@linda-palapala @trinpie @kimbapnoona @shach @jenmole @zetteceniza @giegie0384 @1tea1 @alasecond @bcampbell1662 @egads @drawde2000 @marites59 @nightmoon @blueskye @lillamy @stpauligurl @strawberry @gadis @gmelenco @artgirl @maybemaknae @bluekitchen @carmen @mrobles @noobita @zgs1994 @infinitize @bunny @shinayame @sweetsammy @larelle79 @mayhemf @persianrose @pinklolipop @dramalava @outofthisworld @neener @hades @llljr

    Xiao Zhan has a new song and within 13 hours it’s out and subbed! Thanks to JongShine.

    I like the lyrics, especially the meaningful English lyrics of the chorus that are so appropriate to our times.
    “That we’ve got one life, one world
    So let’s come together, we’ll weather the storm
    A rain of colours, look up to the sky
    We’re all made of shooting stars
    We are made to love”

    Certainly we’re made to love XZ, and his voice and song!


      That’s a catchy chorus! Loved the beat too!

      If only I can sing along to the Chinese lyrics >.<


      Here’s an article giving an explanation of the song, what was Xiao Zhan’s thought process when he was co-writing it, and the team that helped him produce it (it’s the same team of people who worked with Wang Yi Bo to produce his song “No Sense” ) ☺️☺️☺️



        Thanks for the link! Best thing happening today.


        Thanks @bebeswtz! Nice to know that he’s not just singing songs written by and already sung by others, but is getting into a bit of songwriting himself. I’m glad for that. ☺️


          It makes me happy that he’s always so open to trying new things, learning new things, and changing things up— all in the name of self-improvement, growth, and maturity in all that he does 🥰🥰🥰


      @growingbeautifully @bebeswtz read this very interesting article about Xiao Zhan incident, etc.


        Thank you for sharing ☺️☺️☺️

        At the end of the day, it’s because of who Xiao Zhan is as a person and his efforts in staying true to that and true to his roots.

        He’s very popular, he’s very established, yet, he’s very humble and very hard-working and UNDERSTANDS that hard work is what is needed to reach success. Even when he’s reached success, he knows that it isn’t everlasting and can disappear at any time.

        “For as many people there are who will like you, there is an equal amount of people who will dislike you.”
        – Xiao Zhan

        He decides what he wants to do and goes for it, he does what he thinks and feels is important to himself and knows how to productively use his status as a public figure to influence that (like his charity project and the equipment donations he quietly made for Covid-19), he does what he enjoys, he is the person he wants to be (personality, temperament, how he carries himself, etc.), and many of his decisions about his work he makes himself and is influenced very little by anyone else (that is what he wants and that is why “Xiao Zhan Studio” was established). He doesn’t choose to do things and never picks projects because he thinks it’s going to be popular or that it’s going to bring him more fame— everything he chooses to do—all of his drama project and all of his variety shows appearances— he chooses because it’s something he wants to do and is something he knows he has the ability to put 100% of himself into it and/or because it will bring him a good learning experience and ways to improve himself 👌🏻

        This is why I like him so much ❣️


        Thanks @persianrose Interesting opinions and review!


      Viki just got the license for The Wolf! Does that mean it’s finally, finally going to air??


        @linda-palapala Rumour has it that it may show up in mid-May. We hope and keep our fingers crossed!


          I added it to my Viki watchlist and it’s so pretty…
          I remember when the first trailer came out (years ago!) I was so excited. Put the photo on my desktop. A Chinese friend who also watched c-dramas saw it on my computer so I told her I really liked Darren Wang because he was unusual looking. The 2nd male lead, who I had no idea who it was, I told her was the classically handsome man but I liked the unusual way Darren Wang looked. Only a few years later did I realize that beautiful 2nd lead was Xiao Zhan.


          I don’t know where else to post this, so I apologize because this is slightly off topic. I was watching the last episode of the Special Edition and towards the end, the part where they’re about to say goodby to Wen Ning and Ah Ruan(?), there’s a close up shot of WY looking at LZ with adoring eyes and LZ looking back at him with the same eyes. I’d never noticed before the slow blinks with half open eyes that they each gave the other. I had just finished reading an article about how you know your cat loves you – one of the things it said was it will give you slow blinks with half open eyes. Then the article said that humans do the same thing, which I never knew that! Anyway, what before I thought was just a shot of them looking at each other with adoring eyes, the sleepy-eyed slow blinks meant love. Did everybody else already know this interesting fact??


            @linda-palapala LOL, no, I’ve never heard of this.

            When I see it, I interpret it as a look with a smile or a look with a thought behind it, but not necessarily a look of love. That particular scene, it was a look of understanding that passed between WY and LZ.

            LZ had wanted to tell WY precisely this piece of info (that little Ah Yuan was Si Zhui), and had waited for the right time to do so. WY had received the info with surprise and delight from Si Zhui directly instead, and it slowly dawned on him what LZ and done for Ah Yuan, and why it was only at this moment that LZ was about to tell him.

            To me it was a look with a thought and the half closed eyes gave the message, ‘I understand, and I’m grateful.’ Lan Zhan’s response is an acknowledgement that he knows that WY knows ‘Good that you know and you’re welcome!’. 😄


            @growingbeautifully Yes, I agree with you but what surprised me was the article I read about cat’s expressions of love and that humans do it too, without realizing. It’s the slow blink of the eye and in that end scene (and I’ve found another scene since then, the one where they’re in the market and WY buys LZ the rabbit lantern) the camera lingers on their faces until they slowly blink. Yeah, the smiles are there, the looks, but surely the camera and the director knew what they were doing. It was just an added detail that we probably only noticed subconsciously.


    Thanks again for this. What a wonderful voice and song!!! I’ll play this again and again. He is such a treasure isn’t he?


      @stpauligurl This song is somehow so simple and yet so catchy. Definitely one of those songs I’ll be playing over and over as I move around. XZ is a treasure indeed… to those who are his ‘capital’, but not only that. He’s worth his weight in gold, and not only in terms of money, but in how he deals with, and gets the better of all kinds of challenges beyond his control.


    we can feel the essence of xiao zhan in this song. he is extraordinary. many thanks @growingbeautifully for this. i’m much happier now that he is slowly making his way back.
    bdw, the sale of this ep in 24 hrs is 73 million yuan.


      @marites59 Yup, I didn’t take note during the announcement by one of the YouTubers who follow everything XZ, but it seems that within minutes and then hours his song reached gold or diamond status in the number who bought it. His likability trumps any ‘bad vibes’ people try to throw at him. He hasn’t even reached the peak of his abilities yet, and he’s already so popular. I hope he can keep improving and not let all this hoopla detract him.


    I just realised that the video I linked here has disappeared!!! However the song is in @bebeswtz‘s link below so not to worry. 😬 😁
