ja deserves the village guy who lives a simple life and I shipped them. She dated and married wealthy men in the past and all have cheated on her.


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I ship them a lot. Aunt Beom Ja deserves a good man to spend the rest of her life with.


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Auntie Beom-ja totally deserves a man who looks like Leslie Cheung and has a voice like Sung Shi-kyung

(the subtitle says "a singer" but I caught the name - is this a sneak reference to the fact that he's famously done OSTs for multiple Park Ji-eun dramas including You From Another Star?!!!)


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The meta seems to be en odd in every single sentence in this drama. 😂


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* encoded


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I wish they'd put Sung Shi-kyung's name in the subtitle - is Netflix so hellbent on flattening literally any Korean-specific cultural context that they can't imagine that a viewer who reads English subtitles might somehow understand that Korea has famous singers, too?


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There was literally no reason not to put his name. I mean those who know will appreciate the reference. Those who are interested will be motivated to find out more about him. Those who don't care would still understand that it's a famous singer. Win-win. Unless there is some restriction in mentioning the name but then they didn't bleep it out so I don't understand the problem other than intentionally not making a specific reference. 🙁


I hope someone has made memes of Sun-ghoul's face drops at that press conference.


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That was so satisfying. I hate Eun-Smarm and would like to smash a pie in his face. BTW, never trust a man in a brown suit is a good rule to live by 😠


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Well, he learned you can come for the Queen but you better not mess with her Prince.


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And where have I heard that homily again!? 😂 I'll just be happy with no murder mysteries in this drama. 🤞


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Thank you @unit. Love the different terms for Eun Seong, but really – Eun Snake can’t be beat.
The divorce: under Korean law (according to my limited research so I Could Be Wrong, there are many reasons to believe they are not yet legallydivorced. Divorce “by agreement” is not available to couples until they have been married for three years. Once the agreement is “filed”/registered, a magistrate will review and approve it, usually in 30 days (90 days if there are children involved). Some web sites state they must appear before the magistrate in person to confirm they still want the divorce, but that part is unclear. Anyway, 30 days haven’t passed yet. And we don’t even know for sure that the agreement was filed since that very night (I,.e. "Vincenzo” night) is when Hae-in overheard Hyun Woo talk about how he just wanted to be by her side and in the Epilogue she is in tears and for the first time in the drama we heard her say she wanted to be by HIS side.💕💕

Who knows if the writers will bother with the legal niceties, but I would think most Korean viewers would be saying “They Can’t Be Divorced Yet”! So, perhaps it is something like being married. You can have the wedding ceremony and consider yourself a married couple but you aren’t legally married until the paperwork is registered. (I learned that from watching one of my first kdramas “Playful Kiss”). 😊 Thus, perhaps they consider themselves divorced (they signed the agreement) but it’s not yet legal/final/stick-a-fork-it’s-done-done.
That’s my early contribution to this thread and if anyone else has different info on Korean divorce, please share.

Oh, by the way, by my reckoning (based on dates in videos/documents/post-it notes, lol) Hae-in is down to her last 4-5 weeks. 😥😥😥 She should be getting much worse in terms of black-outs, memory loss. . . . so writers better have a good explanation for it – and Hyun Woo’s prayer for a miracle works just fine with me. 🥰


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They did say her tumors haven't grown... which explains why she hasn't gotten worse, but is probably pretty miraculous given her prognosis


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Even if they haven't grown, her symptoms are much less severe than in the 1st episodes. of course, those earlier events helped set the stage for her crisis, so they did their job for the viewer. Perhaps she's better due to anti-cancer drugs she has been taking? Frankly, I would love to discover that Madwoman Moh (who apparently is in charge of food at the family compound) has been poisoning Hae-in over time and that caused the cancer - and she's better because she was in Germany (gained 3 kg!!) and eating food in Youngdu-ri (her recent visit to help her FIL).

I DO have this crazy wishful-thinking theory that Moh has been working to ensure that the Hong family doesn't pro-create - older brother died: Hae-in mis-carriage and now cancer: Soo-cheol's son is supposedly not his son. As for why? I can't figure that one out yet.


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To annihilate competition for inheritance, of course.
Apart from that, she has a special hatred towards that family. There is some kind of revenge involved.


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Thank you for the excellent research and reporting! Very helpful 👍🏽


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Thank you for your excellent and helpful research and for sharing it! 👍🏽


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I think bulleting works well since the thoughts are just so many, so here goes nothing (sorry if it's too long!) Ep9 stressed me out, but ep 10 brought back all the feels!

1. Eun-sung... I mean, wozzalldis?! Stealing Hae-in's life work, stealing her family's livelihood, THREATENING her with her loved ones.... That's all well and good if you want to cage someone but I thought he wanted Hae-in to like him?!! What an egotistical, delusional loser!

2. I am tired of Soo-cheol now. I'm sorry, but being pathetic in the literal sense is not a trait I can get behind. He may be a great dad and a lovable dumbo, but I draw the line at pathetic. I also really don't see a path to love for him and Da-hye, after this kind of magnitude of deceit and betrayal. Love may conquer a multitude of sins, but I cannot see it overcoming this. Sorry, I just can't. This isn't Silence of the Lambs.

3. Hyun-woo of all the trades, the man you are is unparalleled! Can cry well, can fight well, can shoot well, can lawyer well, what else can't you do, except husband well (but there's extenuating circumstances there so we forgive you). Hong Hae-in, the woman you are is unparalled too: smart, brave, loyal, and acid-tongued. They're great together so I need them to actually start communicating with each other so we can get a proper love story, na all these swallowed words and hesitations are getting on my nerves. What's the point of love if you can't be vulnerable (especially Hae-in)?

4. The Baeks (all of them, especially Mama Baek) are simply the best.

5. Surprisingly I find myself liking all the Hongs too (except grandpa) . But I am tired of them as well. It's wayyy past time they made Mama Hong face her son's death and her treatment of Hae-in. Speaking of which, it's irresponsible not to have told them about Hae-in's illness this late in the game. They are far from perfect, but it is extremely obvious now that nobody would kick Hae-in if they found out about her illness, and that they'd be heartbroken. They love her. Hae-in knows that too. So what is all this?

6. Like I said on my wall, Eun-sung's mama is one of the points that bothers me. I still can't figure out why she did her long con for 20 years because she could have gotten grandpa to marry her in half that time. She doesn't need a big revenge plot or wrongdoing for her actions IMO, because people don't need a great reason to be greedy, covetous, manipulative, and scheming. But unless they were just waiting for Eun-sung to grow up and join the fray, that 20 yr con doesn't make sense.

7. When I started watching, I cared only about the romance and not the other plot points, but now, I care about all the characters and the entire plot. I want my OTP to be happy and cute and learn to COMMUNICATE effectively, I want the Hongs to resolve their issues and be a happy, ditzy, rich family (except grandpa), I want the Baeks to stay adorable and amazing, and I want Eun-sung and his mama...


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I still can't figure out why she did her long con for 20 years because she could have gotten grandpa to marry her in half that time.

But that is THE mystery, isn't it? How did she get introduced to Gramps and/or the Hong family to begin with? Within a handful of years after her release from prison, she was working on the Queens Scholarship Fund? Was she a semi-housekeeper? And then Mistress?

But as for motivation - the woman is mad/insane - the list of people (and a dog) that have died in her orbit is very long - I now call her Madwoman Moh. I will be disappointed if she isn't destroyed by the end.


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She was their former housekeeper, and became girlfriend once grandma died (it may have been while grandma was alive). That doesn't bother me, but the 20 yrs does, lol! 😅


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Grandpa did apparently try to marry Mistress Jailbird/ make her his legal wife ten years before our story starts but Beom-ja, bless her forever, threw a fit and put an end to that idea.


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"I am tired of Soo-cheol now. I'm sorry, but being pathetic in the literal sense is not a trait I can get behind."

Tired of him long ago. I am down for him getting a redemption arch. Like being the one to punch Eun-sung's lights out.


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It’s time we get the villain origin story. I don’t see someone pulling off 20 years of deceit unless it is for reasons we cannot comprehend. I just don’t see it.


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Yes, there is definitely a story - and it must have been horrible and humiliating since she hates them SO MUCH.


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re: point 6 - apparently grandpa did want to legally marry Mistress Snake ten years ago but Beom-ja intervened (thank goodness for that because who knows how much more trouble the Hongs would be in if this woman was legally their stepmother/step-grandmother).


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2) Thank you for knowing there is a literal sense of pathetic that doesn't mean "contemptible", but "stirring feelings of pity and compassion". In Danish, that meaning has near completely vanished in my life time, and sinse we already had a word that meant "contemptibly lacking as a person esp. morally", I feel a loss.
Pathos, and pathetic, two nice words to have and use.


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There's a whole thing about communicating when drunk.
Hyun-woo was using a tried communication method when he went to her door and acted cute outside, charming all of us.
Remember, he planned it before going: "If I go home drunk now and act all cute, do you think she will take me back?"
Yes, she will. Yes, she did. It worked.


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When I started watching, I cared only about the romance and not the other plot points, but now, I care about all the characters and the entire plot.

💯👌 So very true. For me, I didn't even realize when I got soooo invested in ALL of them. The dads bonding really makes my day. 😊 Perhaps the moms will too.


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I yelled half heartedly at Beom Ja, girl you have been married 3x, but I was also like girl you better get Yongduri Leslie Chung.

As for Hae Won and Hyun Woo they still very rarely talk to each other, a lot of their convos involve them talking at each other. The only real communication they had was about the wounds. That being said we are making progress.

Ahhhhhh Soo Chul,😭😭😭😭😭.

I cried a lot these episodes, but I love this show so much, even though these episodes were a lot of filler.


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I love the Leslie Cheung reference - they even played a little of Leslie’s song (Love of the Past) after Beom JA’s second meet with him outside his house.

They did cast Kim Young Min for a reason.


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lot of their convos involve them talking at each other

Yes. Thank you. Exactly that!! The talking at each other is precisely what gets my goat. Grown-up capable individuals who communicate effortlessly and effectively in their work lives find themselves unable to communicate in interpersonal relations.


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God, Soocheol is such a lovable fool. And omg, I love Haein and Hyunwoo so much! The post-divorce clarity really did more to rekindle their feelings than a terminal illness. I love how time and time again we see them choose each other, and why they fell in love in the first place. They still struggle with miscommunication, but they both now have a clarity that it's out of love and not malice. And if they can work through it this time around...Also, Mama Baek is literally best mom and MIL ever.


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I'm seriously in love with this show. The plot moves quickly and it's not the same tropes again and again.

BaekHong chenistry is lovely, Hae-in treating Hyun-woo with the ointment has been one of my favourite scenes.

