
The King 2 Hearts: Episode 20 (Final)

War is declared. And even though you really wish they’d run for the hills, our heroes have to be heroes, and they run into the thick of it to put their lives on the line. They say love is war, but damn, have you ever met these two?


King 2 Hearts OST – K. Will – “사랑이 운다” (Love is Crying) [ Download ]

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Hang-ah gets dragged to the border by Dad, kicking and screaming that she can’t be separated from Jae-ha. Dad spins around on his heels and asks, “And it’s okay to be separated from me?”

Oh, Dad. Now you’re making me feel bad. He says that it took 35 years to see family members after the first war—does she think they won’t end up that way? He says he can wait decades for her if he has to, but his body won’t hold out that long.

Hang-ah starts to cry, as Dad tells her that even if they meet again, it’ll be at his grave. Okay, that’s some hardcore parent guilt right there. What is she supposed to do when you say stuff like that?

He leaves the choice to her – if she really wants to stay, she can. He tells her that South Korea has turned their backs and declared war, and Jae-ha will prove to be no different.

Jae-ha meets the prime minister to ask who the hell approved DEFCON 3. Uh, well if it wasn’t you, I’m gonna say it’s the other guy in the room with the power to do so. The prime minister admits caving to U.S. pressure.

Jae-ha tries calling Hang-ah over and over, growing more panicked by the second. She finally answers, against Dad’s wishes. They check on each other and suss out the situation—Jae-ha needs time to talk to both the U.S. and North Korea to stop this from happening.

The trouble is, North Korea has cut off all lines of communication. Hang-ah turns to her father to ask if he did this, and he reminds her that this is WAR—of course they cut off communication (though it was his superiors, not him personally).

He tells her to come back, but she hesitates, as more tears start to fall. Oh no. “I’ll go to the North. If this is the situation, then North and South have completely split apart. And the only thing that remains is war.”

Jae-ha says that the South always has their end of the line open. It’s the North that cut off their end. Hang-ah knows, and that’s why she’s going: “I’ll open the line.” Oh, wow, what a great mission for the heroine. She says that she’ll convey the king’s position and stop this war.

He protests – there’s no way for the two of them to communicate once she crosses that border. There’s no way to know how bad things will get, so how can he let her go? Hang-ah: “Isn’t your heart my heart?”

She asks if the change in situation will change their hearts. They know the answer, but he still puts up a fight, asking if she’s really going to go, knowing full well that war might break out?

Hang-ah: “I want to see Father for a long long time. And I want to see you for a long time. That’s why I’m going. So that I can see you.” He starts to cry. “Hang-ah-ya…”

Hang-ah: “You’ll stop the war, right? I’ll do the same. If you just remember that, then we’ll see each other again. I love you.” And then she hangs up, before he can even say it back. He just looks down at his phone in tear-filled shock.

They both cry for a moment, and then Hang-ah braces herself. She spins around on her heels as the music turns along with her. She marches through to the North, a woman on a mission.

Jae-ha lingers for another moment in the hallway, and then he wipes his tears and mirrors her walk. I love the double badass turn.

Bong-gu gets the confirmation that the U.S. has approved an attack on North Korea, and calls Jae-ha to gloat about it. I love that till the end, Jae-ha’s like, “Who is this?” which drives Bong-gu crazy.

He passes along the military operation as proof and says that it’s really Jae-ha’s fault for attacking via ICC. That day on the cliff he gave Jae-ha the choice between himself or his people—”You chose yourself. You killed them.”

Jae-ha: “No. YOU did.” Aw, yeah. He says that all he’s done is try to bring Bong-gu to justice, according to the law. Bong-gu laughs that in the end the Koreas will be at war and he’ll walk away.

Jae-ha: “No. I’m going to stop this war. And you’re going to be put on trial.” For all of Bong-gu’s blustering, it’s really Jae-ha who has the upper hand when it comes to poker faces, because he believes in what he’s saying. The report is confirmed to be legit, and the situation escalates as Jae-ha signs off on DEFCON 2 and the country prepares for war.

Hang-ah meets with the prime minister who praises her for her loyalty to country, and then proceeds to ask about what she’s learned in her time in the South, like where are the secret bunkers they can attack.

But when she tells him that they need to reopen the lines of communication with the South, he argues that the king is preparing for war and accuses her of caving to her womanly weaknesses. Oh, because that’s evil, right? Ass.

She narrows her eyes but rises above it and asks the very logical question of why on earth she’d come back home then, if she were just madly in love and ready to forsake her country for a man. I would’ve added a knee kick but clearly you are more civilized than I. But he tells her it’s too late for communication, because both sides have their missiles pointed right at each other. Gah, the art-imitating-life of this situation is so unnerving.

Jae-ha prepares for a public address, and Secretary Eun reminds him that he needs to appear strong before the people. He starts to write his speech, calling out the U.S. for their attack plan, and urging the North to show that they are willing to discuss peace.

He starts to write, “But if North Korea attacks Seoul… then South Korea will by any means necessary…” He flashes back to his moments with Hang-ah, on their 60km trek, and when she held him in her lap. He finishes his sentence with a pang in his heart, “…repay the whole of North Korea in kind.”

Meanwhile Hang-ah’s last conversation with the prime minister has put her father in a sticky position, and he goes entirely in the other direction and presents her with plane tickets for them to flee the country.

He says that war is inevitable now, and even here in the North, they’ll be seen as South-friendly and therefore a liability. He doesn’t trust Jae-ha either, since he heard the speech above.

Hang-ah defends Jae-ha’s need to make an official statement as such, but Dad asks how he could, knowing that Hang-ah is here. He says that a preemptive strike isn’t that uncalled for in this situation. Her eyes widen, “A preemptive strike? Are we going to attack first?” He says nothing has been decided yet. Oh crap.

Jae-ha sits down with his general and asks what kind of casualties have been projected if war does break out. In day one: 200,000 soldiers, 1.5 million civilians. In week one: 1 million soldiers, 5 million civilians. And the cost of course in the tens of billions. He looks up in horror, and the general says these are all numbers projected in 1994, so they can probably double them.

Jae-ha sits, literally the weight of the world on his shoulders. He thinks back to hyung’s dreams of peace and reunification, Shi-kyung’s dying pleas to never give up, and Bong-gu’s words that if a single life were to be lost, it would be on his hands.

Hang-ah in turn thinks back to Jae-ha’s promise during the WOC: “Trust me, and I’ll trust you,” and Jae-kang’s question in presiding over their engagement about joining their strength in a time of war.

Her doorbell rings with a delivery. A mysterious man drops off a package and she asks if he’s from China since his accent is different, but he disappears without a word. She opens it up to find Jae-ha’s I’m-sorry-thank-you-I-love-you skincare set for her (aw) with an envelope buried underneath: a copy of the U.S. military strike against Pyongyang.

This is exactly the leverage she needs. She takes what she knows to the prime minister, but only offers to give him the date of the attack if he’ll reopen the line to Seoul. Awesome. Jae-ha is headed to the border to try and speak to someone from the North, and she asks to be the one to go.

He scoffs at her gall to negotiate with him, so she gets up and breezes that she heard about the preemptive attack, “But it’ll be too late.” He offers to let her go as a representative to start the talks, but only if she gives him the date. She says she’ll give it after she comes back from the meeting, since she’s not about to throw away her bargaining chip. Ha.

The prime minister says he needs something too then, and presents her with the only copy in existence certifying her engagement to Jae-ha (that seems like a big leap, but it’s the gesture that’s important). He tells her to rip it up: “What do you need an engagement for when you are going to meet your enemy?”

She doesn’t hesitate and rips it to shreds. Now he has proof of her loyalty and she has access to meet with Jae-ha. The prime minister adds a caveat, to make sure she gives him the information promised—he’ll be holding her father as hostage until she hands over the brief. Damnit.

Jae-ha arrives first and waits for the Northern diplomat to arrive. Hang-ah calls her father to check in, and he assures her that the prime minister won’t do anything hasty (he’s totally lying through his teeth), and the two men watch the meeting via live feed.

Hang-ah walks into the room and Jae-ha lights up to see her. He approaches her warmly, but she remains distant and formal. She puts out her hand for a shake and he sees the earpiece in her ear.

He takes her hand but he sinks when she just shakes it and goes to her seat. She asks everything she’s supposed to—is he really preparing to join hands with the U.S. and go to war?

Jae-ha sits through her barrage of questions silently, which is doubly infuriating for Hang-ah who’s desperate not to lose this chance to show the prime minister Jae-ha’s true intentions.

He finally sits back and asks casually if she knows that they’ll be attacked on May 24. The prime minister freaks out, and Hang-ah’s father hands over the brief to prove it. It’s less than a week out.

Meanwhile Hang-ah flips out that he gave away her bargaining chip. But Jae-ha is still smiling, calm as you please. “What’re you doing May 24? Going to war?” Hang-ah finally loses the cool exterior, “Comrade Jae-ha!”

He just keeps going, “I’m getting married. To you.” Hahaha. Okay, that’s crazy but kind of brilliant. He’s going to set the date of the attack as his wedding day?

The prime minister barks into Hang-ah’s ear for her to get out, and Jae-ha sees her flinch. He looks up at the camera and orders him to say it directly, and stop using Hang-ah as his shield. Love it.

It works, and the prime minister calls to speak to him directly. He shouts that they weren’t behind the terrorist attack, and Jae-ha shouts back that threatening Seoul is the definition of terror.

He calms down. “You die. And then we die. The U.S. hits you, you hit us, and then if China gets involved… do you think that even one person will be left standing on this land?”

The prime minister scoffs at his solution—if they get married, does he think the U.S. will just pat their heads and wish them well? But Jae-ha makes it clear that he’s not talking about sneaking off and eloping, but standing with both countries behind them.

A wedding is cause for congratulations and if North and South officially present a united front, the whole world will rush to congratulate them. In that situation, on that day, can anyone launch a missile at them?

“I’m not doing this so that South Korea can live alone. I’m saying let’s get married and live together.”

The prime minister says he’ll put it under advisement and orders Hang-ah to leave the room. But Jae-ha presses the Big Red Button and suddenly soldiers from both sides charge into the room, guns drawn.

Oh noes, Young-bae and Dong-ha, guns pointed at each other? I don’t like this one bit!

Jae-ha barks into the phone that he has five minutes to make a decision, “Or shoot me.” He figures that even if they say no, he’ll be dead anyway, so why not just die here? He hangs up.

Then they have to sit like that in the room for the five longest minutes ever. Jae-ha: “Young-bae-ya, you’re a sniper, right? Aim so that I go in one blow.” He points to the center of his forehead. Young-bae’s eyes dart back and forth, Dong-ha tenses up, ready to shoot him if he shoots. Hang-ah looks back and forth between them all.

The prime minister paces back and forth. Hang-ah’s father pleads with him to decide. Time’s up, and Jae-ha calls. Has he made a decision?

There’s no answer on the other end. Jae-ha takes the silence as a no. “Then, war?” He orders Young-bae to shoot. If their leader wants war, shooting the king is the way to start one.

Young-bae hesitates. Dong-ha, “Just try and shoot.” And then Young-bae adorably trembles and stutters, “I-I-I j-j-just can’t …”

But then Hang-ah stands up and grabs Young-bae’s gun out of his hand. She walks over and sticks it in Jae-ha’s face. Dong-ha raises his gun to her head. OH SHIT.

