49 Days: Episode 17

Woo, the foursome has assembled! Not that they can all see each other, mind you, but it’s nice to have ’em all inhabiting the same space, and aware (on some level) of each other’s presences. I’d wondered if Kang had found out about Ji-hyun’s condition too early to make for a satisfying resolution, but as it turns out, this “I totally love you but I can’t say I love you and I know you love me too even though you won’t acknowledge it” angst-conflict is kind of great.


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After seeing Yi-kyung leaving town, Kang, like a crazy person, runs through the streets shouting Ji-hyun’s name, wondering where the heck she is. Uh, you know she’s a ghost, right? It’s okay, Kang-ah, we all lose a few smart points in moments of panic.

Kang gets on the phone to try to trace Yi-kyung’s taxi, begging for help because his wife has gone off to die alone after being told she was terminally ill. Aw, I know it’s a lie, but it’s sweet to hear Kang referring to her as his wife all the same.

Yi-soo finds Ji-hyun still slumped on the ground and takes her to Seoul Station, Yi-kyung’s destination, saying this is as much as he can do for her. He tells Ji-hyun to be sure to bring her back.

Kang boards the train ahead of Ji-hyun, who follows him onboard just before it departs. He approaches Yi-kyung and introduces himself, saying that he needs her help in order to find somebody. Yi-kyung replies that she already knows, and that she’s leaving because of her: “Why should I lend my body to a ghost?”

As Kang explains that Ji-hyun needs her in order to survive, Ji-hyun enters the car and sits in the seat next to him, apologizing to Yi-kyung. She sobs that she did it because she wanted so desperately to live: “Just ten more days. If you don’t help me, I can’t do anything. I have to just die!”

At the sound of her voice, Yi-kyung stiffens, immediately aware, and she can see the vague shape of Ji-hyun sitting across from her. Kang senses her change and asks if Ji-hyun has arrived, and Yi-kyung can’t help but be moved by Ji-hyun’s pleas — that she may die anyway, but she wants to use the ten days to see her parents’ face one more time, and say one last word to Kang.

Min-ho meets with his new landlady in Yi-kyung’s apartment and hears that some other guy came looking for her and kicked up a huge fuss, but hadn’t been able to catch her in time.

That’s only partially true, since Kang now drives Yi-kyung (and Ji-hyun) back in his car, and she explains that she’s started to see and hear Ji-hyun recently. She also has bits of Ji-hyun’s memories left in her mind, so she knows a bit of what Ji-hyun has been through, although her understanding is patchy.

Kang asks after Ji-hyun’s condition, and Yi-kyung relays Ji-hyun’s answer (“Tell him I’m fine”) to him.

Then the Scheduler joins them, and Ji-hyun worries what’ll happen now that Kang knows everything and Yi-kyung and see and hear her. Yi-soo says that it’s fine, and that this is what sometimes happens when two souls are compatible: “It’s because Yi-kyung is so pure.”

Back at Yi-kyung’s place, the two ladies sit down for a face-to-face talk for the first time. Yi-kyung apologizes for the accident, and Ji-hyun says it’s not entirely her fault. Ji-hyun can’t divulge the nature of her 49 days, but assures Yi-kyung that she didn’t come to her out of a vengeful spirit, but that she was sent to her for another reason.

Yi-kyung tells her that in the spirit of paying back her debt (for the accident), she’ll agree to continue as host for the ten remaining days.

Kang waits outside, tensing when Ji-hyun comes bounding out. They’re happy to see each other, but don’t drop the act and acknowledge that she’s Ji-hyun — rather, they return to how they were before, with Kang knowing the truth but pretending she’s Yi-kyung. (Even though he knows the truth, she’s still banned from acknowledging her true identity, and she feels that if she gets too comfortable with him, she’ll forget herself and make mistakes.)

She has family matters to take care of today, so she promises to report for work tomorrow, and he promises to pick her up in the morning.

Yi-soo shows up while Ji-hyun is grocery shopping, and gets all cutesy with her before she sets him down with the reminder that she’s Ji-hyun. He grumbles that his sunbae is testing his patience on purpose (lol), then slyly comments on her own melo-loveline with Kang — and forbids her from any skinship while she’s still in Yi-kyung’s body. Haha. Ever the possessive boyfriend, eh?

Ji-hyun spends the afternoon cooking, and when Yi-kyung wakes up, she finds a table of food with a note telling her that Ji-hyun had really wanted to cook for her (and that she threw away her instant ramyun). Ji-hyun joins her and urges her to eat up, mentioning that Yi-soo had told her which banchan (side dishes) to make for her.

At that, Yi-kyung looks up, startled at his name. Ji-hyun says he’s been waiting five years to meet her again, and that there are a lot of things going on in this realm that Yi-kyung (and other living people) are unaware of. Proving she knows about Yi-soo, Ji-hyun tells her that she knows Yi-kyung dislikes spinach but made it because Yi-soo liked it, and that Yi-soo pretended to like Vienna sausages because Yi-kyung liked them but didn’t want to buy them because they’re expensive.

Moved by the memory, Yi-kyung explains how they’d worked to put themselves school, and that Yi-soo in particular had worked multiple jobs but always found time to pack her lunches, despite her protests. It’s so sad, seeing how adorable they were knowing how it all ended.

