Beanie level: Errand boy

Chocolate ep 1

What a bad first episode, one cliche after another and not even nicely done. Childhood small conversation that leads to an adult calling that kid her first love, incredible coincidences, awkward dialogue and yet another plot about a family competing for the approval of an annoying rich elder who owns the company. When will kdramas EVER get tired of that? I will watch second ep only because it seems Jang Seung Jo gets a chance to use his melodramatic skills, but guy deserves better.


Hey Beanies, any good recommendations for a drama with many feels, crazy dramatic? But still good?
I think something like that would be useful after this Untamed thing.
Probably best if it’s jdrama or even cdrama because I must know about the kdramas and already tried them. Better if it’s not historical unless it’s something like Moon Lovers, which means it’s about relationships and not political intrigue.


    Arsenal Military Academy!


      I second this recommendation 🙂

      AMA gives you plenty of feels and crazy, and it’s about relationships. The historic backdrop is just that, a backdrop. Caution: the first episode is a bit of a mess, so give it 4 episodes to decide if you like it.


        Yes, I used to love gender bender but I’m still in ep 1 of AMA because I can’t with the singer being carried away by the ML as his introduction.


          The first episode is bad Lixie. I stopped there too. He did sth bad again in ep 3 but then that’s it. From ep 4 the show picks up and by the 6th you’ll find yourself liking it. I was perplexed too because I didn’t want the hero to be a harasser but maybe they tried to show him a bad boy, which you’d eventually find out he isn’t really. It is crack and the male lead does become very likeable.




    I’m rewatching Room No. 9. I loved it the first time around.


      I think the only body swap kdrama I watched was Secret Garden something about this theme is weird though I love fantasy, I like the cast though, will try!


    Kill Me Heal Me is pretty dramatic with feels


      Yes, Ji Sung with multiple personalities, watched it! 🙂


    Cdrama: “Journey Of Flower”, “Princess Wei Young”, “Princess Agents”


      I have a law against any show called Princess because of Princess Prosecutor, the most terrible show ever kkkk. But these are cdramas so they deserve a chance.


        Yaaaaassssssss 🥰🥰🥰 My mom watched and rewatch Ed “Princess Agents” a few times and I did a few rewatches of “Princess Wei Young”… Both are very female forward/empowering dramas, unlike “Prosecutor Princess”


    I just finished One Sprig Night which had a lot of feels. Just Between Lovers, Come and Hug Me also have a lot of feels and are very watchable. If you want a more youthful vibe, Sassy Go Go is my go-to, but Dance Sports Girls is also excellent. Lingerie Girls’ Generation is another favorite. These three are also all pretty short (12 eps or less). For a quick hit, I adore the drama special If We Were a Season and it’s subbed on KBS’s YouTube channel.


      Also the C-drama Le Coup de Foudre has a lot of feels but not a ton of angst and is really lovely.


      Thanks! I did try JBL and Come Hug Me but that wasn’t my style, watched Sassy for the friendship but also did not like it, Lingerie on the other hand was adorable! I will look for the special!


      Every time I see Just Between Lovers written anywhere Inhave to fight the urge to put it on.


        This is fair. I feel like this is one of those dramas that you either like or don’t, but if you like it, it really gets under your skin. I couldn’t stop thinking about it for days after it ended. And I get why it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I will always sing its praises.


    A House On The Slope is about mothers and how they deal with taking care of their children, how people around them influence their mental health and how they are perceived as mothers at work and by their family.

    Dakara Watashi wa Oshimashita is about an office lady becoming a fan of a female idol and they both end up creating a bond.

    And, Live has dramatic events happening in every episode so it’s a bit hard to summarize it. But somehow, the story didn’t feel too over-the-top as we follow both leads life (more focused on the female lead tho) and their hard times. The cinematography is really good too!


      I have known about And, Live, people say it’s really good. The others seem interesting too, thanks!


        You’re welcome 🙂 The plot itself might not suit everyone’s taste because of the sometimes overdramatic events.


        Stranger or Forest of Secrets is a favorite too. Very well done


    this is so out of whatever you want.. but if you are in for just the feels.. go for tharntype


      I did! I’m around ep 7 but I stay for curiosity only, don’t really like these guys. It mostly feels like they have this checklist of ideas and actions and they have to do it fast, nothing seems real in them. Take ep 7, Type has just got a boyfriend and he still curses all gay people like a madman, Tharn has just got a boyfriend, whom he knows is still fearful about being gay, and he already wants the guy to meet his family! Could this happen? Sure, they can both be that crazy, but it’s not done in a realistic way. And I hate the funny noises for every joke! Wait, sorry I wrote so much ehehheheh.


        lol.. i am in for a very specific feeling 😛
        and within that context.. this is fun enough for me to wait for mondays!