She says (at the prime minister), “Do I shoot? Why, do you think that because it’s the person I love, I can’t shoot? I can kill this comrade. And die with him.”

Well, now we know why Romeo and Juliet weren’t given guns. Because then shit like this happens. Everyone just put down the deadly objects!

Jae-ha looks up at her, his eyes full of love, and her eyes soften, “I’ll follow right behind you.” She cocks her gun. Dong-ha raises his to her temple…

And then in the last possible second before my heart bursts, the prime minister tells her to put down her weapon. Everyone starts breathing again, including me.

He asks Jae-ha if this means he’s really going to help them, and Jae-ha says yes. Hang-ah finally lowers her gun and Dong-ha does too. Jae-ha takes the gun from her hand and hugs her tight.

Bong-gu watches the North Korean news report in shock and demands that the U.S. attack anyway—why not the wedding? The contact refuses because somehow the story determined he should suddenly stop stupidly listening to the crazy man. Whatever, fake America. You are so weird.

Jae-ha gets ready to cross the border on his wedding day, and the U.N. tries to stop him. But the Korean troops help get him through, saluting their congratulations. Aw, that’s cute.

And I frickin’ LOVE that they’re getting married in the DMZ. Hang-ah smiles as she gets ready when she sees two officers North and South laughing together at their post. Dad says it’s too bad their wedding has less fanfare than their engagement and fusses over her hanbok, wishing her mother were here to see her.

She hugs him and says she’s sorry for being such a troublesome daughter, but he says as long as she’s happy, that’s all that matters to him. And then he breaks away from her so that she won’t see him cry. N’aaaaaw, Daaaaad. Okay, I forgive you for the guilt trip earlier.

Everything goes as planned and the U.S. backs off their military strike and offers up their congrats, and then the wedding begins. They each walk down the aisle from either side of the 38th parallel to meet in the middle.

Jae-ha holds out his hand. Hang-ah puts her hand in his, and then he crosses to the North. They face southward and bow.

And then together they cross to the South, and bow facing north. It’s simple, and lovely, and says everything.

And then he picks her up and twirls her around as they beam.

Then sometime later Bong-gu faces trial before the ICC. And the reason you couldn’t have kept him locked up till this point and therefore not make Shi-kyung’s sacrifice moot IS? BAH.

He gets sentenced to life in prison. That’s it? What about the tank of carnivorous snakes?

Jae-ha pays him a visit in jail, and Bong-gu muses that he must’ve been dying to see him like this. Bong-gu: “I won. You went to the brink of war. You were scared.” He chuckles that they’ve experienced trauma now.

“When you hear fireworks, you’ll jump in fear. When you hear sirens, your heart will race. Only Korea is like that. A country that has experienced war. That’s why you will become more anxious. You’ll be scared of what you encountered, and only amass more weapons.”

Jae-ha: “We stopped it. I did. We did. Now we have the confidence that we can stop it. They say that the scariest thing in the world is war. But we stopped it, so what can’t we do? Thank you… for making us powerful.”

He turns to walk away. Bong-gu screams after him that locking him up will do nothing to stop Club M from existing, and attacking. Jae-ha stops for a moment, but doesn’t turn back. He squares his shoulders and keeps walking ahead.

Four years later.

Dong-ha (wearing a much more decorated uniform) comes to find Jae-ha, and he comes to greet North Korean soldiers for the new WOC team. Behind him are Dong-ha, Young-bae, and (YAY!) Kang-seok. Where have you BEEN?

They’re old-timers now, the guys who train the newbies. Jae-ha asks about the female soldier for this team and Kang-seok says she’ll be from the South this time. Jae-ha leans in close to whisper at Young-bae that southern girls are really pretty, and Dong-ha sighs that it’s already too late—Young-bae took one look at her and he’s smitten so bad he can’t even train her properly. HA.

Once it’s just the four of them, Jae-ha greets them happily saying it’s been a really long time since they’ve all been together, and asks them out for a drink. Young-bae adds dejectedly that it’s not really all of them. Aw. Young-bae.

Jae-ha looks down and Kang-seok reminds Young-bae that they already poured a bunch of alcohol over Shi-kyung’s grave—he’s probably already drunk enough. Jae-ha muses that he’d probably have collapsed. It at least warms my heart that they still talk about him.

Jae-shin sits on her wall at the top of the city, and makes a phone call to confirm a concert and says that she can make it there on her own. We pan out to see that she’s sitting up there with her parrot, speaking to it as if it’s Shi-kyung.

She says that she’s supposed to go on a blind date tomorrow. Should she go? She looks over at parrot, only this time it’s Shi-kyung that appears. *Mmmrrmph* He opens his mouth to talk and just that alone makes me cry. Gaaaaah, I don’t know if I can do this.

He tells her to go. She asks if he’s mad and he says no. Jae-shin: “I can’t say that I’ll die old and alone only thinking of you.” He laughs and tells her she shouldn’t do that.

“But you’ll always be in a part of my heart. Like a shadow.” They smile at each other. And then when she looks back at him, he’s gone. It breaks my heart all over again.

We pan over to see that she’s actually at the foot of the wall, in her wheelchair, Birdie at her side.

Hang-ah’s father coos over pictures of his grandson prince, and squeals when he gets to talk to him over video.

Later, Jae-ha rushes to meet Hang-ah for a ribbon-cutting ceremony (for the first joint bank serving both countries) and little princey runs up to daddy for a hug. All the reporters swoon, and then princey calls out for Mom, but uses the North Korean dialect version (omani), which causes a giant ruckus in the media.

The queen mother tells them it’ll blow over, and Jae-ha pretends to be stern, but once she leaves the room, he dies laughing. They’re so cute.

But it turns into an issue (with chatter from Club M) and Jae-ha says he’ll make a statement. Secretary Eun thinks it might be best to leave it alone, but Jae-ha argues that all of his people matter, and he’ll win them over one by one, until they accept Hang-ah.

He gets to work, and Secretary Eun smiles proudly.

Jae-ha and Hang-ah stand side by side, ready to go in for a press conference. He tells her the situation is getting more serious. She chides that saying omani twice will lead to war. They chuckle, ’cause, well, been there done that.

Jae-ha: “We’ve already stopped a war. Hang-ah: “That’s true. Just as long as we don’t give up. The doors open. Cameras flash.

Jae-ha: “You ready?” She says yes. He takes her hand. “I love you.” They smile at each other and with a “Let’s go,” they walk forward in step.


There were a lot of things I wanted for the finale that I didn’t get, and a lot of things that still felt satisfying anyway. The main trip-up for me is the Shi-kyung/Bong-gu war which hit its high at the end of Episode 18 and then fizzled out as soon as Shi-kyung died. It’s not really his death so much as the consequence of it that went so wrong. Had he died to put Bong-gu away, had Bong-gu remained in custody during the almost-war (which by the way was completely feasible and would in no way change the way the final chapter went down), and then be prosecuted, it would have all made sense and I wouldn’t have to tear my hair out. Because how do you even explain that he was brought to trial in the end if the first time took that much effort to get him in cuffs? HUH?

Mishandling that actually took a lot of the villain’s steam away, which I have to assume was inadvertent (because who would do that on purpose?). Sure, Bong-gu was the evil one who set the war into motion, but once that happened, the immediate threat became the world powers and I forgot that Bong-gu even existed. Despite the simplicity of containing an almost-war to four characters, I did like the dramatic climax for the couple, in putting their lives on the line. It’s you-have-to-get-through-us-to-get-to-war, and the culmination of everything they’ve built, from becoming comrades, to finding love, to trusting each other, to letting go. That felt both thematically on point and dramatically riveting, even though you don’t really expect a show to go out with a pair of dead lovers and a world war. Hello, hate mail.

What the two-part finale really lacked for me was breathing room on one score—Shi-kyung’s death in Jae-ha’s eyes. Jae-kang’s death, for instance, happened so early on that we had full episodes to mourn his passing and have Jae-ha learn and grow. And yes, Shi-kyung did already make his crucial impact on Jae-ha before he died. But I wanted that emotional beat. Jae-ha would never have become the king he is without Eun Shi-kyung. And though I loved Jae-shin’s moment remembering him, I wanted the same from Jae-ha. It was the biggest way the finale failed to deliver for me. And now I have a giant Eun Shi-kyung-shaped hole in my heart, and the show ended without patching it up properly.

There were a lot of things that this show never got quite right—the overly simplistic Club-M-is-all-powerful mantra, the over-reliance on wooden day players to give exposition, (Seriously, I can barely stand exposition when it’s served by the most talented of actors, and you’re going to give every bit of explanatory dialogue to extras? Foot, meet gun.) the slow progression of Bong-gu who took a really long time to become an interesting or effective villain. The international incidents were colored in the broadest brushstrokes possible, leading to more than a handful of countries whose leaders seemed more like silly dingbats than powerful movers and shakers. It’s not so much that I take offense, but that I would prefer the opposition to always seem bigger and badder (which makes for better drama) only they were more like dumb and dumberer.

But of course, there were many more things that the drama DID get right. It was shot gorgeously (the cinematographer and lighting team deserve like a medal, or a parade), the music swept me up in every moment and made me feel like it was a living, breathing world I was looking in on. And the cast was brilliant. I’ll be honest—I’ve always thought Ha Ji-won was over-hyped, but here she was amazingly tough, vulnerable, and believable, no matter how insane the situation seemed. She grounded everything. Perhaps it makes a great deal of difference to play a character who’s consistent from beginning to end. Lee Seung-gi had less gravitas than her going in, but gained it through his performance, and though his is still not an effortless kind of acting, it was his breakthrough to the other side—past the façade and into raw emotion. He stole the show, hands down (which isn’t really a surprise, since he played the king in The King). Jo Jung-seok played what was probably everyone’s favorite character, but I really think he’s to credit for a lot of that, because so much of who Shi-kyung was came from the physical performance. A great deal of his character’s innocent/earnest nuance could’ve been lost to a wooden actor, or worse, made to seem dumb, which would’ve been a travesty. And everyone else was already good in an established way—the parents, the hyung, and even Lee Yoon-ji, who’s always been fantastic.

When this show was funny, it hit that darkly funny sweet spot where my blackened heart resides. And when it was badass, it made me pump my fist in the air. And then, when it was deeply earnest about a soldier’s faith in his king or the partnership between a man and a woman in the face of insurmountable odds, it actually got through to my gooey earnest center.

You could say this show is about a lot of things, but it’s clear that the romance is the central metaphor – man and woman as two parts of a whole like a war-torn Korea, always at odds, but always kin. And though actual politics is far more complex than a pair of lovers being able to bridge that gap, it’s the idealistic view that they could, in such a world. What grips me most is actually not that larger idea, but the mechanics of what that relationship needs in order to make it to the end – not just love, but friendship, complete trust, and an equal partnership. A hero who saves the girl is swoonworthy, sure. But a hero who confides in his girl and trusts her to save the day is the winner, by a mile.