And I'm so happy that Kim Ji-won is receiving all this love. She deserves the world and is also so beautiful.


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It's a lot of the same tropes ... but with a twist!
Like falling in someones arm in that romantic, tango-like position ...and then it's the mothers who do that!


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Episode 9 is great.,episode 10 is a total FIRE🔥 …arrrgghhhh..this is insane..and i keep remembering about how HaeIn saying ILY when she got no memory.,while Hyun Woo said ILY when hes on drunk..damn..i think this is even more beautiful than saying it directly..coz at the end of the day, it about ur heart.❤️ i might be crazy waiting for the next episode..f### !!!! And about the rating.,Next week..,QoT will definitely break and dethrone CLOY records and becoming the new highest viewership rating kdrama in TVN history…!


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The scene with "water from the Alps" and subsequent smack and subsequent "She doesn't hit me" made me roar with laughter, I think all the neighbours heard me!
I loved all the emotions and the shenanigans in these episodes.
And I loved how Soo-cheol loves the baby, even if he was told it's not his son. He is a lousy businessman, but he's a great husband and father.
The only thing that doesn't entirely convince me is the age difference between parents and children. Hyun-woo's hyung looks the same age as dad (in real life he's 7 years younger), and Daddy Hong and Grandpa also look like they have similar ages (in real life there is only an 8 year difference).


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One KDrama rule that'll help over time: Don't bother checking the real ages of the actors casts as parents and children.

The popular Jumong or Prince of the Legend. Jumong's mother(Oh Yeon-su) and Jumong(Song Il-guk) were of the same age as at the shooting of the drama - 31 years old.
The day I learnt that...I stopped checking actual parent-kid ages.
As long as the makeup department says so or the age the production gives the characters...I'm up for it.

Some people were complaining about Kim Mi-kyung having a 6 year difference with Uhm Jung-hwa and yet playing her mother in Dr. Cha. But then...I know it is a Korean casting thing. And Korean thing aside, a good make-up department can age a 20 year old to 60 without you noticing.

And you should also think about the time when Grandpa Hong began birthing his children. It is not using the current metric where people generally wait till 30s or 40s to have children. They didn't have to have their finance completely figured out before having kids. And the system wasn't as messed up as it is now.

Take out the age difference. And stay away from their real life ages :)


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I checked the real-life ages only because, to me, they don't seem credible as belonging to different generations.
Other than this, I still remember an actress whom I saw as an ajumma well over 30, and in the next drama she was a high schooler! But she was credible in both roles.
And then there are the ones blesses with good genes. I remember watching Lucky Romance, and my kid protested that Hwang Jung-eum was too ajumma for Ryu Jun-yeol, and they shouldn't have chosen a teenager for that role. And I had to tell her that he had just played a teenager in Reply 1988, but his real age was adequate for the character and, in fact, he was only 2 years younger than his costar. She continued to protest, though...


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Oh! I replied to Jerry without reading your reply... but we're totally on the same page. 😊


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Good rule to follow, especially for K-dramas which tend to cast 30+ actors as high schoolers.


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Apparently that comment about Hyun-woo not having been beaten up by Hae-in was totally ad-libbed by Kim Soo-hyun!! 😊


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As RL took over in the last month or so, I only binge-watch this now. It surely is a well done drama. I’b been wondering how this story would unfold on the premise of a married/divorced couple. The only other kdrama with a similar beginning is Alone In Love and I now wonder if they would only reveal the circumstances of the baby loss in the final like AIL.

The ending of Ep 10 and its epilogue reminds me the great romances that drew me into kdramas in the first place. Now, another six days for the new episodes.


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Would you recommend Alone In Love?

I enjoyed shows like Matrimonial Chaos, Go Back Couple, Cunning Single Lady, Once Again, etc, but they have a very different vibe from QoT. So I don't really feel like rewatching them righ now, but I kinda want to watch more dramas about marriage/divorced couples.


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Alone In Love is a quiet and contemplative piece, not the standard Korean drama fare. It’s not about second chance but rather in many ways an anatomy of why and how a marriage falls apart.

I was relatively a kdrama newbie when watching it around 2008 (it’s a 2006 production) and was struck by how artsy it is - but it may not be everyone’s cup of tea. For a non-spoilery review, please check out Serendipity’s review at https://thundie.wordpress.com/2012/06/05/alone-in-love/

Serendipity used to be a DB contributor.


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This sounds like my kind of show.


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I loved Cunning Single Lady.
Go Back Couple is on my *list* ... when to watch is the question. 😊


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So much great stuff!

First up the COMEDY:🤣 We knew there was going to be lots of fish out of water jokes but some of my fave moments were:

1. Dad asking for lip balm. Love that K-drama men care about being moisturised even in a crisis.
2.  Hae-in ripping Hyun-woo's tie and shirt off before he could do anything (I mean, ahem, legit checking for damage after the fight😁)- thanks babe, we are all grateful. I was laughing, but also I Did. Not. Blink (didn't want to miss anything!)

3. Bro insisting not just on bottled water but on sparkling water from the Alps. Even better was Dad telling them it could also be from Australia or Germany, because he didn't want the Baek's to think they were super fussy! Lol.
4. Also loved getting to see the origin story of Hyun-woo thinking he was so cute when drunk (of course it would be Hae-in related, but nicely done). Added bonus of seeing another man actually do something about casual sexual harassment for once. No wonder the other female staff were swooning.💖🤣


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re: 2 - that whole scene is priceless, starting from her tearing outside as soon as she hears him come in to worried/concerned Hae-in practically breathing fire at the idea of Hyun-woo getting hurt (and of course, checking for damage while she was at it - the way she went at his tie had me swooning, it conveyed exactly what it needed to from both of them)

re: 4 - the first "I'm so cute when I'm drunk" wail was funny, but the story of how it came to be that way was beyond adorable, Baek Hyun-woo being her literal white knight and unlocking his 'superpower' that way.... I completely understand Hae-in, lol. Also it's just so cute to me that they were dating but kept it secret from their colleagues.

(I can't relate to Korean work-related-drinking culture specifically, but I certainly can relate to being pushed to drink by bosses at work parties/dinners. It's not fun, I've felt her distaste for the whole idea on my own face a lot at a similar age)

And then of course he had to go and do the present-day drunken leaf confession, Hae-in is a stronger woman than any of us would have guessed for not just flinging open that door and springing straight into his arms.


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He said from the start that he had the info (of cute-when-drunk) from Hae-in.


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2. Also Hyun-woo getting hot and bothered with the frisking. 🤣


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Next the DRAMA! :
I found myself zoning out of the business takeover plotting - it just wasn't that interesting but the gist of Team Baek-Hong vs Team Psycho mum and son worked well.

The idea that Queen consort and her slimy son started to diverge in their agendas was good, but my god the writer captured how toxic and dangerous Eun-snake was so well in the dialogue.

When he told Hae-in - 'don't turn me any more evil... Keep acting this way if you want me to make those you love miserable'. it was such classic victim blaming and very much in the DV catalogue of 'look what you made me do'.

As if she is responsible for his actions and choices!! The nerve. Also a good reminder that abusive people often present in charming and attractive packaging.

It made Hae-in's improvised live reveal of his threats at their press conference all the more satisfying though. Nice work, girl boss! 👏


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Overall, I'm still fully invested in this pair, desperately want more than 2 eps a week and am dreading the darkest before the dawn beat that we know will be coming somewhere in Eps 12-14...

But most of all I NEED that final dawn. If these two are not end game together and it goes all tragic romance on us, I may have to learn enough Hangul to send writer-nim a strongly worded email 😁🤣


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I’m 100% sure writer-nim will deliver a happy ending - this is after all the bigger hit she and the production company aim at post-CLOY.


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It's very much like King Lear. Once they've got power, they turn on each other


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Totally - it's a classic 'go to bed with dogs, don't be surprised to wake up with fleas' as Shakespeare said (not!).

He did write "Hide not thy poison with such sugar'd words" though, which fits Queen consort well....


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👏👌 great references by both of you. 😊


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It is the start of him losing control of things. They never really counted on Hyun woo being this good at what he does.
This is why Grace was so upset that Hae in did not marry someone she recommended. They need someone broke, dumb and easily controllable. Hyun woo was middle class, smart as hell with morals to boot. They thought getting him out the house would be the end of it and it was not. That is why, to me, why Eun sung is acting this desperate. The takeover didn't go as planned, Hyun woo is clean as a whistle and still a thorn in their side, Hae in didn't come into his arms out of necessity and his mother is not listening to him and now Hae in put him on blast to the media. He is cornered and it is only gonna get worse for him. Remember the scene when he outed that owner having a mistress to get the store in the Queen's mall. That is gonna come back and bite him in a big way as well.


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this weekend was a mixed bag for me. felt like ep 9 was the worst episode but then got whiplash because ep 10 was so stellar, had me giggling and kicking my feet. finally!! the com in romCom is com-ing!!!!

random thoughts while watching cuz my brain all over the place (most of this is about ep 10 cuz i cant even remember what happened in 9 it was so boring)

haein, my tiny bossy non-wife. when she aggressively started undressing hyunwoo <_<;; pleaseeeee make out, i beg

why is hyunwoo’s yongduri room always so bright? i thought it was night time? dont tell me it's cuz there’s street lamps outside cuz there’s just too much light!! every single time they are in that room, it’s suddenly daytime. show also has the audacity to do a lens flare?! lol wtf

curious why hyunwoo didn’t fire secretary kim for his betrayal? is he secretly a double agent now? seeing secretary na with haein outside of work was so cute!

loving insane eungsung. he wants so badly to be a knight in shining armour. he’s so messed up but that’s what makes him fun to watch.

baek family really shined this weekend!! baek momma! i loved all her scenes, easily the best of the baek family!!

the baek siblings are actually a bit more complicated than i initially thought. they were sort of shallow and only interested in haein’s money but they do care about hyunwoo. miseon noona was so bitchy with haein cuz she worries about her brother falling for someone who didn’t even get jealous (not that it’s right to do that but yknow i get her). i didn’t expect the hyeontae and soocheol to bond but i am really looking forward to more of it

the only member i still havent warmed up to is baek dad. i dont really get the village head plotline, it hasn’t been adding to the plot. (speaking of things that haven’t been adding substance to the plot, beomeok wyd? what if he’s actually bad too? i’d love to see that twist happen)

am i the only one to find it weird that the hong parents don’t care much about their grandson? granted, gunwoo isn’t blood-related but like?? they showed no concern?

soocheol messaging dahye about gunwoo’s immunization was actually so tender. and him crying while singing babyshark had be rolling!! i am dying for their reunion. i know he’ll love her still, but i so badly want to see him being taken aback by her real personality too~

also dahye, my girl. lol “threw away everything but i need to keep this gaming account cuz i got all the items”. i relate sooooo hard

i was very pleasantly surprised haein didn’t do the noble idiot trope!! she really saw eunsung and said naw pass let’s not. the first half of this series i was decently able to predict what was gonna happen but now i cant and thats exciting c:

episode 10 has my favourite epilogue ever. hyunwoo kabedon with the pushy manager LMAO? when hyunwoo put his hand on haein’s cheek i almost started sobbing. they! are! so! cute! also not sure why but the funniest part of this episode was when drunk...


