I Hear Your Voice: Episode 18 (Final)

Lately I’ve become ending-averse, not that I don’t want shows to end (heaven forbid), but because enough bad endings can make you develop finale-phobia, for fear that one bad hour could undo all the good that came before.

But I’m happy to report that I Hear Your Voice goes out as strong as it came in. It always had a story and a message to tell—though we may have taken two extra episodes to (ahem) pad out said story—the journey feels whole, and earned, and satisfying to the end.


Monni – “소년이 어른이 되어” (A Boy Becomes an Adult) [ Download ]

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FINAL EPISODE: “Stay by my side as light within the darkness”

We resume with post-kidnapping-and-roof-falling hospital snuggles, and oh okay, I guess I can watch you two hug and kiss again. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it. We just had better not do another rewind to three hours ago, is all I’m sayin’.

Sometime later, Su-ha moves his books into Hye-sung’s apartment, and she complains that there isn’t enough space for both their books. She doesn’t see why he wants to live here anyway when his place is way bigger. Su-ha: “Then you come live with me there.” Kyaa.

She reminds him that they lived together in the first place because of Min Joon-gook. Now they have no such justification to continue living together. Su-ha: “There is justification,” and he leans in. Rawr.

He raises his we’re-gonna-have-sexy-fun-times eyebrows and leans closer… and she shoves her foot on his chest to stop him. Wha? Why? But… why?

Hye-sung: “What kind of justification is so naughty?” The fun kind! He pouts and grabs the pillow behind her since she won’t let him grab her, and she tells him that as long as he’s living here, he has to maintain certain lines. Boo.

He hits the books, and she asks how he’s feeling about his police university test tomorrow, and he scowls that his mood is in the crapper. She tries to appease him with snuggles, but he nudges her away with a sigh.

Kwan-woo sees Do-yeon heading up in the courtroom elevator and runs over with a wave, and she hurriedly presses the button to shut the door. Hee. This recurring elevator thing with her is so petty and small, but I never tire of it.

Kwan-woo wedges his hand in the door, and thanks her for holding the elevator for him. He asks if she’s taking on the Min Joon-gook case, and she is. Do-yeon: “You’re not… going to represent him, are you?” I’m a little scared to hear the answer.

He says no, he’d have to be crazy to do that. Oh phew. He reminds her that he’s also a past victim, broken arm and all. She says pointedly that she doesn’t feel the least bit sorry for Min Joon-gook AT ALL, and will get him the death penalty.

That gives Kwan-woo pause, and then we see in flashback that he went to go see Min Joon-gook in jail. Kwan-woo says he came to request that Joon-gook not lie to his new lawyer this time, and tell the whole truth and lay it all down.

Joon-gook seems resigned to his fate, and says that the end result won’t change, so he’ll do that… if Kwan-woo will represent him. Ack. This is going to happen, isn’t it? I don’t trust him, but he does seem genuine about this at least: “When no one else would take my side, you did.”

He says he’s not asking for the verdict to change—he’s just looking for someone to listen to his story. Back in the present, Kwan-woo looks up at the blind scales of justice and the request weighs on him.

Hye-sung visits Mom’s memorial and tells her that Min Joon-gook has been captured. She says that there’s enough evidence this time that he won’t wriggle his way out of this, and she leans her head against the glass, asking how Mom feels and if she can rest now.

Hye-sung: “I wish I could hear it one more time, your voice.” So she replays Mom’s last words to her in her head, about not living her life an eye for an eye. She answers Mom again just like she did on the phone: “Okay. I promise.”

Do-yeon begins her interrogation of Min Joon-gook, and they get to the day in the parking garage a year ago. He admits to calling Su-ha there with the intention of killing him, but he says that Hye-sung came on her own.

Do-yeon: “So you stabbed her anyway?” Joon-gook: “I wasn’t the one who stabbed her. Park Su-ha was.” She calls him a liar, but he doesn’t see how that one fact would change anything for him—he’s telling the truth.

At that very moment, Su-ha takes his first test for admission into the police university. Argh, if this keeps him from getting in, I’ll never forgive you!

Judge Kim sighs that Min Joon-gook requested Kwan-woo again as his public defender, and asks his colleagues hesitantly if that would be shameless to ask of Kwan-woo. They both answer, “Yes.”

Kwan-woo sits down and is already halfway there to taking on the case, and asks what he should do. Judge Kim says he’d be grateful if he did, but he’s not shameless so he won’t ask. Oh like that’s different. BAH.

And of course, Kwan-woo says he’ll take the case. I’m going to stop wondering why there are no other friggin public defenders in this universe besides the three that we know, and just accept that this is happening. But seriously, once was one thing, but twice is WTFery.

Pretty the Paralegal gets up in arms about it (thank goodness someone’s voicing my complaint) and whines that this is all wrong. He adds that the office will be shrouded in darkness all over again, “And I hate the dark!” Hee.

Even Lawyer Shin says this is bad, and says he’ll take on the case instead. He asks Kwan-woo if he’ll ever be able to face Hye-sung again if he does this, and Pretty the Paralegal interrupts to say that he won’t be able to, ever EVER. “You can’t do this to Jjang-byun!”

Suddenly a hand goes up. It’s Hye-sung, who’s been sitting there at her desk this whole time. HAHAHA. Okay, that was funny. Hye-sung: “Why do you keep talking as if I’m not here?” Pretty the Paralegal swears he’s on her side, but she says that she’s on Kwan-woo’s side. Aw, that’s really big of you.

Kwan-woo finds her out in the hallway and she says there’s no need for mushy thanks, but instead he points out that her skirt’s turned around. Lol. She flips it around in her usual manner, and then Kwan-woo explains that he’s taking on Min Joon-gook’s case because he agreed to tell the whole truth and admit to his crimes if he did.

Hye-sung says he should’ve said so from the get-go, and he realizes that she took his side without even knowing all this. She starts to explain the reason, but he just says, “Thanks for understanding me.”

At home, Hye-sung takes off her bandage and worries that the scar on her forehead won’t fade, but Su-ha says it will with time, and swears you can barely see it with her hair down. Her solution cracks me up: “Should I wear a giant pin on the other side to distract the eye?”

That reminds him about the necklace though, and he runs in to get it with such giddy excitement it kills me. She opens it up and gasps, and he tells her that he saw that she wanted it. But instead of being happy, she hurriedly puts it back and tells him to return it.

He hears her thinking that it’s too much and now she’ll have to be more careful about letting him see her wanting things. Su-ha: “I still seem like a kid to you, don’t I? I’m young, and immature, and make you worry.” He doesn’t say it with any anger or even any defensiveness—he knows it’s true.

She asks if he’s mad, but he smiles and says he isn’t. He takes the necklace back and promises to return it. But then every single thing Hye-sung has ever said about their relationship having an end, her needing to learn how to not rely on him, planning for a time in her future without him—start to weigh on his mind.

Do-yeon finds out that Kwan-woo is taking Min Joon-gook’s case after all, and she flat-out calls him crazeballs. She swears to mop the floor with him and refuses to answer his calls, even when her secretary points out that he heard everything she said while on hold. She hangs up anyway. I smell hate-love brewing.

And then of course there’s the other matter—what to do about Park Su-ha. She goes by the letter of the law, and Su-ha gets a summons in the mail from the prosecutor’s office. The charge is attempted murder. Crap.

Kwan-woo runs into the office to tell Hye-sung about it, thinking that there’s been some mistake. But the look of horror on Hye-sung’s face confirms that it really was Su-ha who stabbed her that night. She swears it was an accident and starts to panic, wondering how this could happen after what they’ve been through to get here.

She races home and finds Su-ha staring at the summons, and grabs it out of his hands. She tells him that they can’t prove a thing, so they can lie, and she’ll back him up, and no one will know.

He says they can’t do that, but she argues that they can and will, and she’ll go right over to Do-yeon and insist that Min Joon-gook is lying. Su-ha: “I know. I know that you can, but I also know that you shouldn’t.” Awww.

He takes her hand and says this is different from the last time—he remembers everything and he stabbed her, and he can’t lie about it. She argues that attempted murder means that she can’t drop the charges, and could be called in as a witness to testify against him. And the police academy, his whole future, will tank.

He says he’s prepared for that and will find some other future, but she cries that he isn’t listening to her. She pleads through tears: “You don’t have to do this. After how we got here? You can lie. You can do it once. It’s okay if you do.”

Su-ha: “No, I can’t.” He reaches up to wipe away a tear, but she pulls away and runs to her room.

Kwan-woo totally stalks Do-yeon out to her car to try and get a word with her, and she goes running. He finally yells, “Hey, Seo Do-yeon!” in banmal, and it succeeds in getting her to stop out of anger and disbelief, but then she just drives away and leaves him in the dust.

The next morning Su-ha prepares to go to the prosecutor’s office, and sighs at the post-its that Hye-sung once stuck on his schedule for police academy exams, to encourage him. He stops at her door to tell her that he’s going, and apologizes for not listening to her.

Su-ha: “You asked me what I dreamt once. In my dreams you keep getting hurt that same way… bleeding. It must’ve been a warning, not to forget that day. I didn’t heed that warning and now I’m being punished.”

He says that if he tells the truth, maybe he’ll stop having those dreams. He presses his hand against the door, as Hye-sung’s hand hovers above the doorknob.

Su-ha: “Can I ask one thing before I go? If I end up having to leave your side because of this… will you wait for me?” She leans against the door, unable to say anything. It’s the longest silence in the history of silences.

Kwan-woo waits for Do-yeon again (Please don’t tell me you spent the night here. Though by the looks of your hair, you might’ve.) and she hilariously starts to speed-walk to get away from him.