My favorite part of the show wasn’t actually the romance (though I loved their epic love story, I promise). It was the making of a king. What this show did right was its character development and relationships, and if you look at it from beginning to end, there are actually very few characters who change a great deal. Hang-ah and Shi-kyung are in large part the same (he gains a sense of humor, but starts and ends a hero, and she learns to play a player, but starts and ends a hero). Jae-shin takes a massive dip, but then gets back to her old self (albeit a better version) because of Shi-kyung.

But Jae-ha goes from a worthless thorn in his brother’s side to a ruler who can stop a war. He goes from someone who thinks the monarchy is a sham to a king who believes with all his heart that he is his people and they are the king. And it’s in the shaping of this character where Hang-ah and Shi-kyung are the traditional heroes of the story—they make Jae-ha kingworthy, through their tough love and indefatigable faith. It’s kind of equally admirable and stupid, but that’s why they’re the heroes. In that sense, Jae-ha really IS the people—he’s the most like us, doubting, questioning, pessimistic, jaded. Even till the end he’s the one who doesn’t want to let Shi-kyung go on his mission or let Hang-ah go on hers. Because that’s what a normal person would do. But they don’t let him be weak.

And perhaps that’s the final step he learns in becoming a true leader—to let his soldiers fight for what they believe in, to put the country and the mission before his heart. I still don’t think it justifies killing Shi-kyung (the lesson would’ve been learned without, thank you very much) but to be a true leader, he does have to live with the harsh choices and the deaths of his soldiers on his conscience. It’s the journey in making a king out of a man that hooked me through the heart, and kept me wholly invested no matter what international debacle came and went. And I guess what’s important is that I feel like the payoff for that was there in the end. And it was. Many other things may have fallen by the wayside, but Jae-ha became a king befitting his hyung’s legacy and his most faithful soldier’s trust. And I like that the point isn’t that he defeated one big bad villain (though of course we need his victory over Bong-gu), but that he finds out that he is strong, and forges ahead to fight more battles and more villains with that power.

And that’s why I really, really wanted Jae-ha to walk away from Bong-gu’s jail cell with this one retort: “I am king.”



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I agree, loved that they did the wedding at the DMZ. It gave symbolic value to it. And yeah, there was no need to kill of ESK. Though I can understand why they did it, it wasn't really necessary and of course made people go crazy over it.... viki says it all, lol.


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TK2H connects people! I am currently in Kuala Lumpur on a church camp. Just 2 hours ago I called my elder daughter who is in S'pore. She was kinda excited. She said that her friend's mother has been asking her to watch TK2H as it is more intellectual and deep as her friend has been watching RTP. The friend's mother has also mentioned about the discussions going on in DB and the S'porean hearties rendezvous at Plaza Singapura! But unfortunately has not been able to attend.

Whoever you are, if you are reading this post, please let me know who you are. You can email me - check post #203 or reply to this post! I wanna know who you are!


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Wooo! Who can it be ?
We can have another meet at a more convenient time for all cos goodness knows we are far from exhausting our discussion on our beloved K2H!


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TK2H is so amazing, it really brings people together!


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I finally found time to finish eps 15-20! So much happened in those episodes so I'm just going to comment on the last 2.
I was stupid enough to watch episode 19 before heading out...with swollen eyes from crying too much. I don't believe the writers actually pulled a City Hunter on us. Though to make matters worse (or even more poignant), that beautiful scene where Jae Shin watches Shi Kyung's video... Man, that broke my heart. But it was so clever that the only VHS machine was there, so it seemed like he was there with her. And of course another heart break in episode 20 when she's imagining herself on the wall with him. Le sighs.
To be honest, I was too traumatized by his death, which was not helped by the swift/lack-of mourning, that I really couldn't pay full attention to the rest of the story - which is a real pity because I was sort of looking forward to the political conflict... and expecting lots of excitement. I thought it was all a bit rushed, and I just had a bit of trouble taking the Show's America seriously. Once again, I think it's the problem of using foreign actors - real shame, as this show could've been so much better if they managed to source some plausible actors. And what on earth was with the ICC and Bong-gu?? That part of the story just kinda made me snort. At least he got his life-sentence in the end (which is being way too nice to him imo).
Despite all the negatives I'm on about, can I just say that the wedding was excellent - it was GENIUS of Jae Ha and the wedding itself was so full of lovely symbolism... that all the other silly bits about Bong-gu and ICC and whatnot didn't matter. I also really enjoyed the negotiation scene. I didn't realise that I was holding my breath all through the guns-pointing-at-each-other bit (esp. when Hang-Ah had the gun at Jae Ha!) until the NK PM ordered them to lower their guns. PHEW. And how cute was Young-bae? He's so sweet... but deadly as a sniper.
I liked the epilogue, which was perfect in length imo. Little princey is waaaay too cute - and they're such a cute family together (not that I'd expect less from this amazing royal family). I liked how it's not all fairytale in that there are still obstacles that face them, such as people who oppose the marriage, and how there is still potential for political conflict. I liked how they used something as trivial as little princey's choice of words as a trigger for potential conflict - which really highlights the vulnerability that can still face them. BUT together (hand-in-hand nonetheless), they can and will overcome all that comes at them. It was a lovely ending really.
So overall, a bit mixed about the finale, but I thought it wrapped the entire drama up nicely. After reading GF's comments, I was wondering whether the '2 hearts' could also mean the two heroes (Hang-Ah and our dear Bot) which essentially helped make the King who he is. The show was really about the making of a King, and Lee Seung Gi really did such an amazing job. I was able to feel the pain he was going through (especially in the latter episodes) and his eyes just portray so much emotion. I can't wait for his next acting project (hopefully one more before he goes for MS?).
And I now also have to keep an eye out for Jo Jung Suk! I wish he had his happy ending but hey, he's now probably everyone's favourite second lead! *sigh* Thinking of Earnest Bot still makes my heart ache though. Might have to fill that void with some QIHM.

Anyway, thanks GF so much for all your hard work recapping this beautifully acted, filmed and scripted (most part) show. Your recaps kept me alive when I was suffering from Kdrama withdrawals :)

And thanks again everyone for such insightful, thought-provoking comments :)


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Just got the copy of K2H ost in Koreatown, L.A.


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Yaiy!! Happy to heard that em!
Enjoy the music :)


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The king 2 hands indeed... great move Jaeha :) lol


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that was cute


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omo, so happy to watch it. The NGs are very interesting. btw, Seunggi is soooooo cute.


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Annyong crazyajummafan! It is such a small world indeed. When my daughter told me about her friend's mother and the gathering at PS, I instinctively thought that it must be you ! I am normally a silent lurker here but would throw in a few comments here & there and my comments are nowhere as "chimp" or insightful as yours.

Anyway, the reasons I didn't go for the hearties get-together are firstly, I am kind of shy and takes time to warm up to people. I am not sure if I can contribute much to the discussions. Secondly, I can't call myself a heartie. I am more of a die-hard LSG fan. I watched the drama because he is in it and I really thought his portrayal of the King was superb!

I hope that those who went had a great time. I really enjoyed reading your comments as well others, they have made the drama so much more memorable for me. Perhaps there will be a chance in the near future that we will get to meet and talk about the drama and LSG. You
never know....

Finally, I enjoyed reading your
really enjoyed


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Hi, same sentiments. Although I couldnt join the meeting bec of work, I also feel very humbled by the insightful, expressive and descriptive comments the Hearties made. Their comments added so much value to my appreciation of the drama. Hearties, Thx so much.


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Don't worry about that you can't contribute much to the discussions. As long as you love lsg, that is good enough! Words will just come flowing out of your mouth. Hope that you can come for our next meeting.


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@ Anonymous!
It's so great to hear from you!!!! Please don't be shy. We are all the same! We ALL love LSG too, esp me. I watched TK2H live only because of him. Please drop me an email @cynalchoo@yahoo.com.sg. I would so love to meet up with you! Don't need to be shy with me. We have so much in common, our daughters, their love for kpop n our love for LSG.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


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The TK2H virus is mutated in a new form.
To cure this virus, I'm trying to watch other dramas. My first choice is Bridal Mask because it has a beautiful cinematography just like TK2H.
While I'm watching its anti-hero hero I always think "what if Seung Gi was the lead? It would be great." Not that Joo Won is bad. In some scenes, I always imagine Seung Gi in it and make the videos in my mind. I always think HA is more badass than the heroine. I imagine it’s HA doing all the action instead of the heroine.
Since I haven't fully hooked with BM and I'm still trying to cure this virus, even though I'm not sure it helps or not, I tried QIHM. When I watched the heroine gave the hero a donut, it reminded me of JH's donut! When the villain says, “As soon as you see him, kill him!”, I remember Hang Ah!


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Same goes to me Osi, same goes to me...
I watch Gaksital, and it's pretty much good driven drama, but everytime I watch it. I'm going back to this drama, what if Seung Gi play this, what if PD Lee direct this, he'd do this and this..and...ahh~if this is TK2H..they'll focus on his feet now...

I'm trying to watch QIHM, but no..the excitement isn't what I expected, the leads are cute, and Boong Do smile is drive many crazy, but not as much as I'm crazy about Jae Ha's playful smile or uri Earnest Bot shy smile...



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Oh I'm not the only one. I agree BM is a good drama. I just can't help with the old cliches recipes they used: fated-first love with a thing that will help them to reunite later (in this drama, it's the knife), a really super nice second lead who does everything for the heroine but one thing for sure, it's a one-sided love and he won't never get the girl, and to get things worse, the second lead is the hero's BFF. Been there done that. I can't enjoy the drama as much as I want because of this beside some other things. See what TK2H (a new and fresh story without those old cliches) do to me. I'm still okay if they still use love triangle or rectangle or n-angle, as long as they do it in a fresh and smart way, like in QIHM. But again agree with you, the excitement isn't the same as TK2H. And no couple can beat AhHa couple chemistry for me so far. You know what happen to my heart when I see AhHa couple? It beats faster. When they kiss, my heart beats even faster, beats randomly, skips many beats, and I think it stops many times. Oooh, even when I write this, my heart beats faster again thinking of the scenes. Oh crazy, crazy. Should I thank PD-nim for not giving us a scene even one level above the fridge kiss because I might fall dead??!!

Ps. Sorry for talking about other dramas here. *bow. Just my opinion, though.


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@Osi & Reglest
I started it too but I have to stopped on ep 2. I've been comparing them too to TK2H and I just didn't feel the "umph"...maybe some other time when I'm at least 90% cured.

Mr. Brain is giving me a brain-ache! LOL! I'm on episode 5 and too bad it's only up to ep 8 just like you said. I envy Kimutaku's hair ~ prettier than mine LOL


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@Osi @LSGLover's soul:
I watch the 1st episode, but not yet continue to 2nd episode til now,

@LSGLover's soul:
Haha, right? I need to rewind the scene when I watch Mr. Brain because..I CAN'T GET IT! Hahaha, his hair is enviable, I envy his too


I have come to the realization after watching ep 17-20 again, the drama Gods must appease us TK2Hearties and make a drama featuring Lee Yoon-Ji and Jo Jung-Suk. He has obviously already completed his MS as he is 32yrs old so Drama Gods, get to it! I cannot watch these episodes with scenes with ESK and JS and not start bawling like a baby!