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wow i didnt realize i hit the cut off limit. i forgot what i wrote in the last line.....

something about hyunwoo grabbing the 2nd twig outta his pocket being so f-ing hilarious to me? c:


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Me too, when I saw he was preloaded with multiple branches I cracked up!
The daylight brightness of that window is killing me, too!


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I third the daylight brightness in Hyun Woo's room 😖😖


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I fourth!


Fifth! 😊👏

Good catch.


"he wants so badly to be a knight in shining armor"!!! You've captured it exactly!! Meanwhile, he is the dragon trampling on people and destroying everything they've built!


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you've just planted a wild idea in my head. what if moh seulhee is actually the eldest son's accomplice?! it could also mean that he is eunseong's biological father. he was shunned from the family about ten years ago. so it could be that they had a secret affair and love child from before she even met the grandpa chairman. moh seulhee was operating from a place of some level of power since the beginning, since she was able to get her son adopted by a couple in america, and after the adoption, they suddenly became wealthy and started living a lavish life. there's no way she doesn't have one more accomplice in this, and that accomplice is some rich and powerful. okay, this isn't a fully fleshed out thought yet, but i can certainly see this happening, and it would be an amazing twist bc everyone is expecting the eldest son to come through and save the queens family.


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this would mean eunsung is haein's cousin? ohhhh, that's interesting in a messed up way.

i can't recall but i think that seulhee joined up around the same time that the oldest son was kicked out, no? both happened around 20 years ago? maybe they messed up their coup and one of them had to take the fall so he did. now he's their outside help perhaps?


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The viewer has been told several times that Seul-hee has been associated with the family for '30 years". Eun Seong asked her if she remembered everything she "lost the past 30 years).

it's not clear when she actually moved into the house (she said 25 years ago). Grandmother died 20 years ago and Uncle was kicked out 19/20 years ago. if they were working together currently, why would she be warning people about how bad he was. Grandfather always, always takes her advice/shaman's advice - it would have been easy to bring him in if that was their plan.


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The reference to 30 years by Eun-who could just be his whole life as he was perhaps abandoned at birth. If I'm not mistaken he was born in jail.


I've been trying to figure out how Uncle fits into the picture - to the point I created a table with dates going back 34 years to when Mad Moh (my new name for her) was imprisoned for adultery (and she's been associated with the Hong family for 30 years).

This means i did research as well on the actor who portrays Uncle Beom Seok - the handful of articles that mention him (based on pr releases) all say that he (and Beom-ja) are BOTH at odds with Moh - so my current operating thought is that they are not currently working together. We'll have to wait for more flashbacks.

Others here on DB have also speculated about his relationship to her - but the thought of the ewwwww factor with hae-in always got in the way. Therefor, I find it difficult to believe that if Eun Seong is his son, Uncle is aware of that - he would never have been willing to use him as possible hook-up with Hae-in.

But the theory that fits best is that indeed Uncle is the man she had a fling with and she was charged with adultery when 4 months pregnant. If Eun seong is his own son, I don't believe he ever knew it. Uncle would have been mid-'20s at the time and perhaps off to required military service or hauled back to the corporate world. At 4 months, her pregnancy would not be visible.

Mad Moh said to Eun Seong: "Don't think it's unfair (kicking the family out). we're just changing the order of things".

The kind of thing she would say if in her mind, the proper "order of things" was for the son of the eldest son to take his rightful place as heir.

Not to mention the fact that lots of people die or are poisoned (including, possibly Hae-in's miscarriage) who are within her orbit.


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Notice how Hae-in called Hyun-woo "my husband" instead of "my EX-husband" during the press con. Anyone betting she hasn't formally submitted the divorce papers yet? Or probably because divorce papers in SK don’t take effect until 1-3 months after passing it. Or I’m just hoping for another Corn Salad appearance🤷 Because it’s just irritating seeing her constantly reminding Hyun-woo about being divorced yet she has no hesitation in tending to his wounds and still being comfortable with her in-law’s and of course, the epilogues already speak for themselves. But atleast the show now has an excuse to turn Eun-snake into full villain mode now.

I really enjoyed both the dad’s convos. They pretty much get along very well (unlike the moms) and feel the same way in regards to losing their respective positions, as well as Daddy Hong’s reflection on his connections completely abandoning him despite helping them out in the past.

Grace can’t be gullible enough to think that her assists immediately gets rewarded big time, but even if she was threatened with the tax evasions, she’s still a bit unpredictable when it comes to the Finding Chairman situation. And why did Beom-ja and Hyun-woo brought her to the private investigator’s place? I feel that might be a problem especially if Ms. Mistress finds out.

Soo-cheol is obviously the biggest loser in all of this, but when it comes to daddy duties and being husband, he definitely thrives. He truly cares and loves Da-hye and Geon-u even after getting completely duped. 😔


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Grace needs to suffer the anger of those people divorced because of her and there should be no getting around the taxes owed to the government.


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@aunttim Reappearances by Corn Salad are always welcome. 💖


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long live Mr Corn Salad <3


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"But atleast the show now has an excuse to turn Eun-snake into full villain mode now."

*sigh* do we really need more villainy. 🤦‍♀️🙈


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I like the pairings - BaekHong's fathers and Hae In's mother with Hyun Woo's sister. I only realized now how the fathers have a little something to talk about and relate to after the loss of their positions. Made me roll my eyes and chuckle at how unaware Beom Jun is about his former rich life vs ordinary people and Du Gwan's reaction to all his lamenting.

I'm positively dying to see Seon Hwa's makeover! She came to Mi Seon's salon twice! But no new hairstyle. I would love to see her impressed with the new look and to soften more towards Hyun Woo's family. It was actually a bit cute to see her sleeping comfortably and hugging her pillow (her husband's lol). I hope to see her character growth before the end of this show.

Oh, I almost forgot about Beom Ja and Young Song! They started off pretty cute with his mother involved.

It was so good watching Hae In shock Eun Seong, announcing the truth and her own secret so he couldn't wield them. And for Hyun Woo to witness it all! It was important to her that she is the one to take charge and get a handle on her family's situation and not have Hyun Woo take a hit.

Now's the time for Hyun Woo and Hae In to team up. He's not going to stay back and not help her. She knows that he still loves her. I wish that they will tell each other their real feelings soon. I like the wistful tension between them and I'm not yet tired of it, but it's time for the next step. They have passed by her initial anger about the divorce. They need to resolve their misunderstandings and fight against the villains together. The writer will have to keep a balance between maintaining the tension/thrills and not making things too easy. And their blissful moments shouldn't be all in the past like the epilogues. This week's one got me good. /tears/ It was longer than usual too.


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Hyun-woo is one step ahead of Eun-maniac at all times and he doesn't even know it yet. Love it.


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Some are speculating the Crash Landing On You couple will make some sort of cameo.


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Here's hoping!


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OK, late to the game on this show. Slogged through the day from binging all 10 episodes yesterday. What made me procrastinate was that I thought it was going to be like "It's Ok to Not be OK" with the visual of KSH. How wrong was I. What eventually drew me in was the cameo of all cameos of my boy Vincenzo! What was fun for me was diagramming the "venn diagram" as @unit put it of SJG and all the characters from his shows that are in this one.

As for these two episodes, a couple of things. Was the embezzlement of money (slush fund) by the chairman real or was that fabricated? Do the Hong's still need to atone for this if it is real?

Kwak Dong-yeon's Soo-Cheoul character has firmly typecast him for me. He played a variation of this in Vincenzo. He's so good at playing this role! Further, I see that most are assuming Da-hye will rbe redeemed and he will take her back. However, I can't see how she will be accepted by the family as she was DIRECTLY involved in almost getting Hae-In killed by that boar. Also, I first thought that the kid was Eun-sung's.

Getting back to the cameo by Vincenzo, I know these cameos are usually one and done. BUT I can dream that he does make a reappearance and he goes about doling out his brand of justice in the end. Spear of Atonement, anyone?


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Yes, I think the slush fund is real and Huyn-woo and the Hongs are going to put their heads together and find it. I am also down for a Vincenzo reappearance.


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Wishful thinking on this cameo but Song Hye-kyo playing her Glory character being brought in by Hyun-woo to protect him from Vincenzo... =)


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lol yeah that would be wishful thinking indeed!


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And do it without telling SJG that she's doing the cameo. First time Vincenzo shows real fear... =)


Incidentally, it turns out Song Joong-ki's first ever on-camera appearance with a spoken line, was in a 2007 drama called Get Karl! Oh Soo-jung. The part was so small that his character didn't even have a name, and isn't listed in his filmography. https://www.soompi.com/article/1523360wpp/song-joong-ki-talks-about-the-first-time-he-stood-on-camera-and-recalls-a-memorable-moment-from-filming-vincenzo

and guess who the writer (1 of 2) was?


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The "everything is connected" happens IRL too not just dramas. 😊


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lol now I want Song Joong-ki as the lead in a PJE drama

he's not done a proper romcom since Sungkyunkwan Scandal (14 years ago!) and as that drama and the funnier parts of Vincenzo showed, he can certainly do comedy if given the chance.


Ah! Kol!! I would want to watch that. 🥰👍👏


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Moments from this week's eps that shattered my soul:

-Soocheol sending Geon-U's vax records through the game, proving that hes the best father ever :')
-"I love you, Hae-in ah" (ARGH)
-Hyunwoo & Mom crying over Hae-in's illness (Double ARGH)

We need to get eunseong in jail and focus solely on BaekHong's relationship in the upcoming 6 eps cuz I was promised a story about a marriage in crisis, not whatever eunseong is doing.


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I caught up to y'all! Episodes 3-10 watched While I Should Have Been Sleeping. And though I'm in luuuv, my god, this will be my Bean of Tears. But I'm not complaining. Sniff. Sniff.

One good aspect of binge watching in such a short span is the necessary ffw’ding all the parts I dislike (sorry but still quite a few) but noticing that they become fewer as the show progressed, a good sign. I even started liking a few side plots (a quality of a good weekender as Blue said). Oh, and the list of points that don’t make any sense, all forgotten in my haze. LOL.