A Small Untamed Rant

Here we go again. It had been so long I liked a drama like that, I forgot what it was like after the finale. Somebody might think the 50 episodes or the fact the last 17 eps are so messy, would make it easier. It doesn’t. It’s the opposite, the long duration only gives more time to like the main characters and the crazy eps only make a person think of all the things that should have been there.

Maybe I should not even complain, if most dramas only have 16 eps, it’s like it managed to be good for twice that long and then it just became like a common drama. But they got me fooled by being great for before! I guess it does deserve a rant.

When people said it would take 33 episodes for the drama to go back to the present storyline I thought it would take forever. They forgot to say it was the best part of the drama. After such a nice story in the first part, I keep wondering if more people were not also a bit annoyed at so many anticlimatic moments and boring sideplots. Maybe the charismatic leads and their relationship makes everybody forgive the rest, or maybe they feel the rest was just fine. But what about the two villain’s terrible bad acting? All the important scenes that are never shown or things that don’t get explained? Secondary characters not being explored unlike the first part? Old characters not having their resolution? When you think about this, the best scenes of the second part don’t make up for it. I could also talk about the leads going different ways but since this goes into the friendship vs. romance discussion, and censorship, I guess I can’t blame them much for that.

I guess for a small rant I’ve said a lot. Besides, it’s kind of a happy rant because unlike all the other shows that made me write similar things, this won’t be easily forgotten, and much like it’s lead, it did make what seemed impossible. A new favorite.


    If I had to nitpick at one thing it would be the resolution for Wen Qing. She deserved more than just an off-screen death. She deserved more than just having her death be explained in flashback…..

    Her character resolution felt so empty and unfeeling when, imo, she was one of the best characters ❤️


      Yes, she did, but at least her character had a nice arc, I can’t say the same for her brother.


        Her brother, Wen Ning, started off as the sick sibling who never bothered to discover for himself a purpose in life, but after meeting Wei Wu Xian, being saved by him (multiple times), and becoming his friend, I’d like to believe that he found purpose in being a protector to Wei Wu Xian, which is significant in times when slave-master/bodyguard-master relationships were a thing 🧐🧐 And it felt refreshing that Wei Wu Xian actually never treated Wen Ning as anything less than a friend, whom he also encourages to go and be free to find his own individual purpose by the end of the drama 🥰


          His arc in the past was great and we knew from the start he would make it to the second part of the drama. However, in the later part, it felt as he was there just for a few jokes and to find Sizhui, the way he had to be himself as this “ghost” in the world and what that meant, was never really explored. Instead of going away I imagined it would have been better if he had died protecting AhYuan or JiLing.


    The drama most definitely is not perfect and has its issues. But I still desperately love it ❤

    When I was watching I didn’t know how many ep. would be spent in the past. Initially I wanted them to hurry and get back to the present timeline. But by the time they did get back to the present, I already missed the past timeline 😅 but I love both the past and present parts of the drama.


      I wish the past eps had been even longer but they needed to resolve things in the present. If it’s not too big a question and if you can’t talk about drunk LZ or a few other nice moments, can I ask what was that makes you like the present timeline equally?


        I mean, the main story was from the present so would have been weird to have just the past (the book for example is from the present with flashbacks to the past). But most of my favorite scenes are from the present timeline. I love LZ and WY relationship in the present, the juniors, the overall mystery, the resolution for WY, loved Yi city arc, how LZ stands with WY on koi tower steps, the confession of the golden core at lotus pier, people realizing WY is not the evil villain everyone thought, and the last 5 min. of the whole series. It’s hard to not talk about my favorite scenes because my favorite scenes are part of the reason I love the present timeline.


