I Hear Your Voice: Episode 18 (Final)

Lately I’ve become ending-averse, not that I don’t want shows to end (heaven forbid), but because enough bad endings can make you develop finale-phobia, for fear that one bad hour could undo all the good that came before.

But I’m happy to report that I Hear Your Voice goes out as strong as it came in. It always had a story and a message to tell—though we may have taken two extra episodes to (ahem) pad out said story—the journey feels whole, and earned, and satisfying to the end.


Monni – “소년이 어른이 되어” (A Boy Becomes an Adult) [ Download ]

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FINAL EPISODE: “Stay by my side as light within the darkness”

We resume with post-kidnapping-and-roof-falling hospital snuggles, and oh okay, I guess I can watch you two hug and kiss again. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it. We just had better not do another rewind to three hours ago, is all I’m sayin’.

Sometime later, Su-ha moves his books into Hye-sung’s apartment, and she complains that there isn’t enough space for both their books. She doesn’t see why he wants to live here anyway when his place is way bigger. Su-ha: “Then you come live with me there.” Kyaa.

She reminds him that they lived together in the first place because of Min Joon-gook. Now they have no such justification to continue living together. Su-ha: “There is justification,” and he leans in. Rawr.

He raises his we’re-gonna-have-sexy-fun-times eyebrows and leans closer… and she shoves her foot on his chest to stop him. Wha? Why? But… why?

Hye-sung: “What kind of justification is so naughty?” The fun kind! He pouts and grabs the pillow behind her since she won’t let him grab her, and she tells him that as long as he’s living here, he has to maintain certain lines. Boo.

He hits the books, and she asks how he’s feeling about his police university test tomorrow, and he scowls that his mood is in the crapper. She tries to appease him with snuggles, but he nudges her away with a sigh.

Kwan-woo sees Do-yeon heading up in the courtroom elevator and runs over with a wave, and she hurriedly presses the button to shut the door. Hee. This recurring elevator thing with her is so petty and small, but I never tire of it.

Kwan-woo wedges his hand in the door, and thanks her for holding the elevator for him. He asks if she’s taking on the Min Joon-gook case, and she is. Do-yeon: “You’re not… going to represent him, are you?” I’m a little scared to hear the answer.

He says no, he’d have to be crazy to do that. Oh phew. He reminds her that he’s also a past victim, broken arm and all. She says pointedly that she doesn’t feel the least bit sorry for Min Joon-gook AT ALL, and will get him the death penalty.

That gives Kwan-woo pause, and then we see in flashback that he went to go see Min Joon-gook in jail. Kwan-woo says he came to request that Joon-gook not lie to his new lawyer this time, and tell the whole truth and lay it all down.

Joon-gook seems resigned to his fate, and says that the end result won’t change, so he’ll do that… if Kwan-woo will represent him. Ack. This is going to happen, isn’t it? I don’t trust him, but he does seem genuine about this at least: “When no one else would take my side, you did.”

He says he’s not asking for the verdict to change—he’s just looking for someone to listen to his story. Back in the present, Kwan-woo looks up at the blind scales of justice and the request weighs on him.

Hye-sung visits Mom’s memorial and tells her that Min Joon-gook has been captured. She says that there’s enough evidence this time that he won’t wriggle his way out of this, and she leans her head against the glass, asking how Mom feels and if she can rest now.

Hye-sung: “I wish I could hear it one more time, your voice.” So she replays Mom’s last words to her in her head, about not living her life an eye for an eye. She answers Mom again just like she did on the phone: “Okay. I promise.”

Do-yeon begins her interrogation of Min Joon-gook, and they get to the day in the parking garage a year ago. He admits to calling Su-ha there with the intention of killing him, but he says that Hye-sung came on her own.

Do-yeon: “So you stabbed her anyway?” Joon-gook: “I wasn’t the one who stabbed her. Park Su-ha was.” She calls him a liar, but he doesn’t see how that one fact would change anything for him—he’s telling the truth.

At that very moment, Su-ha takes his first test for admission into the police university. Argh, if this keeps him from getting in, I’ll never forgive you!

Judge Kim sighs that Min Joon-gook requested Kwan-woo again as his public defender, and asks his colleagues hesitantly if that would be shameless to ask of Kwan-woo. They both answer, “Yes.”

Kwan-woo sits down and is already halfway there to taking on the case, and asks what he should do. Judge Kim says he’d be grateful if he did, but he’s not shameless so he won’t ask. Oh like that’s different. BAH.

And of course, Kwan-woo says he’ll take the case. I’m going to stop wondering why there are no other friggin public defenders in this universe besides the three that we know, and just accept that this is happening. But seriously, once was one thing, but twice is WTFery.

Pretty the Paralegal gets up in arms about it (thank goodness someone’s voicing my complaint) and whines that this is all wrong. He adds that the office will be shrouded in darkness all over again, “And I hate the dark!” Hee.

Even Lawyer Shin says this is bad, and says he’ll take on the case instead. He asks Kwan-woo if he’ll ever be able to face Hye-sung again if he does this, and Pretty the Paralegal interrupts to say that he won’t be able to, ever EVER. “You can’t do this to Jjang-byun!”

Suddenly a hand goes up. It’s Hye-sung, who’s been sitting there at her desk this whole time. HAHAHA. Okay, that was funny. Hye-sung: “Why do you keep talking as if I’m not here?” Pretty the Paralegal swears he’s on her side, but she says that she’s on Kwan-woo’s side. Aw, that’s really big of you.

Kwan-woo finds her out in the hallway and she says there’s no need for mushy thanks, but instead he points out that her skirt’s turned around. Lol. She flips it around in her usual manner, and then Kwan-woo explains that he’s taking on Min Joon-gook’s case because he agreed to tell the whole truth and admit to his crimes if he did.

Hye-sung says he should’ve said so from the get-go, and he realizes that she took his side without even knowing all this. She starts to explain the reason, but he just says, “Thanks for understanding me.”

At home, Hye-sung takes off her bandage and worries that the scar on her forehead won’t fade, but Su-ha says it will with time, and swears you can barely see it with her hair down. Her solution cracks me up: “Should I wear a giant pin on the other side to distract the eye?”

That reminds him about the necklace though, and he runs in to get it with such giddy excitement it kills me. She opens it up and gasps, and he tells her that he saw that she wanted it. But instead of being happy, she hurriedly puts it back and tells him to return it.

He hears her thinking that it’s too much and now she’ll have to be more careful about letting him see her wanting things. Su-ha: “I still seem like a kid to you, don’t I? I’m young, and immature, and make you worry.” He doesn’t say it with any anger or even any defensiveness—he knows it’s true.

She asks if he’s mad, but he smiles and says he isn’t. He takes the necklace back and promises to return it. But then every single thing Hye-sung has ever said about their relationship having an end, her needing to learn how to not rely on him, planning for a time in her future without him—start to weigh on his mind.

Do-yeon finds out that Kwan-woo is taking Min Joon-gook’s case after all, and she flat-out calls him crazeballs. She swears to mop the floor with him and refuses to answer his calls, even when her secretary points out that he heard everything she said while on hold. She hangs up anyway. I smell hate-love brewing.

And then of course there’s the other matter—what to do about Park Su-ha. She goes by the letter of the law, and Su-ha gets a summons in the mail from the prosecutor’s office. The charge is attempted murder. Crap.

Kwan-woo runs into the office to tell Hye-sung about it, thinking that there’s been some mistake. But the look of horror on Hye-sung’s face confirms that it really was Su-ha who stabbed her that night. She swears it was an accident and starts to panic, wondering how this could happen after what they’ve been through to get here.

She races home and finds Su-ha staring at the summons, and grabs it out of his hands. She tells him that they can’t prove a thing, so they can lie, and she’ll back him up, and no one will know.

He says they can’t do that, but she argues that they can and will, and she’ll go right over to Do-yeon and insist that Min Joon-gook is lying. Su-ha: “I know. I know that you can, but I also know that you shouldn’t.” Awww.

He takes her hand and says this is different from the last time—he remembers everything and he stabbed her, and he can’t lie about it. She argues that attempted murder means that she can’t drop the charges, and could be called in as a witness to testify against him. And the police academy, his whole future, will tank.

He says he’s prepared for that and will find some other future, but she cries that he isn’t listening to her. She pleads through tears: “You don’t have to do this. After how we got here? You can lie. You can do it once. It’s okay if you do.”