Another aspect is missing out on TeamHyun-woo vs TeamHae-in. The show seemed to flip flop these two perspectives so before I could stew about one, I’d already binged to the next one. 😂 Anyway, since romantic melo is my catnip, I don’t mind them taking their time getting together. Their angst is so beautiful. Do Cry For Me some more Hyun-woo! But yes, I’d be ever so sad if they don’t get a happy ending and we don’t get to see them enjoying it together.

I don’t like Mommy Hong. Alas, I know she’ll get redemption. The seeds have already been planted. Strangely, while I know she’s Evil Ms Girlfriend, I felt a bit sympathetic. How lame was their treatment of her for so long? I hope we get more of her backstory.

@unit I am so glad to be in your recaps again. It’s a joy to read them.


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at the end episodes 10 just Haein being Haein, You ROCK girllLL !!! yeahhh... ^^ love you my girl, just like you said you will make up everything in your way, and the solution is just blow ES's mind.
for Soocheol you will be happy end, I'M sure for that. DH will comeback with GW and you will have the happy family after that, so just endure your pain right now.
Haein Omma can make little adaptation with her life, but she is so cruel to Haein as always just make me angry, she will regret soon when she find HI illness.. thanks HI have omma in law who really nice and know her illness then protect her to not being ommaless at this point.
"Saranghae, Haein-ah" ohhhh.... this line and how HW said that line with such a shaking voice just make me saddddd....but I'm so glad HI heard that.
for ES, just go away from our OTP please, you are not invited at all.


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Thank you, Unit, for the recap. They're only divorced on paper, lol. Everything else is the same, unless Hae-in wants the momentary upper hand. LOL.
I try to remember, the only person that was likely an example of love during her formative years was Aunty B, who can emotionally chaotic, haha. Hyun-woo has a much more stable base, but he's so unequipped to handle the pride and harshness that comes with the Hong family dynamics. Whenever Hae-in softens even a little, he has no problem expressing himself and being the man she desperately needs in her life. He's the warmth & sunshine that gives her joy.
Da-hye, is likely a product of a harsh survival of the manipulative mentality. I think this time away from Soo-cheol is what she needs to appreciate that his love was real and without it she feels empty. His heart will make up for what he lacks. Hopefully when she returns, she won't feel the need to pretend to be what or who she's not.
Watching Soo-cheol cry saying she forgot to take him. Reminds me of the song by Streisand/Gill "if you ever leave me, will you take me with you.."


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@tmeck I have to believe that Da-Hye giving Soo-Cheol her real name spoke of an inner desire to be seen. She remembered him from their childhood, would he do the same? Her disappointment when he breezed on by without a second glance in her direction was palpable. This, along with the fact that he didn't recognize her name at their blind date were little jabs at her self-worth, reminding Da-Hye of how unnoticeable and unworthy of note she was to him. Part of this revenge is to make him remember and finally see her, I think. She loves the goof and gets offended when he doesn't take care of himself. I wonder how she'll process the realization that she has given him the worst and most unexpected blow.


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I think it's not only making him remember, it's also her fear that he'll reject her again once he learns who she really is (I mean, he repeatedly said as a kid that he refused to marry her, lol)


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@vienibenmio True lol, but if she really wanted him not to recognize her, she would have just used a different name. Giving her real name was to test the extent of his flippancy. Clearly, Soo-Cheol failed, making him almost deserving of the con in her eyes. As Da-Hye pointedly stated, "it's a dog eat dog world." The problem is that he's too simple-minded, earnest and she grew fond of him.


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Good point, but I think the fact that he didn't remember her also shows her that she was insignificant to him and, thus, meaningless. I think she was fond of him even from childhood, hence why it hurt her feelings so badly that he didn't remember her.


It's clear that she wanted to be remembered and she was disappointed that he didn't, but that's just Soo-cheol. I don't think he ever learned to care about anything or anyone until she appeared the second time. For whatever reasons this opportunistic person she became, she always had a soft spot for him.
Not to condone her decisions, she accepted him - didn't make him feel worthless like his parental figures, helped him learn to love, and gave him a purpose. Her absence my force him to mature.


I agree with all other beanies have mentioned.
I fear we are being spoiled by this show and it's going to be a hard drop back to reality once it has finished.
One thing I want to mention is besides the beautiful OST, the fantastic use of instrumental music, different genres or styles and sound effects being used to really elevate the scenes.
Sometimes it's hard to notice when you are focused on the characters, acting and it's very subtle and cleverly done. It's easier to pick up and take more notice of it on a rewatch. It really adds another layer to the show.
For example at the start of episode 9 when the Hong family arrive in the countryside and all slither out of the van, well apart from Hae in. At the start Hyun woo's family are unaware they are in the van, they are very concerned about HW asking him so many questions and commenting on the way his ex's family have treated him. Then his in-laws one by one get out of the van and in the background there is a wild west, gunfight showdown style of music which I think makes the scene that much more hilarious.
The production of the show along with so many other elements is really well done. It should be a basic 101# in teaching how to make a great old school kdrama.


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Also, thank you Unit for the fabulous recaps :)


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thank you for the funny recaps @unit. i hope your drone of curses finds eun-snake soon and rain heaps of curses upon him.
But more importantly, we get a drunk Hyun-woo in the present day confessing his love for Hae-in in front of her closed door. Hae-in hears him, of course, and that press conference was her “I love you too.” This is romantic and all, but I am a simple person, so I need them to say their I love yous to each other without the liquid courage and grand gestures. --> also me. i'm at that point of shipping BaekHong, a married couple at that, where i just want to smoosh their faces together and yell "just kiss!" to them. When Hae-In was checking Hyun-Woo for injuries I just wanted her to kiss him senseless.


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Yessss just go for it. 👍💪


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I agree, that 'gunfight' music made me laugh. Also did you notice the end of ep 10- that music reminded me of the 'Jaws' theme, and they had rippling water ominously on the screen behind them...


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Yes and the real da..da..da moment was flipped in expectations because it was when Hae in came to podium and outed Eun song. It was very subtle and well done.


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@mazarin @MrsBuckwheat that's a really good catch and I'm going to add it to my arsenal of Hong Hae-in Was Planning This All Along evidence.

Eun-sociopath really forgot who he was dealing with and was dumb enough to think she'd choose him over a brain tumour.


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the "gunfight" Ennio Morricone-style music is the Hongs' theme lol, we last heard it as they were getting out of their helicopters for the hunt in episode 2 but it's particularly well-deployed here when they look like the opposite of what they were then, having come down in the world like this.


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Wooooot, shout-out to Ennio Morricone 👏🏽 I love Beanies ❤️🎶❤️


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I hope we hear it once more when the Hongs take Team Evil down, with special focus on Beom-ja ❤️


@pogo1 I will look forward to Beom Ja wearing an animal print western jacket with long fringes for that!


@bbstl - why do I now picture Beom-ja lassoing Mistress Snake and tying her up to leave for the wild boars to find??!


@pogo1 Yee Haw! 🤠


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@pogo1 bbstl I can only clap in admiration of your vividly imagined and highly anticipated takedown of Team Evil. Just hope it happens sooner than later!! 👏👏👏👏💪❤


Background score can really make or break a scene. You have picked the perfect example.

Those comic / cartoon sounds in Lovely Runner are also hilarious.


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BaekHong's divorce is definitely not divorce-ing. That is why I adore them despite their miscommunication and denseness. They still genuinely love each other and I am happy that they are both finding it out.
Soo Cheol dearly love his wife and son. I sure hope Da Hye comes back to beg for forgiveness and save him from his downward spiral.
I can't wait for Aunt Beom Ja to find his father next week. And hopefully the foreshadowed love line will be a sure thing in later episodes.
I do not care much for Eun bastard and Ms
Girlfriend. But I am happy that they are on the outs. They will get their comeuppance soon.
Another thing I want to see is for Mommy Hong to change her attitude towards her daughter. Poor Hae In need less stress in her life as she deal with her illness.


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I keep getting Cinderella vibes. While Hae In was certainly not dressed in rags, she was neglected and isolated. She was able to keep her real identity secret at first. Her older brother abandoned her through no fault of his own, like Cinderella's father. As a result Hae In's mom behaves like an evil stepmother while spoiling her other child. Hae In has a father, but her dad might as well be absent for all of the support he offers. Her other brother is not cruel but he does dismiss her business acumen and whines when he doesn't have his favorite luxuries. Hyun Woo is the altruistic prince who first noticed and then loved Hae In for who she is and rescued her from loneliness. He even brings her shoes that fit. Missing a fairy godmother here and a bit of a stretch but I've been reminded of the old fairy tale and it's been mentioned in the dialogue a couple of times.


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Thats so true, well spotted.


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My theory is mum is either insecure or she has similarities to HI which makes their characters clash. I think deep deep deep down in the very bottom of her heart she does love HI but she’s absolutely awful at showing it.


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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Hae In is like her mom and Soo Cheol is like his dad, but HI is smarter and more soft than her mom and SC is much better father than his dad.


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"she has similarities to HI which makes their characters clash"

I think you're on to something. Very astute observation.


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One half of a clashing daughter-mother duo present here 😆✅


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Omo ... same same. 🙀😂


oh wow, that's a really good argument re: the fairytale/ Cinderella. The first episodes frame it like Hyun-woo was the Cinderella figure but there's a stronger case to be made for it being Hae-in, right down to the shoes he bought her (now sadly lost in a German street under the wheels of a German Truck of Doom along with their just-about-reviving romance - which is now back, but RIP Hae-in's comfy crystal-buckled shoes, they actually looked good with her vintage Hermes Hercyna suit)

While Hae In was certainly not dressed in rags

She may not be, but Hyun-woo thinks she is (repeatedly mistaking her no-doubt expensive vintage clothes as a sign that she can't afford anything else lol)


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I was so bummed with the shoes getting the TOD treatment, they were really cute shoes! Yes good point that he thought she was wearing rags full of holes!


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I get the symbolism of it but I'm also super bummed about the cute shoes meeting their end via ToD T_T. Still, better Hae-in's shoes than Hae-in!

Jokes aside, they looked more modern than the usual 5 inch heel - Hyun-woo may have started off their relationship totally clueless about fashion but he apparently picked up a thing or two in the intervening years, that crystal buckle and slight 'fancy' look to them made them coordinate really well with her outfits instead of looking like she forgot to change out of gym shoes.


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The shoes will be sorely missed. 😢


I do think Hyun-woo's mom is the fairy godmother. 🧚‍♀️😊


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Ooooh good point! Bippity boppety boo!