He chases her down and manages to trap her in the revolving door, and poor Judge Kim gets wedged in as collateral damage. She refuses to talk to him about Min Joon-gook, but Kwan-woo says he’s not here about that—he’s here to talk about Su-ha. She’s surprised, and finally gives him the time of day. The whole time Judge Kim is knocking on the glass, Yoohoo! People!

Hye-sung wanders into Su-ha’s empty room and lingers there for a while, flipping through the books he was studying so diligently. That’s when she discovers her old journal, wedged behind his things. Finally.

As she opens it up and starts to read, Su-ha gets a text from the police university saying that he passed the first round of tests. Augh.

Hye-sung reads the entry Su-ha wrote on the day before Min Joon-gook’s verdict (for her mother’s murder, when he was determined to kill him).

Su-ha: If I disappear… I’d like it if you never knew, and instead thought that I was living well somewhere, studying hard, hanging out with friends, dreaming of becoming a police officer. I’d like you to believe that I was living well that way. If I disappear… I’d like it if you didn’t cry. I’d like you to be happy. And once in a while… just once in a while… I’d like you to remember me.

She breaks down in sobs as she reads the entry, as he does the same, thinking of having to leave her all over again.

Back at the revolving door, Kwan-woo’s still holding both parties hostage as he asks Do-yeon to reconsider Su-ha’s charges. She isn’t keen on it either but she asks how she’s supposed to ignore a crime as a prosecutor.

But Kwan-woo argues that the three of them are the ones who started this mess (ha, I love that Judge Kim gets included in this) for letting Min Joon-gook go free in the first place when they screwed up the last trial. He asks how they’re going to correct that, and what they’re going to do about the things that Su-ha suffered as a consequence of their actions. Dude, I’m so back on Kwan-woo’s side right now.

He asks if that’s what the law is to her, and Do-yeon digs her heels in: “Yes, it is! I believe the law has to be cold.” He finally lets her go, and Judge Kim runs after her to say something.

Su-ha arrives for questioning, and Do-yeon begins the formal inquiry. As she does, Judge Kim’s words come back to her. He says that he agrees with her that the law has to be cold. “But I also think the law has to have heart.”

He says that Do-yeon probably agrees with Kwan-woo a little (despite her insistence that she doesn’t) and says he thought he saw a bit of that heart in Hwang Dal-joong’s case.

As she questions Su-ha, she suddenly cuts him off before he can say Min Joon-gook’s name. He catches her thinking that he can’t say that out loud or else she can’t change the charge. Aww yeah. For once I’m glad there’s only one prosecutor and one judge in this world. She declares that there was no intent to murder and the weapon was too short anyway, so the crime is being changed to a weapons-carrying charge.

Kwan-woo finds Su-ha on his way out, and says that he’ll get Do-yeon to unplug her ears and listen to him. But Su-ha says she changed the charge and he got a stay of prosecution on top of it. Yay, Do-yeon.

Kwan-woo beams, and Su-ha thanks him sincerely for everything. “I know how much you like Jjang-byun. And I know that everything you’re doing for me is because of her. I resent it, but I admit—you’re a good person, so much that I can’t ever measure up.” AW. Look who’s grown up. Bro-hug? Asking for too much?

Su-ha adds that Kwan-woo’s such a good person it actually makes him sorry that Hye-sung chose him, and Kwan-woo stops him from getting too mushy. Su-ha promises to be good to her, enough not to be sorry about her choice. Good on you.

Kwan-woo scowls that it sounds an awful lot like a warning to keep his distance from Hye-sung from now on, and Su-ha smiles that if he interprets it that way he’ll be grateful too. Ha. He bows respectfully before walking away, and Kwan-woo smiles.

At home, Hye-sung’s neck-deep in regret, in tears as she reads all of Su-ha’s journal, while wearing her necklace and holding her Good Job Bear. How adorable.

Su-ha arrives in the street down below, and they lock eyes on the balcony. He goes running up to her thinking something’s wrong because she’s crying, and she goes running down because she’s got so much to say.

They meet in the middle and she just runs into his arms, crying and calling his name. He asks why she’s crying and she just bursts into a confession: “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for pretending like I didn’t, when I depended on you more than anyone. I’m sorry for not saying it, even though I love you more than anyone. I’m sorry for thinking of the end and being anxious about it while looking at you. I’m sorry for all of it!”

He just smiles and hugs her close, and she just keeps going, saying that she’s going to defend the hell out of him in court and get him acquitted, and he won’t ever go to jail. “But if… if you do, don’t worry. I’ll wait for you.” Yaaaay. She said it!

He finally tells her that he won’t be going to jail because Do-yeon dropped the case because Kwan-woo convinced her, and Hye-sung can hardly believe she did such a nice thing. She hugs him in relief, which lasts about two seconds before the embarrassment at her bawling confession of lurve kicks in.

He totally catches her regretting the overzealous speech, and she launches into this hilarious backpedaling, about how she was caught up in the moment, and not that she didn’t mean it, but… but… And finally she’s so mortified she just runs away. Ha.

But he catches up to her on the steps and then notices that she’s wearing the necklace. He prods, “Say it. You said you were sorry you were stingy with your I love you’s.” This is so cute I can’t stand it.

She tries to wriggle out of it by saying she must’ve been out of her mind a minute ago, but realizes she can’t actually get away with lying to him. She rolls her eyes and purses her lips… and then mumbles a barely discernable “I love you.”

Su-ha: “What? I can’t hear you.” I love how much he’s enjoying this. She finally shuts her eyes: “Fine. I love you. I love you. I love you a whole friggin’ LOT, okay?” He sneaks in a kiss before she opens her eyes.

He wraps his arms around her waist, and she finally smiles again, and throws her hands around his neck and they kiss. And then he eskimo-kisses her three times, like he’s trying to kill me, and gives her a kiss on the forehead.

They gaze into each other’s eyes for a long moment, and the air changes between them. He goes in for a real kiss this time. Oh swoon. As they stand on the steps kissing and kissing some more, we hear another journal entry.

Su-ha: I know why you’re anxious, and I know why you’re always preparing for a time without me. But even if that time comes, I won’t worry. Even when ten years had passed, I recognized you. When I lost my memories, when I had erased you, I came to love you again. Even if ten more years pass, if I lose my memories again, if that time you’re worried about comes… I’ll find you… and I’ll love you again.

Could there be anything better?

Kwan-woo goes over his notes with Min Joon-gook, and he says they’ll tell his full story in court. But Kwan-woo says that despite Su-ha’s father doing something he shouldn’t have, that reason disappeared when Joon-gook killed him. He adds that he has to stop insisting that his mother and son died because of Hye-sung and Su-ha.

Min Joon-gook still believes it to his core, that they’re responsible. Finally Kwan-woo slams his hands on the table and says, “Your mother and son did not die because Jang Hye-sung testified against you. Because you killed someone, because you went to jail, because you couldn’t take care of your mother with dementia and your son—that’s why they starved to death.”

Joon-gook tells him not to speak so easily when he doesn’t know what it’s like to be in his shoes. But Kwan-woo says he’s put himself there every day he’s worked on this case, to see the world through his eyes. He says he’s figured out what Joon-gook really thinks.

We cut away to Do-yeon arriving at home to pick up a few things, and running into her father. It’s clearly been a while since they’ve crossed paths, and he asks about the consequences of the Hwang Dal-joong case—she could lose her job. She says she knows.

Back to Joon-gook, who challenges Kwan-woo to read his thoughts. Kwan-woo says Joon-gook has known for some time that he was the one who started all of this. “You realized it at one point, but you couldn’t stop, because the moment you did your life would become nothing. That’s why you persisted, all while killing people, swearing that you were right.”

Joon-gook asks him to stop, and Kwan-woo urges him to admit it in court, and to stop insisting a lie he doesn’t even believe. “Aren’t you suffering?”

We go back to Do-yeon and her father, as she bows goodbye. Kwan-woo’s words were never truer than for Judge Seo, as he tells Joon-gook that he’ll be the only one who suffers by not admitting he was wrong, “and then one day you end up alone with no one on your side.”

Sung-bin meets Su-ha at the bookstore and declares that she’s going to go to the police academy with him, and shows him her newly painted nails with their initials on them. Su-ha remembers what Choong-ki thought once, about how Su-ha lets her dig her own grave, and this time he decides he has to say something.

He asks if Sung-bin was the one who gave Hye-sung the teddy bear, and thanks her for it. “So then… you know how I feel about her? That it hasn’t changed for eleven years? And that it won’t in the future?”

She nods. He says he can say it then, and starts, “I think it’s time you…” She stops him right there, knowing what’s coming next. He can hear her think that she’ll cry if he says another word, so he does, and just lets her ramble her way out with an excuse, and says he’s sorry. And as he’s leaving, he calls Choong-ki.

Choong-ki comes running over, taking care to cover her skirt with his shirt as she sobs into her knees. She cries that Su-ha once said her hands were pretty, and Choong-ki says when guys say that it means your face isn’t. Look who’s digging his grave now.

She shoves him aside and yells at his poor excuse for a cheer-up speech, and then he persists in following her and saying that it’s true that she’s ugly, but guys who just go after pretty girls are superficial, and a guy who likes you for your insides is way better. What? That’s not how you win a girl over! Augh, somebody yank that foot out of his mouth!

She ends up beating him up with her purse and leaving in a huff, and the poor fool doesn’t even know why she didn’t understand what he meant. And then of course he goes chasing after her, saying to himself that she’s pretty. Pfft.

Hye-sung thanks Kwan-woo for helping Su-ha out, and offers up a handshake. She takes his hand and gives it a kiss, just like he did to her once. He asks what that was, and she says it’s a goodbye (not meant in the literal farewell sense).