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I agree! This is going to sound SO cliche but I'm already imagining a chaebol drama with LYJ as the independent "I don't want to inherit my dad's business" chaebol daughter and JJS as the "I am the responsible heir who does everything right" chaebol son and their families try to matchmake them. haha!


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Boy, we could write the drama! That sounds like a superb idea! Drama GODS, are you listening!?


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he...haven't get 2000 comments yet?
I am currently watching this series again


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I miss king 2 hearts so much right now that my heart is about to explode.
I miss everyone here.
I miss seung gi and ha ji won.
even if im tuning into other dramas (some are pretty good), it just isn't the same!!!
Forever ingrained in my heart.


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Uri magnae *hugs*
I see you in Gaksital recaps, and other in other recaps.. do you notice how our hearties greeting one another in other recaps? everyone must feel the same too.

I'll keep lurking back into this thread, might be posting some news or else, so keep you eyes ok?
*hugs and kisses


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*HUGS* everytime i see a heartie on another recap i get so giddy.. I'm trying to find the time to catch up on other shows so maybe i can join in on those as well.
Caught up to Dr.Jin ep 2 (so-so), still wondering if i should give I Do I Do a chance.. only on ep 8 of QIM >_<.
Honestly gaksital out of all the currently airing shows is the one with most substance adhering to my tastes..
I keep coming back here cause K2H keeps calling me back.
I know it's hard to let go of the past. Sometimes its best just to keep it as a memory. Or i noticed i'll end up comparing every drama to K2H and being disappointed.


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Hi all!!

Just wanna tell you, LSGi's Budokan Concert will broadcasted in WOWOW channel (Japanese Largest Cable Channel) in July 15th!! Time is still unknown, but by live report, he sang 'Love is Crying' there.

So, if you want to heard that song, Seung Gi version, tune in at July 15th!!

PS: Do you remember how awesome he is in white shirt? He was wearing them at the concert (+he unbuttoned 3, and one is unbuttoned unintentionally)-now I'm talking like pervy-
PSS: I can't watch it...does someone willing to record it? I have schedule ahead for that time :( (poor hearties I am)


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@maeye86 posted it in Koala.

As @maeye86 said, the fans screamed like crazzzyyy!!

Tryp also uploaded it in her blog.


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I heard his cover of Love is crying earlier today and i started to tear up.
I miss this so much, and just hearing it from seung gi makes it all the more swoon worthy. definitely much more emotional. Gosh, i swear to god i wish he sang an OST. WHY SHOW?! WHY?! and why didn't earnest sing one either? Gahdammit. put these guys to their use!
Well, he was quite busy.


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My reaction after I listened to his cover:
*suddenly felt universe was quiet
*tear up

If only, if only..... WHY...?????


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Can't stop playing it over and over. Gosh! he gave me the chills when he sang it. Argggh! I wish there's another OST for K2H with him singing Love is Crying. I miss K2H too much and the vibe in this forum. *sigh*


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My wish, too, and all hearties' I think.
Argh stresssss~

"I miss K2H too much and the vibe in this forum."
That's why I keep coming here, dear. It's a cozy place, right?


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So true, Osi! Such a cozy place and the people are like long lost friends. I feel that when I meet you guys by chance somewhere, I'll be so overwhelmed I'm gonna give you guys a hug. Isn't that crazy? Pfft. K2H made me like this :D


Honestly, the thing about this thread was the fact that people actually found the need to constantly come back, engaging in the comment section, having the need to read each and every comment all the while soaking it in. We remembered each other, listened to each other, backed each other up, and even blew the haters outta the water.
It just makes me sad that these types of dramas come by so rarely -- where everyone is actively engaging in discussion. And these vibes i just don't get in other recaps.
That's where this sense of community gets me -- and the lack of it is just what makes me feel empty. I know everyone has been mourning for a while now, and we all get each other, but goshdarnit, it's so hard to move on.


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Agree with you!!

Heck, I would spend hours reading comments that I had missed and then actually would feel the need to give my input and/or feedback. That's a LOT of work for a drama. hehe.

With TK2H stars aligned beautifully wherein everything worked in tandem. There was just SO much to discuss and spazz! :D With other dramas everything's more often than not obvious. I wouldn't spend time after watching an episode thinking and contemplating the character's actions, etc. But, things were just different for this drama.

I MISS everything associated with TK2H...the high that it would give us even after watching a less than stellar episode was indescribable!


Agree with you both. It was exhausting work, to say the least, but I never complained. (In fact, I thrived on it - seriously felt like K2H brought me so much adrenaline rush!) Every waking moment, K2H was on my mind and every free time I had, I stalked the threads and read every single comment - even if there's already 7 pages, I still go back to the first page and re-read all the entries. And that's a lot of time reading when the comments were in the 2000s.

I was reading the Gaksital/Bridal Mask recaps and saw a few of our Hearties commenting there. Glad to know most have moved on but it's funny how they still mention TK2H every now and then. (I still haven't found any drama that's appealing for me to watch "live" right now.)

Ah. I miss everything K2H.


All of my chingus are STILL here!! ackkkkk...luff U!! <3

His rendition=*sigh le sigh*

His singing voice has a nice lilting quality. AND, apparently he sang with his eyes closed...which means he injected all of his emotions into the song. I guess the bright side is: his concert will be broadcast in Japan in July(?) so hopefully we'll get to 'see' him perform somewhere online.

btw, did you gals read that this int'l fan stumbled into him at a Korean university wherein she went for an interview for a masters program? Apparently, he was there for the same. Which means: he may be going for a second master's AND more importantly, WHY IS THIS GUY 'SO' BLOODY AWESOME!! heh

With a week and half post-TK2H wrap up I am already awaiting his drama comeback!! ughhh

1. I started watching Ghost and it's pretty good. The acting leaves a LOT to be desired but since it's a procedural am o.k. with it.

2. Haven't watched BM. I liked JW in OB but then whilst watching it he somehow annoyed me. So, i dropped it and if this show continues to be good I'll give it a try. But, for now I'm holding off on watching it!!

3. Watched a bit of AGD: oh man what a disaster! It's trying so hard to be cool. You have these 40 yr olds who behave like they're bloody teens. omigahh!! And, the female lead's character and acting!! Don't.even.get.me.started!! SO screechy and immature!! I cringe for her and how can the male lead possibly FALL for her! yeah, whatevs don't believe it one bit!!


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Hi Saima, *waving hand
Have you seen Seung Gi's outfit when he arrived at Gimpo Airport returning to Korea? I bet you have. He is HOOOT, right? Guess who's the first one that came to my mind? None other than someone named SAIMA! I imagined the the reactions of the Saima I unconsciously created in my mind, since I don't know how you look like, hehe. Don't worry dear, in my imagination Saima is a pretty girl. ;) I hope you don't mind. Peace.
Pssst...*whispering to Saima* It's the first time I watch JW on screen, and he's annoyed me in BM.


Hm.. is it? I might start watching ghost then, if it's pretty good. Even if it's not perfect, i'm just finding whatever show that might help distract me from withdrawal, lol. 2012 seems to be shaping up to be a GOODASS year, so im not AS worried. Perhaps they believed the mayans.
Whatever drama a heartie suggests must be good, since we all seem to be one with each others thoughts.


YA! Saima! You naughty girl, you! Kkk~
I was wondering recaps land when I see Ghost recap posted, and I tell Mtoh that Ghost recapped here...then she tell me she met you! I was confused, because I don't see your name!! Haha, you naughty girl!!


Agree, Saima, AGD is definitely not for the younger set. KHN's character drives me crazy but I love the guys, the married guy is the most immature! But funny! As I am of that age group, I can relate and know people just like this!


I might give Ghost a try, too, but probably when it's about 6 or more episodes in. Interesting first episode though based on the recap.

Big is coming out on Monday (today). Hope it's gonna be cute and funny and engaging. :)


@Osi: THANKS for remembering me at the right time!! :D I feel like I've left an indelible impression as the new rabidest(?) fangirl on you airens!! heh

@MsB: hmm, I've watched Sex and the City and loved it. If it's done right I'll be lapping up the drama/movie. The intro scene in Ep3 where they summon the 20 yr old girl to their private room and only haul ass after they learn who her father is left me feeling very icky. It was the ID of her father and not how old she was that freaked them out....which freaked me out!! :S

@reglest: I have NO idea what you're talkin' about!! :P Just changed my 'username' briefly!! heh


I just heard it. Very nice! Brings back memories of TK2H. Now I feel like crying! Miss the waiting for the drama, the pounding of the heart while watching, the discussion of the drama. TK2H is really the best!


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OMG! Hearties! It's so nice that you're all still here lurking around like my soul wandering if there's still any live human being in this thread. I think I died after the TK2H ended coz I can't feel any excitement on all the new dramas that came out recently.
@Osi - I heard your whisper to Saima ~ I'm on the same boat ~ hope no one else can hear it especially our lovely maknae ILM :D

I miss TK2H..I miss GF's recap...and I miss all the hearties amazing insights/opinions/humor in this forum *heavy sigh*


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You heard it? I used the lowest tone of my voice. You sure have super ears. Hehe. Please don't tell anybody. And you're on the same boat? I'm relieved. ^^


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Thanks to tryp96, she posted an audio of LSG's live version of "Love is Crying" recorded and shared by Jessica Lin, a fan.
Go to the link below to listen to the audio.


Happy listenung and good nite.


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i just heard it. omg the girls were screaming like crazy... i nearly went deaf. his vocals sounded a bit tired at the start but man, when he nailed it from the second verse onwards, he really nailed it. i mentally filtered out the screaming and i had goosebumps :)


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Oh, god, he is really amazing. Just listen to the screaming, I almost went deaf. How I wish he sang this ost. It's not that K. Will is not good, but Seunggi is definitely more emotional because he acts the king. Can’t stop playing it over and over again. totally tear up. Love Seunggi so much.


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you guys are still here~

arrggh cant listen to it right now, still at work :(
but thx for the linky and the kind soul who has recorded it


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@yellow buttercup - if you go to http://lsgairenint.tumblr.com/, u can hear it as the page launches (just make sure your internet connection is faster than that in my office, and you have your earphones plugged into the computer jack)



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awww thank youu Bern75!


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lol was reading one of JB's old posts and see that K2H fits under what would we would call a mania drama -- one that is not in top for ratings, but has amassed a large fanbase.
Yep, now a mania drama lover. It's time to appreciate the ones that deserve appreciatin'!
Although not saying popular ones with good quality don't deserve 'em either.

-So, decided going to marathon The Princess's Man because i'm in the mood for a really good lives-at-stake romance, since the withdrawal from K2H is eating me up.
QIM's romance is so lovely, definitely makes me all cheesy and in love.
but it definitely doesn't impact me the way these type of thrilling romances do.


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Thats an intense drama. Get ready.
Its Zero fluff.Zero funnies. But its worth it. its kinda draining cos of d seriousness. The Love component is beautiful ..sad..haunting.A good show.
Old Eun is there. Much more respectul character here.


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Yup, intense indeed. But the romance really did get me.
I've watched it as it aired and like K2H -- could not wait for the next episode. Watched it raw, remembering it took 3 or 4 days just to sub. So sad it was not as popular then.
It became my favorite saeguk.
It's nice to see secretary eun here though, as our hero's father that died honorably, rather than playing a cruella de eun.