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Another entertainingly excellent recap @unit

“we’ll just focus on how super hot and sexy Hyun-woo is in the middle of all this plotting.”

It’s so adorable how HW be alpha-lawyering in one moment but turns into an obedient puppy the moment HI commands his attention. Maybe that’s how he endured her crazy family during their marriage, until he forgot his love and decided to call it quits.

Drama is having so much fun with all it’s tropes, i don’t even mind Eun-Sicko anymore. His face at the end when he goes ‘wait a minute’ was priceless. Psycho (and me for a minute) really thought he could threaten HI, who rejected Hercyna and her trillion dollar club in favor of her Queen instincts. Dude, she’s a Queen who will not be bullied!

P/s: mad respect to the dramaland Doc who did not break his patient confidentiality!


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I had an epiphany. Queen (Hae In) of Tears (Hyun Woo) 😮😂


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It’s brilliant right!


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@parkchuna I was cheering for the Doc, HIPAA was cheering, we were all cheering for him! 👏👏👏


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hurrah for the one doctor in dramaland with a spine! "nope you aren't her or her family, can't tell you anything" never mind if the Hongs are poor, he respects his patient more than the sociopath ever respected her.

it did lead to the 'marry me so I can become your guardian otherwise I'll ruin your husband' and from there to Hae-in's "bitch, you thought?!" reversal too so it's a great script move.


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Yass girl! Cheers too for the nameless hospital director who also rejected EunSick.


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Eun-sociopath's face when he realised he got played, was worth the rewind! Good job PSH. And lol he really thought before that Hong Hae-in, the Queen herself, was just going to stand by his side like some nice made-up doll as if she hasn't rejected him and everything he had to offer - Hercyna deal, previous proposal, even pre-Hyun-woo era 'crossing the line' - multiple times before he even backstabbed her family and threatened her husband - checkmate, slimy bastard! She'd literally rather die than marry you.

I actually like this drama for having its second lead be an obsessed sociopath whom the heroine has absolutely no feelings for - it creates a different (and more interesting) dynamic for our leads to have a common adversary than yet another 'oh no, I feel really bad but I must reject you/see you only as a friend' second lead thing. I mean, I can enjoy those too but Hae-in and Hyun-woo have enough going on in their own relationship without bringing that into play, it'd just be annoying. It reminds me a bit of The Tale of Nokdu, that way (a great and underrated drama).


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“She'd literally rather die than marry you.”
Yerp, so on point. ES is not a genius villain after all. How could one possibly think that ruining a girl and her family’s life is the way to win her heart. Love is blind but this is just bizarre.


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that's the thing, he doesn't even think he's going to win her heart - he tried in episode 8 but she said no way, divorce or no she doesn't want him and never did. She's shut him down every time he tried to 'cross the line', so he knows he's not getting anywhere with that.

In Eun-scammer's mind, his obsession+Hae-in's terminal illness+her family being effectively penniless right now = Hae-in won't love him but he can still "have" her 🤢🤢 via blackmail.

Too bad for him, he forgot she's clever, ruthless and he's already pissed her off before- he was just begging for her to publicly declare she prefers a terminal brain tumour (or several) to him.


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Any other person would literally "die" of shame after such categorical and repeated rejections - apparently not Eun-shameless.


Love may be blind. He's just delulu.


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Eun-delulu's face was most definitely "worth the rewind". 🙀 Way to go girl! 💪


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Park Sung Hoon is too good at this! I’d prolly hate him if haven’t seen him in other roles before.


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Same. For now I really really want him to do a swoony ML so that I can fangirl over him in peace and not feel guilty when those intense stares he gives Hae-in make my heart flutter.


@seeker I've liked PSH in other roles but got to admit I'm not seeing what you guys do as Eun-snake because the character is just SO smarmy and he's doing so well playing it.

for the record, I totally know what it's like to feel your heart flutter over a character who's a wrong'un, having chemistry with a protagonist - that's exacty how I felt about Arthdal Chronicles (Kim Ji-won's chemistry with cutie pie 'good twin' Song Joong-ki was sweet and charming but it was the scenes between her and psycho evil elf 'bad twin' Song Joong-ki that had me constantly in need of the "he's a dangerous madman who could kill her" reminders to self).


I meant he’s too good at the role that i feel like throwing something at the screen when he comes on. But i don’t hate him (as the actor) because my first lasting impression of him was from Into The Ring, where he was such a good guy that i kept getting confused by his The Glory character 😅

It’s kinda hard to disassociate an actor from their character, so i think the poor guy has been suffering a bit these days from being Eun Sick - fans keep scolding him and some ahjumma even whacked him on the back according to interviews..


@parkchuna lol no worries, I hope PSH picks up a good role next and the Eun-namecalling eventually stops. He's been a villain in two smash hits now, The Glory and now QoT. Time to get him a lighter role!


@pogo1 Maybe its just Park Sung Hoon. I didn't like what I saw of him in The Glory but I loved that befuddled psychopath in Psychopath Diary.


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yeah he's been likeable in other roles (even the two episodes of that exorcist drama which got cancelled) but in this one I'm just not feeling any of what I call 'wrongness chemistry' the way I did with Song Joong-ki as Saya in Arthdal Chronicles.

I think that's at least in part because Haein is written (and Kim Jiwon plays it) as her having basically no physical or even emotional reaction to him beyond the initial discomfort of seeing him in that first scene - her manner around him is so calm and collected even when he's trying to flirt with her or she's actually angry and about to take him down her mental focus is either just not on him or is totally on Hyun-woo (press conference scene). I mean, Eun-slime goes 'let me be the one at your side now' and HI's reaction is "I didn't divorce him so you could have a chance." (paraphrasing). It's the opposite of what happens with Hyun-woo - even when she's furious at him, her focus remains firmly on Hyun-woo and no one else.


Spot on with the lack of emotional or physical reaction @pogo1 I'm 💯 with you on that. There is minus zero "chemistry" with the wrong 'un. My fangirling 😍 is only for Park Sung Hoon and in no way, shape or form for Eun-who.


my first impression of him was as the playboy prince in Joseon Exorcist - all two episodes of it, PSH himself seems a real sweetheart.

what I call 'wrongness chemistry' is something that happens when two characters who are never ever going to get together in this narrative, end up having insane chemistry because the actors do. To bring it back to another Kim Ji-won drama, think like Choi Young-do and Cha Eun-sang in Heirs (he's terrible but Kim Woo-bin and Park Shin-hye's chemistry was next level). That's not happening here.


There is more happening in episode 10 than we are told. I'm going to split this up so it does not get too long.
Sequence of events of episode 10:
1. Eun-sophistry finds HI and tells her that she has to return in two days, or he will make everyone she loves miserable
2.HI tells HW that he cannot make promises about her- and wants him to promise!
3. (Ep9-10) HW gets reassigned/demoted due to 'malpractice' and becomes a pariah in the workplace. HW finds out ES and HI met. Battlelines are drawn with HW/ES
4.Secretary Na meets HI and gives her a box of stuff. "It's a violation of the labour laws" Secretary Na tells HI about the humiliation HW has received at work.
5.HJ calls Eun-delusional and asks about HW's malpractice case. Eun-misjudgement tells her it has not yet been finalised, but HW is going to prison.
6.HI warns off HW again, and says she will take care of her own life
7.(Shown in epilogue) HW gets drunk, ends up outside his bedroom/HIs room, declaring his love for HI
8.Mrs Baek follows leaves and discovers HI is sick. HI is asking doctor if there is possibly something else wrong
9.HW overhears that HI is at Queens. Secretary Na runs into HW and says "It's an emergency' and that its better that he does not know
10.HW runs after HI as HI tells E-slanderer that he has to keep his word
10. HW finds HI and first words are "How did you know" followed by "Why are you here"
11.HI publically tells press ES has threatened her/she is sick


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Episode 10 Part 2. For numbers see Part one, sequence of events, currently in moderation so this comment will be out of order sorry.
1.ES completely discounts HW in this conversation. Also, in least romantic proposal ever, ES tells HW that he is going to become her guardian. Revealing how horrible he is, he tells HW that he is going crazy not knowing what is happening to her - but ignores SC's exact same pain, and Lies To Him about DH!
4.HI is plotting. We don't yet know what or how. Is the violation of labour laws because Secretary Na had to bring the box, or because there are personnel records inside the box? and if so, whose?
5.HI later claims that this conversation was recorded by her.
7. sigh, I was hoping for a sober confession.
8. Mrs Baek is totally smiling when she follows those leaves. This has happened before. Maybe when HW ghosted HI? And what is doctors reply regarding the headaches?
9. What is the emergency that Secretary Na is referring to? Has the embezzling director finally spilled about the slush fund? Is there an audit team? Whatever it is, HW is following HI to talk to her about it
10. ES has already not kept his word- he failed to realise that HW was on the list of "those you love" and has started to make HW miserable- so HI is quietly mocking him. HW catches up with HI to talk to her about whatever the emergency is- but HW knows nothing about it so he stops talking but follows them into the press conference


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re: 10 - exactly. He considers Hyun-woo a nonentity when he's trying at the start to put his slimy moves on Hae-in, realises his mistake when he tries to put himself up as the next candidate to be Mr. Hong and she rejects him anyway, only to make an even worse mistake by threatening Hyun-woo and finding out at his own expense that Hae-in just used the opportunity to tell him to Eun-screw-yourself.

Hyun-woo and everyone else around Hae-in, seemed to believe she was about to engage in a bit of noble idiocy and sacrifice herself to disarm Eun-snake but she doesn't let the charade go on a second longer than she absolutely has to.


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Eun-screw-yourself is good!


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I aim to please ;)


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To be fair to HW, he tried his killer move- getting drunk and being cute right outside her bedroom door- and from his pov got zero response. He must have gone to bed very disappointed after that. And then the next thing he knows, she is hanging out with ES and having a press conference. So it looks a lot like noble idiocy, until it isnt.


@mazarin - it's actually late enough that he probably didn't expect a response because he assumed she was asleep and he's been mostly drunk-talking to himself all the way home.

I'm still too thrilled by Hae-in's very decisive noble-idiocy-refusal, I know we're both of the opinion she intended it all along (Eun-stupid was an idiot to piss her off and then leave her alone to plot) but I do think the little pause/zone-out after the canned bit of her speech was Hyun-woo related because she didn't expect him there in the first place and wasn't prepared for the sight of him leaving.




Seriously this is the kind of "decisive noble-idiocy-refusal" I can get behind. Dramagods please make it a legit oft-repeated trope. 🤞🙏


Seconded! Inspired choice of words. 👌


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Alright Show, you've convinced me that Hae-In and Hyun-Woo are perfect for each other, now what are you going to do about it? I cannot picture either of these two lovable blockheads with anyone but each other, so give them their happy ending, please.