Teary-eyed, Yi-kyung asks if Ji-hyun has seen him. Ji-hyun nods, telling her that the photo with the other girl was taken without his knowledge. She can’t tell her any more than that, but says that Yi-soo will tell her the rest.

Yi-kyung asks with hope, “Can I really see him?” Ji-hyun replies that he’ll be able to meet her in a short while, and asks her to wait.

Kang waits outside Yi-kyung’s apartment to assure himself that the ladies are fine. Gee, it’s a good thing he never has any customers at his restaurant, or has a full-time job or anything. Goodness knows how he’d be able to do his lurking otherwise.

Speaking of which, a second lurker comes upon the scene: In-jung ducks out of sight when she spots Yi-kyung leaving home, and Kang watching her. Girl, I know you’re thin, but do you really think that telephone pole will hide you? Oh, right, in this drama nobody can see beyond a 10-foot field of vision. Convenient, that.

In-jung reports to a stunned Min-ho that Yi-kyung didn’t leave as planned, so he finds her at the cafe as she’s talking to Dr. Noh. She tells him that she’s rid herself of her ghost, but Min-ho doesn’t trust her and thinks it’s Ji-hyun in the body. Yi-kyung she tells him that he can check for himself tomorrow because she’s going to pretend to be Ji-hyun while working at Heaven, but not allow the spirit to take over her body.

Ah, so this is how they’re going to get rid of Min-ho! He doesn’t believe her right away, but she tells him firmly that she doesn’t care — she doesn’t need Min-ho to believe her. Also, he has no right to order her around or threaten her, so knock it off. (Wow, Yi-kyung gets a spine! It took ages for us to see anything beyond depression from her, but I appreciate the spark — perhaps mention of Yi-soo revived her a bit, which would be poignant and a little bit cruelly ironic.)

Min-ho comments that it was Ji-hyun impersonating Yi-kyung all this while: “You’re very similar — that look in her eyes was yours.” Given that he sounds smitten when the look he refers to is hateful glaring, methinks Min-ho’s into self-abuse. (No, not that kind! Okay, not just that kind.) Also, didja ever meet a woman who didn’t capture your interest? You sure are getting around…

Their two spirit tag-alongs are watching the scene, and Ji-hyun says that this fake-out was Yi-kyung’s idea. (Yi-soo: “Of course it is! Would an idea like that come from your mind?” HA. And also, true.)

Kang receives a call from Daddy Shin that he’d looked into JC Consulting and found that it was a sham company. That’s followed by bad news: Dad’s company is going bankrupt.

Kang rushes to the hospital where Mom is getting the news and wondering why Min-ho isn’t doing anything about it. He heads home where he has Ji-hyun’s seal, recalling that the Haemido deal was contingent upon the sale of her land.

In the morning, Kang arrives to pick Ji-hyun up, and she hurries to freshen up the room and primp at the mirror before letting him in. Hee. He produces the seal, and confirms that Ji-hyun had “entrusted it to you” (again, they’re going through the act that she’s Ji-hyun’s representative, not Ji-hyun herself) and that it was needed for some action with the company. She guesses that the bankruptcy has come and starts to cry out, “Dad!” but her pendant fires up in warning.

They seek out Mom, who can’t bring herself to tell Dad the bad news. Kang assures her that there’s a way to stop this, and Ji-hyun produces the seal, saying that on the day of the accident, Ji-hyun had entrusted it to her. Kang says the seal will allow them to use Ji-hyun’s land to get a secured loan and block the bankruptcy — but they mustn’t say a word to Min-ho or the company about it.

News that the company is in the stages of primary bankruptcy hits the media, but Mom signs the docs with Ji-hyun’s seal. In-jung is pleased to read the reports and the stock price starts falling, while Team Kang huddles for secret meetings, with his waiter employee playing double agent to Min-ho.

Min-ho’s driver spy keeps an eye on Yi-kyung for three days, and reports to Min-ho that she has done nothing but stay home and go to work at Heaven, which leads Min-ho to believe that Yi-kyung was telling the truth about denying Ji-hyun guest privileges in her body.

Yet Team Evil hears that Mom suddenly came up with 4 billion won ($3 million), while Team Kang rejoices that they were able to block the move. Ji-hyun’s so thrilled she’s about to throw herself into Kang’s arms, but they both pull back at the last minute. She remembers Yi-soo warning her about the no-skinship-in-my-woman’s-body rule, and actually pouts as she lowers her arms. Ha.

Clocking her disappointment, Kang cheers her up by saying, “Okay, Song Yi-kyung noona.” Omg so cute. Who wouldn’t cheer up to have Kang-ah calling you noona teasingly? I know there’s a girlfriday out there who just squealed in glee. Kang asks how she’ll express her gratitude to him if not the hug.

Even more cute is her frustrated response — because she doesn’t want to be his noona, not to “the guy who’s more of an oppa than even Oppa.” (Basically, it’s like saying, “You’re the oppa-est oppa who ever oppa’d.”) Eeee! Now there’s a javabeans squealing in glee.

She tells him glumly that she can’t say what she wants to say to him, or acknowledge that she’s seen him — not in this body, not the way she wants to. He understands and tells her it’s okay, because “I’ve heard it all, and seen it all.” Aww.