Su-ha: “No, I can’t.” He reaches up to wipe away a tear, but she pulls away and runs to her room.

Kwan-woo totally stalks Do-yeon out to her car to try and get a word with her, and she goes running. He finally yells, “Hey, Seo Do-yeon!” in banmal, and it succeeds in getting her to stop out of anger and disbelief, but then she just drives away and leaves him in the dust.

The next morning Su-ha prepares to go to the prosecutor’s office, and sighs at the post-its that Hye-sung once stuck on his schedule for police academy exams, to encourage him. He stops at her door to tell her that he’s going, and apologizes for not listening to her.

Su-ha: “You asked me what I dreamt once. In my dreams you keep getting hurt that same way… bleeding. It must’ve been a warning, not to forget that day. I didn’t heed that warning and now I’m being punished.”

He says that if he tells the truth, maybe he’ll stop having those dreams. He presses his hand against the door, as Hye-sung’s hand hovers above the doorknob.

Su-ha: “Can I ask one thing before I go? If I end up having to leave your side because of this… will you wait for me?” She leans against the door, unable to say anything. It’s the longest silence in the history of silences.

Kwan-woo waits for Do-yeon again (Please don’t tell me you spent the night here. Though by the looks of your hair, you might’ve.) and she hilariously starts to speed-walk to get away from him.

He chases her down and manages to trap her in the revolving door, and poor Judge Kim gets wedged in as collateral damage. She refuses to talk to him about Min Joon-gook, but Kwan-woo says he’s not here about that—he’s here to talk about Su-ha. She’s surprised, and finally gives him the time of day. The whole time Judge Kim is knocking on the glass, Yoohoo! People!

Hye-sung wanders into Su-ha’s empty room and lingers there for a while, flipping through the books he was studying so diligently. That’s when she discovers her old journal, wedged behind his things. Finally.

As she opens it up and starts to read, Su-ha gets a text from the police university saying that he passed the first round of tests. Augh.

Hye-sung reads the entry Su-ha wrote on the day before Min Joon-gook’s verdict (for her mother’s murder, when he was determined to kill him).

Su-ha: If I disappear… I’d like it if you never knew, and instead thought that I was living well somewhere, studying hard, hanging out with friends, dreaming of becoming a police officer. I’d like you to believe that I was living well that way. If I disappear… I’d like it if you didn’t cry. I’d like you to be happy. And once in a while… just once in a while… I’d like you to remember me.

She breaks down in sobs as she reads the entry, as he does the same, thinking of having to leave her all over again.

Back at the revolving door, Kwan-woo’s still holding both parties hostage as he asks Do-yeon to reconsider Su-ha’s charges. She isn’t keen on it either but she asks how she’s supposed to ignore a crime as a prosecutor.

But Kwan-woo argues that the three of them are the ones who started this mess (ha, I love that Judge Kim gets included in this) for letting Min Joon-gook go free in the first place when they screwed up the last trial. He asks how they’re going to correct that, and what they’re going to do about the things that Su-ha suffered as a consequence of their actions. Dude, I’m so back on Kwan-woo’s side right now.

He asks if that’s what the law is to her, and Do-yeon digs her heels in: “Yes, it is! I believe the law has to be cold.” He finally lets her go, and Judge Kim runs after her to say something.

Su-ha arrives for questioning, and Do-yeon begins the formal inquiry. As she does, Judge Kim’s words come back to her. He says that he agrees with her that the law has to be cold. “But I also think the law has to have heart.”

He says that Do-yeon probably agrees with Kwan-woo a little (despite her insistence that she doesn’t) and says he thought he saw a bit of that heart in Hwang Dal-joong’s case.

As she questions Su-ha, she suddenly cuts him off before he can say Min Joon-gook’s name. He catches her thinking that he can’t say that out loud or else she can’t change the charge. Aww yeah. For once I’m glad there’s only one prosecutor and one judge in this world. She declares that there was no intent to murder and the weapon was too short anyway, so the crime is being changed to a weapons-carrying charge.

Kwan-woo finds Su-ha on his way out, and says that he’ll get Do-yeon to unplug her ears and listen to him. But Su-ha says she changed the charge and he got a stay of prosecution on top of it. Yay, Do-yeon.

Kwan-woo beams, and Su-ha thanks him sincerely for everything. “I know how much you like Jjang-byun. And I know that everything you’re doing for me is because of her. I resent it, but I admit—you’re a good person, so much that I can’t ever measure up.” AW. Look who’s grown up. Bro-hug? Asking for too much?

Su-ha adds that Kwan-woo’s such a good person it actually makes him sorry that Hye-sung chose him, and Kwan-woo stops him from getting too mushy. Su-ha promises to be good to her, enough not to be sorry about her choice. Good on you.

Kwan-woo scowls that it sounds an awful lot like a warning to keep his distance from Hye-sung from now on, and Su-ha smiles that if he interprets it that way he’ll be grateful too. Ha. He bows respectfully before walking away, and Kwan-woo smiles.

At home, Hye-sung’s neck-deep in regret, in tears as she reads all of Su-ha’s journal, while wearing her necklace and holding her Good Job Bear. How adorable.

Su-ha arrives in the street down below, and they lock eyes on the balcony. He goes running up to her thinking something’s wrong because she’s crying, and she goes running down because she’s got so much to say.

They meet in the middle and she just runs into his arms, crying and calling his name. He asks why she’s crying and she just bursts into a confession: “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for pretending like I didn’t, when I depended on you more than anyone. I’m sorry for not saying it, even though I love you more than anyone. I’m sorry for thinking of the end and being anxious about it while looking at you. I’m sorry for all of it!”

He just smiles and hugs her close, and she just keeps going, saying that she’s going to defend the hell out of him in court and get him acquitted, and he won’t ever go to jail. “But if… if you do, don’t worry. I’ll wait for you.” Yaaaay. She said it!

He finally tells her that he won’t be going to jail because Do-yeon dropped the case because Kwan-woo convinced her, and Hye-sung can hardly believe she did such a nice thing. She hugs him in relief, which lasts about two seconds before the embarrassment at her bawling confession of lurve kicks in.

He totally catches her regretting the overzealous speech, and she launches into this hilarious backpedaling, about how she was caught up in the moment, and not that she didn’t mean it, but… but… And finally she’s so mortified she just runs away. Ha.

But he catches up to her on the steps and then notices that she’s wearing the necklace. He prods, “Say it. You said you were sorry you were stingy with your I love you’s.” This is so cute I can’t stand it.

She tries to wriggle out of it by saying she must’ve been out of her mind a minute ago, but realizes she can’t actually get away with lying to him. She rolls her eyes and purses her lips… and then mumbles a barely discernable “I love you.”

Su-ha: “What? I can’t hear you.” I love how much he’s enjoying this. She finally shuts her eyes: “Fine. I love you. I love you. I love you a whole friggin’ LOT, okay?” He sneaks in a kiss before she opens her eyes.

He wraps his arms around her waist, and she finally smiles again, and throws her hands around his neck and they kiss. And then he eskimo-kisses her three times, like he’s trying to kill me, and gives her a kiss on the forehead.

They gaze into each other’s eyes for a long moment, and the air changes between them. He goes in for a real kiss this time. Oh swoon. As they stand on the steps kissing and kissing some more, we hear another journal entry.

Su-ha: I know why you’re anxious, and I know why you’re always preparing for a time without me. But even if that time comes, I won’t worry. Even when ten years had passed, I recognized you. When I lost my memories, when I had erased you, I came to love you again. Even if ten more years pass, if I lose my memories again, if that time you’re worried about comes… I’ll find you… and I’ll love you again.

Could there be anything better?

Kwan-woo goes over his notes with Min Joon-gook, and he says they’ll tell his full story in court. But Kwan-woo says that despite Su-ha’s father doing something he shouldn’t have, that reason disappeared when Joon-gook killed him. He adds that he has to stop insisting that his mother and son died because of Hye-sung and Su-ha.

Min Joon-gook still believes it to his core, that they’re responsible. Finally Kwan-woo slams his hands on the table and says, “Your mother and son did not die because Jang Hye-sung testified against you. Because you killed someone, because you went to jail, because you couldn’t take care of your mother with dementia and your son—that’s why they starved to death.”

Joon-gook tells him not to speak so easily when he doesn’t know what it’s like to be in his shoes. But Kwan-woo says he’s put himself there every day he’s worked on this case, to see the world through his eyes. He says he’s figured out what Joon-gook really thinks.