This aside, I do foresee Da-Hye and Soo-Cheol making up, he loves that woman and little boy too much to let them go. I predict her return and aid in taking down the dastardly duo of Eun-Sucks and Mother Wench.


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There will be tears and rioting from me if this drama ends any other way besides Hae-in and Hyun-woo together, happy and ALIVE. Seconding the commenters from last week who hoped for, not a second wedding (the first one wasn't fake, they were really in love) but a cancellation of the divorce before it becomes final.

Da-hye is going to get herself on a flight back to Korea sooner than Team Evil thinks, and I'm with you in believing that she's going to be the one who helps nail the coffin shut on Eun-sicko, Mistress Snake and Dis-Grace. She may be a conniving wench herself but unlike Mistress Snake, she loves her child and sees that part of herself reflected in Soo-cheol (incidentally, what would even be the point of having the baby biologically not be Soo-cheol's? Counterproductive, if you ask me, especially if the objective was to create a tie to the Hong fortune)


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@pogo1 Pogo, as always I am here for the names lol

Something tells me that he isn't the father. Soo-Cheol loves him, but I think the truth of Geon-Woo's paternity might have added fuel in the fire, pushing Da-Hye to get out. Otherwise, why not stay and help the father of your child? Why jeopardize his future, and by extension, your son’s? In my mind, it's likely that Dis-Grace and High Mother Evil know the truth and would have held it over her had she stayed. This is an area that I'd happily be wrong in, though; Soo-Cheol just wants his son back. Ordinarily, there would be little chance in my mind that they would be able to move passed this, but he's a pabo enough for it to work.


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On one hand, she looked totally shifty during that lunch where Geon-woo's apparent lack of resemblance to Soo-cheol was called out so I can see what you mean...... on the other..... it just doesn't make sense?

She is of course a liar and is probably going to get smacked by Hae-in when she comes back, but she doesn't strike me as having cheated on him, like WHY would she not want a blood tie to the Hongs and who else's could the baby even be? (the only other male she's in regular contact with is Eun-psychopath EWWWWWWWW). Of course I could be wrong but I suppose I'll just keep scratching my head about this until the show settles it for us.


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I think the shifty look was a red herring. I think they want us to believe that he isn't the bio father, but he really is. I think she lied and said he wasn't so it'd be easier for her to cut ties


I think Grace is going to Double cross them. We only got one side of the conversation with Mrs Mistress. And that hospital was suspiciously empty.
Mrs Mistress must be preparing some sort of counter measure to Eun-Song refusing to go along with her plan. And she is the one with control of the shares, not him.


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Grace needs some form of public humiliation and preferably jail for what she's done (the way she dared to tell Hae-in to shut up). She's 100 percent going to double cross Team HongBaek or try, but what they don't seem to have planned for is Grandpa waking up (which he doesn't deserve to since he created this whole mess, though like @ Unit, I don't want auntie Beom-ja to be sad), he looks like he's halfway there.

The one to truly make the first break with Team Evil will be Da-hye, not Dis-Grace Go-Away-Please. She's the only one of the lot who truly cares for anyone in her life - her kid, and even if she's in denial about it, Soo-cheol. I mean, he's kinder and more genuine towards her than her so-called allies, that message about their baby's vaccination schedule (giving the lie to Eun-sociopath's claims that he was mad at her or wanted revenge) might be what tips the balance, and even better because none of them really see this coming.


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I'm all for Grace being disgraced preferably jailed! No last minute redemption / sob story please.


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@unit I scream in joy on reading your fantastic reports (just like you scream for KSH). Lol.

I loved how the writer's way of circling back on things like showing us the scene where Hae In finds drunk Hyun Woo cute. I also loved the acknowledgement of Hyun Woo's feeling pity only for her son before hearing about Hae In's diagnosis. Soo cheol's love may have made me cry again, but I always have wet eyes with this drama. You guys can all thrash away any refresh tears.

Eun cray cray and his mom's tussle was intetesting to watch. Why are all the people on the bad side delusional? Stupid of Grace to think she will be rewarded with Hae In's CEO position. This drama is so much fun. So much!


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oh yes I love the revisiting of past events too/fresh light being cast on them.

Like the episode 9 epilogue where Hyun-woo admits that teenage Hae-in (whom he didn't know was Hae-in, lol) was "totally his ideal type" (I'm translating literally) which is the opposite of what his noona told intern Hae-in when she attempted to buy her off to stop dating Hyun-woo. And then present-day Hyun-woo says he'd recognise her anywhere 😂😂 The one time I don't mind a past meet-cute, lol.

The bad guys' alliance is crumbling in slow motion. Oh, they're still snakes and Beom-ja needs to activate some of that supowered distrust of hers for Dis-Grace (I do not believe for a second she's actually gone turncoat) but they're absolutely going to come apart, starting with Da-hye.


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It is really fun revisiting the episodes to see how much details we missed on the first watch. A well written drama (like this) gives lots of such interesting tidbits on rewatches.


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It really does! The directors deserve serious credit for that too, there's so much to discover on rewatches even in the way things are shot and set up, or visual symbolism used, this is the kind of drama that really benefits from that bit of directorial flair (like Secretary Na and Secretary Kim speaking with Hyun-woo and Hae-in's voices - truly can't tell if that was written into the script or was a PD's choice).


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It was so very apt for a "visual" medium. I really liked that scene. I agree the direction has indeed raised the drama several notches above the written script.


basically there is a LOT to appreciate and rediscover as we wait for episode 16!


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Also takes the mind off the *nasties* as we concentrate on the good, better and best parts of the drama ... and there are many. 💃💕


P.S. rewatching and reliving the 10/10 mutual worry - Hyun-woo tearing into the house faster than wild horses when he comes back after Hae-in collapsed in episode 9, Hae-in flicking every light on and coming running out in ep 10 when she hears him pull in after his thug beatdown (both occasions involving them pulling each other into Hyun-woo's bedroom/Hae-in's current room to check how the other is doing), swoon!

PPS: Also did anyone else catch that Hyun-woo really did come home with egg on his collar that first time? It's clearly a dried egg stain on the right side, Secretary Na was clearly passing Hae-in fresh gossip since that's the same suit and shirt she sees him in when she reports seeing him 'covered in egg' (albeit Hyun-woo seems to have managed to remove the eggshell bits from his collar before going home and panicking over Hae-in).


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Literally the most "married" (allegedly) divorced couple ever.

Such a good catch about their similar responses and egg (!) on the collar. 🤣


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Also good it was egg and not lipstick coz then Hyun-woo wouldn't have lived to tell the tale. 🤣


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Hae-in seethes with jealousy every time any other woman so much as notices Hyun-woo is attractive, if there was lipstick on that collar we'd be holding funerals for whoever left it.

It makes her seemingly unfazed "go ahead, give his 'first love' the middle school teacher his number" act to Mi-sun in ep 9 especially impressive in hindsight.


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🙃😂 Well that did convince *some* people that the divorce was real. From what I could see - they're just acting more married now after the divorce.


What a ride these two episodes took us on. Started with laughing my everything off in one of the best comedy scene and finished with crying from one of the best romantic scene. Beanies are right, this is old school kdrama, the butterflies are flying wild and so are all the emotions, all at once sometimes. The only difference is that I didn't like the show from the start or I didn't understand them, as the writer maybe wanted us to hate one lead to understand and forgive the other. And rinse and repeat but for the other lead.
I started to love Haein, my "b!@&h" is what I like in a FL, a strong with but not so perfect woman with a big heart and capable of love. You know, like real women in real life. Unlike HER HUSBAND, she just reads the room/people very quickly, makes her mind fast and acts even faster. She doesn't waste time. That's how she was with Hyunwoo and with Eun-stink. That's how she acted with the miscarriage. She moved on so fast, no time for crying even though she was hurting. Some thing when she found out about the divorce. But this where I wonder if she is consistent because I believe that she realized that he had his reasons and she already forgave him but she is really protecting him from being totally devastated if she might not make it by divorcing him before. She thinks if they are already separated he will get over it easier. She read the room at the restaurant and later in the elevator after her family humiliated him at the office. She knew he was calling for her on the office rooftop. And she must know by now after everything that he's been doing. She told him that maybe it was better that they never met because they would not be so much in pain, but I think she thought of him in the future. Even him showing his jealousy is not something she enjoys anymore. It was a shock for me at the first watch to see her back away after hearing him say that he loves her in the epilogue. By the way, that whole epilogue was awesome and his gutted confession at the end was just perfect, hit all the right notes. I went back and watch his cute when crying scene from the first episode and it made so much sense to me because I really hated it when first watched it. He is so darn cute when he is tipsy, Haein was so right,, it is his superpower. So who and how can someone just back away from it and not just melt there on the spot? I think that might be the reason she backed away, she was still protecting him by divorcing him. She also read the room at the press conference and she just couldn't do it anymore because he was just so hurt and leaving, knowing how much he loves her from his confession also and that is why she called him her husband. His superpower worked!
I bet she didn't file the divorce and she changed the will already. If I am right, I just don't want to imagine what the scene will be when he sees that, I just know we all will be crying and they will be laughing at 30% ratings.
I cried so much when she thanked...


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I cried so much when she thanked her MIL on the tractor ride. What a powerful scene by two great actresses. That was her farewell, she wanted her MIL to hear it from her and being remembered by her.
I am happy grandpa woke up, let's end this mess so she can start getting healthy. I am with @unit here, don't care and don't understand much about how or if there is an easier way out at this point.
Father Hong doesn't seem to be doing much to get his life back but I suspect that the CLOY spies are cooking something, I don't think they are really MIA.
About Hong mom I have a few thoughts. This is classic old school mom-daughter love-hate relationship, have seen it in my tribe. Of course she loves her daughter but she loves herself more or loves the idea of being the women of the house and being wealthier. Giving it to her daughter means she gives it to another family (this is why they wanted the future grandaugher to still be named Hong). The love she gives to her son is actually for her own good. When this is over I wish the Baeks will move in that big house so that the MIL will make her "pay" till eternity for it and spoil the heck out of Haein.
Did I mention that Hyunwoo is so darn handsome? Well, if I did already I won't apologize because one cannot say it enough. And Haein so gorgeous? Sorry, but not sorry. What a power couple in beauty and acting.


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Mama Hong (her actual surname is Kim since they don't change it on getting married) is interesting because her treatment of Hae-in after her brother's death is the obvious Reason No. 1 why Hae-is the way she is.

