Xiao Zhan Interview with Economic News
This is good lesson for all fans of different idols: Don’t attack other fandom in the name of protecting your idols, don’t assume what your idols like or dislike, do not confidently condemn other opinions/groups in the name of your idols…


    Don’t do anything out of malicious intent. Show care, spread love, be kind ❤️ I’m sure it’s what Xiao Zhan wants as well ☺️
    Being mean and malicious “on behalf of another person/idols/whatever” is just being a bad representation of what you claim to like 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


    I watched this a couple of hours ago – was hoping you would post and share! My heart goes out to his family as well. What a wonderful job they did as parents to raise such a wise child!
    He also looked like he was going to tear up at any time. By the time the interview was over, I was tearing up as well.


      @linda-palapala our baby didn’t deserve all this… I’m sure both his friends and his family had such a hard time as well… Honestly as a parent myself, I think Xiao Zhan is every parents dream kid… bringing up is important, but there is an extent of how much you can form someone essence… he just has such pure heart


    Thanks for sharing! It’s such a refreshingly honest and sincere interview. I especially love and appreciate his answer when asked about idols’ responsibilities to control their fans. Sigh, there are moments I almost was in tears – couldn’t imagine what his family has to deal with as well. 🙁 But moving forward, I’m certain he’ll be met with all the good things! :3


    Thank you for this. I’m always amazed at how honest and sincere and totally grounded he is a young man. It is a testament to his parents and how they raised him to be grateful in everything.
    What a treasure he is – my heart hurt as he talked about how hard it it. But I especially liked how he said it wasn’t his job to be a superior to his fans and control them. We are as equals.
    Well said young man – well said!!!!!


      He is right it’s their (fans’) responsibility to manage their own behavior not his!


        See problem runs deeper than that where his agency puts up a post..
        and fans really went out of their way at each step to make everyone’s life difficult..

        again, i don’t claim to know the full story

        1. First creating ruckus over fanfiction – so many works have existed, this was not a govt. decision (atleast not as straight forward) .. but when a group continously asks for intervention , gets petitions signed, makes it a very visible protest.. and specifically in the Chinese environment – agencies had to take the decision.. fans just conviniently didn’t expect any retaliation

        2. AO3 folks finally took to XZ when they realized this can’t be resolved with the fan groups.. also note, around that time they took a rather subdued approach by expressing their anger by reducing ranking of his shows (also, it wasn’t targeted at XZ but towards the fans that if you can’t be fair to us then we will not help promote what you like to watch aka drama not person )

        3. At some point, fan groups started pulling in international fanbase for support with concocted stories projecting ao3 group as the main culprit, which really made them angry..
        International fans also jumped on ao3 group (even when direct insults at XZ were not really in focus but just re ranking dramas on forums etc) .. and worse they silently sided with the fans.. i think this mass attack was the last nail in the coffin.. and this started mass direct attacks on XZ

        in all of this, XZ should have kept himself out of it.. i don’t know why his agency decided to act oversmart.. but the moment that post went out.. everyone (including chinese celebs and no not all of them are after XZ or jealous of him, some are well respected ones too who came with neutral perspective) felt that he has time to put these messages out but he can’t once call out his fans on being considerate towards others (not just this incident but from the beginning).. and obvious criticism floated towards the fiscal and fandom connection..

        That’s why, even if XZ comes out and says all of this now.. those who are not fans.. and those who are burnt by this whole situation can’t take kindly to it..

        If you can say this today that don’t pull down other people to raise yourself, this same comment could have been made earlier too.. and this was literally the only thing people wanted from him back then (no one was expecting him to wage war against his fandom)


        So, don’t think it is right to pin all the blame on one person or absolve anyone of the role they play, which includes other fandoms too


          — Creating ruckus over fanfiction was very very wrong at the firs place!! If you don’t like something, simply ignore it… Why overact in the name of protecting your idol!! If Xiao Zhan was against homoerotic contents he would have never picked the main role of the adaption of a very famous homoerotic bl novel at the 1st place!!
          — Unfortunately the war between XZ fan and XZ & WYB CP fan can repeat anytime… And because homosexuality is not accepted in China mainland (also is such a sensitive topic), it can lead to another ruckus again!!! This time it affected the AO3, next time it might be something else… I hope his both fandom grow up and become more tolerate of different opinion
          — Xiao Zhan is just a newcomer actor & singer (without a very strong support and fund behind him)… he’s also a normal human being that has done nothing wrong (he has never condemned any fanfics while there are tons and tons of fanfics for a newcomer like him) … the only way he can support freedom and topics such as LGBTQ is through his art… So destroying him is also equal to destroying whatever that AO3 group (aka 227 Campaign) were looking to achieve


            i can see perspectives of both groups.. can’t justify but can totally see and empathize ,,