We cut away to Do-yeon arriving at home to pick up a few things, and running into her father. It’s clearly been a while since they’ve crossed paths, and he asks about the consequences of the Hwang Dal-joong case—she could lose her job. She says she knows.

Back to Joon-gook, who challenges Kwan-woo to read his thoughts. Kwan-woo says Joon-gook has known for some time that he was the one who started all of this. “You realized it at one point, but you couldn’t stop, because the moment you did your life would become nothing. That’s why you persisted, all while killing people, swearing that you were right.”

Joon-gook asks him to stop, and Kwan-woo urges him to admit it in court, and to stop insisting a lie he doesn’t even believe. “Aren’t you suffering?”

We go back to Do-yeon and her father, as she bows goodbye. Kwan-woo’s words were never truer than for Judge Seo, as he tells Joon-gook that he’ll be the only one who suffers by not admitting he was wrong, “and then one day you end up alone with no one on your side.”

Sung-bin meets Su-ha at the bookstore and declares that she’s going to go to the police academy with him, and shows him her newly painted nails with their initials on them. Su-ha remembers what Choong-ki thought once, about how Su-ha lets her dig her own grave, and this time he decides he has to say something.

He asks if Sung-bin was the one who gave Hye-sung the teddy bear, and thanks her for it. “So then… you know how I feel about her? That it hasn’t changed for eleven years? And that it won’t in the future?”

She nods. He says he can say it then, and starts, “I think it’s time you…” She stops him right there, knowing what’s coming next. He can hear her think that she’ll cry if he says another word, so he does, and just lets her ramble her way out with an excuse, and says he’s sorry. And as he’s leaving, he calls Choong-ki.

Choong-ki comes running over, taking care to cover her skirt with his shirt as she sobs into her knees. She cries that Su-ha once said her hands were pretty, and Choong-ki says when guys say that it means your face isn’t. Look who’s digging his grave now.

She shoves him aside and yells at his poor excuse for a cheer-up speech, and then he persists in following her and saying that it’s true that she’s ugly, but guys who just go after pretty girls are superficial, and a guy who likes you for your insides is way better. What? That’s not how you win a girl over! Augh, somebody yank that foot out of his mouth!

She ends up beating him up with her purse and leaving in a huff, and the poor fool doesn’t even know why she didn’t understand what he meant. And then of course he goes chasing after her, saying to himself that she’s pretty. Pfft.

Hye-sung thanks Kwan-woo for helping Su-ha out, and offers up a handshake. She takes his hand and gives it a kiss, just like he did to her once. He asks what that was, and she says it’s a goodbye (not meant in the literal farewell sense).

“Thank you for everything—for liking me, for being good to me, for helping Su-ha.” He smiles and says he’ll accept that gesture. And then Lawyer Shin coughs from behind his desk, “I’ve been here the whole time.” Heh.

Pretty the Paralegal runs in and announces with glee that Do-yeon is being investigated formally and might lose her job. He does a dance of joy, only to be met with long faces all around, and he’s like, Don’t we… hate her?

Hye-sung runs into her at the elevator and Do-yeon confirms that it’s because of the Hwang Dal-joong case. Suddenly Judge Kim comes running up as the doors start to close, and both girls jump to push the hell out of the button to shut the door. Hee. Jinx!

He makes it anyway, and then awkwardly stands between them as they literally talk over his head as if he’s not there. Hye-sung thanks her for Su-ha’s case and she says it was all Kwan-woo and his annoying chatter.

Judge Kim says he helped too, which gets squarely ignored, and Do-yeon even attributes his heart-speech to Kwan-woo. “I said that.” More ignoring. The girls walk out and Judge Kim finally loses it and yells after Hye-sung, asking why he can’t get a thanks too.

She whirls around, pauses, and then thanks him sincerely. It shocks him so much he gapes, “Oh, you said it!” And then he starts digging around in his robes for a camera to document the moment. Ha.

The girls walk in lock step and Do-yeon asks if Hye-sung isn’t going to watch Min Joon-gook’s trial. Hye-sung doesn’t have plans to, and it shocks Do-yeon that she doesn’t want to watch her mother’s killer go down.

She says that even if she gets pulled off Min Joon-gook’s case for disciplinary reasons, her sunbae will see it through to the end and get the death penalty. Hye-sung: “Is that what you think I want?” Do-yeon doesn’t see how she wouldn’t.

Hye-sung doesn’t really know the answer either, and Do-yeon wonders if she’s being a public defender even now, or if she actually feels sorry for Min Joon-gook. Hye-sung: “What am I, Mother Teresa?” Pwahaha. And this is why we love you.

She says no, it’s nothing like that and she does NOT feel sorry for him. But wishing him dead because he killed her mother—well that makes her feel the same as him, and she hates that. She decides that because she doesn’t want to feel like she’s on his level, she doesn’t want him sentenced to death.

Two months later.

Su-ha does dishes while Hye-sung folds laundry, and she asks if he’s going to hear Min Joon-gook’s verdict tomorrow in court. He says no, since he’s got his police university interview, and she asks if he’s hoping for the death penalty.

He thinks about it and says no, and she guesses the reason—that he doesn’t want to be like him in any way—and says maybe his mind-reading ability has rubbed off on her. She gets all excited about the baseball game that’s about to start, and runs to grab something. Su-ha’s expression freezes in horror: “No. I’m not wearing that!”

Cut to: the pair of them in beer hats in front of the TV. Hahahaha.

Hye-sung and Su-ha begin an exchange of voiceovers about their relationship, as she says Su-ha doesn’t like to go to crowded places, so they don’t go to baseball stadiums. He says she becomes a monster when watching baseball. “I’m sometimes, often, afraid.”

As they eat breakfast, she says he cooks well because he’s lived alone since junior high. “He must’ve been very lonely.” He says the reason she eats her all-food-in-one-bowl dog food is because she used her precious time working hard. “She must’ve been very tired.”

Su-ha: “I think Jjang-byun still thinks that we might have an end someday. It doesn’t matter if she thinks so. Even if that end comes, I’ll find her again, and start all over, and be happy again.”

Hye-sung: “When I look at Su-ha I’m always anxious that our relationship might come to an end. But to calm that worry I’m going to treat him better and try harder to understand him. I’ll probably remain endlessly nervous, as I spend a long time being happy with Su-ha.”

It’s time for his interview, and it really feels like we’ve come full circle from Hye-sung’s interview to become a public defender. He can hear the interviewer wondering in his head how truthful Su-ha will be, and he surprises them by being truthful about his past.

He says that he couldn’t have made it here alone, and begins to describe the people who helped him along the way. “There’s someone who turned me into an adult…” Cut to: Kwan-woo. Awww.

Su-ha says that sometimes he trusted people too much and acted like an idiot, but that trust also changed people. He couldn’t help but acknowledge him as an adult, and come to respect him.

As Kwan-woo and Min Joon-gook await the verdict, he says, “We’ll file for an appeal if we need to.” Min Joon-gook stops at the word “we,” realizing it’s been a long time since he’s heard that word, and gives just the tiniest genuine smile.

Su-ha says there’s another person who believed too much in herself, as we see Past Do-yeon in all her haughty glory. But he says that person acknowledged her mistakes and apologized for them, as we see her sit by her father’s side in the hospital and draw another portrait for him in his dying moments. He says he learned from her how impressive it can be to admit when you’re wrong.

And then we get to Min Joon-gook, as Su-ha says there’s even someone who showed him a path he shouldn’t take, who gave up living as a person to become a beast. Min Joon-gook faces his sentence, as Judge Kim sums up the case. (This is a random side note, but it cracks me up that Grass Hair has his hair down ever since Hye-sung’s insult.)

He gets life in prison.

Su-ha says there was a time when he almost made the same choice, and he might have, if it weren’t for “that person.”

Su-ha: There’s this person… She’s almost unbelievably snobby, rude, and doesn’t have an ounce of modesty. But that person began to fight for the truth and began to see people. As I was swimming through darkness, she became my light, and my road. Without that person, I could never have made it here. Because of that person, I learned how precious it is to protect someone. Because of that person, I learned how important it is to listen to other people.

He says that’s why he’d make a good police officer. And then we watch Hye-sung in class as she learns sign language, and applies it for the first time. She greets a client by signing that she’ll listen to everything she has to say from her point of view: “I am your public defender.”

Epilogue: As the credits roll, we see Su-ha salute Hye-sung in uniform. She salutes in return and he scoops her up in his arms.