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spoilerish alert for my next comment underneath


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And i remember feeling like an idiot because I was totally all oh yeah, the opening scene is a total reflection of the ending. And then slack-jawed when it happened within the first third of the show, and was like WUT. Just really shows how fast-paced this show really is.. And you usually don't associate fast-paced with saeguks. Really, you don't.


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I REALLY have to watch TPM!! Heard and read so many good things about it.

Here's my to-watch list for the next couple of months: TPM, TwDR, Time b/w Dog and Wolf (to prep myself before Arang starts), Sign, Tamra, QIHM, and Sandglass.



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Oh yes. Tree with deep roots had excellent actors.. The cinematography was beautiful and it just had many intelligent parts.
It also features my favorite Joseon king EVER. ha. And not just because the actor made it so much better.
Bong gu was also a villain there, so you'll pretty much hate him there like you did here.
Somehow though, i felt like the romance there was more like an oppa-dongsaeng relationship than actual lovers.


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Bong Gu actor was also in one of my favorite Lee Byung Hun movies The Good, The Bad and the Weird! I did not recognize him at first!


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Oh the Good, the Bad and The weird... Bonggu is funny their hahaha!


Agree! Agree! Tree with Deep Roots is my favorite sageuk so far. Best King Ever, the young and the old (in a sageuk, that is - Lee Jae Ha is still the Best King Ever for me :). Song Joong Ki was phenomenal in that role even if his role was short. I liked him in Sungkyungkwan Scandal but loved him here.


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i was so sad when song joong ki only had a small part and even though they immediately switched to Han Suk Kyu, i had no qualms once his acting blew me out of the water.


Oh yes. I felt that way too when SJK only had a short screentime considering that he did an outstanding job there (can't forget the father-son face off scene when he asked Mu-hyul to fulfill his oath to kill whoever wants to kill him, the King. Ooof! Major goosebumps i tell you). But I didn't feel sad too long since HSK was even more phenomenal. I'm finally gonna start watching TPM tonight to lessen the TK2H withdrawal so thanks for the suggestion.


Hope you enjoy minea!!
I'm also re-marathoning it! :D


Sandglass? Go Hyung Jun's Sandglass??
Hwaa~ where do you watch it? That one is legend!! I want to see it too! (CMIIW, but GF(or JB) said she even has the cassette t
ape of Sandglass OST)

Trivia: Sandglass achieve 50% viewer rating in its time! Some even said when the time sandglass was airing, the traffic lessen, and people crowded into nearest TV!
Other trivia: Sandglass director is Kim Jong Hak! Do you know who?Yes, the owner of production House which produce TK2H: Kim Jong Hak production.
Other trivia: Go Hyun Jung is ex-sunbae for Seung Gi in Hook entertainment, before she sue Hook


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Hands down, reglest, you're THE go-to person for interesting tidbits, trivias, and educational infos. Wow. Where do you get these stuffs? I always learn something new from you. :). Thank you.


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Honestly, reglest, you are amazing. Like Minea asked, "Where do you get this stuff?"

You know what comes to mind? When the king asked the crazy NK bomber guy in the costume on the merry-go-round if he was Doraemon because he keeps pulling things out of his belly. (I still don't get the full impact of this statement because I have not of yet seen anything Doraemon, but I'm guessing this is what he does?) I mean that lovingly, of course!

It's an education, in more ways than one, this TK2H experience. Thanks!


Wow! You're like our Hearties cyber detective/google/doraemun/wikipedia/...!!! Where do you get all these information? I didn't know the Go Hyung Jung sue Hook? I wonder why? Should we sue Hook too for LSG's hair mismanagement? LOL! :D


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@LSGLover's Soul

"Should we sue Hook too for LSG’s hair mismanagement? LOL!"

Oh, that is funny. "Hair mismanagement." That's a nice way of putting it.

Any lawyers here? How would we go about doing this? (Just kidding)


@LSGlover's soul @kappy:
I definitely second that option! We should sue hook for his hair..aigooo...*palm face*


I think Hook singlehandedly brought Lee Seung Gi's looks score to 7.8 (as rated by himself). without their "hair mismanagement" he would be 100/10!


been searching in you tube if somebody already covered a piano vid for hang ah's dream.... sadly, no one yet.

i got my album last week, on thursday by the way. absolutely lovely and the pics were great. now, waiting for the dvd's director's cut. hope we get it.

make some news alright hearties if u hear anything :)


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I just recd my OST this afternoon and hv been listening to it. Bring back loads of memories. Also added Seung Gi's version of Love is crying to my playlist which needless to say is going to be in repeat mode.

I, too, havent started watching a drama. Before TK2H, had a list recommended to me by friends but just cant get the engine going. Fingers keep going to Seung Gi's fans blogs and DB...sigh


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Listen to Seung gi singing "I Won't Love" in his BUdokan concert. I'm so dead.


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That's the first time I've heard that song. I love it. And I love how he sings it.


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Yeah, it's not Seung Gi's song. If I'm not wrong, that's Baek Ji Young's song.


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Yes, I youtubed it and found Baek Ji Young sang it. She does great, but Lee Seung Gi's version is loverly (manly loverly).


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Why does that one vein in his neck always pop out whenever he's workin' it?!
Last time i saw it.. the camping kiss. mmmm.


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umm, yeahh!!! *drooooooooooooools*

Until Seung-gi came along I didn't notice guys' hands so closely!! lulz


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It's funny, this pre-occupation so many of us seem to have with veins. But not just anyone's veins... Lee Seung Gi's veins. And not just anywhere... in his beautiful, manly hands and neck!


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@ ilikemangos
How much I love this forum, last time they were talking abt his hand and now his neck. Last yr in youtube, they were talking abt his butt during BL's days.(in tk2h when he was on the treadmill with HA.) I wonder what is next!! I will come bk to this forum for my LSG's fixs. hahaha


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Big is premiering.
Anyone up for a Hong sisters drama?
I've watched most of their dramas in the past and usually had good experiences in them..
It'd be cool if our seung gi cameo'ed -- i heard in the news lee min jung wants him to HA.
Although i'm just gonna say that THESE "other hong sisters" that created our K2H will forever be my favorite writers, despite some flaws.
All the badassery i ever wanted in a show is all here. Its in dialogue, it's in actions.. God. that's when it's kill.


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I'm up for BIG, and I'm sure Mtoh too

I also like their comedy, and how they turn the cliche in kdrama into something worthy to laugh off

See you there Mango!


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Just watched Big's ep 1 and it's cute. It's fast paced, so it's easy to watch. Alot of fluff. Onboard to treat this drama as dessert, for now, amongst all the other shows i'm watching.
And our seung gi does somewhat make a cameo -- they play his song "will you marry me" on the radio.. I started spazzing, really, when i heard his voice.


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"voice" cameo, huh? well it'll be great if he does a real, physical cameo, lol.

So Big's cute? I think I'm gonna enjoy it too


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while not watching "live" anymore. i have seen all new dramas and it's too early yet to adequately feel about them.
in short, these set of dramas aren't on par with k2h. :/
i don't think anything will in a few years. although, this 3rd ep. by BM had got me aaaaahhhh! then, ghost had me WTF, while kim sun-a really is riveting to watch in i do, ido. lol.

now, you've mention BIG, i heard they want him to do a cameo right? ooohhh, i hope he does!!! and hearing his song, i think they might :)

i want to see more of our boy. i feel as if the impending military mandatory will be really next year. :/


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also, this is a very different hong drama compared to the others in terms of tone and gong yoo in here has left my throat dry with that choco abs. lol.
but that's about it. hope it'll do well for the next eps.


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I've watched all their dramas. So, I'm in for BIG.


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i swear, shi kyung death, it gave me such big impact none other drama did. even after few days, i still experience drama withdrawal, and every time i listen to the 'first love' song sang by jae shin, i'll start crying. that was insane since eun shi kyung is just a fictional character in a drama. i almost hate the drama just because of his death, even after his death, while watching the remaining episode, i still feel restless, like the review said, it left a big eun shi kyung hole in my heart. i feel so bad for jae shin, and i did feel a little angry since the ending feels a little too rushed and the mourning period for shi kyung was too short. truthfully, i still can't accept his death and in denial state (yeah, i'm hopeless). i hope there will be a drama where lee yoo jin and jo jung suk will be the lead act, i think it might help. but as for others, i like the drama very much, it's just excellent. lee seung gi and ha ji won was exceptional and their chemistry was really good. i like the dead king as well, he was such a good brother. K2H will always be one of my favourite even though it still left such a sore spot in my heart due to shi kyung death. (i'm really jaeshin-shikyung shipper) sigh~~


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*hugs* we feel the same dear. the same...
but what epi 20 done for us, is like what GF said: more!


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BTW Hearties... I think today is the 8th anniversary of Seungi Gi's debut (the Airens on this forum can confirm this haha). wow! 8 years and at such a tender age!! Some of us dont even hold down jobs that long :)

Here's wishing the King every success in the future.


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Was reading about all his accomplishments at his age of 25 . . . I feel inadequate. He makes me feel like I've done nothing in my life. LOL.


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and he plans to take I think another master's degree; he makes me look bad and lazy


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It's confirmed. Hehe.
It's the international video project.

Actually there's another video message event organized by official fan club (everyone can join, including the non-members). I haven't seen the video yet.

Both videos were given to Seung Gi in a special USB. An anonymous fan posted this USB pic in tryp's blog. Not sure which project uses this one.


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It is from Malaysia Airen, this is very funny and creative video, watch here http://lsgairenint.tumblr.com/post/24408566572/lee-seung-gi-malaysia-airen-my-q-a-video-lsg


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Correct: The teddy bear USB is for International Project, include both video messages above


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Thank you for the information. So the USB included the video from official fan club. Daebak. Have you watched the video?


No, I said it's for International Project included videos by Haart & Malaysia fans, official fanclub project is another project for both Korean & international fans, it hasn't been post yet, sorry for confuse you


@ anon
Ah I see, thanks anyway... :)


Oh thanks anon! Really enjoyed the video! Thanks Gene Chu from Malaysia!


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A translation from entry http://doctorcall.tistory.com/1031

And I feel so proud read that article (and nods my head along the read) :D
Seung Gi-yaah!!


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awww!! How lovely!! <3333


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Okay, ladies!! You need to be sitting when you look at the piccies (esp, the first one) in the following link. j/k. I think I died while giggling incessantly like an immature green girl!!


Was just browsin' until I hit the 'treasure trove'!! lulz....Self, shaddup right NAO!!


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I had giggled all the way :D


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Saima, Reglest! You're both so naughty! (Em.... I must admit I did a double take too).


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Can't help it! I'm a regular on the site, and i had noticed that last year...*this is my defense of innocence* as I think anyone will believe me? kkkk~ *giggling*


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Arghh naughty girls.
*off to watch 1n2d ep 164


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Ok. Will watch ep 164 as soon as I can. :)


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* Chok.Choke..k..K..K * @_@
Saima dear , you said I 'need to be sitting down' so I sat...spooning big spoonfuls of blueberries into my mouth ! Imagine my gut reaction when I saw it!
You shd hv added , 'Dun eat whilst looking or you might gag !' . Cause thats exactly what happened.
My eyes popped & I spat & shot out bullets of blueberries!!
The comments following that pic was totally hilarous too. There's even one commentor that was clueless as to what everyone was referring to!