Ji-hyun finds In-jung waiting outside her door that night, and invites her in to search her heart’s content for Ji-hyun. She maintains the Yi-kyung act as she acts why everyone’s so in a tizzy to figure out which soul she is. In-jung speaks to her as though she’s sure she’s Ji-hyun, and demands to know why she’s doing all this. (Uh, because you’re destroying her family? Or maybe in In-jung’s world, the only logical explanation for trying to destroy someone is because they were too nice to you.)

Ji-hyun: “If I were Shin Ji-hyun, I’d follow you around for the rest of your life. Why do you think I’d use only Song Yi-kyung’s body? I could enter someone else’s body, or even wander around as a spirit without a body. And if Shin Ji-hyun were to return, it would be because of you.” Nice — use her fear against her, since nobody else knows the rules. The fear of a ghost can be just as frightening as the reality of one, and In-jung looks freaked out at the possibility of being haunted forever.

Min-ho tries to understand how his plan was thwarted when Yi-kyung hadn’t let Ji-hyun use her body in three days, but In-jung argues that Ji-hyun could have taken over the body. In-jung’s spooked that Ji-hyun can see them when they can’t see her, and is certain that Ji-hyun recovered her seal to secure that loan.

In-jung comes home to find packed bags and an angry Seo-woo who knows In-jung started the bankruptcy. Seo-woo declares that she can’t live with her anymore: “You and I are over as of now.” Booyah!

In-jung pleads, saying she regrets her actions, but Seo-woo tosses back: “Too bad. However quickly regret comes, it’s still too late.”

In-jung says she couldn’t stop Min-ho, because she’d deceived him first. She’d fallen for him at first sight during her toughest times, and because she didn’t want him to see her miserable station in life, she lied that she was the daughter of Daddy Shin, and that lie snowballed (ah — I’d always wondered why the drama had given the girls the same surname!). And while she can’t stop Min-ho now, she promises to make sure he doesn’t completely destroy Ji-hyun’s parents.

Seo-woo has little sympathy, and tells In-jung to go live with Min-ho instead of clinging to her. Nice.

Ji-hyun worries that this bankruptcy setback won’t stop Min-ho for good. Yi-kyung remarks that this is what it must be like to have family — that even in the face of death, you can’t just think of yourself. Yi-kyung asks Ji-hyun what she’ll do about Kang, since she’s picked up on their feelings for each other: “If it were me, if I knew in advance how much time we had, I’d see his face more, and love him more, and take care of him more.”

Ji-hyun replies, “The more that happens, the more I don’t want to die — the sadder it would be. That’s why I’m afraid — I have no hope that I can stay alive, and that would just pain Kang more.”

Seo-woo meets with Kang and tells him she’s moved out, and Kang tells her that Ji-hyun’s lucky to have a friend like her. She notes that he must really like Ji-hyun a lot, and asks whether he’d ever look at another woman if Ji-hyun really did never wake up: “If another woman liked you, how long would she have to wait?” He’s startled both at the fact that she knows how he feels, and that she’s referring to herself.

Kang can’t get a hold of Ji-hyun on the phone, so he tries doing a GPS trace on her phone. Hilariously, the Scheduler’s voice informs him not only of her location, but the room number and name of the owner: “Kang. Min. Ho.”

Ji-hyun is at Min-ho’s apartment, having used Yi-kyung’s birthday as his new door code. For the safe code, Yi-kyung tries Min-ho’s mother’s birthday, and it works. Only, the safe is empty.

Alas, the apartment isn’t. She runs right into Min-ho, who addresses her as Ji-hyun and alarms her with his conviction. Rattled, she stumbles backward, feeling faint — and that ejects the soul out of the body, leaving Yi-kyung standing there.

Yi-kyung gets her bearings relatively quickly, now that she’s in accord with her ghost, and points out that he fell for Ji-hyun while she was in the body: “But can’t you even recognize the woman you love?” He bursts out, “I’m going crazy, not knowing who I love!”

Min-ho warns Yi-kyung that he’ll destroy the company and claim Haemido, if only to compensate for Ji-hyun driving him crazy. Yi-kyung notes, “You’re still in love.”

Min-ho calls in his cronies, one of whom is here to exorcise the spirit from Yi-kyung’s body. It’s unintentionally hilarious that Yi-kyung sits there with arms crossed, looking bored by the whole thing, while the shaman tries to get a read on the spirit. He declares that there’s no other soul in this body but starts feeling around the apartment, stopping just next to Ji-hyun, who freezes in shock. (What, you can’t run anymore? Or move? Not even roll away?)

Just as he declares the spirit found, a doorbell sounds: It’s Kang. Min-ho ignores him, but then another man announces that he’s the police — the Scheduler in disguise — here to investigate the report of someone being held against her will. When the driver goes out to talk to the police, Kang is the only one there, and he pushes his way inside. Ji-hyun slips out, and Yi-kyung leaves with Kang.

In the car, Kang scolds Yi-kyung for foolishly going into Min-ho’s place, thinking her Ji-hyun. Yi-soo yells right back that he shouldn’t yell at his Yi-kyung, heh. Yi-kyung tells him that she’s not possessed at the moment, and that Ji-hyun is sitting next to her. She has guessed that Ji-hyun went to retrieve the documents from Min-ho’s secret safe, and Kang finally realizes that this was why Ji-hyun had been sticking with him all this while.