Happy sigh. Could an ending be any sweeter? I was worried the show blew its wad yesterday when all of the truly tense stuff was resolved by the end of Episode 17. But for a finale that brings everything back to character and takes its time to lay out its very hopeful, idealistic, earnest message about love and trust and the good in people, well, what wouldn’t I give for that? I really love that the episode proper ends on Hye-sung just telling someone who she is and what she does—it’s the same job title that she’s had since the beginning, but doesn’t it feel like it took her all this time to learn what that really meant? In the end she’s the best of Kwan-woo and still herself too, but proud of her job. I felt so proud of her, just like her momma was when she did that fantastic dance in the middle of the street. It was so great to watch an entire series loving a heroine from beginning to end, from the way she was played to the way she was written, with realistic flaws and realistic fears, and no pat answers for anything in life.

The epilogue is of course icing on the cake (such sweet delicious icing too) but they made me believe that that future would come to pass even without the little glimpse of Su-ha in uniform, which is what I loved about the finale as a whole. It gave such assurances about the people and who they had become over the course of the show that the details of where they end up and when and how didn’t matter so much anymore. I’m such a fan of this kind of open-endedness, where it feels like they live on as characters after the drama is over, and I trust that they live full happy lives being the still-flawed but best versions of themselves.

Su-ha’s What I Learned From People narration was a really satisfying way to close out the hour, because more than just giving us the final threads of these characters’ journeys, it ties everyone back to how they helped Su-ha grow up from a boy into a man, and how even the murderer taught him something about life. There’s just something about that attitude (evident in Hye-sung too as she constantly challenges herself to learn new things) that really clicks for me—the humility to always learn from other people. It’s one of the many themes in this show that I love so dearly because it’s just so damn true. Everyone is made better by being open to new ideas and new opinions, and I’m totally having a kumbaya moment right now, but dammit, why can’t the world be more like this?

After Voice and Dream High I’m already looking forward to what this writer will do next. She tells a good story with wit and purpose, crafts the journey well—there was a magic about the breakneck speed at which the first half of the series came at us—and I can feel that she genuinely loves each character as much as we do, but it’s her earnest bleeding heart and hopefulness that always makes me think: this is why stories should be told. Her dramas aren’t mold-breakers, but they’re satisfying and entertaining the whole way through, and full of a youthful idealism that shouldn’t be limited to youth.

There were flaws, of course. The pace suffered in the latter part of the drama, not only because of the extension, but the weight placed on courtroom scenes that went on endlessly, and the stretching of Min Joon-gook’s arc without giving him anything villainous to do but send mail. The romance was gripping until Hye-sung reciprocated, and then tension was exchanged for cuteness (I’m not even complaining about this, because damn, was it cute, but we did lose a bit of that omg-omg-omg factor of the earlier episodes). The fact that there were only two prosecutors, three public defenders, and one head judge in all the land was comically unrealistic, and the lawyering was pretty much a fact-adjacent storytelling device, not a thing resembling the actual practice of law. And though I love all the themes we’ve explored throughout the show, they’d make a greater impact if we didn’t cycle through multiple iterations of the same point So. Many. Times.

But the one thing we came back around to time and again that I’ll never grow tired of is how this couple will always find each other and fall in love and start all over again, because we’ve seen it happen. And the thing that always struck me about them was that Su-ha had the superpowers and the strength and even the brains, but Hye-sung saved him from wasting his life on empty revenge, gave him a home and family when he was all alone in the world, and believed in him completely even though she never had the ability to know if he was telling the truth. And somehow even with an entire drama where they take turns sacrificing themselves to protect the other, they managed to steer clear of being idiots about it for the most part, and instead were just plain noble, and hell even better—practical too.

My favorite thing about the finale was that Hye-sung got to read Su-ha’s thoughts for the first time by reading his journal, which finally felt like it leveled the playing field for them. She got to hear his thoughts and find out just how much he had grown up in all this time, and it forced her to stop pretending to be a grown-up by shutting out her own feelings. That’s what I love so much about this noona romance—sometimes he’s a boy and sometimes he’s a man, but she’s just as much a woman and a girl, and when she just laid her feelings bare and cried on his shoulder, I thought it was beautiful that in being true to her heart she could grow young just as much as he could grow up.


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Sorry I ever doubted you show !
The faith I had in you was dropping steadily over these last 4 episodes, and I tuned into finale dreading the endless court scenes but it was refreshing instead !

Totally captured me ! I squeed, laughed, shed tears in all the right places ! And even though attempted murder charge is over the top crazy, I like how it changed our leads ! How it forced them to grow !
Hye sung had no choice rather to face her worry and think about long term relationship and yes of course the diary !!!!!! And the bear !!!!
Ah,..,,, my heart !
I like that just cuz he can read her mind doesn't mean that their relationship becomes perfect, I like that they have to fight for it and believe in it like every real one out there.

THE KISS ! Ah !!!!! A lot of dramas miss out on the finale, they leave us feeling half full about the couple we rooted for from first, this is one drama that doesn't do that.
And yeah also dream high. This writer knows what she is doing. And this writer is one of the biggest fan of stories and a great watcher. Cuz no one who doesn't watch a drama with such love an write such a lovable story !

And finally lawyer cha ! I felt nothing for you when people squeed at your dorkiness and your heart, but in end you won me over. Just like su ha told, you changed me. Just beliving in humanity.

Over all show, I LUB YOU. I WILL MISS YOU.

Few shows go beyond of being just a drama and take your heart in a real way that you forget it's just a show. You are one.



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Love this ending. Sigh the sweet, heart-fluttering kissing scene was just so lovely!! ;)


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And did anyone love the end credits ?
Of all the hand holdings of all the characters !
That got my heart !


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Love the hands scenes SO MUCH. "Human touch" by B. Springsteen playing in my head while watching this.


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Yeah.. I love them too. it showed that human touch is important in our lives, it can help us to be stronger.

God.. I love this drama.. Can't stop crying every time reading/watch this drama..


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Oh good point. There WERE a lot of hand scenes. And even before the credits, HS was using her hands as sign language. Interesting! :)


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Favorite drama. It just shot straight to the top of the list. Honestly, it already had by episode 2...I was just waiting for the finale to confirm :D


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This was me too! It had me at the first episode and with each one I felt more certain it was going to be my favorite ever. Just had to wait for the finale to make it official.


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Definitely my #1 drama and I watched a handful of dramas in my life. Man, this one is surely going to be missed for a long, long, long time :(


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First off, I want to sincerely thank Girlfriday for posting up all these recaps so religiously and timely (you seriously rock. I can’t imagine how much effort and time you put into writing these on the day each episode comes out). You probably heard this countless of times, but this dramabeans forum has given so much more depth, emotion, insight, perspective and meaning to this IHYV journey.

Comments on the finale:

1) I kind of feel bad that I disliked Kwan-woo ever since he was bit of a jerk to Soo-ha in the previous episodes but seeing him play the role of a mediator in this episode made me fall back in love with him. I love how he is just so articulate and good with his words...words that changed Do-yeon’s mentality on Soo-ha’s attempted murder case. He has really helped open up people’s hearts and allowed them to sift through multiple perspectives and choose the right one at the end. I mentioned mediator before because in this case, he balances out the cold-hearted and stern personality of Do-yeon. I love how he helps her break down her walls and search for the good in the bad.

2) Okay, I never thought I would EVER, EVER feel sorry for MJK…but man…I have to admit that I pooped out an ounce of sympathy for him when he pleaded that no one listened to him nor was on his side…but then I quickly flushed that poop away because I just can’t condone all the atrocities he committed. Again, Kwan-woo knew just the right words to help MJK snap back to reality when he said that he became a murderer just so he could deny the fact that he was wrong from the get-go.

3) Soo-ha has seriously matured so much and I saw that clearly when he had that mini argument with Hye-sung about his attempted murder case. It was just so refreshing for me to see how much he valued the truth, even when he had the full opportunity to hide it and the consequences that would come with it AND even when he used to battle between disclosing or hiding the truth about his dad. I feel like this moment was the epitome of his transition to adulthood. He was willing to assume and accept full responsibility of his actions. Ahhh, such a great scene!!!