“Thank you for everything—for liking me, for being good to me, for helping Su-ha.” He smiles and says he’ll accept that gesture. And then Lawyer Shin coughs from behind his desk, “I’ve been here the whole time.” Heh.

Pretty the Paralegal runs in and announces with glee that Do-yeon is being investigated formally and might lose her job. He does a dance of joy, only to be met with long faces all around, and he’s like, Don’t we… hate her?

Hye-sung runs into her at the elevator and Do-yeon confirms that it’s because of the Hwang Dal-joong case. Suddenly Judge Kim comes running up as the doors start to close, and both girls jump to push the hell out of the button to shut the door. Hee. Jinx!

He makes it anyway, and then awkwardly stands between them as they literally talk over his head as if he’s not there. Hye-sung thanks her for Su-ha’s case and she says it was all Kwan-woo and his annoying chatter.

Judge Kim says he helped too, which gets squarely ignored, and Do-yeon even attributes his heart-speech to Kwan-woo. “I said that.” More ignoring. The girls walk out and Judge Kim finally loses it and yells after Hye-sung, asking why he can’t get a thanks too.

She whirls around, pauses, and then thanks him sincerely. It shocks him so much he gapes, “Oh, you said it!” And then he starts digging around in his robes for a camera to document the moment. Ha.

The girls walk in lock step and Do-yeon asks if Hye-sung isn’t going to watch Min Joon-gook’s trial. Hye-sung doesn’t have plans to, and it shocks Do-yeon that she doesn’t want to watch her mother’s killer go down.

She says that even if she gets pulled off Min Joon-gook’s case for disciplinary reasons, her sunbae will see it through to the end and get the death penalty. Hye-sung: “Is that what you think I want?” Do-yeon doesn’t see how she wouldn’t.

Hye-sung doesn’t really know the answer either, and Do-yeon wonders if she’s being a public defender even now, or if she actually feels sorry for Min Joon-gook. Hye-sung: “What am I, Mother Teresa?” Pwahaha. And this is why we love you.

She says no, it’s nothing like that and she does NOT feel sorry for him. But wishing him dead because he killed her mother—well that makes her feel the same as him, and she hates that. She decides that because she doesn’t want to feel like she’s on his level, she doesn’t want him sentenced to death.

Two months later.

Su-ha does dishes while Hye-sung folds laundry, and she asks if he’s going to hear Min Joon-gook’s verdict tomorrow in court. He says no, since he’s got his police university interview, and she asks if he’s hoping for the death penalty.

He thinks about it and says no, and she guesses the reason—that he doesn’t want to be like him in any way—and says maybe his mind-reading ability has rubbed off on her. She gets all excited about the baseball game that’s about to start, and runs to grab something. Su-ha’s expression freezes in horror: “No. I’m not wearing that!”

Cut to: the pair of them in beer hats in front of the TV. Hahahaha.

Hye-sung and Su-ha begin an exchange of voiceovers about their relationship, as she says Su-ha doesn’t like to go to crowded places, so they don’t go to baseball stadiums. He says she becomes a monster when watching baseball. “I’m sometimes, often, afraid.”

As they eat breakfast, she says he cooks well because he’s lived alone since junior high. “He must’ve been very lonely.” He says the reason she eats her all-food-in-one-bowl dog food is because she used her precious time working hard. “She must’ve been very tired.”

Su-ha: “I think Jjang-byun still thinks that we might have an end someday. It doesn’t matter if she thinks so. Even if that end comes, I’ll find her again, and start all over, and be happy again.”

Hye-sung: “When I look at Su-ha I’m always anxious that our relationship might come to an end. But to calm that worry I’m going to treat him better and try harder to understand him. I’ll probably remain endlessly nervous, as I spend a long time being happy with Su-ha.”

It’s time for his interview, and it really feels like we’ve come full circle from Hye-sung’s interview to become a public defender. He can hear the interviewer wondering in his head how truthful Su-ha will be, and he surprises them by being truthful about his past.

He says that he couldn’t have made it here alone, and begins to describe the people who helped him along the way. “There’s someone who turned me into an adult…” Cut to: Kwan-woo. Awww.

Su-ha says that sometimes he trusted people too much and acted like an idiot, but that trust also changed people. He couldn’t help but acknowledge him as an adult, and come to respect him.

As Kwan-woo and Min Joon-gook await the verdict, he says, “We’ll file for an appeal if we need to.” Min Joon-gook stops at the word “we,” realizing it’s been a long time since he’s heard that word, and gives just the tiniest genuine smile.

Su-ha says there’s another person who believed too much in herself, as we see Past Do-yeon in all her haughty glory. But he says that person acknowledged her mistakes and apologized for them, as we see her sit by her father’s side in the hospital and draw another portrait for him in his dying moments. He says he learned from her how impressive it can be to admit when you’re wrong.

And then we get to Min Joon-gook, as Su-ha says there’s even someone who showed him a path he shouldn’t take, who gave up living as a person to become a beast. Min Joon-gook faces his sentence, as Judge Kim sums up the case. (This is a random side note, but it cracks me up that Grass Hair has his hair down ever since Hye-sung’s insult.)

He gets life in prison.

Su-ha says there was a time when he almost made the same choice, and he might have, if it weren’t for “that person.”

Su-ha: There’s this person… She’s almost unbelievably snobby, rude, and doesn’t have an ounce of modesty. But that person began to fight for the truth and began to see people. As I was swimming through darkness, she became my light, and my road. Without that person, I could never have made it here. Because of that person, I learned how precious it is to protect someone. Because of that person, I learned how important it is to listen to other people.

He says that’s why he’d make a good police officer. And then we watch Hye-sung in class as she learns sign language, and applies it for the first time. She greets a client by signing that she’ll listen to everything she has to say from her point of view: “I am your public defender.”

Epilogue: As the credits roll, we see Su-ha salute Hye-sung in uniform. She salutes in return and he scoops her up in his arms.


Happy sigh. Could an ending be any sweeter? I was worried the show blew its wad yesterday when all of the truly tense stuff was resolved by the end of Episode 17. But for a finale that brings everything back to character and takes its time to lay out its very hopeful, idealistic, earnest message about love and trust and the good in people, well, what wouldn’t I give for that? I really love that the episode proper ends on Hye-sung just telling someone who she is and what she does—it’s the same job title that she’s had since the beginning, but doesn’t it feel like it took her all this time to learn what that really meant? In the end she’s the best of Kwan-woo and still herself too, but proud of her job. I felt so proud of her, just like her momma was when she did that fantastic dance in the middle of the street. It was so great to watch an entire series loving a heroine from beginning to end, from the way she was played to the way she was written, with realistic flaws and realistic fears, and no pat answers for anything in life.

The epilogue is of course icing on the cake (such sweet delicious icing too) but they made me believe that that future would come to pass even without the little glimpse of Su-ha in uniform, which is what I loved about the finale as a whole. It gave such assurances about the people and who they had become over the course of the show that the details of where they end up and when and how didn’t matter so much anymore. I’m such a fan of this kind of open-endedness, where it feels like they live on as characters after the drama is over, and I trust that they live full happy lives being the still-flawed but best versions of themselves.

Su-ha’s What I Learned From People narration was a really satisfying way to close out the hour, because more than just giving us the final threads of these characters’ journeys, it ties everyone back to how they helped Su-ha grow up from a boy into a man, and how even the murderer taught him something about life. There’s just something about that attitude (evident in Hye-sung too as she constantly challenges herself to learn new things) that really clicks for me—the humility to always learn from other people. It’s one of the many themes in this show that I love so dearly because it’s just so damn true. Everyone is made better by being open to new ideas and new opinions, and I’m totally having a kumbaya moment right now, but dammit, why can’t the world be more like this?

After Voice and Dream High I’m already looking forward to what this writer will do next. She tells a good story with wit and purpose, crafts the journey well—there was a magic about the breakneck speed at which the first half of the series came at us—and I can feel that she genuinely loves each character as much as we do, but it’s her earnest bleeding heart and hopefulness that always makes me think: this is why stories should be told. Her dramas aren’t mold-breakers, but they’re satisfying and entertaining the whole way through, and full of a youthful idealism that shouldn’t be limited to youth.

There were flaws, of course. The pace suffered in the latter part of the drama, not only because of the extension, but the weight placed on courtroom scenes that went on endlessly, and the stretching of Min Joon-gook’s arc without giving him anything villainous to do but send mail. The romance was gripping until Hye-sung reciprocated, and then tension was exchanged for cuteness (I’m not even complaining about this, because damn, was it cute, but we did lose a bit of that omg-omg-omg factor of the earlier episodes). The fact that there were only two prosecutors, three public defenders, and one head judge in all the land was comically unrealistic, and the lawyering was pretty much a fact-adjacent storytelling device, not a thing resembling the actual practice of law. And though I love all the themes we’ve explored throughout the show, they’d make a greater impact if we didn’t cycle through multiple iterations of the same point So. Many. Times.

But the one thing we came back around to time and again that I’ll never grow tired of is how this couple will always find each other and fall in love and start all over again, because we’ve seen it happen. And the thing that always struck me about them was that Su-ha had the superpowers and the strength and even the brains, but Hye-sung saved him from wasting his life on empty revenge, gave him a home and family when he was all alone in the world, and believed in him completely even though she never had the ability to know if he was telling the truth. And somehow even with an entire drama where they take turns sacrificing themselves to protect the other, they managed to steer clear of being idiots about it for the most part, and instead were just plain noble, and hell even better—practical too.

My favorite thing about the finale was that Hye-sung got to read Su-ha’s thoughts for the first time by reading his journal, which finally felt like it leveled the playing field for them. She got to hear his thoughts and find out just how much he had grown up in all this time, and it forced her to stop pretending to be a grown-up by shutting out her own feelings. That’s what I love so much about this noona romance—sometimes he’s a boy and sometimes he’s a man, but she’s just as much a woman and a girl, and when she just laid her feelings bare and cried on his shoulder, I thought it was beautiful that in being true to her heart she could grow young just as much as he could grow up.