Min-ho throws a bookshelf in his fury, and tells In-jung that he’s being toyed with: “Song Yi-kyung and Shin Ji-hyun are exactly alike. Who the hell am I in love with?” What a thing to tell the woman you dumped for that unknown other entity.

He’s pretty far gone by now — when he meets with Daddy Shin, he cuts to the chase and admits flat-out that Dad’s suspicions are correct, that he’s responsible for the problems. However, it’s too late to stop him, and he intends to go forward anyway.

Min-ho’s takeover partner is displeased, despite Min-ho’s constant assurances that their plan is still a go, and includes ownership of Daddy Shin’s company in his demands for proceeding. Min-ho agrees — he’ll take Haemido then hand over Shin’s company.

Kang helps Yi-kyung move her things out of her place and into Heaven. Ji-hyun’s so worn out that Yi-soo carries her inside and sets her on the couch, and Kang turns to look at her — or, at least, the space where she’d be if he could see her.

Asked how she got here, Ji-hyun tells Yi-kyung that she has her own guardian angel which creates a nice parallel — just as Kang can’t see Ji-hyun, neither can Yi-kyung see Yi-soo standing there, watching her, wanting to touch her but unable to.

Over dinner, Kang thanks Yi-kyung for helping her. Yi-kyung says she felt Ji-hyun’s desperation: “I wanted so badly to die, but there was somebody who so earnestly wanted the life I wanted to throw away.” She says it’s nothing compared to her debt, and Kang asks what she means before retracting the question, saying she doesn’t have to tell him.

Ji-hyun thanks Yi-soo for saving her from Min-ho, wondering if he incurred another penalty. He retorts that he didn’t do it for her, and that Schedulers are allowed to save their charges when they’re in emergency situations. Ha, I love that the drama keeps adding little provisions and clauses to its original rules. Or that the Scheduler keeps finding the loopholes.

That night, Kang tosses and turns on the couch, while the ladies occupy the bedroom. Yi-kyung heads outside for some fresh air, but Ji-hyun doesn’t have the strength to join her and remains behind.

On her way out, she sees Kang pacing anxiously, noting that after tonight there are only six days left. Yi-kyung tells him a few things on Ji-hyun’s behalf, things that weren’t explicitly said although they are surely meant: “Ji-hyun tells me to tell you to go inside and sleep. She says that just being in the same house as you makes her feel at ease.”

When Kang asks after Ji-hyun’s condition, she adds, “I’m envious of her. But don’t get too attached — she doesn’t have much time left. I know because I’ve experienced it. The more you trust and love, the harder it is to endure after that person is gone.”

He protests that she’s talking like Ji-hyun will die, and Yi-kyung tells him that Ji-hyun doesn’t believe that she’ll stay alive. He refuses to give up hope, but she says that the more he clings to that, the harder it’ll be on Ji-hyun: “Think of it as not being fated to be together in this lifetime, and cut your attachment.”

He gets angry, and declares that he won’t give up until Ji-hyun is gone: “Let me ask a favor — don’t talk like that to Ji-hyun.”

His passion moves her, and just as he turns to go, she whirls around and grabs him in a hug.


Eeeeeee! Was that really Yi-kyung hugging Kang? The signs point to yes — she talks in Yi-kyung’s dull voice and references her own pain regarding Yi-soo, plus we saw her leaving Ji-hyun in bed. But was the hug purely out of gratitude? Yearning? She knows there’s a chance she might get to see Yi-soo again, so I don’t think we can read into it too much.

On the other hand, there may be a teeny chance we’re not seeing the full story and this is really Ji-hyun (though I doubt it). I recall her wanting to spare Kang pain, and her speech here falls in line with that — that she wants him to let go so that she can deal with her impending death less painfully. In any case, there’s less than a day till we find out!

I do like how quickly things continue to move in this drama — I’d wondered how they’d fill the last two weeks now that everyone knows about Ji-hyun, but they’re doing a good job developing the relationships. I like that the drama doesn’t end with people simply finding out the truth, because this gives us time to see the Yi-kyung/Ji-hyun relationship develop, which is becoming something quite moving. Their heart-to-hearts and mutual understanding are poignant, and a little heartbreaking in their parallels — or is it reverse parallels? (And are reverse parallels still parallels? Agh, math.)

As Yi-kyung said, she hates her own life and was desperate to leave it, but meeting someone so desperate to return to life has affected her. And she’s not without sympathy — she shed a tear on the train when Ji-hyun pleaded with her for ten more days, which supports the theory that she may be one of Ji-hyun’s remaining two tears. Their connection is unexpectedly compelling (for me, since I hadn’t been expecting much to happen between the two ladies), and Min-ho makes the interesting observation that they’re actually quite similar. Not exactly alike as he thinks, since they’re messing with his mind, but it’s like the boundaries between them have blurred, so naturally they’ve absorbed bits of each other.


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it feels like heaven!!! i'm "that" happy now..


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I think this kind of hug is a BEAUTIFUL expression of Yi-Kyung becoming "human" again. For five years she has lived a depressed and pitiful life. It is sad to think that she could not move on after Yi-soo's death. We do not want her to continue life in this way! So, I believe, we are seeing a transformation. She is moving away from her introverted way of life by helping somebody else.