          I guess for me the big mystery wasn’t very mysterious at all, we knew who did it all, and it took many long speeches and much time for the bad actors. The Yi city arc was slow and still managed to be rushed. The Lotus Pier part was very good though I still don’t know how people were surprised by it since we also knew what happened. The leads relationship was still the best thing but I expected they would develop it more, the nicest thing was how they become this duo and feel as if they have been together for ages, however I wanted some big moments, like LZ finding WY is back, whenever he got his body back, the reason why LZ knew it was him, and others. Instead we got not only one but two scenes in which they have to make sure the censors are pleased because these guys have nothing else to say to each other and have to go different ways. Yes, I know that isn’t the official explanation. 🙂


            We’ll have to agree to disagree 😆

            Though on how they didn’t know about his golden core. How could they know? We knew because it hinted it to us but those characters didn’t have the same hints. In the book LZ suspected WY’s Golden core was damaged but not that he gave it away. No one would have thought that because the idea of giving away your gc was so unfathomable to them.

            And I forgive the drama because they did what they could despite the censors. I think they still managed to show a beautiful love while also avoiding the censors. Could it have been better? Definitely, but they had to work within the confines of the censors. Ultimately, even though the drama had issues the drama managed to evoke intense emotions in me no other drama has managed to do, and that was a result of the combination of the past and present timelines, the drama as a whole is what makes me love the drama 😁


            Yes, but thanks for the replies your take is very interesting.
            I meant how the beanies didn’t know because it had been explained before.
            I have to agree about the feels surely! Very few dramas have this kind of intense story, true love and complex great leads.


      Yes!! Once I got hooked in, I didn’t even notice when I had reached episode 33 and back into present time ☺️


The Untamed ep 43

Why was LZ punished? In the novel it’s so easy to understand, he did it to protect WWX but in the drama I didn’t get it. What was he even doing there and the others?


    Partly for standing with WWX at Nightless City. But ultimately it was because after WWX died, the sects all went to the Burial Mounds to make sure he didn’t escape, and LZ stood against all of them to stop them from searching the Demon Subduing Cave (where WWX lived). He was punished for ‘standing against the majority’ as Lan Xichen says. This is probably also when LZ found the almost dead Ah Yuan.


      Thanks! I think this could have been better explained there. It felt a bit anti-climatic. LZ would have been finally challenging his own clan and it’s not shown, I know it happens later again, but it was such a moment for him. Also WWX’s reaction seemed a bit too cold.


        Well, it does show LZ standing against the sects when LXC is telling WWX what is happening and why he has the whip scars.

        Even though I absolutely love this drama and is my favorite drama ever, I do admit it isn’t perfect and has its issues.


    Because he severely hurt 30 Gusu Lan Sect seniors to protect WWX body (I think he was unconscious but still alive) in Burial Mounds (he then dragged back to Cloud Recesses after he lost all his spiritual power, and hence received the punishment)


      That was in the novel but it happened a bit different in the drama (since WWX committed suicide at Nightless City).


        I might be confusing the drama and the novel, but I thought he still injured 30 Gusu Lan Sect seniors including Su She to protect WWX’s body!!


          No one found WWX’s body in the drama. JC had searched many times but only found his flute. And if he injured any of the Gusu Lan Sect members in the drama it’s not mentioned that I can recall. When it shows LZ blocking the cave at the Burial Grounds in the drama, no one looks injured or hurt except for LZ. I assume he went immediately to the Burial Grounds as it’s the same injury from Nightless City.

          In the novel, LZ took the injured WWX away to a cave to help him recuperate after he was injured at Nightless City. When the Gusu Lan Sect came LZ seriously injured 33 of them to protect the injured WWX. He was later taken away and whipped 33x. And iirc WWX was alive, but he was basically sunk into madness and delirium as he just kept whispering ‘get away’. This is also where LZ confessed to him. Which later causes relationship issues as LZ and his brother both thought WWX was aware of the confession but WWX remembers almost nothing after Nightless City (so didn’t even know LZ had rescued him let alone confessed to him).


            Comment was deleted


            I certainly mixed things together!!! The drama is super vague about the events after the Nightless City (does WWX body fully disappeared because he commited suicide??!)… I thought nobody found WWX body cause LZ took the injured WWX away… also they mentioned the 1st siege of Burial Mounds few times in the drama… if there was no WWX body there, what was the point of Burial Mounds first siege?! Anyway, either the drama is very ambiguous or I confused the drama vs. the novel!!!


            I wonder how he found his flute, he had it when he fell.
            I think they were smart deciding LZ would go there to try to find him, I just wish they had showed us the entire scene because it would have been important. The drama version in which WWX chooses to jump and LZ tries to save him was much better for dramatic effect.
            I have to find that part in the novel again I did not know LZ confessed anything then and if WWX was mad how could he have listened. Besides LZ wasn’t dumb, it was rather easy to understand when WWX returned he didn’t remember or know many things, he would never have acted silly and joked about some things if he knew.