4) I was kind of blown away about how the stabbing dream coincided with Soo-ha’s attempted murder case. Great way to tie these two events together. Oh, and I whimpered when he said “…will you wait for me?” BOY, I WILL WAIT A HUNDRED YEARS FOR YOU. Hunk of sexiness, what are you saying -_-

5) Is it just me or did you guys really enjoy the kissing scene? It was so freaking cute when they touched each other’s noses. SO FREAKING ADORABLE. I'm telling you, I've never seen a cuter or more natural or more fitting relationship than theirs. I gotta admit though…some serious lip action on Soo-ha’s part LOL. Looked like he was on the verge of French kissing ._.

6) The scene of Hye-sung and her mom’s last phone call. This drama brought up this flashback so many times that it’s impossible to consider it as one of the main themes of IHYV. I won’t ever forget what the mom was trying to convey: don’t waste time hating someone because life is too short to even love someone. AGHHHHHH, tears already.

I’m kind of glad I don’t have a boyfriend…that way, I won’t feel guilty about fantasizing about Soo-ha. Heh, heh…

IHYV, you earned the #1 spot on my drama list. Despite the extension, everything was executed perfectly and I couldn’t have asked for a better crew of actors. This drama has definitely hit home for me. I’ll miss you so so so so so so dearly ☹


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HAHAHAH your poop metaphor had me on the floor in the tears


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referring to no 5, then you better watch when I was the prettiest. He CAN kiss.


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HAHAHA, I don't want to see them T-T I would feel bad for HS, lol!


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Great ending. I am really going to miss this drama. She is probably my favorite heroine or at least top 3. Thanks for the recap guys!


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Sigh. Perfect ending. <3 :') Amazing journey. GF, thank you for these amazing recaps. Dramabeanies, thank you for raving and ranting and being as madly in love with this show as I am. Couldn't have survived without you guys. :')

Drama, SARANGHAEYO! :') <3


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I don't understand why it's so important for Lawyer Cha that MJG is honest with his own lawyer. I mean, what's the big deal? It's a good thing he is such a compassionate person, but sometimes he just seems stupid to me. I can't help it, I've tried to like Cha, but the more I see of him, the more he annoys me, till the very ending episode.

Well, I guess that they didn't handle that knife incident well back then, when they tried to put the blame on MJG. True is that SH had the intention to kill MJG, but it was in self defense, because they were really scared of him and the only way SH saw to end the terror was MJG dead.

Aww... is this also going to interfere with SH's getting into Police Academy? >.<

I totally can understand HS's stand, since they already lied, they should just continue, so much are at stake, but it's admirable that SH want to admit his wrongdoings and take the consequences. He is growing up well, I think. And LOL at HS's t-shirt "I ♥ boys". XDD

When Cha locked DY and the judge in the spinning door, the judge was on his way out, wasn't he? But then he hurrily went inside again? LOL. Okay, but he was following DY. =)

And people reading other people's diary... *just sigh* well, I also had someone reading mine once, who doesn't think it's anything wrong, because "...do you have any secret you don't want me to find out, since we're best friends and I tell you everything about me." So if you don't want anyone to find out your thought, don't write it down in a diary (not to mention Without a lock).

Oh, they gave MJG a clean look, so we would have more sympathy for him, eh?

Aww, Choongki, your intention is good, but it comes out so wrong. Just tell her! ^_^;

Really liked the ending and the court scenes I was fearing would be dragging the episode didn't occur, instead they wrapped the whole drama up quite nicely, with the adorably fluffy moments between our leads. Also I really liked they showed everybody's growth during the drama, including the killer who started to reflect over his actings. Funny I didn't feel any filler scenes this episode, but I guess that in the ending, you would want to know as much as possible about the characters you've come to care about before the end.

But also a bit sad it's over now. Hopefully I'll find next drama this engaging too.


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I wish Suha's superpower was explained a little bit more.
How and why did getting in the car accident give him that ability? If it's a gift from his dead mom (showed locket during accident), shouldn't it resolve after Min Jook is finally caught?


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Hi, Stephanie :) You and I posed the same question about Suha's abilities :) You can see my post below (#112) if you're interested :)


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Best ending ever. Cream of the cream. So much heart.
This drama was the perfect mix of Fantasy and Reality.
I found another writer to love and follow, whom I can learn from: This is priceless.
Major withdrawal now. I want to see all the cast in new projects asap.


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Thank you for the recap.

The story is beautiful because each episode is a charm to the end. I highly respect the writer of this story. I find this part of my top 10 most respected story every told.

The characters of the story are very well chosen. Wonderful!


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While I was never a fan of how the law was depicted on this show (and many others on this discussion thread feel the same) and feel that unnecessary worry was created in the last episode with the stabbing incident, I felt that this show had one of the most satisfying endings that I've seen in a while. This show's strong point was always in its character development. I also appreciate that we were given a fully-fleshed second lead female, a heart-warming second male lead, and a complex villain.

I am not too sure how I feel about how convincing the romance between Hyesung and Suha was. They obviously did more than what close friends would do, but I couldn't help but think that their relationship was not always portrayed realistically. I thought that the scene in which Suha gives Hyseung that 'certain' look and she basically calls him naughty (or a "pervert," according to the viki subs) was unnecessary. It was as though the writer was providing a moment of fan-service but then became self-conscious about what she was doing and showed that discomfort by dismissing Suha's desires as "naughty." I know that relationships are depicted in a conservative way in k-dramas (and trust me, I am not looking for graphic depictions to show that individuals are in a relationship), but wouldn't it be realistic for the two of them to have sexual desire for one another, in addition to a truly deep, emotional connection? People might say that it is due to the age of Suha's character. But in real life, if two people in their same situation were in a relationship, I am sure that sex would be a component of it. So while I am not asking for sex to be shown on t.v., there could be some little hints that they are in a complex, romantic relationship. The relationship had a lot of cute in it, but was shown through a "self-conscious" lens (for lack of a better way to put it) I almost feel silly about writing this, but it is one of my gripes about the way k-dramas portray romantic love. I won't say anymore about this :)

To repeat, I was really satisfied with the ending. I love the journey we were taken on, despite the serious legal flaws and dragging due to the extension. While there was some filler, I am glad that the writer used the extra time for further character development.

I am curious about Suha's "mind-hearing" abilities, although I do not think that the show ever meant to really explore the "why" behind his supernatural power. If I understand correctly, though, his powers came to him on the night that Min Joongook killed his father. I always wondered if he would lose those powers when his conflict with Joongook came to an end (or, quite literally, if Min Joongook died). I guess that was not the case. I wonder what others think about this major part of the story.

I wonder what future drama projects Lee Jongsuk will take. I saw him in "Secret Garden" but must admit that I never watched "School 2013"--sacrilege, I know!--beyond occasionally peering over my mother's shoulders as she watched it. I may check that show out in the future. I really liked his performance in "I Hear Your Voice." And this was one of the few shows where I actually enjoyed the character of the female lead and rooted for her throughout the show's run. Let's hope for more well-developed female characters in the future :)


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"I thought that the scene in which Suha gives Hyseung that ‘certain’ look and she basically calls him naughty (or a “pervert,” according to the viki subs) was unnecessary."

Totally agree! I don't think it was done out of self-consciousness though, but in order to smear it some more and postpone the happy ending till like the last 5 minutes of the show. Which I guess is even worse, because they were sacrificing the normal development of the relationship, which was going great at the end of ep 17 ("it is a perfectly natural, normal thing" - Dad from American Pie), and taking an unnecessary step back to the time when Hye-sung was all confused about her feelings, and all for aesthetic reasons.

"If I understand correctly, though, his powers came to him on the night that Min Joongook killed his father."

True. I think it was the result of the blow on the head in the car accident. I actually thought by the end of the show he'd get another blow on the head and lose his power, but I was wrong and it came back with his memories. Not worrying though. It will come in handy in police work! (And since you mentioned sex... probably make up for his inexperience :-P)


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Are my daughter and I the only ones who thought this show had been extended to 20 episodes?
I feel so stupid.


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I Hear Your Voice, I will miss you so so much!! Now that you've ended, I dont have anything I'm very much looking forward to every week. You have taken a big piece of me with this ending, but life goes on, right?? Then I'll just have to remember the wonderful memories, the different feelings you made me feel as I was waiting for the episodes to be fully subbed and, or course, as I was watching it. It was a fun-filled, heartbreaking, thrilling 2 months and 1 week.

To the casts, thank you very much for doing an awesome job with the acting!! It was genuine, believable, and surreal. I honestly applaud you guys for a very wonderful talent!