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Oh dear, and blueberries can be very staining. LOL

And thank you for drawing my attention to the funny comments, 'cause you know that's not where my attention was initially drawn. That one comment asking what the big deal was. Oops. Different words would be better. The hoopla? Fuss? Then says how she loves glazed sweet potatoes, or something like that.

Hey, did you notice AnnMichelle's comment there, too? Can I assume that's OUR AnnMichelle?


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I'm 100% sure that's OUR AnnMichelle. ^^


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Ah ha, nice. Hey AnnMichelle, we're already calling you OUR AnnMichelle. ;) See? One big happy family. (Keeping happy by discussing our beloved drama.)


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Yep, that's DEFINITELY OUR AnnMichelle haha~


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I actually had to go back to look at the pix again to see what's the fuss cos all I saw the first time was "aww... He's back to being sweet cute puppy again...".

Then I realised what u guys are saying...!!!
*blush five shades of red*

You guys!! My mind's wandering to the gutters... =}


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Hey guys, check out this link. It's really cute.


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@crazyajummafan and Saima,

Seung Gi's choc abs and well endowed *ahem* pictures, one after another....? are you trying to kill me with a heart attack?!?!?


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Also, check this one: just tweeted by his rep agency:

Three cakes!!
But the hair...can't we shave it? *seriously consider*


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back to bad hair days... :)
glad to see those k2h posters on the background.. :)


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just finished Ghost's ep 2 and it's getting gooooooooood!


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welcome to the lair Mangos! kkk~


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yayyy!! Although the acting is kinda bad the pacing, direction etc is quite taut!! Since it's a procedural more often than not I'm not really invested in the characters. Watching this for the story line.


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I'm on Ghost too...needed s'thing...


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hello everyone!!! finally I'm with my laptop... :) arrrgh stress!
I miss hjw and lsg..The more i see pics of them, the more i long for them...


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Missing TK2H like crazy!!!!! >.<


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@Saima @Reglest @ Jade Butterfly @Osi @Bern 75

RE: SG's treasure trove
Someone mentioned a 1n2d episode of SG wearing JM's clothes. I also remember an episode I saw, a recent one aired this year. Sorry can't remember the episode number, but its the one where they did the mini olympics in the little room. In the RAW version, there was a shot of SG rejoicing over some win and at that moment I was taken aback when I saw something 'significant'. UNFORTUNATELY, someone in KBS must have seen it too and it was cut in the subbed version.

Detective Reglest, if you can find the link, I think we will all be grateful.
In the mean time view this link


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1. I just wanna squish him in the second pic:


*squishes* --> *nom noms puppy*!! :D

2. Singapore fans: Good news for ya'll...well, kinda!! Seung-gi will most probably be visiting your city-state!


2. lulz @crazyajummafan wanting to know the episode where SG's wearing JM's clothes. hahaaaa

NOW, we know the reason Seung-gi doesn't wear slim fit jeans. err, they don't seem to 'fit' him well!! puwahahaaaaaa


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@Saima - i saw the entry in tryp's blog and i nearly squealed out loud. die, now he is going to come to Singapore and my closet Seung Gi love will all be out in the open. My family and friends will probably frown at my unhealthy obsession with a guy 12 years my junior (did i just give my age away...?). my reputation will be ruined!!!

Think about it, if i were a guy and Seung Gi was a girl, i'll be what they term a dirty old man....

sigh. ottoke??


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Ups...I'm not into vid searching...I'll ask my friend who keep the RAW version..soon... ^^


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there are two cuts of that episode made by an LSGi fan on youtube... links here...



it's damn farni episode... they came up with the games cos they were soooo bored. it's hilarious. :)


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Check my comment in #321.3, crazyajummafan. ^^
For the small room Olympic, still searching the raw cut, and it's in ep 228. ;)


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Thanks Osi, Bern 75 and Reglest. You guys are the best!

Hey Bern 75, do drop me a line so that I can keep you inform of any further S'porean hearties rendezvous. If Seunggi comes to S'pore, we're thinkin of going together!


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done! i definitely wanna be with u guys when he comes. I can't sit with the teenagers screaming "seung gi ya---" at his SG fan meet / concert. it would be too embarrassing for me... :) i'll rather sit with the crazy ajumma fans... keke.


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Detective Reglest, if you can find the link, I think we will all be grateful.



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If anyone is still reading this. Please educate me on what "CF" stands for. Like you guys always mention "CF" products like the fridge in EP6 and Dunkin Donuts in other episodes....


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We're still here, hearty. ^^
CF stands for Commercial Film. It's the same as TV advertisement.


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Now I understand. Thank you! I too am still on K2H withdrawal. Getting off from work now to watch it again until the symptoms go away. I don't think I will get tired of this couple anytime soon. So in the meantime I will still be hounding this site until something else awesome comes along.


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You're welcome. ^^
AhHa Couple is my most favorite OTP so far. In my comment #307.1.1, I wrote this:
And no couple can beat AhHa couple chemistry for me so far. You know what happen to my heart when I see AhHa couple? It beats faster. When they kiss, my heart beats even faster, beats randomly, skips many beats, and I think it stops many times. Oooh, even when I write this, my heart beats faster again thinking of the scenes. Oh crazy, crazy. Should I thank PD-nim for not giving us a scene even one level above the fridge kiss because I might fall dead??!!


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VOTE FOR BEST 2012 KDRAMA: http://polldaddy.com/poll/6291076/


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85%...yes ;)


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You can only vote once right? So I have to find other computers to log on and vote again. Ha! Ha!


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You can use different browsers (Firefox, chrome, internet explorer, opera, etc.) from the same computer.


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I tried to vote through the blog (I clicked the name of the commentator "addylovesbwood"), but it seemed like my vote wasn't counted even though it said it's counted. In the blog, we can see how many votes so far. I could vote there even after I voted in the link above. It's 66 votes for TK2H before I voted, but it remained the same even after I voted (I also tried different browsers, and the number was the same). Seems like we can only vote from one computer. Oh well, I'm not sure... :(


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Hello hearties. Everyone is still here... and I am here again...heheh. I haven't been cured yet of my Tk2h madness. I am swamped with video clips of HJW and LSG to appease myself. I feel lonely without this drama and our Ah-ha. I hope they both go to Japan in August to promote this drama !


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Ahh Rona, you are in Japan? Then that's likely they'll go there..lucky you :D


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And after you only you...

OMG, can we move on...guess not completely...


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and you back too!! Hahaha~


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This is King' day, I had to...at least on Wednesday...
I miss everyone :(


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oh it's a gathering here, i'm telling ya. opium den!


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I'm trying really hard to get over K2H. I tried avoiding DB, but I missed coming home to this really wonderful site. I tried staying away from anything K2H, but ended up re-watching the drama and reading all the comments I missed anyway. Amid all the problems I'm dealing with right now, not having K2H to look forward to seems to be sucking the littlest amount of energy I still have. I totally miss you, my K2H family.


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Another proof the scriptwriters did their research on the ICC's verdict on KBG (final ep) of life imprisonment.

Reference: Wikipedia
" Article 110 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court stipulates that for the gravest forms of crimes (e.g., war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide), a prisoner ought to serve two thirds of a fixed sentence, or 25 years in the case of a life sentence. The highest determined prison sentence that can be imposed in the ICC, aside from life, is 35 years. After this period, the court will review the sentence to determine whether or not it should be reduced."


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Thanks for the information HJWFF.
Another proof that this drama is close to the real life even though it is a fantasy with its fictional Korea monarchy.


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:) they really did their research well huh? that's why we keep coming back. everything seems so real to life, so we are still living in S Korean constitutional monarchy period in our alternate history. sigh... this is so bad for mental health!


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Thank you HJWFF!!^^


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19 years old LSG singing live "Desire and Hope". His ability to sing live is always so awesome!




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I don't know about you gals but I'm happy & sad to report that ...I have FAILED miserably. I still can't get K2H outta my system.* Snoopyhappy dance & Snoopy bawling big flying tears * I tried..
Method 1- Detoxing by watching other dramas like 'I do I do' ,resulted in instant sleep only to wake up to switch back to the gazillionth rerun of K2H! Sigh .Happy bunny me!
Method 2- Exercise with gusto for 1.5 hours so that I can quickly sit down wt exercise fren to talk 'bt K2H for d next 2.5 hours! Sigh. Silly deluded me ,thinking I've passed the K2H bug away!
Method 3- EAT . Fatter less happy bunny.
Method 4- Go to all LSG websites to get away fr K2H. Only problem is...EVERYDAY there are references & screencaps & fanvids that appear & reappear to keep the K2H 'opium ' in the blood. The reason is getting blurer for why I need to get K2H out of my system.. Er, tell me again why ?

So I GIve UP!! Last night , I insisted that my husband start to watch it.Yes,when you're d one cookin' the food & buyin' the wine , you HAVE the POWER!!
So, my darling hearties , I live with the K2H crack strongly surging still in my blood.
Gotta run cos its K2H tuition time now!! Husband needs to watch today's lesson...epi 2 now! Mwah~hahahaha!


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I tried Method 1. It doesn't work. For method 4, I've done it since looong ago. Hehe.

"The reason is getting blurer for why I need to get K2H out of my system.. Er, tell me again why ?"
I don't know why..just embrace it.. ;)

Good luck for the remaining lessons, Jade Butterfly. I bet after all 20 lessons finished, there will be additional lessons: reviewing the 20 lessons one by one. Hehe.


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Don't even bother getting it our of your system. I totally agree with "crazyajummafan" and just settled down each day after work and watching the episodes over again. Even I keep coming back to this site. I guess most of all is missing everyone at this site and what fun it is to discuss and read all of your comments. Actually it is not K2H that is the virus, it is all of you that is so stuck with me that I can't get rid off. Need to start work now. Will check back later. ^_^


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LOL. Funny post, Jade Butterfly!

Like you, I just let the madness take over me and give in every single time. I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE.

I've been doing Method 4 but it's useless - it feeds and fans the flames of my K2H rabidness even more. And I always find myself coming back to this thread to see if there are any K2H and cast updates. It's futile to even try to debug.

Good luck on the lessons. I'm sure at the end of it all, your husband would be a full-pledged K2H convert :)


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hearties!! at this rate, this DB post will surpass 2,000 comments before end this week! we are at 1,949! (this will make 1,950). and this post is around 2 weeks old.

Besides Japan and HK, we haven't heard any news of other countries airing TK2H yet huh? i am hoping if LSGi really come to Singapore they might also announce an air date for the drama. one can hope, i suppose...


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My country's broadcast station already make announcement: SOON in their website....though I hate their dubbing, but I hope they could contribute for this drama


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I'm not even trying to get the TK2H virus out. No point. It won't leave and I won't fight. Rather use my energy in watching TK2H's re-runs.

I've just re-watched episode 2 and I'm savouring every bit. I found it even funnier this time. Now that I've watched the entire drama, by going back to re-watch it, i actually find gems that I've previously missed and also find that I appreciate the characterisation more.