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One of the most satisfying Kdrama endings ever, and that's saying a lot considering there are very few of those around. I loved it.

IHYV rehab, anyone? *creys*


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My rehab is going to involve a few bottles of makgoelli and a marathon. Overdosing is totally a way to get over something.


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Major withdrawals here and it's only been 1 day. I think I'm veering off into insanity here, guys...everything I see reminds of me the IHYV characters. Whenever I see someone do a hair flip or nibble on a sausage, I think of HS. Whenever I see a revolving door, I'm wrung with emotions and I want to kneel down and cry like HS. Whenever I see a guy with brown hair and headphones, I want to squeal SOO-HA!...Whenever I see some-

Okay, that's enough...but seriously, if anyone is CPR certified, LEMME KNOW T_T


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This was the very first drama that I've watched "live", as in I had to wait every week for the next episode. I usually do not start a series that has not ended yet, because why put myself through such torture? And yet, for some reason, I was so curious about this one that I couldn't wait, and sure enough I was sucked in within the first 5 min of the show. It was worth it.
I'll miss the characters and the feel of it. It was funny and light and yet dark and intense at the same time. Not an easy thing to pull off, and I was very impressed.


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HAHAHAHA! I'm the same way, especially since I only "got" into K-dramas last year. It's why I adore the recaps on this site. But alas, I couldn't wait for this series to end and just jumped in and I don't regret a moment of it!

(The only other drama I've done this with is To The Beautiful You, which, I'll admit, I was in it for the pretty. So much pretty in that drama. Still, my fanaticism for IHYV trumps it easily)


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this was my first live-watch too! And I'll never look back with regret even though it drove me nuts each week!


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I can relate! I've watched a lot of dramas before and usually it's either I watch live with eng sub or wait for the entire series to finish but this is the first time that I watch a drama raw!! because I was too excited and that is saying something. I watched the finale twice (raw and eng sub) and after that, I came here to read the recap. Lol


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Same. I rarely if ever watch dramas bit by bit; I tend to lose interest and its just better to marathon it.


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Wow, you guys are so lucky to have found such a fantastic drama in I Hear Your Voice as your first live watch!

My first live watch- and first korean drama ever- was a DAILY family drama. It lasted almost a year. It was the most horrible drama ever and yet I plowed through it to the bitter end. Gosh was I ever mad. Thought it was what K-drama was... until I found Boys Over Flower- which is quite a story for another time. HA.

But yes, I'm happy for you guys! This has got to be the most satisfying I've felt from a drama in a long long time.


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Hi guys! IHYV popped my virgin cherry of live-watching too, lolol.

I don't even usually watch Kdramas, to be honest. But TGL kinda opened my eyes to the possibility of appreciation for Kdramas. In fact, if not for TGL, I probably wouldn't even have caught this show. The main reason it got my attention was because in the early stages, GHJ was rumored to be casted as the main female lead in IHYV and boy, I <3 her in TGL.

I'm glad the role went to LBY though, cos' she did a kickass job out of being HS.


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Opps, I realized I only started live-watching the last six eps but I was sort of live following the Soompi thread? AHAHA.


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This was my first live watch from the beginning . I started GFB at episode 15 after reading the recaps which i wish i didn't . Well so it is doubly satisfying to know a show which actually didn't disappoint me at the final but made me hope that in future shows like IHYV will be shown


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I totally craked up when i saw the pretty prosecutor hair..

hahahaha . that insult was really a smack down.

and soo haa.. Park soo ha ..


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Everything I was thinking has pretty much been said, but a quick rehash: great writing & directing (minus extension flashback woes), wonderful well-rounded characters, phenomenal acting, and complete story archs that's carried all the way through to the finale. Thanks for the ride, IHYV!


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So bittersweet! A part of me doesn't want the show to end (honestly, can watch sooha and hye sung being cute together for another 10 episodes) but another part was anxious to see how the writer chose to end the story! This year hasn't had any shows that captured my heart, but thanks to IHYV I was able to experience the excitement of waiting every week to watch the news episodes. The heroine was such a breath of fresh air and I loved that the noona-dongsaeng relationship succeeded!

Also, thank you girlfriday for the lovely recaps. It was my weekly ritual to watch a new episode and then go directly to Dramabeans to read your recaps. I don't know what it is, but we have such similar tastes in dramas. Especially dramas that you recap alone (such as My Girlfriend is a Nine Tailed Fox, Answer Me 1997, and now IHYV), I end up absolutely obsessed with and love! Look forward to reading more of your future recaps!


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Oh man. I absolutely adored this finale. So many good feels. Thematically, this drama did such a great job of putting everything together and tying up the final loose ends. Of course there were flaws (which I think could have been a result of live shooting/script writing) but there were plenty of great moments to make up for them. I really like the comment on how we know the characters well enough to trust them with the open-endedness. Its a good feeling. I shall miss this couple... they had everything: the cute, the funny, the mortification, the childish banters, and of course the luuuurrrvee. I'll just have to wait a few months until the drama awards where they most certainly will win a couple award. :)

On another note, congrats to Lee Bo-young!! She's finally getting married to Ji-sung! Ohhh even more feeeeelss.


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Yes this is the first show i don't mind the fact that OTP didn't get into some kind of commitment (Marriage or at least engaged) and the reason is because this is the one drama where the OTP doesn't have annoying second leads who never know when to give up, parents who are so opposed to the relationship till the last minute. So as you said even without any commitment i am sure our OTP are living happily since the one person who caused disturbance left there life for good.


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I cried the hardest during Do Yeon's scene in the hospital. How I wish we could have gotten one more happy scene between those two before that one. I even had a random thought of the (possibly) awkward yet touching meeting of HDJ and Do Yeon's mom.

I just wanted to say thanks again GF for recapping this series. I picked it up after reading the recap for Ep 4, and never looked back; always looking forward to the next episode, the next week, the next moments I'd have my heart in my throat or my stomach and gross out my husband with all the crumpled tissues on my desk.

Your very last paragraph about these two characters are EXACTLY how I feel. I think my satisfaction and bliss wouldn't be the same if either SuHa or Hyesung weren't as strong and flawed as they were. That whole confession scene really made me tear up and feel exactly what Hyesung felt: that's 11 years of love right there. <3


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Oh, I wanted to add that I did love that the noona romance aspect of these two wasn't overblown and drawn out. I liked that there were other reasons both (or one of them) feared falling for the other.

I also liked how SuHa's ability really was portrayed as like an extra sense. It was helpful, yes, especially during the courtroom scenes, but ultimately SuHa himself didn't become a superhero. And really, Hyesung navigating a relationship with him and his ability is just a minefield of cute. GAH.


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I just finished the ending and this is seriously the bestest freaking show evereverevereverever. I don't think it could have ended any other way or any better. I seriously laughed, cried, went scared the whole way through. I love that every character had cute traits that made them realistic and so lovable. What a ride it has been. I will be reminded of this wonderful show every time I see a revolving door or elevator. I don't think I've ever loved a heroine as much as hye-sung. usually i'm just uber jealous of them for getting the guy. can this go on for another few hundred episodes please. i don't think I can get over the withdrawal symptoms this time <3


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Agree with you all the way. HS is my #1 heroine so far and I love how I don't even resent her for taking our puppy away from us lol! They complement each other so well that it's hard to imagine to see them with anyone else BUT each other. Man, if only writer-nim could add a few more episodes on their love-dovey relationship like some more legit kisses and hugs and other adorbz couple stuff <3 :)

I'll see you in rehab, girl. Lol!


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One of the best finales EVAR. Very good. And so much heart! Yay!


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seriously this might be my fav. show the only other show that gave me feels like this one was shut up flower boy band i just love these characters .... and im so glad I read this because I totally missed the last scene when he became an officer (I should have known not to turn it off until the very end after cruel city's ending just yesterday haha)


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This show has my heart. I didn't start out watching it because let's be honest - mind reading hero doesn't really sound like a serious drama. But I love how it was used and not used. I love all the characters, especially the two girls. They will always be petty girlfriends whenever with each other.
More than anything, this show makes me reflect on my own life and choices. True, we are not living in an ideal world where black is black and white is always white. Just because we don't isn't a good reason enough not to strive to be the best we can be.


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@Immie your words really connected with me


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Definitely. This show has given me a lot of those self-reflection/evaluation moments. We're all human and we all have our fair share of flaws but we should strive to bring out the best of ourselves and improve as an individual, mother, daughter, friend, etc. We're inevitably going to make silly mistakes here and there, but just as long as we aim for goodness and justice, everything will gradually fall into place. I love the over arching themes of IHYV - they will be forever etched into my head!


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wow. after this heroine and mandate of heaven's jung hwan, im feeling all the love for these law enforcers badassery!


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thanks gf, I have enjoyed your recaps. This show was very satisfying.


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Zillion merci to dramabeans for the recap n to sbs for such a satisfying korean drama EVER ! Real life is hard already, so better to make it easier on glass screen. What should i watch next.... :((


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"What should i watch next…. :( ("


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It is my biggest problem too. I don't want to watch anything live since the stress and anxiety i had while i waited for wednesday and thursday i dont want to go through and i think i watched most of the suggested dramas which are completed. So at lost on what to watch next.


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I liked how the kiss sequence in this ep sort of stood as a symbol for their relationship. It probably isn't the most sexually-charged kiss I have seen in kdramas (and I'm actually glad it wasn't, thank god it wasn't awkward either) but it had a mix of cuteness, youthful sweetness and a touch of maturity at the end, what with the constant nose-rubbing and quick pecks.