Hae-in girl was NINE when this pattern started - first, her mother blaming her for her older brother's death (after she survived the incident that caused it), then consistently believing the worst of her after that and any attempts by Hae-in to defend herself or even refute the worst of what her mother claims (fortune teller nonsense like she's 'cursed her [younger] brother') clearly fall on deaf ears so after a point Hae-in stops trying, puts up a tough front and goes 'believe what you want'. This is a pattern that's clearly been in place for years if not decades by now, given Hae-in's personality.

And this is her mother, the person who's supposed to love her unconditionally - is it any surprise that when a similar crisis (losing their baby) strikes her relationship with Hyun-woo, she falls right back into the pattern she knows - accept him turning away from her, blame herself for what caused it (the baby) and put up a tough front to cover her own pain?

I do believe Hae-in's mother still loves Hae-in in her own way, but ma'am you mistreated your daughter for two decades, you do not have any right to feel jealous when she finally finds a better maternal figure than you! Hae-in marrying Hyun-woo was clearly a sticking point between mother and daughter since the former but she's so frustratingly stubborn and snobbish (though not without potential for redemption) that a come-down-to-earth in Yongdu-ri is actually a necessity for her at this point when it comes to basically everything about her life, whether it's her relationship with her daughter or the value of hard work. I think we're starting on that with Daddy Hong actually finding her fast asleep without the need for pills, but there's clearly some mutual love and concern still there, going by how fast she ran out of the room on hearing Hae-in was attacked by a wild boar and how Hae-in herself held off telling her parents about her illness at first because they've already lost one child and she didn't want to confront them with the potential loss of another.


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I think you are right to say that Hae-in did not start her take down speech intending to do so. Her exchanges with her mother, her mother-in-law , Hyun-woo and Eun-sung all suggest that she had made up her mind to sacrifice herself to protect her family and Hyun-woo.

Indeed, she was following the teleprompter right up to the point when she said "And Mr Yoon..." At that instant, she suddenly stopped. As you say, she stopped because she spotted a deeply hurt Hyun-woo turning to leave. She couldn't bear his hurt and quick as ever, changed her speech.

By the way, I don't think she has a recording of the conversation with Eun-sung but how is he to know that? An excellent bluff, if indeed it turn out to be the case.


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I'm not convinced Hae-in was ever actually planning on going along with Eun-creep's 'marry me or else I'll end your husband' proposal, brain tumour or no she wasn't having any of what he offered.

She lets people she loves believe the worst of her, while acting behind the scenes to protect or help them - and the delivery of that speech is what convinced me Hae-in walked into that room planning to yank the rug out from under Eun-snake by removing his leverage on her. She starts off reading stiffly and a bit formally, but once she hits the teleprompter part about 'going into the future together' with Eun-swindler, she zones out for a second and then comes back with her real speech - which, unlike her canned teleprompter read, is spoken with a level of confidence and emphasis that indicates she rehearsed it before i.e. this isn't a last-minute 'I can't do it' from Hae-in, she dresses for the assignment like she's going to war. That's what I think, anyway.


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I agree, HI was never planning to go along with it. I did an outline of the sequence of events in a comment above, and its clear from that that HI was plotting against ES from the moment he threatened her. At Number 4 she is getting an unexplained box delivered by Secretary Na, and at Number 5 she is (maybe) recording her conversation with ES.
She clearly tells HW that she prefers quick results, that she likes to be certain. So she does not want this to drag on. And I agree with you about the 'dress to kill' as well. The better dressed she is, the more dangerous.


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The better dressed she is, the more dangerous.

you said it, her office clocked it correctly last week!

She's ruthless when she's angry, and do we really think threatening her husband and trying to blackmail her into marriage after ruining her family would piss her off less than said husband hiding divorce papers from her??


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ES's problem is that he is discounting HW as part of the list of HI's "people that I love" The agreement ES (thought he ) made with HI was to not make the people she loved miserable if HI came back. But then he started to make HW miserable- by the demotion/humiliation at work-before the two days were even up. ES is assuming HW does not count, partly because HI has divorced him, but mostly because ES is deluding himself. Anyway, at the point that they are going off to the press conference and HI is telling him to "keep the agreement" ES has already broken the agreement, and HI knows it. So having ES say that he will keep the agreement just cements his position as a liar


@pogo1 @mazarin @sm
I never said that she intended to go along with Eun-stink. All that said was that I think she decided then to call him husband instead of ex-husband, when she saw that he was living. Maybe she intended to say that from the get-go but had to speed it up, maybe she was going to call him ex-husband if he didn't show up and saw him leaving or maybe she was going along with Eun-stink to buy time for Hyun-woo and was planing to oust Eun-stink from the inside (and continue to divorce HW so it would not hurt so much if she dies). We will find out probably this weekend but something changed in her plan when she saw him living and definitely calling him husband in front of him specially it's new and positive for the relationship. And that's because of his superpower from the night before.


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sorry for any misunderstandings, I read the part where you said 'she couldn't do it anymore' as referring to going along with Eun-skunk's plans for her, or considering it.


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a few disjointed internal fangirl screaming thoughts out of the way first, will come back to scream in the comments some more later

- HONG HAEIN FOR PRESIDENT PLEASE!!! What a reversal!! in one masterstroke our girl really said "you thought, bitch???!!" and "not my man, you don't!!!!!", she really pulled the entire rug out from under Eun-snake's feet by outing everything and removing any leverage he had on her personally (his face once he realised what she said, lol). He thought he had her - lol "wedding announcement" - he really was going to rely on the noble idiocy trope and was delusional enough to forget that Hong Hae-in even with a brain tumour isn't having any of him. I'm both in awe and in tears at how masterfully she played it.

We should have guessed something was up from the minute she looked at her insanely pointed Louboutin stilettos and started dressing for that press conference like she was going to war - more makeup than usual, for starters (and omg how flawless is the wardrobe on her) but it was still like watching a car almost go off a cliff until it pulls off a last minute turn to safety. I mean, not quite, given the circumstances, but you guys know what I mean. It was still both sad and worry-inducing to see how brittle she looked until she took the mic and dropped bomb #1 - I love how Kim Ji-won delivered the line and the way her voice sharpened on the word 협박 like "yes, reporters, please make a special note of this part". Also did anyone else catch the fact that Hae-in refers to Hyun-woo as her husband and NOT her 'ex-husband'? (subtitle was correct on that one) Former legal director, sure, she'll call him that, but that divorce, as @Unit says, was just not divorcing. No words for them looking at each other at the end I was in a puddle by then.

( @Mandy @gysgt213 and I even had a discussion in last week's comments about basically this exact possibility and we all called it correctly, she would ONLY do it if Hyun-woo was threatened and to get Eun-stalker off his guard, but it's a testament to Park Ji-eun's abilities and Kim Ji-won's delivery that it still absolutely floored me - SHE DID THAT!!!)


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more disjointed trivial notes

- episode 9 epilogue: lol Mr Baek Hyun-woo I love you but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that a hot pink iPod likely belonged to a girl, even if it hadn't been Hae-in's own!

(This is somehow even more endearingly oblivious than him thinking Hae-in was wearing old clothes and grandma-style outfits (in reality: vintage and Chanel tweeds) because she was poor)

I was DYING @ Yang-gi recounting how Hyun-woo searched the whole school for the girl like she was Cinderella and then going into how she was totally Hyun-woo's ideal type (extra funny in light of his noona's claims in the 'buy-her-off' flashback in episode 5) and how he'd totally recognise her if he met her again 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


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I've never loved a "fated love" connection as much as this one. Hae-in - Hyun-woo FTW!!


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Oh! and did anyone say Power Dressing! Dressed to Kill would be more apt perhaps. Totally crushed that fragile hope left in Eun-heartless' delu brain.


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also the villains' alliance is on track to crumble, and Da-hye already looked like the first crack. Of course Eun-sociopath lied to her and told her that Soo-cheol was on the warpath against her when that poor fool just wanted her back (the way that scene between him and Hyun-woo with Ho-yeol's baby towel went from comedy to tears as he started wailing about how his wife and son weren't there with him) but FOR ONCE those brain cells connect and he managed to use them to get a message to Da-hye!! (incidentally, how does she fit into the villain plan? She's clearly not Mistress Snake's bio kid )

On the subject of Eun-sicko, he's a walking red flag in every way and his 'feelings' for Hae-in are obsession - NOT love since he really doesn't care a rap for her as a person/her feelings/what she wants, note how every action he takes towards her is about what HE wants (including threatening her doctor - who, bravo for him, actually respected his oath of patient confidentiality), all of which is the polar opposite of how Hyun-woo or Hae-in operates when it comes to each other.

Also Eun-sicko was really about to blackmail her into marrying him but forgot she wasn't about to sit there like a trophy and take it, HAHA take that you slime I would support Hae-in if she decided to take that shoe of hers and stab him with it (as she says in episode 3 - Hyun-woo can get her off a final-days murder charge)


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"the villains' alliance is on track to crumble."

This is going to be so much fun to watch. I also hope we get to see some of Daddy Hong's revenge against some of the ones who turned their backs on him when he needed them. Going after people he feels betrayed him is after all his hobby.


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the snakes are going to eat their own tails and I will be here with a bag of popcorn to cheer when it happens <3
I loved the HongBaek dads' conference commiserating over losing their respective places in the world but I hope Daddy Hong gets to do some takedowns, also Grandpa needs to wake up and revoke that blasted Moh-Snake's power of attorney before kicking the bucket (sorry, Beom-ja, but he suckkkkkssss). Dad seems more genuinely caring towards his family and less about his ego, than grandpa anyway.


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PS: the entire sequence of Hyun-woo coming back from his thug beatdown (beatdown was of the thugs, not him but of course Hae-in isn't having it) killed me. Everything from the way she came rushing out as soon as she heard him pull up, to her making quick work of his tie and shirt so she can assess the damage....lol and also OOF.


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PS: <3 Secretary Na! Love that she's stayed in the office to feed misinformation to the baddies, and also that she and Hae-in are close enough to hug (this doesn't look like a recent/post-diagnosis development). Of course Secretary Kim the Slimy wouldn't comprehend the idea of actual loyalty to your boss.


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Love Secretary Na! Not only is she loyal, and busy providing inside information, she was able to fool the evil team that she is not in contact with Hae In when they were first checking everyone. And all while being a caring mom for her child. Great character!


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Secretary Na being the mother of a small child makes sense in light of Hae-in's own past and also an interesting choice in light of the irl fact that corporate South Korea is infamous for pushing young mothers out of the workforce.


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I did not pay attention to her shoes. That's a very good detail you picked up! Her delivery, and the way her eyes suddenly sharpened and stared right at the press, was really fierce!


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I'm ALL for your "fangirl screaming thoughts". More (corn salad) power to you dear chingu.


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Thanks for the recaps, Unit! yours is the best!