Instead of watching her be happy again for her own sake (possibly being reunited with Yi-soo) we are seeing that she can truly love and give of herself to others. This drama is very remarkable. The relationship between the two women is captivating and "poignant" as javabeans has stated.

How can she not notice how great Han Kang is and how he loves Ji-Hyun? I believe she recognizes that she is also helping Kang and must know somehow that Ji-hyun cannot express her love to him. I did mention a few weeks back that I thought these two women would merge. I am delighted to see them unite in their fight and in their love. It is a great episode!!!

Thank you so much for the wonderful (in so many ways) recaps!!


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i believe the line "You’re the oppa-est oppa who ever oppa’d" is the funniest thing i have read in ages.nearly busted a lung LOL


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from the beginning, i was pretty sure that yi-kyung would be one of ji-hyun's tears. i was curious as to how they'd get there, though(:


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Also, if Yi-Kyung died and got to be with Yi-Soo in the afterlife, would that be a sad ending? Or could they portray it as good, since there doesn't seem to be anything left for her in life? Is it really morbid and sad that I'm thinking about this as a possibility?


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Not morbid at all cause I was thinking the same thing. It would actually be kinda of romantic that although they couldn't be with each other in this life, they will in the afterlife and probably the next life.

Sigh ... twisted, sad, and yet romantic.


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Nice one!!!


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The YK-JH blossoming friendship (and soul-sisterhood) is something that tugs at my heartstrings. It's beautifully developing and I love how 49 Days also manages to give it attention along with the romance (and romantic parallels).

I concur with the others--YK may likely be one of the tears, and it was YK who hugged HK, and it wasn't romantic, it was her once again being capable of feeling and being moved by others.

It's bittersweet that a literally dying girl is infusing life into the emotionally half-dead one.

This drama is just too good.

Thank you, JB!!!!! :D


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I like how things are changing. This is one of those solid dramas. I really love it.
For some reason I get this feeling that Ji Hyun might not make it. Like her remaining days she's gonna successed in saving her family from this crisis instead of using it on her 3 tears. I don't know maybe TPTB is gonna see that as a selfless act &grant her, her chance to live again regardless of not being able to accomplish her task or they are gonna do what Yi Soo has give her a chance to show herself to everyone she loves &say her final good bye &then the drama is gonna do one of those fast forward &were gonna see YiKyung living a happy life now with JiHyun's family &her &Kang probably hooking up after both having their closure/blessings from their other parts.

Idon't know those are just one of the my theories/predictions xD


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Anyone thought Lee Yo-won had upped her performances this episode? I always acknowledged her strong acting in 49 D, but for me she esp. awesomely delightful this time with her mind-boggling game of "Which one I am now, JK or YK?" ones with MH, IJ, even HK. She carried it brilliantly but at the same time still subtle enough, that though she still distinctly portrayed her double characters, she succeeded to intentionally made viewers confused who she was at the time. ^^


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Me! Me! Me! LYW should snag lotsa awards for this drama. She is AWESOME. She's like the glue that binds them all together.


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How so? As far as I see, she just has a permanent bored face and adjusts a lower tone when she plays Yi Kyung, while for Jihyun, she only changes her facial expressions a bit to a more upbeat and giddy type with some awkward flinging arm movements. Just look at javabeans' captures of Yi Kyung each episode and you will find that her expressions are almost the same throughout.

Also, in the flashback scenes, when she plays a happy and positive Yi Kyung, she has the same tone and expressions like Jihyun character. That's not what I call strong acting. That's just acting archetypes in a very basic form. Eternally bored face, slow movements, lower tone for a world-weary Yi Kyung and a lighten-up face plus some cute expressions for Jihyun. And you get to the point when both characters are in suffering or in good mood, you can no longer differentiate them anymore.

I believe many korean actresses can play this double role fine. It's a good thing that we don't have to see much of Yi Kyung personality or LYW's limited emotional range will be exposed more clearly.


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i agree with you leina and xiaofen. Not everyone can cry in seconds, and if somebody can and make you cry too, now thats acting!
The fact that people have to rely on the necklace to know who is who is good. It means, LYW has made both the character hers :)

anyhow... kang-ahhhh!!!


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I have a question. Why would an actress be evaluated on how fast she can cry? I do not understand this. It almost seems like a "cop-out." Like -- "Maybe I can't act too well, but at least I can cry."????

I am not Korean. I have been watching dramas and movies for two and one-half years. One of the things that really annoys me is all the crying. I wish there was another way of express themselves other than crying. And, I wish there was NOT so much emphasis on crying. I have gotten used to it and have accepted it because I love and adore so many of the other elements of Korean film. I do not think it represents how people act in real life. It has just become one of the inevitable characteristics of Korean Drama that I believe I have to put up with and wish I did not.

I am not criticizing you. I just wanted to express this feeling of annoyance I have about crying at some point in time.


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Ok, allow me to throw my 2 cents too.

Well, I don't know anything 'bout acting techniques, nor do I know whether any other actresses could do 49 Days better than LYW or not. Probably yes, but probably not. That isn't important. The production team chose LYW and I'd say their casting was spot-on. She nailed all her 4 roles in 49 Days, give them each unique charms and distinct features; she has different gestures, behaviors, voice, the way she talk, cry, and look at for each persona. And she changed them in a split seconds without confusing viewers. I'm loving her portrayals.