Really, exactly like their relationship :D


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* "but it had a mix of cuteness, youthful sweetness - what with the constant nose-rubbing and quick pecks - and a touch of maturity at the end."



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Completely agree! i think it would've even felt a little icky if it was sexually charged. I never really felt any sexual heat between these two anyways, but they definitely had chemistry


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I was half-expecting a sexually-charged kiss at the end and I was glad it wasn't. Not to say that it was 100% un-sexual (lolol) but I'm glad they toned it down. AND THANK GOD FOR THE NEAR ABSENCE OF CLOSE-UP LINGERING SHOTS. God, I hate those, they always kill them kisses.

I have yet to watch the ep with subs BUT I'M AFRAID TO cos' POST-SHOW BLUES are hearrrrttttbreaaaak.


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Aww, you really should!

Yes, there's going be hearrrrtttbreaaak, but it's totally worth it, isn't it. ;)



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I really, really liked how they played out that "mature" kiss--how the song fell into a sudden silence as they looked at each other and you could just imagine what they were thinking (or in SuHa's case, reading) in each others' eyes.

It was a serious kiss yet lost none of the couple's sweetness. OMGAH. *rewinding kiss*


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Yeah, it was so personal and heartfelt that it was verging on intrusive as a viewer *blushes*


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LOL! I know. I felt like I was sort of cockblocking when I kept staring so deeply at the screen during their kiss scene. But that didn't stop me from rewinding that part lol!



HAHAHA, his was literally blocked in the first ten minutes of the show, unfortunately.

The best part of the kiss was for me, the hugs/hands and HS's peck. Not to say I didn't gobble down the rest with relish!


Likewise, I felt like a freakin' voyeur. Though at the time same time scared that they'll muck up the kiss scene. But the kiss was totally in character with their relationship. Thank God!


Yes, that was a great kiss on his part, hmmm did ahjuma-Bo-Young teach him that?
At least she kept her mouth closed since her future husband would see it.


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OMG, LOVED THAT LAST KISS SCENE. It turned all serious and the way that he was looking at her...UNFFFFFF. Man, loved the silence because it gave a more genuine feel to their kiss.


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this kiss! Yes, the look on his eyes, complete adoration! Then the dispensing of little boy affection (nose kisses) which hye sung totally accepts and enjoys and then I saw a little bit of the man in the next kiss. PERFECT! Sexually charged? yeah a bit, but this couple is all about sweetness and cuteness together :-)


I was a little underwhelmed by the ending at first, considering how the previous ending almost gave me a heart attack. But after Hye-sung's speech about waiting for him and the kiss and seeing Su-ha in uniform during the credits, I am slowly appreciating it more. Like when taking a bite of a food you've never tried. At first you think that it's okay, but then as you take another bite and another, it starts to grow on you. The more I watch this episode, the more it grows on me.

I absolutely love this show. The extension slowed it down a bit, but still there were some excellent scenes. I like how they fleshed out the characters more, especially Do-yeon and who could resist the merry-go-round fun between Lawyer Shin and Kwan-woo over the poop-throwing incident.

Overall, this is the best drama I have seen this year! I am officially a fan of all the actors. Even Jung Woong-in who played Min Joon-gook. Min Joon-gook had so many layers and that actor brought them all out.

Story: 10
Pacing: 9
Acting: 10
Overall love of the show: 10!!!!


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Totally agree, Jung Woong-In/Min Joon-gook nailed every scene.
WOW how many great male and female actors are there that never get to show how gifted they are?


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everyone has already said everything worth saying, so i'll just add that this show is just one big, loving, beating heart at its core!


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Thank you GF for the wonderful recaps;) I anticipated and enjoyed your recaps as much as i have anticipated and enjoyed the drama itself. Love love love LBY, LJS and the entire cast;)


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I'm very often disappointed with K-drama endings, but this one checked all the boxes. I Hear Your Voice will top my best of 2013 list. Must say, I was very saddened to read that our young hero is a smoker. I know it's not unusual in Korea, but it really ruins my fantasy. Same with Kim Soo Hyun.


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I actually thought it added some masculine street cred (sue me for stereotypes, haha) to LJS, because honestly, he is one of the more girlier-looking actors in the KEnt.

But thank god, for his swimming - he progressively looked less feminine towards the end of the series.


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Bahahaahha i cracked up at what u said!! :P


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Ha! Not sure he'll ever have "street creed" too thin & too baby faced. I was really surprised to hear him say he was dieting in an interview. Hopefully not to loose weight but to gain swimming muscle.


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Oh show ! What an amazing journey ! Thank you so much ! Now I say ,with full cconfidence that this is one , if not THE best korean drama ive aatched ! I loved it so much it pains me to thi k that it has ended ! Im so happy for the male lead (su ha) I lovex him in school 2013 but ghis could rsally be his boys over flowers ! (Reference to lee min ho's ovef night stardom) and the rezt of the guys !!
The biggest thanks isfor our girls att dramabeans ! Ppl have deams ! But mi e is for u guys ! I cant wait for the day I meat u and build a whole friggen empire where u guys recap forever ! Hahah I know weirdoo ! Thanks !
(Side note; I loved that they Never talked abt age difference btwn the leads ! How awsome )


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For a drama I wasn't even remotely interested in watching, it quietly stole my heart. Thank you drama beans for writing yet another fantastic recaps that made me watch a drama I wasn't planning on.

The last two episodes were done so well. I couldn't imagine how they would fill in an hour worth for the finale when ep. 17 was really the climax, but I loved how all the story lines got wrapped up. And I seriously could have watched another hour of the cute, funny and tender interactions with all the characters especially between Jjang Byun and Su Ha!

Thanks again for all your hard work!


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Same here.

I saw the recap, and was going to skip it. But since there has been quite a drama drought for me, I figured there was no hard checking out the recap at least.

After I read the recap, I immediately jumped onboard- watching and re-watching the eps every week- and never looked back. Boy am I glad!


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I'll just be frank. I was not into the Su Ha-Hye Sung romance at all. Lest you think I'm shipping Kwan Woo with Hye Sung, I'm not either, though my favourite characters of the drama were Kwan Woo and Hye Sung.

I was never convinced about how Su Ha's love started since the tender age, though I guess I can sort of understand why Hye Sung would grew to love him.

Anyway, I still enjoyed this drama very much, but it's not for the romance, I think the drama was well done in terms of character development and the consistency in the message it was trying to deliver and has delivered.

It won't make it to my list of favourite dramas, but it is certainly one of the best in 2013.


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I totally get what you mean. I wasn't shipping there relationship much because it was a gigantic leap of faith there.


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Same here, but for different reasons. The main draw for the show for me has always been HS and not the male leads.

I could buy SH's feelings for HS BUT I kept finding myself comparing LJS with other actors I would have preferred for the role. But eventually, he did improve and his nose became less distracting to me, so props to him. And they did have chemistry - it didn't matter to me whether it was or wasn't entirely romantic but it was grounded in a degree of realism DESPITE THE SUPERNATURAL AND CRAZY LAW so that wasn't the issue either.

The main reason why I was never 100% invested in the romance (I wish I was though) because I couldn't see myself falling for the male lead (whereas I could see myself being HS) so it felt like I was rooting for HS as a pal would, from a distance. It was a jarring experience in a sense cos' I sympathized very much so with LBY's acting but not quite with LJS.

That's good enough I suppose, but it would have gone the distance if I felt something for the male lead. After all, when we watch dramas, it's more compelling if we can project ourselves into the main characters, no?


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Completely get what your mean... but for me I was ok with LJS, I think he did fine as the male lead in his role. But I just couldn't get the man-woman vibe between LJS and LBY. Wow, I don't feel that it's icky or anything, but it wasn't convincing to me. To be honest I thought HS and KW were good together when they were dating briefly nut I was also fine that they didn't end up together, so it's not a case of preferring the 2nd male lead over the first, their romance just doesn't ring convincing to me so I was not invested.


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Personally, I really hate it when the romance’s portrayed as one between defined roles, i.e., woman/man aka hs/cha, so I appreciate the fact that the writer tried to show how multi-faceted love is (as it is in real life). He’s her dongseng, friend and romantic interest; she’s his noona, friend and romantic interest – and one role takes precedence over the other and are interchangeable depending on the situation. There’s a little bit of everything in their interactions between one other, like in Whats Up, Fox.

So while there’s little romantic chemistry in the traditional kdrama sense… I think its subtlety serves to heighten their strong feelings for each other. And the fact that there's still so much growth for it even after the series has ended makes it feel like it's a romance to keep (though they should have killed the superpower, like am I the only one who thinks it would be a hindrance in their r/s?!).

(Cut and copied my comment from ep. 17's beanut gallery cos' I'm too lazy to rewrite it, haha.)


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This exactly! LJS's acting is good and I dont mind the age gap but I just wondered if it would be better if it was a different actor, just for the romance part. I mean, just like what you said, rooting for them like a pal, I totally get happy for them but I'm totally not invested in their romance.
I was rooting other relationships so swiftly ;Cha Byeon-Hye Seong, Hye Seong-Do Yeon, Mother-Daughter, Father-Daughter, heck I think I even got super interested in Cha Byeon-Do Yeon's new love hate in a matter of seconds.

But the story, acting and everything else sort of overshadowed the little flaw in the lack of man-woman vibes between the main lead, so it was spectacular anyway at the end :')


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Out of curiosity, who would you have preferred to play SH? My vote goes to the dude in Me 2 Flower cos' he was awesome there (didn't complete though) DESPITE the major miscasting (ironically, he replace Kim Jae-Won who was rumored to be in IHYV) and his baby face.