            But, my takeaway is very different – more on reality of things than morality or sociology or anthropology

            At the bottom of it everything is tied to money
            – Ao3 retaliated by targeting what would genuinely hurt their oppressors. Reality is, you hurt where it can hurt – you hurt fans through what they love – so how do you hurt what they love? undermine his credibility to rake in money

            – dramas and ads dropped him because he could risk revenue

            – XZ couldn’t do much because this was linked to his livelihood
            – others in support could not openly support because that might affect their livelihood as well with retaliation

            – govt must have been truly happy to distract attention from corona

            – jealous ones leveraged the opportunity because now they could grab away opportunities for him

            – fans had to purchase more because they had to ensure money keeps flowing in incentivizing no one to drop XZ

            I honestly think celebs should be very clear of their own value proposition.. if you attempt to act too nice then you are going to fall short of your own yardstick..

            fans need to be kept at bay and shown their place too – i know a celeb.. he is so cool.. it is amusing.. to his fans he is clear that if you like me, that’s your problem 😛 and i am also going to use it to my benefit.. but don’t dare come to me trying to dictate my life (in essence not in those words really)


            @alasecond yes, sad reality, but very true (at the end of the day the bottom line is ONLY money!!) … If XZ wants to survive in this business he should learn from this incident… as a celebrity or public figure you cannot be too naive or too nice and always keep the peace… It’s even harder to keep those values when you’re working in a not very democratic environment…


      Bad behaviour aside, he’s always said that he sees his fans as not “fans” but his equals and his friends, as people that also have—and should live out— their own lives… There’s no hierarchy in his heart nor does he see himself as someone who’s greater just because he’s a public figure/ celebrity.
      He actually made the conscious choice to never accept fan gifts because he thinks that his fans shouldn’t have to go out of their way to spend money on gifts for him, but to use their own hard earned money on more practical or productive things for their own lives. The only physical thing he will accept from his fans are fan letters and fan emails that he prints out and keeps (Xiao Zhan Studio set up a special email account that fans can use to email Xiao Zhan—though I imagine it is still looked after and filtered through by the staff— the email address can be found on Xiao Zhan Studio’s official Instagram profile).
      I’ve noticed that, if he can—and if the environment isn’t too crazy—he always tries to accept the fan letters himself at the airport when he sees that it’s being passed to him instead of having his staff intercede and accept it on his behalf—unless, like I say, the situation just doesn’t allow it (i.e. over-crowding or he’s rushing off to catch his flight because he may be late) which I think is a sweet gesture, and then I know that he opens the letters right away and reads them during his plane rides ☺️☺️☺️😘😘😘


        @bebeswtz There is something I can never understand: why people expect him to manage his fan?? How can an idol do this specially in a not very democratic environment!? He had absolutely no power or control to avoid this incident…


          nor can he anticipate/prevent it either? it’s all very strange – the assumptions and expectations placed on public figures in any capacity. It’s as if we forget they’re humans too and should be treated as such. 😡


          I think this way of thinking might have been influenced by the fan system of South Korea and how their entertainment industry system works (other Beanies, please correct me if I’m wrong):
          The South Korean fan system has it so that there are official fan clubs managed by other fans and have official “positions” in the fan clubs, like the fan club President. At the same time, with this system, it sets up an hierarchy, and then things get even more complicated because most—if not all— of these official South Korean fan clubs require people to pay a fee in order to gain membership and also encourage the fans to pitch in money to do all sorts of things in the name of the artists and of the fan club. This sets up the precedent that since money is invested and hierarchy is such an important part of the South Korean society and culture, that there MUST be a person at the “top” to look after everyone and everything and to watch and care for/be involved in ALL that the fan club members do, especially if things are done on behalf of the artist in their name, and at the end of the day, this person that’s expected to be at this “top” position who’s also expected to be super involved—too involved, imo, because it crosses the line into peoples’ personal lives, which I think should be kept personal and private— in all the doings of the fan club and of the fan club activities is the artist, themselves, that which the fan club is for.

          So in Xiao Zhan’s case and his fans—in the case of ALL fans of artists in OTHER countries—who does not have all of these complications in becoming a fan and don’t have an official club to be attached to monetarily, he’s right that it’s not his responsibility (though he only implied it and was very gentle, and not so blunt, in his words for this interview) to take up responsibility for the things these so-called fans have chosen to do. All he can be responsible for is how he chooses to redirect the situation so that the problems can be resolved and less people receive hurt.
          At first, when the AO3 scandal happened, I, too, questioned why he or Xiao Zhan studio didn’t choose to put out a statement immediately to clear things up a bit, because real people were hurt (some seriously hurt and even ended up in the hospital), but now looking back, I can now understand why he chose to approach the situation in this way and why he took his time doing it.