To the writers, I thank you for giving me such a thrilling ride. You had me totally HOOKED. This is by far one of the dramas I had decided to watch immediately even if it meant having to wait every week for the new episodes. Normally, I would wait for all of the episodes to come out, but you guys had me on the first two episodes (it's totally thanks to the casts, too. I tell you, whoever decided to gather those people did a very good job on picking them. ^_^).

I am sad that it has ended, but I'm also very happy to have seen the end of my journey. This drama was worth it all. It had me feeling butterflies in my stomach, biting my nails, clenching my fists...and it most definitely had me wishing I would meet a guy like Park Soo Ha. Once again, thank you for a very wonderful drama. ^__^


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Their kiss just killed me!!! *swoon*


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Thank you for the recap!

And thank you, show, for just being amazing.
That was the most quality eighteen hours of my life. <3

I'm going to have a difficult time breaking out of this drama... Lee Jong Seok is always going to be Su Ha to me now ~~~

And congratulations on Lee Bo Young and Ji Sung's marriage! SO FREAKING CUTE :)


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Whenever I watch an awesome drama, the ending always disappoints me.

But for the FIRST TIME EVER, I loved the ending :)


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I know!!! Everything was smooth sailing in the last episode. It felt so refreshing to see such a well-constructed ending to such a complex drama. All the pieces to the puzzle fit with so much ease :)


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it was so splendidly good especially the ending... I was breaking down watching it the non subbed subbed and even while I was engaged in somethingelse cause the end was constantly on my mind,,, whats so different about this drama was that on other dramas you get to the end and feel like it is supposed to come to an end are just ready to let it go but for this one although it ws time for it to end (too much sweet can certainly be bitter) you were so satisfied with the ending that you just didn't want it to end and they had so much to give even in this one last epi I was laughing my lungs out at times and sulky and sad and breaking down ah a rollercoaster of emotions,,,, I just didn't want it to end I wanted to wail out loud so bad and hopeing somehow it wouldn't be the last for us to watch the drama I will miss this drama like crazy and I mean it trying myself to engage to downtown abbey so that I could get over it but even while watching it I am constantly thinking about ihyv so ya it is so not helping me get over this withdrawal symptoms...like everyones mentioned many or most of the times drama that go real smoothly loose their essence at the end probably cuz they will have given out everything in the prior episodes and they run of ideas to intrigue the viewer thus we lose our interest in them I can't even count them drama which I have left it just half way through,,, only a countable number have I watched diligently.... and this is one of them and I feel no need to lay out the reason as to why the review above and most of the other comments have said almost everything I felt about the drama........... like everytime an aweseom drama comes to an end iwanted to thank dramabeans for reviewing the drama every week we really appreciate it...the ride wouldn't have been as awesome and heartfelt if it weren't for your thorough analysis on the drama,,,,, I almost broke the laptop cause I just didn't want to it to end,,, love lee jong suk so much can't wait for his next project did you guys hear about the fan sign event lee jong suk is hot enough already esp with the fresh lee jong suk fever hangover on so many gazillion fan girls they had to add kim woo bin haha what were they expecting.......it was supposed to be manic they should be grateful that the crowd didn't get infuriated and try to retaliate( cause If I were to be one of them fans I would most certainly be spitting feathers) I wonder how it would have been if such thing were to happen guess cancelling was the best thing for fans and the actors..... well love I hear your voice everything and one related to it contributing big or small to the drama it was one heck of an awesome experience........ please( to the creaters) we should do it sometime again when the ihear your voice fever has cooled off possibly with the same cast.... sayonara...


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Excellent ending, fantastic drama, fantastic recaps and comments here!!

Enjoyed watching every character with special mention to the judge trio and the unexpected hair-transformation of Prosecutor Jo LOL.

HS and SH may not ooze in sexual chemistry, but this is one harmonious pairing. Sunny and heartfelt all the way.

A lovely summer everyone.


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GF you are consistently great at fitting in great screencaps.

Just looking back at the post, the second last screencap, is that just before Su-ha's about to kiss Hye-Sung? Su-ha is looking very longing, and oddly, slight poignant?

Didn't notice it in the video, but that screencap suddenly tugged at my heartstrings.


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you noticed it? i think that's LJS noona crush coming through... "very longing and oddly, slight poignant"

but then that's just a hunch... some beanies mentioned it too here ;-)


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just shows that LJS is a superb actor!!! ;)


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This show was just awesome! And a finale that was good and satisfying - I was happy walking away knowing the characters were all in a logical and good place including our murderer. Even he grew and processed what he had done once there was someone to listen to him like Cha.

I loved all the characters and the acting by the leads and second leads was amazing. Of course Best Mom Ever and the murderer did a fabulous job as well. The writing and directing were wonderful as well. Congratulations to cast and crew for a wonderful show.

This was a perfect storm storm in a good way. Daebak! :)

I am looking forward to their future projects and hopefully awards.


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Thank you so much, dramabeans for subbng this wonderful drama. this is by far the best drama that i've watched this year. Congratultions to the staff, director, and actors/actresses of this show ^_^..and to the writers, congratulations and Thank you for bringing so ha and hye song together. ^_^


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I'm so happy. So so happy. The last frame with him in his police uniform and the two of them in the courthouse was EXACTLY my fantasy for them.

The writer apparently told the cast that she thought she'd used up all her luck on this drama since it went so well. I hope not but...lady...if this was the last of your magic..WELL SPENT. This is definitely one of the best, most satisfying dramas I have ever seen. period.

Off to watch it again!

p.s. Thanks girlfriday for all the awesome recaps. A great drama was made even better by your commentary.


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One of the most realistic dramas on k-land.
They actually didn't try to behave crazy.


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Agree on the realistic part. We have a mind reading hero. Yet the story seemed way realistic than any other shows i seen before.


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1) Thank gawd! The ending didn't do a Queen In-hyun's Man. I usually dread watching the final episode - even more so in the case of IHYV since I'm so dearly in love with it, plus the thriller/suspense part was already out of the way. It was sure to be a change of pace, but I'm really happy with the great character moments we got out of it.

2) Usually, I'd be sad and screaming for more when a show I love comes to an end; I'm just not ready to let go! I think this is the first time - or one of the VERY rare times - where I'm happy to wave these characters goodbye. I feel like we've embarked on such a long journey together, watching each and every one of them grow, and by the end, it's just wholly satisfying to see them have some sort of self-identity and to see the direction they're heading in.


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I feel like a proud parent at this finale. (:


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At first, I was like "Noooooo" when the show ended but I really couldn't have asked for a better ending to such a intricate drama like this. It's bittersweet to say our goodbyes to characters that we've been emotionally connected to for the past 2 months but I know that they're going to grow up to be exceptional individuals.

Loved this drama to death.


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I have nothing more to say that hasn't been said what has been said before but still I loved this drama and everything about it spots and all, possibly the best of '13 and certainly on my all-time faves.


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A little over 14 hours since I watched the finale (twice) and I'm officially in withdrawal. I can't remember when I enjoyed a drama from beginning to end as much as this and it leaves a huge void. The finale was one of the best and yet I almost couldn't enjoy it because I was already feeling sadness for it being the end.

GF summed up perfectly everything I thought made this show great. I'll just add that for me personally, what made this show stand apart were the characters. They were so fully realized both through the writing and the performances, that they seemed like real people to me. With most dramas, after the finale things get wrapped up and the characters stay frozen in their drama world and I let go of them. But with this show I feel like the characters are living well beyond what we saw on TV. I know when I rewatch this show (many times to be sure), I will always end thinking "I wonder what Su Ha and Hye Sung are up to now? Are they still as happy and living well? What happened with Do Yeon's job? Did Kwang Woo find someone?"

I know it's silly to care about fictional characters but then I think that's what great storytelling is about. Whether it's a TV show, movie or book, what matters is the connection it makes to it's audience. This show captured my heart and imagination like few things have, and regardless of it's faults (which in my mind were few and never affected the overall experience), I feel enriched for having watched it.


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I think Kwan Woo might end up with Do Yeon XD haha.....just a feeling, if they are real life characters!


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That's what I hope for too!


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Hi Kazoo :) It may feel silly, on an intellectual level, to become emotionally invested in fictional characters, but I do not think that doing so is wrong. I agree with your sentiments. I also like to imagine what characters are doing long after a show has ended (if that show is well-written and well-developed, of course).