It's like a good book, where each time you re-read it, you find something that you kinda missed the previous time, and realise that there is a deeper understanding of a situation or character. I personally find that I understand Jae Ha's character better and that the writers did a far more excellent job than I thought, and I had already thought they did a fantastic job.

Also realised that this drama focussed a lot on 'hands'. There are a lot scenes with hands. Even on HA's date with the NK guy in ep 1, she was trying to hold his hands. Actually, at that point of time, I was silently telling her not to worry - when she meets JH, there will all the hand holding she wants and more! True enough, in ep 2, we see JH grazing his fingers over her hand and eventually holding it. Ohhhhh, so hot. And not to forget the way he held her hands when she was in bed, the way he rubbed her palms. I'm almost hyper-ventilating even as I type this, and of course the way he grabbed her hand and her bag of undies at the UN interrogation! Hot! Hot! Hot! And all this in just 3 episodes!


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True...each time I watch..I found something new.
A bit OOT, Like, how fearful war is, to let someone like Young Jae Kang worry about it when he saw crowd in the palace? Just like Bong Gu said in the last episode "when you heard firecrackers you think war is coming', that's how fearful it is..

Also we can see from the first episode Jae Ha has developed mistrust towards other, like how he ignored the school staff and go search his hyeong by him self.

About holding hands, yep, that's right^^even in the opening, they focused on holding hands, my fave screencaps by the way :D

I'm trying to identify the flowers in their arm, but it's difficult..since mine is Medium Quality, anyone can screen caps that from the Hiqh Quality Video?
The flower should be Mugunghwa (S.K national flower), but it also like Magnolia (N.K national flower)..just my suspicion though..


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Sorry, it's bit difficult for the pic, try this link:


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the royal arm is the Mugunghwa, S Korea's national flower. some info on the flower:

In another website i read that it represents the country's difficult history.

On to news of another Korean 'national flower' our Queen was in LA and said these two days ago at the 'As One' press conference:

(Thanks to the people at amazing yeoja blogspot - really gd questions!)

Did any LA hearties go to the priemere to give a shout out to our hwangbi mama? She looks regally stunning. Someone please photoshop King Jae Ha in there!!


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*silently swearing because my boss is around here and I cant open the linkies right now---I want to open it soooo baaadd*


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woahhhhh!! She looks awesome!! Those legs --> o_O

Feeling good since I haven't missed a workout since March!! Thanks unnie for motivating me on the other side of the globe! :D


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Okay reglest, you successfully give me headache. @_@
I tried to figure out the flowers on their hands, and I still couldn't make conclusion.
SK national flower, as you said, is Mugunghwa a.k.a Rose Sharon a.k.a Hibiscus syriacus.
NK national flower is Magnolia, or Magnolia sieboldii, to be exact.

As you can see in the picture, the flowers are shown with the stamens, the twigs, leaves, and the flowers that haven't bloomed yet (What do you call them?). So I tried to find both flowers complete with those above.


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I tried to post this comment, but somehow it didn't appear. I tried using (dot) in the links, hoping the comment appear here.

Mugunghwa a.k.a Rose Sharon a.k.a Hibiscus syriacus.

Mongnan a.k.a Magnolia sieboldii

What flower is it on their hands?
The flower is more like Mugunghwa with its clear stamen, but the petals look like both Mugunghwa and Mongnan. The leaf is more like Mongnan. The sepal of its un-bloomed (?) flower doesn’t have long sepal like Mugunghwa, but it’s also not pointed like Mongnan. It’s like the combination of both; short sepal like Mongnan and round un-bloomed flower like Mugunghwa.

Is it the combination of Mugunghwa and Mongnan which means united Korea?
Am I thinking too much?
Someone with sense of art can enlighten us, I think. Anyone?

Excuse me while I’m taking some aspirin.


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Ok, it's there. Just change the '(dot)' with the real dot (.) if you want to open the link.

*take aspirin @~@


Mianhae Osi, I make you confused as well :(
I also suspect the same like you, it's combination of Mugunghwa and Mongnan, which mean United Korea. I've suspected it since i first saw the opening video, but can't say it here, because...I can't get the conclusion...

At first I think it might be Mugunghwa as @Bern75 said, but when I zoomed in:

1. Leaves
This is the first thing that I noticed, The leaves in the opening clip are rounded, unlike Hibiscus leaves at all, that's why I began to look for Magnolia, and yes, I also find the leaves more like Mongnan as @Osi said, rounded.

2. Stamen:
This is the reason I'm asking for High Quality picture, when I zoomed in, it's broken in my screen. Still, I can see this: The flower in opening picture has clear stamen (which is mugunghwa/hybiscus prominent point), but the stamen isn't long like real Mugunghwa, It can be Mongnan too! Plus, there are some gradation in the center, it could be color gradation in Mugunghwa, but it could be Mongnan's stamen too!

3. petal
Mugunghwa usually shown as 5 petals flower, but in the opening picture it's not clear, plus it's from view side, so it can be both Mongnan and Mugunghwa.

4. Buds
As Osi said, the sepal of the buds aren't long like Mugunghwa, but not as pointed as Mongnan.
usually, I found this pic for Mongnan's bud:

But as I keep trying to search for I found this, a Magnolia sieboldii bud

what do you think Hearties? Is it combination of Mugunghwa and Mongnan or not?


Gwenchanha reg... :)
Ahaa, so it's bud...hihihi...
Seems like it's the combination, still not sure, though...


"I’m not even trying to get the TK2H virus out. No point. It won’t leave and I won’t fight."

me too. And keep coming back here, feeling the urge to read all the latest comments, and spend my time finding any linkies that have something to do with this drama, LSG, JJS, etc. My google chrome's history is so full with Seunggi and K2H. Oh and lots and lots of 1N2D.

And last night I logged in to ionairtv and suddenly felt so empty because I realized that no more live streaming of K2H


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It's been two weeks. I thought everyone would be gone from the comments section by now. I'm rewatching MGIAG and comparing LSG's acting now and then. I suspect he took secret acting classes between MGIAG and TK2H - lots of improvement already. Acting-wise (and emoting-wise) I prefer Jae-ha but I like that Dae-woong smiles A LOT more - so adorable :)

I've been watching other dramas and comparing them to TK2H in my mind. I've been belittling damsels in distress and scoffing at heroes of Noble Idiocy descent. I'm refraining from watching the new dramas out there because tons of complaints might just go off in my head while watching (although I might try QIHM, Gaksital, and maybe Ghost).

I can't shake off the virus for now :( :( :(


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Was just watching 1n2d ep 65. Check out Seunggi's biceps in this link: time 7:17


He's looks so cute and adorable here.


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Thank you for the link and will watch it once I get off work and head home. I know I will enjoy it.


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I love TK2H family, hearties united!


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thanks for sharing maria.. :)


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I'm glad TK2H got the great review it deserves.


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Uh, whoa.

First things first, I wish I found this website sooner when I was watching T2H but it's only way after that I find this when I was a-looking for people's reactions toward the drama and feeling all wistful.

Great recaps. And IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO READ ALL THE COMMENTS. But so, so worth it, lol.

All you guys have just made me laugh so hard and your analyses gave the drama so much more meaning! I usually wait awhile before re-watching but I had to rewatch just to understand all your points and observations!

And as much as I loved other dramas and how they remain precious in my heart/memory (RTP, Secret Garden, Winter Sonata. Royal Family, Dong Yi, Jejungwon, and its ilk), K2H is at the top of my list. One of a kind. As a film major, I'm trying to find something else to compare it to in terms of emotional investment/impact. As a movie, k2h seems to short, haha. While I wished there was a few more episodes (actually, why did it even have to end? gargdfbkhzs), 20 eps was perhaps timely versis a few seasons of it? Dunno.

Yeah, we all knew how it'd end for the main characters but the ride there was wild and bumpy. LOVED the FAMILY. Mostly the Queen, the former King, and THE AWESOME NK DAD/GRANDPA. Peace.


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Did you read all the recaps starting from ep. 1? If you did, it must have taken you a while to catch up to ep. 20. I too wished they extended this k-drama to a few more episodes and give us more king & queen time but can't argue with what the writers and PD has already given us. I think for this series they have out done what other dramas has not.


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@djin we were all like crazy before waiting for GF recaps every after episode and when it's out already, baaaam! all hearties throws comments and it was really fun, feels like home, great hearties around each with fantastic ideas.. How I love those moments, Ive met a lot of friends in here also from different part of the world...
Oh, Tk2H thank you so much for all the wonderful memories you brought to my life.. :)


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@djin - Ohmygosh, if you really read all the comments from epi 1, I am impressed! I haven't even done that. And after it aired, no less.

I have a Korean friend who periodically asks me which kdrama is my favorite. She must think I'm wishy washy, but she always smiles when I say, "The current one!" I guess that is kinda wishy washy, but I honestly think TK2H will stay up there on my list for a long time. It's left such a strong impression on me. Case in point - I'm still here commenting.

What's that song? "Unforgettable, that's what you are..."


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@ djin :
welcome to the club ;)
and as a film major , i hope this drama helps in your studies. asian films has some of the best to offer in the industry.


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Welcome to the club^^
I also believes this drama deserves more episode (and i'll always said so), because there are few things that need to be clear, though it's already clear in this comment thread, but not for everyone else.

Few things that I think need more airing time/scene:
1. Bong Gu's megalomania:
I know, most of us don't like HIM (yes, who'll like HIM?), but I do think he deserves more airing time to explain about himself. I mean, we know he is megalomania, and itself had described anything. But seriously, when I realize the 'Ride of the Valkryies' meaning, and @random person pointed out about longehrin from wagner and his similarity with Hitler (which I believe everybody here also realize), but I think the writer need to give us more hint about it

2. The meaning behind Shi Kyung's death
Hit me for this, but I believe the real meaning is to let Jae Ha walk in the straight path. Up until Shi Kyung's death, Jae Ha's motivation to capture Bong Gu is REVENGE, but with Shi Kyung's death, the motivation turn to be how to stand for JUSTICE, not just REVENGE. Shi Kyung is died in the path of justice, and if Jae Ha, says, just want to do revenge, it's easy to kill Bong Gu at the moment he shoot Shi Kyung. But no, Jae Ha keep processing Bong Gu according to law.
This moment, it'll be epic if Jae Ha given scene for realize this, because...not everybody willing to think and looking back for some pain.
3. Bon Bon's background
as far as I hate Bon Bon, but I believe she has background too for following Bong Gu's order all the time, do you see her face when Bong Gu slaps her? It looks like disbelief, hurt...I'd like to give this woman chance to be dimensional

in term of emotional? This drama teach me many things, also make me realize anything, thank you for all hearties here who willingly pour their insight, and it's amazing to read everybody point of view.
After this drama, I feel RICH..in term of maturely developing, :)


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I like to put 1 more point to yours.
4. The Emotional View of Jae-Ha and Hang-Ha in Ep20
When he is told by her that she has to go back to the North to help him prevent war between the North and South, I am sure he felt that he is also going to lose her like he did with Shi-Kyung. Yet he understood that he needs to put up a fight and stand for what is right to get her back. When they meet again during the unofficial meeting he had already made up his mind to bring her back home. So when the Chairman told him to send Hang-Ha back he pushed the Red Alarm button right away. He was going to make sure he doesn't lose her like he did Shi-Kyung. He decided then that there was no way they were going to be separated anymore. I mean that was some emotion that the 2 of them demonstrated. How determined they were to be together even in death as symbolizing the bond between the North and South. I think that is what this show was also trying to convey.
Oh Boy, here I go babbling again. But I love the insight you brought with all of your comments.