            … continued from above

            I think he really believes that the CoVid situation is way more problematic and required peoples’ attention and concern more than the online conflict that he was pulled into unexpectedly and unwanted. It’s not to say that the lives hurt in the whole AO3 situation are any less important, but it would not have helped if he did anything anyway, because in this whole situation, it truly was a situation where it happened because people were choosing to hide behind their computer screens to spread negativity and to be mean just for the sake of being mean, and anything he could’ve said or done at the time would have been twisted and the chances of the situation getting worse was a high possibility because of that


            As far as know, even if he wanted, he couldn’t freely support AO3 writers or the content that cause all the ruckus… There are tones of fanfics written about The Untamed actors, specially Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo and their relationship (it’s crazy how the number of fanfics are still growing even after about a year!!!) … What if some people in name of Xiao Zhan or other actors’ fan condemn a fanfic… How can any actor prevent their so-called fan from doing so… Anyway I just hope that Xiao Zhan’s fans learned their lesson and never put him in such a position that makes him to apologize for something he had zero control over…


            I don’t think it was really about giving a statement to either support or not to support AO3, I think the frustration from people about his slow approach to dealing with the situation was that he didn’t even put out a statement or a letter of concern for those who physically got hurt (mostly due to suicide 😰😰) as an implication of AO3 closing down. I think people expected him to—and even felt entitled to receive 😒😒😒— give out a statement, at the very least, mentioning those people, but he chose not to. Again, I think it’s because he knows that if he did do that, it either would not make a difference or his words would’ve been twisted and the situation would have gotten worse because, at the time, no one saw his side and his perspective of the situation because he was not physically hurt… What people didn’t see—and maybe CHOOSE not to see— is the mental and emotional hurt that he, and his friends and family, received which shouldn’t be made any less important


            As for the official fan clubs, I have no idea about others but in the fan club I’m in, there’s no such thing as hierarchy. There are certain groups of fan that takes initiative in contacting the label when it comes to concerts, since there’s a time where fans raises a slogan to show appreciation to the artist. In terms of the membership , there’s a payment to the company, you get a kit (with pictures or magazines or goods), benefits like presale for concert tickets, a chance to join a music show as an audience and other benefits depending on the company. So basically, the company has a fan club manager(this person belongs to the company and not selected w/in the fandom) who deals with things related to the fans activities.

            As for things done in behalf of the idol, it depends. It could be an individual or a fansite both with a great following that usually starts a project or something.

            If I’m not mistaken, popular actors in SK have their own fancafes too — as for this, I’m not sure how the community is since I’m not part of any.



            Thank you for the explanation and clarification !! 👌🏻👌🏻


          There has been 2 instances in kpop when I’ve thought the artist or idol should speak out when a mass of fans attack an individual in the name of protection. Though it is not the idols fault.
          Different than this situation though and it can be a slippery slope.
          But you’ll see that protect mode go in and it’s like this adult does not need you to protect him from the person he was hugging or whatever.

          I also thought in that answer he gave about he and the fans being equals and his talk of working hard on his craft seemed, to me, a gentle reminder that he provides a song or a character for them, not his private life. Sometimes the fans think they control the artist too because they support or pay but it is for the product.


          That is fairly direct…

          think of a kid misbehaving.. and if that kid doesn’t listen to you and stop misbehaving, you are going to complain to mom to stop that kid (because mom is special, unless that kid fears real consequences he won’t stop misbehaving)

          AO3 group had to go after XZ because that was their last and only option left to deal with crazy fans. Everyone knows that no one wanted to go after XZ but my understanding is, situation made it worse for AO3 retaliators to look for justice for themselves…

          I don’t know full story, but my understanding is when fans went rabbid, the least others expected was for XZ to say exactly what he says in this interview. He just had to put out the word that hurting others is not right.

          And if fans raised this ruckus just because a fan fiction portrayed him as transvestite… fans are so wrong.. and in that situation, what he could truly do was either not say anything or put a subtle message around as a peer

          (if he says he is equal, even friends have the responsibility to advice their own friends)

          Had he not said anything, in my opinion that would have been fine too. Instead, they put out a post asking all to take care of themselves (that’s it) – this sent all the wrong signals (you are aware of the situation and you think it is alright for fans to do what they are doing)…. this led people to surmise that just like other actors he knows his bank balance are his fans so he won’t call them out..