I was major rooting for third female lead - Mechanic, and the very unconventional loveless pairing, Lawyer Shin - Hye Seong. Lawyer Cha can stay with his beloved MJG for all I care, lolol.

Honestly, I wonder about the man-woman vibes; I think it would have been tough either way for any other actor to portray them because of how the characters are written. SH is still a young man-boy and HS, while, is just so not womanly in that conventional sense.


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didnt really have anyone in mind, cos i guess i didnt think of it that much lol.

I adore their relationship, it's absolutely adorable. They play many character in each other's life and even if their man-woman vibes were lacking, at the end i didnt mind THAT much since life cant be perfect eh!


Just a little information share.

1. The production team wanted LSJ to be Suha from the very start. Do you know that IHYV's production originally aimed for KBS mon-tue spot? The original cast they production wanted was Hyo-jin Gong, Jong suk Lee and Jaewon Kim. However, KBS turned IHYV down and chose Shark instead.

2. After the turn-down from KBS, actors signed different projects. (Jae-won Kim went for weekend drama Scandal, Hyo-jin Gong went for Master's Sun, and Jong-suk Lee signed up for a movie, No breathing.)

3. Meanwhile in SBS, wed-thur day spot suddenly became available. The drama "Can I love you" starring Jingu Yeo as male lead got cancelled. By the way, Sanghyun Yun(Oska) was the 2nd lead in "Can I love you"

4. IHYV earned that SBS spot and began casting again. And current casting was done then. For role of Suha, they asked LJS again. LJS took the role despite the overlapping schedule. If you take a look at the 15 minute- length "before the drama" video clip in SBS homepage, the production and the writer really express how content they are that they got LJS as Suha. They actually say they shouted hurray after finalizing Suha role with LJS.

Well, what I am trying to say is that the production only had LJS as Suha in their list.


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oh. LJS*(Lee, Jongsuk) not LSJ


Oh I totally understand if the production team wanted Lee Jongsuk all along, because boy did that pretty boy potray the role well. It was just the little romance, I am totally for their cute relationship, they were essential in one another's life but it somewhat felt like it was okay even if they were not romantically together. But overall I loved the whole cast, it's a great mix of of beauty and talent - the show was spectacular in many aspects that the little flaws in my eyes didnt even matter.


Yep, I know all these, except for 4.

I knew that GHJ wasn't officially attached to the series but was rumored to star in it in the early days. Back then, the synopsis didn't include any information about the young mind-reader, just defenders defending cases with 1% chance of innocence, something like that. GHJ's rumored attachment prompted my interest in the show because I <3 GHJ in TGL, and was really hoping CSW would have at least a minor role or something in it.

I am glad Kim Jaewon didn't take up the role though cos' then the main lead would look too much like brothers fighting over the same gal.

And as much as I could see another actor doing a great job as SH, LJS did a marvellous job channeling his inner man-boy crushing on and falling in love with HS. (And mad props for being able to play two characters rather convincingly.) That much is indisputable :D


I am glad the Production team and the writer wanted LJS and only LJS. His character was the central point of the story, and he played it to perfection. Or maybe it's just me. I think he should win the best actor award (Paeksang), hehe. Again I say, I am glad.


The synopsis had mind-reading boy as male lead from the beginning. I am not sure what you are referring to as the synopsis. But the synopsis for IHYV is 31 pages long. Furthermore, I have never seen anyone translating it in English. So I think what you saw was probably not from the 31 pages-long synopsis but from an inaccurate article.



This was way way back in February when GHJ was rumored to be attached to the project - http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/02/gong-hyo-jin-courted-to-headline-new-drama/

That was what I meant by the early days. The young mind-reader part was probably kept a secret so not as to spoil the story OR he was added into the plot awhile later. I don't profess to know the true story but I don't think the knowledge will hurt my and others' appreciation of the series.



This was way way back in February when GHJ was rumored to be attached to the project – http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/02/gong-hyo-jin-courted-to-headline-new-drama/

That was what I meant by the early days. The young mind-reader part was probably kept a secret so not as to spoil the story OR he was added into the plot awhile later. I don’t profess to know the true story behind the production/writing process but I don’t think the knowledge will hurt my and others’ appreciation of the series.



Ah. I see. I think I get where that piece of information started.

There was this short article in Highcut magazine. The main point of that article was how KBS is having difficult time coming up with next project. (The main point wasn't
to promote the any drama)

"Drama industry has always been an intense battle field, yet recently main 3 broadcasts are having trouble coming up with successful projects. KBS2 is being cautious of taking its next step/next project. Except for "my daughter Seoyoung" (which was airing that time), there isn't a series that has much popularity. With its Mon-Tue drama, "Advertisement king, Lee tae beak", continues to have low viewership, KBS is in pursuit of actors who are said to be box-office guarantees to resurrect its Mon-Tue drama. Other than "School 2013", KBS's Mon-Tue slot haven't had a big hit for quite a time (Dramas like Big, Love rain, Couples in Haeundae failed to earn viewership.)
Its upcoming drama, "I hear your voice", which will air in June, therefore, is trying hard to cast the queen of love-com, Gong Hwo Jin as the female lead. For the male lead, KBS is trying to get hot star A."

Since this article was not from the mouth of KBS nor the production, it wasn't a confirmation article on next drama project. It didn't state the name of hot star A nor the story. It is all because it wasn't fully confirmed at that time whether IHYV was going to get that drama slot in KBS. Getting the slot comes before the promoting. So, it is understandable why there wasn't any decent article describing the drama at that time. Furthermore, soon, KBS turn down IHYV and chose Shark instead. From that point, there was no point of writing articles to promote the drama.

Luckily (I think it was around April) SBS had an sudden empty slot which went to IHYV. There wasn't much time until the first episode to air but they managed to cast actors, promote and film. The teasers, posters and promoting articles were barely over the passing line. I was quite worried of the quality of actual episode, but thank God, the actual episodes didn't show that time shortage.

I guess missing information on the story was due to that short time to promote. I am quite a K drama fan, so sometimes I do get to see some of the synopsis even before getting the slot. I first came across IHYV's synopsis last year. And it had mind reader as male lead. Drama fans were curious of who could get that role since the role seemed very attractive even in the synopsis. So everyone was talking about who is that hot star A when that highcut magazine article came out. And the one and only rumored person in Korean drama community was LJS. LJS really was Suha after few month, and with the production team's interview, the rumor seems to be true.

I still think that if this drama had more time it would have been better. But the production team, actors and writer have my respect to put this much with that limited time and even with the extension at the end (which was quite sudden be the way.) Claps claps


I felt the complete opposite. I loved Su-ha, and I really felt his love for HS. Couple-wise, they didn't have sexual tension but I didn't want sexual tension. They were natural, and cute; they understood each other and always tried to communicate; and most importantly their relationship was honest and healthy. Their romance made me feel pretty lonely in singledom because I was jealous of their relationship. Other couples usually don't have that affect on me because they have too many fall-outs/misunderstandings/lack of communication that I feel more turned away from a relationship (why suffer through all that?). The kisses may be passionate but that's not enough to sustain a relationship.


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Yes! I felt the same way. This couple resonated with me because I could truly feel their love and devotion to each other. It was so much deeper than what you see in many kdrama couples, and I didn't need sexual tension because you saw their passion in their words and actions.


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YES. I think the romance's lack of sexual tension and its multi-facet nature kept me going despite my lack of attraction to LJS/SH (and boy, I really did try. I stared at editorials, read up on him, etc). Which kept me rooting for the couple because Love isn't just about physical passion (as it is often shown in shows) and real-life partners don't just play one role in their relationships. As fictional as the pairing is, I am really glad there were more scenes of them just being lovely to each other, talking, eating, hugging, holding hands as opposed to roughing it out in some hotel room.

But of course, shots of LJS' manly hands during the major kiss scenes did help a teeny bit for me:D


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I am relieved to find a drama where everything is not about the sexual tension. most dramas start with the hero or heroine madly in love with someone else and ignore the other one for half the drama or else treat her like a friend but once he/she realized they love the other. It all about the sexual tension.

So the reason i loved this drama so much is because it was really not about the sexual tension but about two persons getting to know each other


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Yes, i don't want sexual tension as well. Given IHYV premisr i appreciate n glad that they were potrayed as natural n comfortable with each other, which is really suit to the show set up..


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Thank you for the recap GF -- I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the ending, and I loved the emotions it made me feel throughout the show, in spite of like you said "fact-adjacent legal practices" heh. I really loved the growth of all of the characters -- and I was surprised that Judge Seo still did not back down, even though Seo Do Yeon grew so so much during the show. She looks a bit like Eun Jung to me so it was easy to see her as the Baek Hee character in Dream High who also grows and matures as well.

Anyway, thanks again -- I enjoyed watching the show and reading your recaps -- it felt like we all (all the commentators) watched together. Definitely the best show of 2013 for me so far.


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OMG! I realized I didn't watch the entire epilogue! Good thing I read the recaps here to realize I missed Soo Ha in a police uniform!... I'm off to watching the episode again after writing this comment. First, it breaks my heart that I have to let go of this drama. What am I going to do with my life now? This show was too beautiful from start until end. I love how all the characters and events fell into place at the finale... Yes, we still get to see how much they are nervous about the future but we are assured that because of their individual growth, they can overcome anything.... The Soo Ha-Hyesung scenes were too sweet that I was shrieking every single time. I love how both of them were narrating the other person's imperfections but knowing that made them more loving and appreciative of the other person. This couple is killing me. One thing is for sure, Lee Jong Suk has just soared high way up high on my bias list. I am definitely looking forward to more of his projects... and I am looking forward for more dramas from this writer as well because well, I'm a sucker for amazing plots and happy endings :)


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I felt that this was a departure from most dramas with a more drawn out epilogue, yay!