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These characters will definitely be hard to let go of for a long, long time especially when you look at the impact they made in your life. I don't mean to come off as dramatic, but this is the first drama whose characters really shifted some of my views on life and people (in a good way) and taught me so much more than what was on the surface of the plot. If they were alive, I would personally go scout for them and thank them. Heehee


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this weird feeling i get whenever a good drama ends. sigh. now that IHYV has ended, i feel like a part of me has ended as well... i need to do something with my life now. lol. i also can't wait for this writer's next drama!!

girlfriday, thanks so much for diligently writing these recaps. i also love the fact that you put your witty comments and feelings while writing them down. whenever the subbed episodes aren't our yet, i feel like i've already watched the episodes with your narration.

i hear your voice definitely lands a spot on my "fave drama" list!!


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Gotta agree that the extension kinda killed the fast pace. I was bored at times. But the lovely ending wins it all! Especially the surprise epilogue at the end. My fav part is definitely the interview where we see how the different people affected him! And I liked that we get to see Do Yeon's adoptive father alone, there was some kind of closure there and we can see a parallel between him and Min Jong Gook, people who did not know when to admit their mistakes! And on a sweet note, Choong Ki and Sung Bin scenes are always good!


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So happy. SO SO happy. Best ending ever. Period.

Thank you girlfriday for the awesome recaps. You made a great drama even better.

I still sort of don't understand what the issue is with JHS in terms of her fear about the relationship ending. But it doesn't matter because SH handed it perfectly.

I LOVE THIS COUPLE and I LOVE this drama. and Oska byun, and DY ...in my imagination they end up together...and the UNIFORM at the end....so genius. This was pretty much my perfect fantasy for them at the end.

Happy sigh. Sad that it's over but...happy sigh. I'll miss you IHYV. Thank you. It was GRAND.


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Sorry for the repeat post. My browser told me that my last post never went up so I reposted. Anyway.... sincerely really happy withe the ending.


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Your recap was the best by far and it made me miss HS & SH so much more. This will definitely be one of my top ten dramas of all time. My heart broke yesterday, but pleasantly so.


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What a satifying end to this drama! Now this is how you wrap up a drama - leaving us, viewers feeling gratified instead of reeling in confusion with multitude of questions left unanswered, no, ignored really. *coughSHARKcough*

I enjoyed this drama through and through - it's not perfect but hey, be it reel life or real life - nothing is perfect, no? This drama had side characters who possessed depth; it was actually refreshing and enjoyable to watch. No more one dimensional evil 2nd lead. Everyone had a story and each of their story intertwined so smoothly into the whole show.

And to see how each character grew with each episode - i beam with pride at this finale. So proud of all em' -for getting this far. I'm a happy camper (:


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bahhhh this atress has been reeeeally lucky in the kissing scenes of her dramas!!!! Her partners are reeeally good kissers!!!
i so envy her!!!!


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There is one scene in ep 17 that i cannot forget.
Ottoke? Ottoke? Ottoke? The part where SH walking alone with tears running down his face while trying to figure out what to do really got to me. My chest hurt just remembering that scene. Lee jong suk really delivered in this drama.
Whenever he did a crying scene i really cried, whether in IHYV or when i was prettiest or school 2013.
Man.. I'm really really in love with LJS.. He's a great actor and will be more in the future.


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omg yes! his acting skills really shone through this drama especially ep 17. i couldn't help but whimper and cry during the rooftop scene. THOSE TEARS JUST BROKE MY HEART T_T i cried with him


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I think the attempted murder charge angle is just for hye sung to finally realise what soo ha means to her. It's just a necessary step for her to jump on that ship. She lost him a year ago and sufferred and made her realised she liked him. But the thought that she will lose him again made her realised that she really loves him and wants to be with him and make soo ha happy after all that has happened to both of them.
It was not a big deal but it was necessary for their relationship.


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i was just about to say this. i read some previous comments that questioned and criticized the writer for bringing up stabbing incident but if you look deeper, you can see how it was a bridge between HS and SH. it allowed HS to finally own up to her feelings for SH and vocally express them which we have been patiently waiting for like whimpering puppies. overall, i'm glad that they incorporated this seemingly trivial but crucial event in order to confirm HS's love toward our puppy.


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i think most, if not all of us, know the intentions behind bringing up the stabbing issue, but we just don't like how ridiculous it is for Do Yeon to press charges on an issue that can be easily resolved without the initial scare.


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The best drama ever.
Since that i haven't watch many kdramas, kind of selective on what drama that really pique my interest, that is a really high praise. A lot of dramas that you guys mentioned i haven't watch like qihm gaksital princess man shark. Doesn't really piqued my heart to watch them.
But this drama really hooked me. Thank you for the best drama ever.
Gpnna keep


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Sorry.. Not finished typing accidentally click publish.

Gonna keep replaying this drama watch fav scenes over and over again till sick.


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Late to this recap, but this was THE most satisfying drama experience I've had in the last six months, and I love the fact that it's wrapped in a fitting manner. It seems to be a recent trend with dramas to solve all their major plot points with an episode - or most of an episode - still to go, so the rest of the time can be spent with the characters making major realisations and developments, but in the case of IHYV and Arang, it worked really well. In this case, it might have been labouring the point a bit, but I do feel like it made a valid point about choices, truths, and facing up to them, with that last did-he-stab bit of suspense.

I've said it before on the OT, but one of the best things about this show is the way ALL its characters have a trajectory, even minor ones like Sung-bin.

Do-yeon is one of my favourites that way, because in a sense the forward movement, character-wise for this episode, was really hers - I've always felt like she overcompensates with the rigid stick-to-the-letter approach she had to her job because of her guilt over her childhood lie and failure to stand as a witness in Su-ha's dad's case. So getting to see her unbend even further for a case that wasn't about her personally was gratifying, especially since it came through the hands of Kwan-woo (who is totally shippable with her, btw. But I do like that, as the second lead, she isn't anyone's love interest and doesn't need one to have her own place in the story). And it's interesting to think what might have happened if she had gone through the courtroom door eleven years ago - would Su-ha have TWO noona-crushes, and not just one? (and again, her+Hye-sung = best pairing to watch on this show, I love them as frenemies and reluctant friends).

Hye-sung and Kwan-woo: I'm a HUGE fan of the way Kwan-woo's compassion affected both Hye-sung and Do-yeon and even Min Joon-gook, and one of my favourite things about this relationship is the way their relationship evolves to a genuine friendship, and a working relationship in which each makes the other a better lawyer (he has the same effect on Do-yeon too). And I just about MELTED when Su-ha named Kwan-woo as the first person to make him an adult.

Hye-sung and Su-ha: The ultimate noona-romance, for people who don't like noona-romances. It's been the greatest pleasure to watch his sheer puppyish devotion to her, even if he is more demanding than a puppy, and I love how they truly were equals in this relationship despite the age and superpower difference. And Lee Bo-young now has a fan in me, because I really look forward to her next project.

LJS may have been playing a character from a template very familiar to him, but he didn't put a single foot wrong, and now I finally get why he never got a girl before in his dramas - the resulting swoon is just too much to be borne! And he couldn't have chosen better, if he wanted to transition out of playing teenagers - Su-ha is all grown up in the second half of this drama, and if there was any doubt that this young man is ver much ready to play, well, a MAN, that last scene should clear it up. I just about died of the squealing when I saw him in the uniform hat, because it took him straight from puppy to hottie like THAT.


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Thanks GF for the recaps. The show is my all time favorite now. Because it is the first show i liked all the characters even the villain seemed like a person well everyone is calling him as beast what i mean is his actions and decisions seemed real unlike most villians who are after the hero company or second leads who doesn't know when to give up or main leads who doesn't know who they love till the last minute.

This show made me one happy viewer.


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Thank you for these weeks of recaps. You did an amazing job Girlfriday!

I loved this drama so much, and it definitely wavered a little bit for a while there, especially with the announcement of the extension, but this last episode was fantastic. The finale was beautiful. *wipes tear* Bravo, writer, cast, and crew. Bravo.

See you guys on the next drama ;)~


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i don't wanna read the recap of this final drama since i have to watch it first, i just hope the ending is a happy one


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I cant remember the last time I enjoyed a drama that much , I was already giving up that I can get hooked up among all these cliched dramas nowadays , but thanks to IHYV,I believe now that there is still hope to see such freaking heart-felt drama with such an amazing acting , great chemistry , inspirational.....
I really think that all of the cast deserves an award especially min joon gook , they all nailed their scenes

it was a beautiful journey that am afraid I wont feel that way for a loooooooooong time ....


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Thank you very very much for recapping.
I know it was the love of Show that drove your doing this, but I know you must have lost some sleep getting the write ups done on time while living your real life.