You can say I'm easy to please, but for me, whether or not someone is a great actor, I see it based on can they moved/touched me? And in 49 Days, whether it was YK or JK, I always ride with LYW in all of her emotional roller coasters, I felt what was she felt, every time. She make JH much more endearing, likable, smarter, bright, lively. And at the same time, she make the depressed and suicidal persona like YK interesting, relatable and still easy to root for despite her mistake(s). I was surprised I could like a character like YK. LYW make her suffering so palpable that I can't help but want to hug her instead of blamed her for the accident.


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Thanks so much for the recap.
I think that either 1) it is Ji Hyun because the girl is wearing a coat which hides where the tear necklace is supposed to be. I think Yi Kyung told her to take over her body because she knows that she doesn't have much time and it's better for her to spend time with Kang Ah even if it is by pretending to be Yi Kyung... does that make sense?

2) It really is Yi Kyung and all my reasonings were for nought!!! =/ Yi Kyung might be hugging Kang Ah in Ji Hyun's place.. as a proxy of sorts...

Arrgh! Bulaaa! Tomorrow why don't yu come sooner!!


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The person hugging is in fact Yi-kyung and soon Kang and YK falls for each other. Ji-hyun witnesses this and gets furious: "OMG that girlfriend of mine is stealin' my man, again!" It's like another Kang Minho and Shin Injung situation. She comes back to life thanks to the scheduler and he provides her with the background and the money she needs, FOR REVENGE. She draws a dot under her eye as a disguise and comes back as another woman to temp Kang and get her revenge and we have another 129 episode drama.


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LOL. OMG 49 Days turned soap drama!


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Hahahahahaha :D


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DAEBAK! hahahaha.... roll with it! hahahahah


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LOLOLOLOL. I would bust a gut then cry if 49 Days turned into the scar on the face of K-dramas that was Wife's Temptation. *shudders*


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I hate to admit it but I watched that drama as well. It was a trainwreck of a show. I couldn't help watching it.


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how could ji hyun live after all these train of events? She would not remember all episodes while she was in the spirit form, but would not kang, MH, IJ,YK remember all those and one way or another tell her about it? It is going to mess up the balance of universe! I think JH will die just like the father in who are you. And the livings will continue to live but with a new spirit. And yes, YK will shed tears for JH, but JH won't get 3rd tear hence she will die.

Javabeans, i don't even watch the drama and don't intend to as i feel it would be less enjoyable than reading you recaps and witty comments. :)


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i loveee this episode....


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it's more like JiHyun's character that would hug him like that...was that why she was wearing that jacket to make us guess since we can't see her wearing the tear necklace?
we're almost close to the end...i do believe that the last tear will come from YiKyung!


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is JiHyun gonna die? and will YiKyung and Kang develop feelings for each other? O.o


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Over dinner, Yi Kyung told Kang it’s nothing compared to her debt. Any one figured out or guessed what that means? From the back story we've seen so far, nothing hinted at any emotional or financial debt Yi Kyung might have other than perhaps emotional debt to Yi Soo.


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as the responsible party for the accident I guess..^^


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This drama is officially driving me nuts, in a middle of almost crying last night, aw I want both girl to be happy, it makes me thinking about....polygamy??? whaatt!! don't shoot me..Harem in "heaven"?? Ottoke King Kang??


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only 3 ep left and then gone no more 49 days waaaaa.... i will surely miss them specially JIW.


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The person that hugged Kang is indeed Jihyun ;3


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Frankly, it doesn't matter if Jihyun comes back to life. I quite like the idea of Kang and Yikyung being together and help heal each other's wounds. Let the "dead" rest in peace and the living towards the future


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agree. and JHJ and LYW both of them look good together. they sure will make a cute couple. JH i think is too young for Kang


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Hahaha y'all know what? If just by any chance Kang ahh and Yigyeong wasn't played by JHJ + LYW, I will be mad if suddenly in 4 eps before last they've thrown Hangang-Yigyeong pairing after all the buildup for HanG-Jihyun. But since they ARE JHJ+LYW, well, I will just blush and squeal and make the cap of that scene. This is maybe my first time that actors beat the characters in my heart when watch drama. This drama sure makes me defiles logic argggh...


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I love this I'm-not-possessed-at-the-moment thing ^^


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Soooo love this episode...

I am so happy I got the chance to set my alarm at 1 am so I can read this recap...lol

LYW is just plain amazing playing the characters...I can actually sense who is who with just her expressions. Argggh...just a few more hours for ep 18..:)


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doubt they'd kill jihyun off. unless her body dies and her soul lives on, switching places with yikyung. this would allow yikyung to reunite with the scheduler and jihyun with kang. I'm not sure what explanation they could offer for it though! only 3 episodes. it'd be too abrupt to kill jihyun off I think and deal with the aftermath.


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Thank goodness I followed you on twitter. Saved a lot of abuse for my poor browser.

This drama should be an example for the other coming ones ... it keeps me holding my throat for the suspense, fast pacing, hilarity and delicious surprises instead of frustation for the glaring truths that only the viewers can see until the last 2 episodes.


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Ji Hyun musn't die. I don't want her to die. She's only just started falling for lovely Kang-ah so how can she die? Poor Kang-ah would be devastated if she dies. He can't live without her. Perhaps it'd end with a go back in time twist? Everything rewinds back to before Ji Hyun falls for Min Ho, like a Groundhog Day scenario until they get things right this time? I like that, like a chance to repeat the past but righting the wrongs this time around. What do you guys think? The other scenario would be Yi Kyung giving up her life for Ji Hyun's to be with Scheduler but that's a bit too negative. I don't know, what do you guys think?