What did everyone else feel about the extension? Good? Bad? Worth it?

Personally I thought it was a good extension, it could have been a lot worse but I think the screen writer did a terrific job. While some bits were obviously filler it at least wasn't something that irked me a lot.


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It felt alot like TGL's last ep. Not that I'm complaining cos' TGL was great!


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One of the few extensions done successfully. Not awkward or artificial, plus tons of fan service & noone left out of it. This writer is level A+: She has the technique and the heart.


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I would have preferred no extension to extension but given that we had it, I think the writer did the best job we could have expected from her. She didn't bring out left-field plot twists, she didn't increase the angst, she didn't just add in stuff to wring out our tears. Instead, she took the time to let all the characters have their moments. She brought in more funny, more cute. She didn't sacrifice the organic-ness of her story at the expense of filling in two more episodes.

So I give major creds to the writer, and it makes me an even bigger fan.


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I'll remember this drama for a long time..great story, great ending..and great recaps..Thank you GF!


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I don't even have words right now. Just tears. Happy tears. A whole bucketful of it.


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Aahh it has finally ended, and i'm sure gonna have a withdrawal sydrome which might last for.. God knows for how long..

I'm loving all HS-SH lovey-dovey moment :). somehow while watching the part HS talking to her mother at the cemetary place, I wish she talked about the person she s in love with. And wish Suha had a real conversation with Worlds Best Mom other than being yelled 'what are you looking at!' Haha.. Greedy much :p


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As for me i was hoping for HS to brag about her 'police' boyfriend to her acquintance like in HS-way, if u know ehat i mean.. :)


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Waah!!! Voice is over, I'm going to miss this show. It was so good even if I was only able to follow the recaps. I felt all the emotions I should feel and I owe that to Girlfriday's awesome writing. Aww, I was shipping Kwan-woo and Do-yeon too towards the end kekeke. Su-ha and Hye-sung, I love you guys. Thanks for the memories.


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Thank you so much for introducing me to this drama, GF. Your excited reviews right from the beginning was the reason I watched this show.


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And I must say I enjoyed every moment of it! So, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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Luv luv the ending =)
Thank you Show for being good.
Thanks for the recap GirlFriday ^^
I actually read almost all comments, and its like we are all friends watching and dissecting it all. I'm glad to have found this site.
Happy weekend beanies!!!


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thank you so much GF! i am still in cloud 9, this drama just shoots up to no. 1 in my dramalist and having a very bad withdrawal syndrome already. thank you so much for carrying on with this drama till the end and giving us your much sought of thoughts, till next drama. :)


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Whoosh. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will definitely have a marathon. This has been the best drama I've seen/read for a long time. The way everything was tied together in the end, how the conflicts were resolved, how the characters developed... Wow. And how the antagonist was also portrayed as a human before he became a monster... I felt sorry for him too. I learned so, so much. Thank you for the recaps.


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First off, thank you GF for this finale recap, and the other 17 preceding it. Your recaps complete my viewing pleasure of this wonderful drama.

I had so many things about this drama and its finale episode written down before coming here to comment, but after taking time reading thoroughly through the recap, GF's take on it and all the comments posted so far by all you awesome beanies, I decided to scrap that because all of you guys have covered most of what and how I feel on it and I don't want to add on another long reiteration to this growing comment thread.

Thus, just a huge Thank You and a virtual hug to all of you guys for the great company and sharing of thoughts on this drama in the past 9 weeks. I've been a lurker for years and rarely comment — a couple of times during Greatest Love, and maybe once during TK2H. But this drama just affects me (in a good way) so much that I can't help typing the texts and clicking 'submit' in the past recap threads, just to offer my thanks to GF and my two cents.

I love this drama to bits. I don't understand or care for the reasons (or lack of logic to some) for my obsession over it. It is PERFECT — despite its flaws — and will always hold a very special place in my heart. 

It's hard to say goodbye especially when we've been having fun. Just hope another crack drama will come along soon and we can meet here on DB again to fangirl/spazz over it.

Till then, love you all. 


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I caught it early this year and boy, I lost count of how many times I've rewatched it. IHYV certainly felt, at times, like The Greatest Love's long lost spiritual sibling.


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*high five* and hello!

Oh yes, a huge fan of GL and Dokko Jin! Watched it live too. Oh the things I did with my friends when we were fangirling over that show: tried to "grow" a potato plant ... took loads of photos with bottles of Vitamin Water with Dokko Jin's face on the labels ... basically went nuts over it. Lol.


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HAHAHAHA, is... the potato plant still alive?

I had massive, massive TGL withdrawals. It was to a point where I would rather head home and rewatch it over and over again instead of hanging out with friends. CSW really killed me with that show, I swear. Dude has his own gravity field of charisma.

I don't think it's as bad with IHYV but I *think* both are on par with each other in terms of my personal enjoyment, each with different strengths and weaknesses. But thank god, both had happy endings (TGL's one was admittedly less realistic but still, no complaints).


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The poor potato ... or should it be, plant? Anyway, that poor thing shriveled up and died a painful death, no thanks to my lack of green fingers, and constant "tweaking" to help its growth. Lol.

I went through a bout of withdrawals too with GL, but gotta admit it wasn't as bad as what I am going through over IHYV now. :(

CSW is simply awesome! Love love love his emotive eyes. I loved him in City Hall and have tried to catch his shows. Went through the agony that was called Athena just for him (and Jung Woo Sung), and came out loving both of them more with no retention of that drama.



AHAHA, dayum. The pains of mimicking dramalife, only for it give you a hearty punch in the real life. I was *this* close to growing my own gamja plant but if it were to wither, I would be so sad :(

My GL withdrawals were so bad that I bought the director's cut edition and re-watched it after god-knows-how-many-times I watched the broadcast version. CSW really did a number on me.

Omo, I like JWS too. But only after catching Padam x 2. In Athena (I tried watching after GL but gave up way before the halfway mark. LBY was in it and I didn't even realize), JWS was practically invisible to me, ironically. His character was so... hmm.


Oh I'm totally with you on the withdrawals. I have a set of GL DVDs too, broadcast version, and have rewatched it twice, though the last time was really some time back.

It's a show I can go to if I need some good laughs. I have a gf who watched it live the and didn't like it. Found it too over the top. For some reason, she went back to it months later and fell in love with Dokko Jin.

IMHO, acting wise, JWS is nowhere near CSW's league. But I really really love him in the movie, A Moment to Remember, with Son Ye Jin. Have you caught it? I haven't watched Padam Padam yet tho it's on my ever-growing To-watch list. *sigh*

Agree that his character in Athena was meh. The whole drama was meh, for that matter. Totally watched it for eye candies only. Went in disliking Soo Ae and came out loving her.

Yeah, LBY was in Athena. She was the president's daughter, I think. Oh, so I did retain something from that drama!


It was over-the-top but done in a realistic sense? And I heart all that witty banter between the characters, I could see it happening in real life. Come to think of it, I think HS and Dokko share some glaring similarities, lol.

I AGREE WITH YOU, LOL. But JWS is also hot, so I forgive him for that. I think partially why his acting "isn't that good" is cos' he chooses very similar roles. And dude is flat-out bland during interviews I swear. But he is definitely more A-list than CSW because the latter picks less conventional projects at his own whims and fancies, which I adore. A good way for me to decide whether I like you as an actor or not is when I feel like I would pick your projects to act in if I were you.

I heard about A Moment to Remember but it isn't really the type of movie I would watch. Too melo. I liked the one where he spoke in English 80% of the time, it was adorkable.

(And if not for TGL, I probably wouldn't have caught IHYV so thank god for that show :))


I just finished watching The Greatest Love for the first time 2 weeks ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Episodes 1 - 15 were the best part of the drama.


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I enjoyed the whole of first 14 episodes. My love for it kinda dipped, abit, at ep 15 because of the time jump. I felt totally ripped off of the emotional payoff when Show deprived me of the hospital scene. Cursed the air blue then. And I still whinge about that teeny imperfection whenever GL is broached during Kdrama sessions with friends. That could be the reason my withdrawals then wasn't as bad as now. Nonetheless, still a great show in my eyes.


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TGL Ep 16's car accident/hospital/Dokko's "mysterious" video minor wrench in the mix reminded me a lot of the stunt the writer pulled in IHYV's last ep, namely, SH's stabbing-attempted murder/HS's & SH's confessions.


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Absolutly, it’s a perfect ending ... and finally all my worries blowed away. After the ep 17 brings us to the climax, I was very worried at the float and flat anticlimactic. But it's not. It seems all to the good resolution. All the characters grow emotionally since the beginning of this drama, and reaches maturity, respectively, even our main antagonist, MJG.
PSH could eventually receive excess Oska on him and sincerely grateful. JHS dared to confess his feelings that he was very-very-very loving and need PSH. Maybe this time he was worried that Soo Ha will leaves her because - however-Soo Ha is still very young. But the attitude and magnitude Soo Ha Love can erase the concerns.
And .. thanks GF for your amazing recap, and thanks for you guys were always present and share here. I learned a lot from the comments and your point of view, and I was finding a lot of friends from around the world here. Thank you, though we don’t see each other, I believe we have shared a lot of sense through this drama (and of course through the site and this recap). Much love to you all.


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The first thing I did when waking up this morning was to go and watch the finale... and then reading the recaps here.