            @persianrose Yaaa. The drama doesn’t really explain much at all. In the novel his body was basically ripped apart and scattered (which was also vague as everyone says it was JC who killed him but WWX insists it was because his powers backfired and killed him. But he had also confessed that he doesn’t have any memories after Nightless City so who knows what actually happened) but I think due to the censors the drama had to keep his death and how he returned pretty vague. I’ve actually seen some theories that he didn’t even die. But what I think happened in the drama is this (since some is vague this is more my own thoughts):

            WWX falls down the cliff and does die. JC goes down to make sure he is dead but cannot find any body, only old bones and his flute. Since no body was found the sects can’t confirm or deny if he is alive or dead so they go to search the Burial Mounds. LZ goes there to prevent them from searching. I don’t know if this was done thinking he was alive or done just out of love to stop everyone from trampling what was left of what was WWX’s home. While there LZ finds Ah Yuan. LZ’s uncle is furious at him standing against all the sects and punishes to 300 beatings + 3 years confinement. But ultimately, until he returned 16 years later, the last time LZ saw WWX was when he fell down the cliff.

            @lixie You can actually see the flute falling before him, but ya his whole death was kinda vague.

            And here is the chapter Chapter 99. And he may not have outright confessed anything but this was from the novel:

            “With the ways in which he looked and talked to you when he saved you and hid you in that cave, even someone who was blind or deaf could perceive his feelings, which was why my uncle was in such anger.”

            And than this:

            He suddenly felt terrified. If Lan WangJi didn’t know that he couldn’t at all recall what happened in the few days after the massacre at Nightless City, if Lan WangJi thought that he knew about his feelings all along, just how horrible were the things he did after he came back?

            At first, he did those shameful, theatrical things in order to make Lan WangJi feel disgust and throw him out of the Cloud Recesses so that they wouldn’t meet each other again, going their separate ways. Lan WangJi wouldn’t have failed to see what his real attitude was. But even when this was the case… he still chose to keep him by his side, refusing to give Jiang Cheng the chance to approach and make things difficult for him. He answered all questions, granted all requests, indulged him and forgave him again and again. Even when faced with Wei WuXian’s myriad of almost cruel teasing, he was still able to hold himself from crossing the line.

            Then, back at the inn, when he pushed him away so suddenly, was it also because… he thought it was another instance of spur-of-the-moment presumption?


            1- Re WWX death: In the drama WWX defines his death as a dream… I’m not quite sure what’s the buddhist belief of death… but he certainly didn’t go to the afterworld or become a ghost hence it’s like he was in a deep long sleep while nobody was able to find neither his body nor his soul… Could it be that his soul was hidden using his domenic cultivation power?!
            2- Re LZ receiving 300 beatings + 3 years confinement: it’s too harsh if it’s only for protecting WWX’s den!!!
            3- I cannot buy the idea of JC killing WWX either, JC held a deep love for WWX beneath his hatred, vengeance, and insecurity… he might be able hurt him (verbally and physically), but he’s never able kill him!!


            @persianrose For his death that’s definitely a good theory! The drama was definitely vague about some plot points. Like WWX death. What happened to him between those 16 years? Or did he really die? Why couldn’t anyone find his body? I personally think he did die and was just a wandering spirit. And I think the drama purposefully left what happened to his body vague because, well, he comes back looking like himself so it might have been confusing if his body was found and destroyed? 🤔

            Ya, the drama for whatever reason felt the need to make the punishment ridiculously high. I mean in the novel the 33 lashes he received was already nearly a death sentence. And it doesn’t make as much sense in the drama since what he did wasn’t nearly as bad as what he did in the novel.

            I personally think what WWX said is what happened, rather than what everyone else claims (that JC killed him). His powers backfired and basically tore his body and spirit apart. WWX also claimed a few times that’s what happened so I feel like he was quite sure about his demise.