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sister, I feel your pain. I have been fretting the entire day at work "Jihyun must not die! What if she dies??" I was thinking too that the only way of making everyone happy is if YK goes to be with S, but that is really too negative. Does that mean JH has to die!? Just thinking about Kang ah's devastation is killing me!


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all i know is that Ji hyun must not die!!!! She must live to be with KANG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


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How can I love a fictional group of people as much as I love S, YK, JH, and of course, Kang-ah?

But really, I do think I love JH/YK the most. She has become so dear to me over the last few. Like YY, she just HAS to live. HAS TO!


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This drama is awesome..what ever will it takes...I will love it..tx dramabeans


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I've been a silent 49 Days FANATIC but I gotta give my 2cents about that backhug at the end..

My opinion, I don't think YiKyung is starting to feel for KangAh and I don't think it was JiHyun because YK felt like she was her normal self... What I THINK occurred is that, YiKyung felt so much Love and passion from Kang Ah that she backhugged him thinking that it is WHAT JI HYUN WOULD WANT TO DO IF SHE WAS IN HER BODY RIGHT NOW.. OR what she would do in any form but since Ji Hyun couldn't really confess directly to Kang Ah and Yi Kyung feels for JiHyun, she did it on behalf of Ji Hyun..

But I Guess we'll see what'll happen tomorrow!! I'm really loving the start of 2011 Dramas.. My Princess, Dream High... and now 49 Days.. Hoping for more awesome dramas!! I haven't started watching the new ones coming.. Hopefully i'll catch up with everything ASAP, but I really am GRATEFUL for Javabeans and Girlfriday for recapping all the dramas coming out.. :D


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That's more like it.

I think it was YK hugging Kang Ahhhh too. Perhaps her way of saying, we're now into this together, let's help JH as a team.

I still would so like a Kang Ahhh + YK tandem in the end.

And yes, another good role for police officer Scheduler.


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yeah, me too... me too >>> YK+KH ^____^


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Waited patiently for the computer-generated subs at DarkSmurfSub.com despite the laughable translations, just so I can watch this episode before the night is done, and not miss the boat on these discussions. And I needed those subs in order to watch this show in glorious High Definition. It's great in HD! Though, I'm a bit disappointed in not being able to see Ji-Hyun's ghost in 3D.
This drama keeps you guessing, doesn't it? I was left scratching my head when the episode was done. Then I read the comments. Pbbblltt! to those who spoiled it by revealing who really hugged our beloved Kang-ah at the end. WTG on denying some of our k-drama sleuths the glory of displaying their sleuthiness :P
Anyway, I can't wait for the next episode to see what Min-ho is going to destroy next. It has to be bigger than a bookshelf to top himself. I'm guessing it's either his BMW, or his henchman.


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MH makes me laugh in all his dastarlyness.

It's almost as if he is in a separate drama all together.
A B&W film noire set in early 20th century London with his monotone suits, winged collar shirts and skinny ties.

He's no longer speaking directly to IJ, but rather, monologuing his angst at her. She's all like, "Ya! Minnie! I'm HERE and LISTENING to you talk about your split personality ho. Give it a rest."

I expect next he'll throw down his walking stick or bowler!


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Haha. You might be right. With his fashion sense I won't be surprised if they reveal in the end that his body is actually being occupied by a Victorian-era English gentleman, who happens to speak Korean. Or perhaps it's all the rage in modern-day Seoul? :D


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The ending of this episode almost gave me a heart attack, until I read the written preview. Can't wait for tonight's episode. I don't know why but I have a feeling that Ji-Hyun will wake up by the end of episode 18.

Kang was perfect as always, but Yi-Soo in the flashback was just another kind of adorable. Watching him doze in class, then waking up, then sending Yi-Kyung that smile when she pointed to his book, it was so so sweet.

And I love how light this episode was (at least in comparison with the past few episodes). And I want a "oppa-est oppa who ever oppa’d". Know anywhere I can preorder? Or get me the DNA so I can clone my own...


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waahh!climax of the story always the interesting part,
thanks javabeans for the recaps :)


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I knew it, I knew from the moment I watched the episode last night that you were going to use this picture with the four in the car, anyway, great episode, thank you for the recap


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i love this drama...
Kang ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

will u be revived?
6 more days...

so who's that who hug kang...
jihyun / yikyung?

if it's yikyung...then what about yisoo...
omo omo...


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Wouldn't people find it weird that yi-kyung/ji-hyun was talking to the scheduler, whom they CAN'T SEE OR HEAR, in the grocery store?


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Would be great if you can also do recap on Baby Faced Beauty. It's an interesting drama. Thanks


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dramas released this year are so amazing.. ahhh... i have so many to watch! XD thank you JB!! you're the best! and of course also GF! XD


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I have another theory..base on preview, I think IS will try to KILL the comatose JH at the hospital. JH mention somethg abt the elavator. So I think her physical self will DIE :( Then history will repeat itself, she will serve 5 yrs as a scheduler to fulfill her last wish like YS...I will cry myself a river if that happens....3 more hours to go


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Ripping my guts out, this Show. How many more of this "i love you but i cant say/show/hug/hold hands" can i take???