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Agree with you, that'll give much more impact
All of us love babbling here, especially when there is people who give u chance to do so ;)


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No, please, babble away. It's TK2H, after all. It's why we're here.

That conversation scene and the guns drawn scene were so powerful. I want to say romantic, but that paints a different kind of picture and is not quite right. The love this couple has for each other and their determination towards the reunification of North and South are so strong that they're willing to sacrifice their lives for it. Watching that is better than watching their snuggling on a couch (though that's nice and I will take it) because it reaches deeper, into both their hearts.


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@guam2000, Osi , crazyahjummafan
Thanks for the comforting pat my my back! I feel happily
enveloped in my K2H cocoon , now that everyones kinda not having or not wanting to detox the K2H 'opium' from our system . Its really way too hard to fight it.
I wont anymore.

Every rerun shows up another detail or highlights another nuance that is so interesting !
When I saw Mama Queenie when she was wt Eun senior asking for forgiveness. I realised that through her action of not turning toward him & not looking at him plus her absolute straight face compared to all her past encounters , she HAD NOT forgiven him for his obvious hand in JaeKang's death & Jaeshin's mishap.
Remember she gave JS a thumb down for her lack of manners & proper etiquette in replying to old Eun? Well , she's probably forcing herself to aceept his presence bk in the palace because JaeHa went personally to ask Eun to come back & Jaeha probably filled her in on this before he went ahead to do so. She knows that her only son whose royal plate is overfilled wt duties , can't do w/o Eun & his 30 yr experience. Catch 22 situation.
I'm also enjoying seeing Jaeha , so obviously & obliviously
attracted to HangAh .
Its like we know something that he doesn't know yet !
This feeling of being 'one up' on Jaeha's emotions towards HangAh is quite a delicious feeling indeed!
I have thoughts about JH & HA's super tight hugs too.
Try hugging a love one that tight . You'll know that there's not much left to the imagination. Or rather , it fuels the hugger & hugee's pervy imagination !
* ops ! clutching face , running to hide *


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LSG rates his own appearance 7.8,
For me, it's perfect 10! :D

I love you LSG!!! please give me a baby who looks exactly like you...hekhek!


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For me he's beyond 10.
And what's with
"I love you LSG!!! please give me a baby who looks exactly like you…hekhek!" ?????

Girfridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy.....here, heeeeeeeeeerrreeee, over heeeere....

*evil grin


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hahahaha! shhhhhhh.... :D


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He's humble, and that's so attractive.

I am glad that he acknowledges that he's got longer than average eyelashes. I noticed them especially during one of my favorite scenes, Jae Ha and Hang Ah's heartfelt, tear-filled phone conversation at the beginning of epi 20. I think that scene was done so perfectly (despite the partly distracting long eyelashes).


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"I love you LSG!!! please give me a baby who looks exactly like you…hekhek!"

Oh, HAHAHAHA! Too funny.

You guys are right, he's so humble considering that he's so successful. The dimple alone is already a 10, plus the manly veiny hands, the height, the long lashes, etc., etc., etc. Whew! he's one H.O.T. man!


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I'll be in line if he decided to become a s@@@m donor someday...gotta start saving money since I know it's going to be pretty expensive..but worth it! LOL


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LSG said in Japanese Mag Grizia thats he's single now & despite his busyness , its no hindrance to having a relationship if he finds the right girl.
With his current Time for Love song & his interview thats he felt lonely in Tokyo , he sure is game for a relationship RIGHT NOW. Too bad I'm not years years younger , I'd choose his university for an exchange program , then I'd.Hunt.Him.Down ( then again my googoo eyes would probably scare him away !)
Too late. Too bad. So Sad


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"then again my googoo eyes would probably scare him away"

puwahahaaa. You make me ROFL!!

Finding the 'right' girl for himself will be difficult wherein he can relax and be himself with her. But for now he has loads of time to navigate the dating scene. Good Luck, Seung-gi yaaa!! Do well!! <3

I wonder after breaking up how do ex-gfs of K-celebs keep mum about their rel'p?!! hmmm...


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I betcha his 2 ex-girlfriends are wishing they are still with him. Wonder if they have squealed on the details?


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@Jade Butterfly

"With his current Time for Love song & his interview thats he felt lonely in Tokyo , he sure is game for a relationship RIGHT NOW"

Yep, he sure is ready. My heart goes to the poor lucky girl who will eventually be Seung gi's girlfriend - cause everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, would want to have an opinion in that relationship. That girl would probably scrutinized from head to toe. But knowing Seung-gi's fans, they'll be happy when he's happy. So, Seung-gi-yah, FIGHTING!


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Oh , am I imagining or is he kinda checking out the korean interviewer on 12.06.06's One Night’s TV Entertainment . He kinda had that strange glint in his eyes when a guy's checking out a girl ...
Oh No!!! He's sussing out other ladies !
Here we are hopin' & wishin' he'd go after yummy Noona Jiwon . *sad pursed lips *


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hmm, he was surreptitiously checking her out!! hahaaa

Without the subs I figured that she seemed like the bumbling types....or she was nervous interviewing SG. So, he likes cutesy types.....go for it, Seung-gi!! You've worked really hard...now it's time to play...umm, hard as well!! :D


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LOL! i think he really needs to go out or at least be seeing somebody. i think it will do him good.
anyhoo, he never fails in answering smartly.
i'm glad he's comfortable with everything about himself after all he's one of the handful solo artist that we can really say the epitome of the all around entertainer.

is it just me but is he trying to make his hair kind of rumpled now to get away from the jae ha image ? i mean, it's good as long as he keeps it this short and not grow it back. this look really suits him. short, clean and really brings out his face.


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Hi Jade Butterfly, can you pls post the link of that interview for me? Would love to see it. Thanks in advance.


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Thanks Osi.
Yes, I see what Saima n Jade Butterfly are referring to. I'm sure the interviewer's heart must have been fluttering like mad when SG gave her one of those intense looks.

He's certainly got killer eyes!


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Killer eyes, agree with you. I think if I got chance to meet Seung Gi in person, I wouldn't be able to look straight to his eyes. And his eyelashes are gorgeous.


Just saw Bridal mask, ep 1 this morning. The plot's pretty interesting, but cliche-esh. But what I missed most was the brilliant acting by the cast of TK2H. Joo Won somehow didn't seem to fit the part. He's not expressive enough, and when he is, it's overdone. I miss the subtle facial expressions by SG and JJS. Realised that the cameras in TK2H often zoom in on their faces so that we can see the little changes in their expressions that reflect what they are thinking or feeling. Sigh!

TK2H's really spoiled me for other dramas. Sigh!


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True, the power of directing is absolutely clear in TK2H.
The camera play make us realize every subtle gesture, every eyes movement, zoom in on the actor faces to give us better understanding.
Of course it can't be done without the acting power of the actor itself, but the directing is clearly plays the role too.

another statement from me:
I can't imagine TK2H without PD Lee

and yes...it really spoiled me for other dramas,,,
a bit OOT, yes BM is a bit cliche-esh, at very first moment I saw 'him' w/o mask, I know it's HIM, while my friend said..'oh can't believe it' I'm like: really?


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’oh can’t believe it’ I’m like: really? ~ LMAO :D


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More exactly it: 'really?' *rolling eyes*

hahaha...I think I watch too many Kdrama(and manga) to be able to guess that ;)


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I laughed so hard when I imagined your expression...good thing I'm alone or people will think I'm crazy...you're still friends right? LOL!

I'm done with Mr. Brain and I started to research on how to exercise my brain! Just like you, I had to stop and rewind it to understand what in the world Kimutaku is saying. Gotta eat more bananas starting today hahaha!

I really miss TK2H here in DB ^^


@LSGlver's soul:
Don't imagine it! I'm glad she doesn't have 'zoom in camera' like TK2H do, because oh,,,I think..We're still gonna be 'friends' if she do have...sorta...LOL

I think I'll watch Mr. brain again, I need to 'enhance' my brain like KimuTaku do..gosh..still laughing everytime I remember he trick his assistant(Haruka Ayase) into wrong restroom!


"still laughing everytime I remember he trick his assistant(Haruka Ayase) into wrong restroom!"

hehehe that was so mean of him but everything he said really makes sense and I'd probably do the same thing too...

I kinda feel bad about that girl who got abducted when she was a kid & they thought she's got multiple personality...sad sad sad... I love her at Gokusen...have you seen those?


@LSGlover's soul:
Ah..Nakama Yukie, I love her in Gokusen, Gokusen the 1st is the best, 2nd is kinda good, but 3rd is kinda lame. I love her the best in TRICK with Abe Hiroshi.
Yes, that case was one of the saddest case. And KimuTaku's role self feel bitter to trap her and show the world that she actually doesn't have that disorder....

She is really a beauty, do you know that she play Sadako in 'The Ring'? XD When someone tell me, I can't believe it!



I definitely know what you mean. I watched Ep 16 and 17 again where they were kidnapped by Bong-Gu's henchman. You can each eye expression by Ha Ji-Won. I mean that girl can act. You can see when she saw the gun how mean she looked like don't you dare put that gun in my face. Then at the end of Ep 16 where the minion is telling to contact Jae-Ha to have him give up his throne. You can definitely see her expression change from sad to mad. Her eyes tell a different feel each time. You can see that change from one frame to the next. I think that is pretty awesome because we don't see it that much in most the K-drama.


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One of the memorable scene for me is when Ha Ji Won was in jail. The part where Lee Seung Gi showed up ~ you can see or feel through her eyes the longing, the sadness, the pain of being away from him. Then that scene or HJW faded away on top of LSG when he's looking out on the window. The cinematography or what ever you call it is just brilliant. Too bad I'm not good in saying things in detailed or descriptive words...


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Just watched Running Man filmed this year in March 2012 with Ha Ji Won ( K2H hairdo) & also 2009's Family outing with HJW. ALL the guys whether married or single seem to be very besotted wth her. They are so taken with her Aegyo-ness & imitated her at every drop of a hat. MC joon Suk's is very complimentary of her & thats saying alot cos he normally isnt of other female stars .
When other female actressesw are around , they just pale away cos the guys all just pay attention to Ha Ji Won.
If she acts the way she does on variety shows & that is her normal behaviour , then , she's actually fine with a younger guy cos she acts younger than female stars 10 years younger than her ! Please go sewe it if ou have time , all the guys are so putty in her hands.
Aegyo is so a man's undoing!!


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Now I understand why Seunggi is always missing his lines or forgetting to exit a scene when HJW is talking or when he just had a somethin' somethin' going on with HangAh!
I always thought she was pretty but I obviously underestimated her power of allure!


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Time to vote again for LSG,HJW and JJS...
Majority of the votes are from Korea,I think international fans should support them..:)


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@marneh11 - Where should we vote ?


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#jade Butterfly
Oh i'm sorry I forgot to paste the link..my bad... :(


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Thank you. Just voted .Everyone , please VOTE for our K2H couple !


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