            I like hearing other’s theories and thoughts about what they think happened in the vague parts 😁 Shows how obsessed I am with this drama lol


            I like this theory too. I always thought his resentment or madness was so much, along with his powers, that he was kept in a limbo, dead but not gone, so MXY was able to call him back to life.
            I agree the change from 30 to 300 was ridiculous but maybe they changed the whip from novel to drama, which would make it easier to take.
            JC did kill WWX, LZ was still holding him, JC is very impulsive and had been suspecting WWX was doing bad deeds for quite a long time, this was just after the sister died protecting WWX, I believe he would go crazy and kill him just like he did, that scene was perfect for me.
            I always felt WWX didn’t want to blame JC for his death because he still loved him but even if WWX jumped, JC still made the choice for him, in the drama WWX removes his hand to avoid dragging LZ to death with him so JC still made the choice for him, killing him.
            Don’t even get me talking about the vague parts of the drama! I’m still wondering about the evil curse that disappeared and their reunion in ep 33 and the crazy way he was just awake in his own body, without being shown LZ finding out his real body.


            @lixie Oh I should have made it clear. When I was speaking of WWX death I was actually speaking about his novel death.

            But in the drama I agree it was partly JC fault. LZ might have been able to save him but JC caused WWX to throw himself to his death to save LZ. To me it looked like JC was either going to break the rock, thus tumbling both WWX and LZ down, or was going to cut their wrists.

            And yes, the whole curse thing was explained by a very vague single line. On my first watch I spent the whole rest of the drama thinking he was cursed lol So everytime he was weak I thought it was the curse


    100% agree: “WWX chooses to jump and LZ tries to save him was much better for dramatic effect”. That scene was so beautifully made… I think it was the strongest scene in the drama vs. the novel… However the drama was so ambiguous about the aftermath of the Nightless City and st siege of Burial Mounds


      LZ being there for his death I think made it more emotional and it was definitely one of the changes I preferred. Even though I love how LZ was willing to basically give up everything for WWX by rescuing him and protecting him in the novel after Nightless City, him not being there for WWX’s death felt wrong somehow.

      But I think with the drama changing the death and the timeframe, it made the drama timelines and plot a little janky and vague.


    Episode 43, my dear ☺️☺️☺️ Lan Xi Chen explains everything On behalf of his little brother in that episode


The Untamed ep 29

A small question.
When LZ comes back from the visit to Yiling he gets punished by kneeling during a song. Why? Unauthorized visit?


    Wei Ying’s name was already in the mud at that time. During the sects’ meeting at the Carp Tower, he was accused on creating the fierce corpse and many other crimes. Only Lan Zhan and Mianmian defended him. LZ’s uncle was furious that LZ let WY escape at Qiongqi(in ep 27, the one where WY led Wen Qing and rest of Wen survivors escape) and reprimanded him. But he didn’t punished him then.

    So Lan Zhan is not supposed to fraternize with WY who is deemed to have gone to the dark side. No one knew he visited Yiling of course but you know how Lan Zhan is? He must have done it on his own accord – seeking punishment.


      I feel like the story skipped some important steps and others that would have been very amusing. The sister went from getting closer to Jixuan to completely ignoring JC banning the younger brother she loved so much. Unless her thoughts will still come up next ep, but since a time skip happened I don’t think it will go there.
      I liked the scene uncle scolded LZ and wished for more of that, that older brother totally knows his reasons, where are the nice small chats they could have had? We don’t even know if LZ confessed he visited Yiling or if he just left without permission. Or his brother reaction to it. It all seems like censorship, we can’t think this is a guy missing his love interest, no, it’s just loyal friendship.



      Firstly, they don’t need to show LZ admitting he visited WY. I supposed that might made it clear but we are to deduce it because that’s very characteristic of LZ. And it actually makes his later actions a lot more significant. I won’t spoil further.
      Lan Xichen is watching his brother and he’s concerned. That’s shown and you will see that LXC is one person who understands his brother most and it’s not without reason we call him the biggest shipper of LZ and WY. Again, you will see that in coming eps.

      It all seems like censorship, we can’t think this is a guy missing his love interest, no, it’s just loyal friendship

      I think if you have this POV, it’s going to be hard to watch or understand the relationship between LZ and WY. The entire show screams that it is more than a friendship in how the lines are cleverly scripted, directed, other characters’ reactions and most of all, how the two actors conveyed it all in their acting. The only thing they can’t do and did not do is to state it explicitly in the drama, for obvious reasons.


        When I said all, I meant these little details. Scenes that seem they should have been there.
        I don’t mean their relationship of course. Like I said before, up until 29 they did an excellent job portraying their feelings while still avoiding the censors. I can’t comment about later.


          Okay, I probably misread you again. I can be slow or not getting it at all.