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i am with you there, sister. i am dying here!!!


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Watch online Korean Drama 49 days Episode 17 with English sub


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Remember that Ji Hyun found out while she was alive that those two were cheating on her. At the end of episode 2 she flashes back that she already knew this and was driving distractedly so she couldn't avoid the accident.


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"It took ages for us to see anything beyond depression from her, but I appreciate the spark — perhaps mention of Yi-soo revived her a bit, which would be poignant and a little bit cruelly ironic.) "

I don't think so. From some early eps, Song Yi Kyung has always been like this. Her careless attitude even showed with much more stronger act in the ep that the convenient store was intruded by robbers. She didn't care if they killed her or not, she just didn't want to hand them the money. From that ep, my impression of her has always been a strong one but also a really depressed one. It's understandable since her only love died and she felt that there was no need to live anymore. I'm glad she met Ji Hyun so that she could know about Yi Soo's love for her

Anyway, thanks for the recap!


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JH will wake up but bed ridden and does not have any memories of the 49days period, unlike YK, she share some memories of that time.. so Kang and YK fighting....


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Thank you so much for your very explicit and vivid synopsis of Episode17. I don't usually view the Raw Episode for some reasons, but find your articles of great help to me while waiting for its English Sub.
While Injung & Minho (villains in the story), are having a complete Fear of Fear itself, brings us to life's lessons - Evil Deeds Does Not Pay! Doing good for someone will bring happiness and joy - not Fear!
Really appreciated your effort in doing the synopsis of the different episodes!


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OMG this drama just keeps getting better and better! That back hug TOTALLY caught me by surprise! I can't wait to see how the writers are going to play this one out.... 49 Days Hwaiting!


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i don't understand what sort of person is In Jung, her reaction contradicts with her explaination to Seo Woo. She says she can't stop min Ho but then is she who keeps on urging Min Ho to do something.


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Thanks for the recap, javabeans!
This episode was awesome! So many things I liked about it:
- Kang knows Ji-hyun's spirit can travel in the daytime, and that Ji-hyun and Yi-kyung can co-exist (albeit one in spirit form)
- Yi-kyung is actively helping Ji-hyun and is actually playing a larger role (= more screen time!)
- Seo-Woo continuing to take a stand against In-jung
- Ji-hyun and Yi-kyung's growing friendship/ bond (for me, this takes the cake - I loved their sisterly moments. Actually, I like that this drama shows us different kinds of love, not just the romantic type)

And the scene in which Min-ho got that guy to exorcise Yi-kyung was LOL funny...like, seriously, dude? This is the same rational bastard who (in ep 4 or 5) refused to believe that someone stole JH's seal b/c it "didn't make sense"?

I think the hugging scene is intentionally ambiguous. Taken as is, it totally seems like Yi-kyung is the one hugging Kang from behind (b/c Ji-hyun is not only weak and in bed, she doesn't seem that adept at impersonating Yi-kyung - she was horrible at it when Dr. Noh showed up in front of YK's house in an earlier episode). However, someone else pointed out that YK wears a jacket that intentionally hides her neck and necklace (or lack thereof). Guess we'll have to wait and see whether it's JH or YK.

As for the whole "will Ji-hyun die" question...I get why people are concerned. But after watching this episode, I believe that she WILL pull through. I mean, the writers have done a good job of building fear in the viewers...that's what good stories are supposed to do - viewers are SUPPOSED to fear for the protagonist (who face a ton of obstacles, but still gets his/her reward in the end, usually.) The whole episode showed Ji-hyun's strong desire to live again (not just to tie up loose ends), and I honestly don't think the writers will deprive her of that. Similarly, I don't think Yi-kyung will die - it goes against the themes/essence of the drama.

...But anyway, these are just my two cents. I could totally be off (my predictions in the previous thread certainly were, heh).


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What if Yi-kyung does die and she goes off to heaven with Yi-soo and they are reborn into a happy future? Or is that to far-fetched?


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Umm OK am I the only one wondering where Ji-Hyun is getting all those clothes while she's in Yi-Kyung's body? Considering how the girl keeps leaving work in the middle of the day, I don't think she's earned enough to buy much, let alone all those snazzy designer bags she's been toting. Also, where does she even hide all of her stuff when she's not in Yi Kyung's body?!


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Before, YK turned like this(before Yi-soo's death, she worked in the big hotel. She must have a better life then after being poor for soo long. I think she deserved it considering how hard she(and Yi-soo) worked to finish school and work.

So all those clothes(which JH wears) were YKs and were in her boxes at home.


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Well I for one am glad the two women are working together. It's given Yi-kyung a bit of freewill in the use of her body, as well as a chance to actively help her friendly ghost. Yay for sister solidarity!


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OMG I LOVE THIS SHOW SOOO MUCH...this is my favourite DRAMA OF 2011 so far :)


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One of her tears is definitely mine. OMG i actually cried. SHE COMES BACK TO LIFE IN EP. 18


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Thank you Javabeans for another excellent recap!

Man! This drama is going to drive me crazy! What happens? I wish it was a book so I could skip to the end.
Kang-ah and Ji-Hyun 4ever!
Yi-soo and Yi-Kyung 4ever!


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