          Technically, every party is responsible to some extent in that entire ruckus and not for the good


            Thanks for your comment… at least I can understand the mindset of people who think Xiao Zhan is to blame as well… considering that the AO3 closure was government level decision, I believe Xiao Zhan couldn’t prevent the situation without making it worst… his studio did ask everyone to be reasonable and avoid any extreme behavior, and of course take care of themselves (means take the epidemic seriously and avoid more hurt)… but the AO3 closure was out of anybodys’ hand already… he would have been attacked no matter what he said… because people look for someone to blame and Xiao Zhan was the easiest target for everyone (they used his fame to show their own rebellion against lack of freedom)… As much as I’m angry at fans for doing thing in the name of their idols, I see Xiao Zhan as the main victim if this incident… because AO3 authors & audiences can easily find a new platform for their fics (they’re all hidden behind their PCs anyway)… the only person who really got hurt is XZ and his family



            Just my thought, but i don’t think it is right to judge how important something is for someone..

            you are you, i am i, 3rd person has his own thought process..

            So when you downplay importance of a forum like ao3 and look down upon it , dismissing it as not being important or worth any value/easily replicable.. that may not be right..

            Many people have invested over the years – formed their friendships (as you might have on dramabeans example).. if someone was to take away your forum, you don’t know how that will affect each one the members, right?


            No dear… I’m not downplaying the importance of a forum like ao3… actually I believe such platforms are very important specially for free speech and creative writing and innovation… I’m just saying the attack on someone who has no power to prevent the ao3 closure was not fair… let’s say you lost the most important thing in your life, no matter how frustrated you are, you shouldn’t attack someone who hasn’t cause nor has a power to prevent it… also don’t forget the fact that the original writer whose fic was reported was a XZ fan too… on other words both parties in that fight were initially his fan (another reason he couldn’t side with any party)


            “Everyone knows that no one wanted to go after XZ” Actually I believe they attacked him with all their might… it was not just momentarily anger or frustration… the attack was very organized and quite consistent… they wanted him to retire and never show up ever again… the intial fight that was in between a bunch teenagers fans ended up in a very organized high-level attack… this is just my own observation as an outsider


    @linda-palapala @bebeswtz @strawberry @stpauligurl after watching this interview, I watched TU episode 43 (the snow scene)…the unshed tears in Xiao Zhan eyes, really reminded me of episode 43 (at ~00:24′) WWX: “Lan Zhan, Actually I think the truth is not important… After all, in people mind, I’m the one who did every wrong things… Sometime the World just need an excuse or a target… with me they can all unite together, and think highly of themselves…”😭😭😭


      A bit prophetic, that line.


      I agree with @linda-palapala — Wei Ying’s life story eerily parallels with how Xiao Zhan’s life has been for the last few months 🥺🥺🥺


        Maybe Xiao Zhan real life character is a bit similar to WWX… specially with his talent, fame, and beauty, and having a best friends such as Wang Yibo (aka Lan Zhan 😊) probably there are some people too envious of him and looking for any excuse to target him!!


          Yea, which is sad… I find it sad that some people just can’t and don’t feel happy for someone else when good things happen to them


    @persianrose I was reading an article by some “idiot” who took XZ’s comment about apologizing totally out of context and made it sound like he was apologizing for causing the demise of AO3 – at least that’s how I read this article. If I remember, in the interview he said he’d made inappropriate comments in Weibo when he was in his early 20s and was new to Weibo and commenting, and he apologized to anyone he may have offended with those early comments made years ago.
    Maybe I’m mis-interpreting the article but here it is and let me know what you think. I think this guy is totally dissing XZ and I wanted to respond but they had no comment section.


      I mean in Xiao Zhan’s interview when he talked about apologizing and inappropriate comments.


      Thanks for the link to this interesting site @linda-palapala!
      After reading the article I’m not sure he was totally misinterpreting Xz’s words other than to comment on the thought that XZ finally said something! Then again how he wrote it made it sound like XZ was apologizing for what he’d written on Weibo – rather than what he wrote when he was much younger and didn’t know any better. Poor guy. I hope everyone can now put this to rest.

      This whole episode with the fans in a not-very-democratic land is all so unfortunate and put XZ into a position where there was no real positive way out for him. His comments about apologizing for what he wrote on Weibo was to point out how young and immature he was

      And being in isolation while it was happening I’m sure didn’t help.


        I agree… I hope at this point his fan just keep quiet and focuson positivity… as far as the AO3 group is satisfied and let it go, I don’t mind their misinterpretations… we jus want the artist back to work