This series like DH, had me in it for the run. I, too, am looking forward to more from this writer.
I like that there weren't any super stars outshining anyone else in the series, and that it was a true ensemble effort that brought the story and emotions home.

I do have to admit, however, that Kim Hae Sook's performance as Awesome Mom sealed the deal for me early on. Her unwavering belief and love for her daughter, despite all evidence to the contrary that she was really really a good person underneath all the coldness, is what sold me on Hye-sung. Without that, I am not sure I could have fallen for her as hard.


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I FINALLY got down to watching ep 17 and 18 with subs. Not gonna repeat what the others have so succinctly mentioned but it was an awesome ending that left me satisfied to a point where I don't think I would suffer from serious post-show blues. But that's what I say now, perhaps they will only kick in 24 hours later :(

Just a quick question - When Do Yeon ask HS whether she would be attending the trial, she replied that she would be busy at the academy (according to the subs). What academy was she referring to or was it a translation error?


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Oh I was wondering that too. I think the academy is the place where she was learning sign language.


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I think I got mixed up because the word "police academy" was repeated so often that I was like, eeehhh?



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I really commend the writer. The characters are so developed and I love how throughout this journey, they've changed so much as a result of the people that they meet.

Yay to happy ending and no prison time! I was afraid that the ending would be bittersweet. While watching Lawyer Cha chase after So Do Yeon, I was thinking that they would actually be cute together.

This drama is just shy of becoming a part of my list of favourite dramas ever, but it's still fantastic.


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the ending gave me goosebumps because i could really see how far HS came as a public defender. even though the ending did not give a concrete conclusion for every character, the beauty comes from the fact that we know for a fact that all of them are going to flourish into exceptional, strong, independent, and righteous individuals. writernim did a fantastic job in molding the perfect ending to a perfect drama. <3


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With Soo ha in dress uniform at the end it sort of reminded me the ending of An Officer and a Gentleman!


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Okay, I just couldn't resist. Had to comment about ep 18, think of it as an ode of sorts. Aside from the usual stuff that everyone's been praising, I really liked these scenes (amongst others):

1. Mechanic, ole mechanic. DID YOU REALLY had to engage everyone at the bookshop with your men-who-love-ugly-girls-are-noble monologue? HAHAHA, I love you for it though, it was so cute and earnest and sweet and declared in true-Choongki-spirit. Here's to you eventually getting the girl. I know you would because your heart's (but not your tongue, unfortunately) in the right place!

2. Oh Yoo Chang, always trying to unite your favorite trio of lawyers. I lol-ed at your small tantrum about "hating dismal atmospheres" when Cha was contemplating about taking on MJG's case but your best moment has to be when you were spazzing out about the investigation on the "prosecutor bitch" and everyone tsk-tsked at your unbecoming conduct. Lawyer Shin was never the true guardian of the office, you were!

3. Electric Fan Judge (or so HS calls you). I admit, I got annoyed at times where you were playing up the comedy BUT you had a huge part to play in ensuring HS's happiness and I thank you for that. Most of all, you tussling with your robe to reach into your pockets to get hold of your handphone to snap a photo of HS's momentary gratitude was so adorkable. It's just too bad that lifts close within three seconds, just too bad.

4. Lawyer Cha. Boy, did I lose some respect for you in the later half of the show because you were so foolishly idealistic. So. Foolishly. Idealistic. But because of that, you were the best person to defend MGJ and it seems like his case would teach you one or two things about accepting evil for what it is without glossing it over with goodness. Here's to a lifetime of celebrity bingo with your new-found friend, who thanks to you, will most definitely find his moment of clarity and repentance. And your reaction to HS's platonic kiss on hand? I liked how you didn't bother masking your residual feelings for her, because while that is noble, it ain't realistic.

Last but not least, the glorious HS. Jiminy Cricket, where do I start? The beating heart of the drama. You grew and grew and will continue to grow with your man-boy, SH. You are a pool of awesomesauce despite your crazy hair-flips, beer-hats, flipped skirts, pride, tardiness and narcissism. That is why we all fell in love with you, Cha, SH and DY included.

I was really worried that I would be sad to see the series end but it left me feeling happy, thinking about how these characters will continue to grow outside the show, like all real people do.

<3 all round, guys!


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Yep, we all know that Do-Yeon sure lurrvves Hye-Sung ... and Soo-Ha is aware of the competition ... haha ... She actually fits the role of the stereotypical male drama lead ... the arrogant, cold, prickly type who carries a secret torch for the heroine. And with her height and posture, she sure cuts a dashing figure in her prosecutor's robes.


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hehe still something left to say after leaving such a long comment just a few minutes ago and fangirling on leejong suk on most parts of it .... lee bo young character is one of the best character to have been (atleast among the ones that I have come across) written there is an extremely thin line between good and bad and it could be in retrospective of their characteristic or by deeds if I were to meet that character for real I probably would neva eva like her (first being going around with a hot guy like like park so haa hehe) cause its been said it out loud in the drama itself she is so rude and filled with prudence but shes been portrayed in such clever way esp because of the changes she brings in herself but still be herself after meeting park so haa people never dislike her the character is so layered and written in such clever way hats off to the writer for making such amazing girl character with an even more awesome mom.... lee bo young should win the best actress for portraying such a character so effortlessly its like she was made for the role.....
lee jong suk what can I say if I start,, it will turn out to be an essay.........I have to say one thing if not all of my thoughts,,has anyone out here watched school 2013 back to back along with I hear your voice,, I have been doing that since I started getting hung on Ihyv and had to fill in the daily dose of lee jong suk hehe and has anyone realized how different the characters are,,, how flawlessly his done the job I just can't understand how he made me fall for two different lee jong suk one so manly and the other cuter than the ear bug or anything in the world........ I m not saying that lee jong suk is the only best actor out there in the market but one can certainly say that this boys got real potential hope he gets to explore his ability with even more intriguing projects...I wonder how will he be able to get ride of the whole go nam soon aka park so haa fever in us make us swoon over a new lee jong suk it is gonna be one heck of job for him and I am so interested in seeing how he is gonna do it ... hopeing that he will be able to do it at the end.......want only the best for him.........ok I won't drag it anymore I am a lee jong suk fanatic that's it...


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Probably the best drama and the best recap and review I've seen! :)


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What a satisfying end to a great drama. This drama was just heartfelt and honest through and through. I'm sad that it has ended, but it will definitely keep a place in my heart.

I love how every character was layered. I hated Do yeon in the beginning, but she grew as a character, and I ended up liking her. And although I refuse, absolutely refuse to feel sorry for Min Joon Gook...I have to admit I understand where he is coming from. You could see that the reason behind his trying to kill Su-Ha and Hye-Sung was a way to validate his existence. To validate that anyone would take the same path he did. You could see his indecision...such as the moment when Hye-Sung's mother cooked him food for his birthday. I will never forgive him for killing Su-ha's father and Hye-Sung's mother, but he was a layered character. And although Do Yeon's father will never admit his wrongs, you could see how lonely he was at the end. He will probably take it to his grave, however, from that one scene, you could finally see that maybe...just maybe...he finally realized that what he did was wrong. He finally realized how alone he was.

I loved all the side characters. They added heart and lightness to the series. Choong ki, Sung Bin, Pretty the Paralegal (who I will always refer to as this..haha), and how can I forget Judge Kim.

And to that revolving door. From Hye Sung using it to clear her thoughts...to Lawyer Shin getting dizzy...to Judge Kim being trapped...I loved it all.

Su-Ha...I will never look at LJS the same way again. He really excelled in this role. I really liked him in School, however, this role just solidified him in my books. His acting was heartfelt and earnest. I loved all his subtle reactions. The way his eyes moved in a certain way conveyed what he was "hearing" at the time. He was able to dial up his acting...and tone it down appropriately. He could go from boy to man and vice versa from one scene to the next.

Oh drama...how I will miss you. *sigh*


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Merci Beaucoup to Girlfriday and Javabeans for recapping IHYV!

I will always treasure the experience of watching this great drama, your recaps, and the comments from fellow viewers.

I congratulate the writer, actors, directors, and production crew on a job well done.

As stated many times before, this is definitely one of the best kdrama/finale experiences in a long time.


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i miss IHYV so much :'(
what to do...


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I know...I started on some new dramas but the feels are just so different from that of IHYV...nothing captured my heart so quickly than this drama T_T

i'm just gonna sleep ._.


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