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Episode 10 had a 19% rating, which puts QOT at # 5 on the list of all time most watched dramas on cable TV in Korea. That's amazing considering we're not even close to the season finale yet.

This Wikipedia link shows the ratings from season finales (which are almost always the highest rated episode of a drama). Episode 10 of QOT has passed many great K-dramas, as you can see.

Who knows where the season finale will end up? We're in the middle of something special !



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The nominees for the 60th annual Baeksang Awards just got released. From QOT, only Kim Soo-hyun got nominated for Best Actor.

I think the producers made a mistake with the release date timing. Apparently, the cut off for nominations was April 2023 - March 31, 2024. So only the first 8 episodes were considered. It is admittedly hard to nominate someone when only half the drama is available.

But Kim Ji Won, the director, and the writer are killing it so far, and it seems unfair they miss out on a nomination due to a technicality.

Depending on his upcoming arc, Kwak Dong-Yeon (Soo-cheol) could have been in the running for supporting actor. I'm also surprised Kim Tae Ri did not get nominated for Revenant.



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it's honestly regrettable, QOT is incredible and deserves to be honoured (both leads deserve daesangs imo), seems a shame because I would have loved for this role to win Kim Ji-won her first daesang.


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I love Mama Baek, how she always calls Hae-In with endearments, her soft tone when she speaks to HI, how she shows off her kitchen skills, how she especially takes care of HI because our girl surely needs these things. With HI just in awe of her. Also, managing the farm, leading the farmers and cooking meals for 11 people and being the boss in all of these things.

I think part of the reason why Hyun-Woo fell for HI is how alike HI is with his mom. She's capable, keeps her feelings to herself, will not take crap from anyone.


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Calls Hae-in "my baby"


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"calls Hae-In with endearments"



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When the press conference scene started, I had to pause and watch the show the next day because I was so sure we were in for some nobel idiot heartbreak time, given that it's ep 10 and all. I should have had more faith in the show because Hae-In's plot twist was so so satisfying. She really had me fooled because she was looking so downcast and defeated while getting ready,. It's such a brilliant move because she not just turned the table on Eun-snake, but completely out-manoeuvred him by turning the press conference to her own advantage. Way more effective than relying purely on the (slow) legal path. I hope that in the next episode, we'll see her play the recording for good measure!

That said, I am still a bit apprehensive about how the whole revenge plot will be explained. 20 years is a very long con and I cannot yet imagine a satisfying reason for wasting so much of your life and your son's on this "we must take Queens down" scheme. And even if Evil Moh truly had some horrible injustice to take revenge on - what's the motivation for Da Hye? They're not even related so what does she get out of being their accomplice that justifies marrying someone, sleeping with him, carrying a child to term, and having to eventually bring up the kid after the scheme succeeds? No matter who the father is (since the goal was for her to seduce him, it's also not like he's a convenient scapegoat for her unplanned pregnancy by another guy), that's a hell lot of commitment for an accomplice.

I'm slightly disappointed that in spite of all their elaborate plotting to lay the infiltration foundation at all levels of Queens, groom Eun-snake to be so influential that Queens will be knocking on his door, seeding doubts and reliance on the non-existent shaman.... they never actually planned what happens after the takeover? The fact that Grace thinks she can take Hae-in's position shows how out-of-sync they are with each other. But of course, I'm also smug that their plans are going to fall apart because they were never a true team.

Also: I don't trust Grace. She's too self-centred and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that their decision to bring her back to the detective's office will not backfire on them.

And I absolutely hate Hae-in's mother. It's disgusting how a mother can be so hurtful for an accident that was beyond Hae-in's control. While I hope the farm people knock some sense into her, there is no redemption arc for her in my books.


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Almost forgot: That scene in the orchard where the Caucasian farmhand was pulling seniority over Mommy Hong and spieling boomer lines. I cackled so hard and re-watched so many times!


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Hong Hae-in is nobody's fool and she has no truck with noble idiocy - Hyun-woo tried to do it but she wasn't having any of it once she found out, and instead made it look like SHE was going to be the noble idiot, only to deliver the most authoritative tactical move we've seen from Team HongBaek so far. Eun-slime's face as his intended trophy (gross, but that's really how he saw her) pulled the metaphorical rug out from under his feet....priceless.

I've been wondering about Da-hye myself - yes, she was in the orphanage too but what made Mistress Snake choose her to be the other child in her manipulations?

I admit to wanting to smack Hae-in's mother, too. I don't think she's a lost cause but her treatment of her daughter probably qualifies as emotional abuse. Na Young-hee keeps getting cast as what someone described as deeply frustrating mother figures in Park Ji-eun dramas, and that assessment is so correct- anyway, this particular one owes Hae-in over two decades' worth of apologies and Hyun-woo enough for the last three years.


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I really struggle with Hae-in's mom as well. She's so over-the-top cold that I can't help but wish sometimes that she had a few more shades of likeability and vulnerability. I get the explanation for her behavior (loss of her son) and clearly, there's a genetic predisposition for a kind of emotional aloofness which she passed on to Hae-in. But there's no excuse for her extreme entitlement, sense of superiority, pettiness, and cruel treatment of her daughter.


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@laurensophie The fall from grace was much needed, look it had the added benefit of aiding her insomnia lol 😇 I'm with you, though, she's just too mean to Hae-In. This is the director's calling card it seems because Se-Ri's mom in CLOY also royally sucked for the majority of the drama.


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frustrating/infuriating mother figures seem to be a Park Ji-eun calling card - Chun Song-yi's mother in YFAS, CEO Byun in The Producers, Se-ri's mother in CLOY and now Hae-in's mother here (with three out of four played by Na Young-hee at that).


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Tough to be writernim's mom. It doesn't matter if she was or not a good mother, everyone will question her at some point after watching her dramas.


@Kodra to be fair, two of the four aren't the actual bio mother of the character in question - in Producers, CEO Byun is Cindy's agency head and in CLOY she was a stepmother. PJE's mother is probably safe for now!
Thinking about it, the other common thread I see in all of PJE's best work over the last decade, is that it's centred on young women in positions of fame (YFAS, Producers), wealth (CLOY, QOT) or both, and what it costs them.


@pogo1 Dare I say, she was born for this?


So she tries to hide it somehow that is not about her mom? I am kidding, of course. It just feels so good because dramaland is so full of bad fathers on top of bad husbands. And more with reality, in my case at least but on a much lower scale.
But you know what is the third common thing? They all meet the greatest guys ever that loves them and take care of them. That is why I was a little worried at the beginning with this one. Is writenim married? 🤣


Oh! Oh! And also "One the Woman"; Again, Na Young-hee playing the same icy cold chaebol mum of a very similar family - with a passed older brother (disguised as accident, but murder) and a spoiled younger brother-brother, and a sister in between, hardening.


I really like how Hae-in really cherishes her mother-in-law. You can tell in her acting that almost genuine feelings from the Mom-in-Law's own acting for her come through. (Imagine if Kim Mi kyung was Hyun-woo's mom, eh)


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"what's the motivation for Da Hye?"

Da Hye knows Eun-song from childhood. Maybe he co-opted her into this without telling her all the details?

I think her initial motivation was to marry him play it tough and not develop any real feels for him. But the goofball grew on her and now she is not down with anyone talking down to him or thinking of him going to jail. She bullied him when they were kids and she knows he has a soft heart. I don't think she would cheat on him and they have never shown us who that would be if true. The only others I have seen her meeting with is the evil team. But I guess we will see.


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At first I thought the father was EUn-sung. I don't think so now.
But whatever her relationship to him is, it includes fear. You could see that while they were sneaking around in the house. She was scared of Eun-sung.


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Imagine Hae-in's mom's shame when she finds out about the tumor.

I hope that it's emotionally painful.


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Queen Of Tears” No.1 On Netflix Global Top 10 With 100M Hours Of Cumulative Viewing Time


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and in Korea, the Queen of Tears cast takes 5 out of 10 slots on the list of most buzzworthy actors of the week - that's Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Ji-won in first and second place respectively, Park Sung-hoon in fourth place, Lee Mi-sook at eighth, and Mr Corn Salad himself, Song Joong-ki at no. 9 off the return of Vincenzo!

(with QOT being #1 most buzzworthy drama of course)


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100M Hours

🙀 Wow ... those are some serious numbers. 💪


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I keep imaging Eun-seong ending up in a block of wet concrete.


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wrong era for it but I wouldn't be too sad if Eun-sicko gets the Sado rice chest treatment some office lackey mentioned Hyun-woo getting this week.

alternately, a coffin which I will be happy to nail shut. While he's still conscious.


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Give it time, there's still 6 eps left.


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I was expecting the "noble idiot" trope where Hae in acquiesces to Eun-snake to give him what he wants in order to protect EVERYBODY in her sphere.

Wow, nothing like a big "middle finger" to disabuse me of that notion.


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I am travelling this week for work and missed the whole recap party. But just wanted to say Hyun-woo’s confession floored me and I adore him so freakin much.

Also, Soo-chul is killing me and I desperately want him to get back with Da-hye but she also betrayed him so much that I feel I shouldn’t want them back together. Except I do. This drama has really been testing my moral compass LOL.


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I have w anted her to come back swashbucklerishly fighting for him, protecting him in a way that shows her love was there all the time, she had just denied it to herself, and even more to Eun-sung, who she is clearly afraid of.
And I think the writers agree with mee ... at least, I think this scene point in that direction. She defends him. He smiles lovingly at the cool fighter who just rescued him. And she smiles overbearingly at him.


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That was a lovely and fun recap.
There's one thing, I just need to talk about, because I have heard more than one person refer to Oliver Twist as if he was first and foremoest a greedy person, always wanting more.
Oliver Twist was starving. And he and the other children were being fed a gruel more water than food. They were slowly dying, with frequent orders from that very happy undertaker for whom Oliver later was and apprentice. Even so, Oliver was not asking for more food for himself - he wouldn't have dared. But he was asking for more on behalf of a large, fiercely hungry boy, who had threatened to eat one of the other boys if he didn't get more food. And Oliver drew the short straw.
So you can compare yourself to Oliver Twist, but then what you are saying (and that's an defendible position) is that
1) What you are getting are watery and not enough to live by
2) You are not alone in receiving only enough to die slowly instead of quickly
3) Because of a threat to your life, you are asking for a bit more of the shouldn't-have-the-honour-of-calling-itself-food gruel.
Remember that, everybody. Oliver Twist is not a spoiled, entitled brat; he is a child who is only nominally taken care of by the authorities, he is let-down and his life could go down the drain if he is not very soon given that "more" he hardly dare ask for.


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Thank you for this. It was sorely needed.


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