The ending felt gentler than ep 17, but I did not mind. Overall, I think the extension was okay – I didn't mind the extra insight into characters' minds and feelings, but there was some filler as well (the opening of ep 17 in particular or things like how Oska gets his public defender position back after placing second)

I'm happy with it how it all wrapped up. I think, for me, the show did break some moulds, not majorly, but it was just refreshing in its take on characters. No annoying second leads in stereotypical roles, but three dimensional people. And no using any of those clichéd twists (I'm sure some writers would have given us a makjang connection between Suha and MJG). And even when we did get things like amnesia, it was well used. Plus a noona romance that super-swoonworthy (loved how natural, real and right their relationship felt – all the touching! Though they could have turned the sexual tension on a bit higher – Suha seemed a bit like a sweet innocent on that part.).

The law aspect is still the weakest thing in the drama for me, down to the last twist of Doyeon summoning Suha to courts for attempted murder of Hyesong, which just made no sense (attempted murder for MJG would have made more sense than that).

Love the final voiceover with Suha explaining the influence different people had on him and tying up narrative threads for us.

At the same time, I loved the openness of the ending: there were a lot things that were left for our own interpretation (maybe Doyeon will end up in our public defenders office, maybe something will develop between her and Oska; Seongbin and Choongki; what happens to Doyeon's mom; etc.). As GF said, it feels like the characters will continue living after this show is over.

Regarding MJG: Oska's explanation (at the end of ep 17) was a bit off-putting, because it dismisses the fact that MJG did have someone to care for and protect, but that he chose to sacrifice over getting revenge. I can feel perhaps a twinge of sympathy for him (only because I know he's stuck in prison for life now), but ultimately he is a terrible person. Oska being his lawyer... I guess he was written as this righteous character, so it doesn't surprise me, but at the same time I don't especially like it and it doesn't seem very realistic either.

Lastly, am I the only one that wanted a longer kiss? I hate when they swirl the camera away.


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Ah,... one more, GF, i love every song in your IHYV recap. Especially Beautiful stranger (Nell).


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It feels so good to say I really really loved this Su ha, I mean show. Just loved it. GF walked us through tonight's finale so beautifully. What a clever way to walk us through the growth and depth of the characters via Su ha's Life's Lessons Learned as his response to the question asked in his interview. I was thoroughly satisfied with the ending.

-Pretty the Paralegal- so blonde!
-Kim Gae- Eun - liked her spunk and her nails! Her reaction to Su ha's 'dumping her' was real, she tried to cover it so hard and I felt for her.
-Mother - her voice of kindness and strength spoke to her daughter (Lawyer Jang) at every turn. The mark of motherhood fulfilled to it highest calling.
-Prosecutor Seo - gold tried by fire. Love her inner resolve.
-Father Seo - narcissist, prideful to his own sad demise.
-Shin San Duk - earn his trust and he's loyal for life
-Judge Kim- comic relief but with a heart for justice
-MJK - it's not what you face in life, but how you respond to those circumstances. Grade: Fail.
-Lawyer Oska - the most difficult character to describe and the one that did not click with me; I didn't come around to how he ended up defending MJK again. However, I did appreciate his push MJK to see himself as he really was. Even so, his character worked in the mix.
-Lawyer Jang - vulnerable, tough, rash, thoughtful, a loveable lead female who was refreshing to watch.
-Su ha - I am head over heels for him. Don't ever be lonely again, Su ha. Be happy. LJS is going to be a big, big actor. I predict he'll win best up and coming actor this year for the role of Su ha.

This drama's feel goods were the best!


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We need a IHYV SEASON TWO. Time for Su Ha to grow up and also to resolve the Deo Yeon's family story, especially for her adopted Dad to change. Also rooting for Lawyer Cha with Deo Yeon. This drama has seasonal potential as there can be many cases with the cast, sometime focusing on Lawyer Cha, or Shin, etc. Think we can even have SEASON THREE +++. Shin could have a prodigal son ( Cameo Ji Sung ? ) returning to Korea...who of course will fall in love, helplessly with Hye Sung. Would like to see the characters in this show continue to grow, can't get enough of the OTP. Thank you for all the uploads and subs.


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Thanks GF for the recap...the ending was perfect to me!!! i love the way the writer deliver the whole story, not to harsh on the main character as well as the villain.....just nice and smooth ending. i love their sweet moment when they kiss by the stairs after HS confess how she feel on SH before she knew he's not going to prison (so cute, both of them) and also when he's trying being naughty with after he moves his books into Hye-sung’s apartment...IHYV is the best drama so far (for me)....i super love the story and the character!!! and definitely credit to the writer who made this drama sweeter than sweet!!!!!!


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Whew! Thank you....

Thank you to all the people who made this show possible.It was an over all great drama.

Thank you Girlfriday for recapping the show.Your recaps make it more fun and meaningful.

I love the finale.It made me believe that i learned something as a person.As much as i love our hero and heroine,i'd say that my favorite character was Kwan-woo.It's because i misunderstood him.Then I realized that he was the heart of this show.He helped most of them find a way to grow and be better people.He believes so much in people that he can be considered a fool,but it was that same thing that taught Do-yeon that a cold person can also have a heart and Min Joon-kook to realize that he was wrong about everything,that no matter how evil a person is,there is still someone who believes the good in them.Girlfiday you are right about the show giving ideals that doesn't apply only to youth.

This show is my only summer drama so far.


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You know what? I don't think I've been satisfied of a drama's ending in a a while... Maybe since...Gaksital? Shut up flower boyband?

Ugh my heart... it's..on the floor. I need a moment before I can type up a coherent comment.


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Thank you so much Girlfriday! I started watching because of your first recap and I am sooo glad I did! And I always looked forward to these every Wed/Thurs. :)

By no means am I an expert in what makes a drama artistically good, but, as a casual drama watcher, I'd like to give my two cents as to why I enjoyed IHYV so so much.

Along with IHYV, I've been watching Heartless City and Shark which both ended on Tuesday. The last episodes made me feel like I wasted a whole crapload of hours on something that amounted to nothing. For me, the final episodes leave a huge impression and has a lasting mark on how I remember the series. So, I can say that I won't ever be recommending/re-watching those two shows despite whatever good qualities they had.

If I compare Shark/Heartless City and I Hear Your Voice, one gave me closure and satisfaction while the other two left a bitter feeling and resentment. Without even considering plot/writing/directing for the drama as a whole, the way the finale was executed made such an impact on the aftertaste. It's pointless to have made something that tastes good if it's only going to leave me with trauma because of the nasty aftertaste. If the endings weren't fully going to make sense, the least they could've done was consider the audience/fan reactions/wishes. Sigh. Anyways, moving on.

Coming straight from that, I had really low expectations for this finale. But IHYV blew my expectations out of the water, and I really loved these last two episodes.

The last episode is a great reminder of the people that our characters started as and shows the growth that made them who they are now. I would've never guessed that I would really feel for Do-yeon or, gasp, Min Joon-gook. (Gah, and that brief moment when Do-yeon is with her father in the hospital made me sob like a baby) Kudos to the writer and the portrayals. I just love a drama that really tugs at my heartstrings, and I can say that this was a rare one in a dry spell. I thoroughly enjoyed this from start to finish and have no regrets or "if only"s.


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May I know what did hye sung call su ha? Sounds like "Dong ddak ji"? What does it mean?


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It means "Piece of gum". Indeed, he can't let go once his mind (and heart) are decided on a goal.


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What about Rice Pot? What's the significance of that nickname?

Thanks in advance!


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Not a specialist of Korean language at all but I guess it's a diplomatic way to say dumb or idiot. I take that from the tone used to say it, mildly irritated and chiding.


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Thanks for the recap!

Loved the show. It had been an awesome ride and I think I will be rewatching all the sweet bits... just because.

I enjoyed the show as it was able to hold on to its theme/s and not drift too far in some noble idiotic nonsense or makjang darkness. I love how the awesome cast had worked well to flesh out the wonderful characters in the show. There was growth and redemption and for the one who did not choose to redeem himself, it was enough and satisfying. I enjoyed the laughs and ... erm... basically ignored the flaws, cos I was either drowning in laughter or love. hahaha.

I really loved the ride.

And congrats to the soon-to-wed. Perhaps the show in all its OTP sweetness was the catalyst to this finally happening? :P


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Oh I have to add... I think this show is the only show where I loved how the villain is written... in all his awfulness and in all his pain. And that's saying a LOT.

kudos to the writer and of cos the excellent, excellent actor.


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yeah, i have to agree. it's amazing how a lot of us here were moved by the worst villian ever to exist in dramaland. how can MJK appear so bloodcurdling and vulnerable at the same time?! the fact that we developed an ounce of pity/sympathy toward MJK is terribly amazing - the writer did a good job incorporating a sliver of human-ness to MJK.


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Thank you thank you thank you GF and all fellow heart clutchers!

Watching the show wouldn't be the same without you all! It was such a satisfying show ans I miss it already.. ♥♥♥


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Am I the only one who hopes that the reason the events outlined in the leaked scripts didn’t happen, is because the mum from Reply 1997, has been ranting at the writer for the last couple of weeks


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thank you thank youuuuu for the recap..
now, i felt relieve hahahahah.. fuuiihhhh..


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I can't explain how glad I am they didn't think of doing something drastic just for the shock value. And thank god, the leaked ending wasn't the actual one!

Ok, honestly, this drama had it's flaws (the court scenes, the faltered pacing after extension), but it was enjoyable and made me connect and care for everyone. I love Hye Sung because she seems like a person, not a doormat or overly righteous or even Mother Theresa (lol). And Do Yeon was also a well-rounded character. She wasn't an evil psycho 2nd lead.

And Soo Ha.. I love him. He was so earnest in his puppy love.. I totally fell for him. I so want a Soo Ha for me.


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what was the leaked ending of IHYV? i heard it was MJK stabbing HS in the throat and her losing her voice...?


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<3 THANKS YOU GF for amazing recap all the way...
Now officially IHYV the best drama of 2013...
SH & HS <3 My forever OTP <3


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