          This was adapted from the novel, and the novel didn’t go into this much depth of the past as the drama did. The novel was written in the present day with flash-backs interspersed through-out, rather than all in the past before going to the present like the drama. And some of the things of the past are learned from others telling WWX what happened rather then from his memory. It was all from WWX PoV so things that happened to LZ when WWX wasn’t around is what he learned from others telling him. This isn’t really about the censors so much as this was how the novel was. The drama did a good job filling us in about what happened in the past and diverges drastically at times from the novel to fill in the parts that the novel never talked about.

          As for the sister, one of the things I love that the drama expanded on was her. She had almost no presence in the novel except for a couple scenes.

          But ultimately, LZ had been grounded (remember how his uncle made him revise all the Lan sect rules? That was essentially grounding him) and he snuck away to Yiling to see WWX. That’s what he was punished for. And knowing LZ character he was probably the one who admitted what he did and asked for punishment.


            I guess it was me wishing they had improved the novel a bit more ehehehe.
            There are parts I keep trying to find in the novel, like the Sunshot battle and it’s not there. I find the past and present shifts in the novel rather confusing sometimes.


            @lixie Very little is spoken of the Sunshot campaign in the novel. You learn about most of the Sunshot campaign from Nie Mingjue’s perspective that dealt with Jin Guang Yao. Outside of those parts all you know otherwise is that WWX and LZ typically worked together but they were always arguing with each other (because LZ was worried so was trying to get WWX off the path he was on) which causes everyone (including WWX) to assume LZ hated him. And that WWX would dig up corpses all the time and raised a huge army to fight, and it was him who won most of the war because of this.

            And I personally preferred how the drama did it where all of the past was done at once and then you moved to the present timeline. Instead of the random interruptions to delve into the past like in the novel. Didn’t feel as smooth as the drama.


            Yes, me too! I thought the same countless times, the drama choice was much better in that aspect. I guess that’s it for me looking for that part when LZ plays for 3 days waiting for WWX to awake, finally finds him and says nothing and starts playing again. Such a funny and sweet scene.
            Again, thanks for all your explanations they really make it more interesting! 🙂


            @trinpie What do we do without you? You are the BEST!

            @lixie trinpie is the person to go to when you have questions.She’s read the novel inside out, watched the drama at least twice(?) and she remembers all the details!

            I’ve only read 10% of the novel but I intend to read the entire thing soon.


            @outofthisworld D’awww ❤️☺️ I sometimes feel like I probably come off as that annoying ‘know-it-all’. For whatever reason, the drama and novel is very vivid in my memory and surprised how well I remember them, especially with how fast I read and watched them. I guess they both had such a huge impact on me that I remember them so well.


            @trinpie How can you think that?

            We need someone who is like a walking encyclopedia of everything Untamed. There’s a lot of details in this story and drama. Thankfully they are mostly coherent so watching it is very satisfying.


            Hi @trinpie
            Is there any chapters in the novel that explain the things from LZ PoV ?
            I read a number of chapters (not from the first chapter 60-100 so far). I would probably read it all during my holiday…


            @persianrose not really. You might get a couple sentences here and there but the book was pretty much all from WWX pov


Extraordinary You

A random thought

I think this writer is obsessed with BOF. The stage story takes so much time and all the aware characters do about it is to say it’s cheesy. Yeah, we know, this joke was funny in the first eps. If Juda is really aware she should be doing a lot more. On the other side DO seems to have become Jandi and GJP was split into 2 characters, devil Kyung and angel Haru, which robbed him of any intersting quality. Last week it covered GJP getting amnesia and this week was the arc when the boys fight over her. Conveniently she can do nothing. The writer is the GJP’s evil parents keeping the love birds apart. Next week we’ll get Fairy impossible love in the old comic just like female second lead in BOF. I guess the fantasy element was never there to be explored, it wal all a tease.


    I think it’s all kind of cruel for Dan-oh! She experienced the consequences of trying to change the stage 1st-hand and it hurt her deeply, Haru was her only hope of surviving and he disappeared like he was never even there, I can understand how frightening this is for her, she doesn’t want to lose him again!

    And I don’t think she is going to just let the two boys fight for her, this is all very new to her, the attention she is getting from both in the shadow I mean, she doesn’t know what Kyung feels for her or why he acts the way he does, it was different when he wasn’t self-aware but now that he is she does tell him to stop hurting people like that, I think she will speak for herself without needing Haru to do that, but at the same time it’s nice to feel protected like that!

    Also, this last episode showed us how hard it is for them to just be together let alone plan anything to do to change the fate, the writer kept pulling them in scenes over and over again, they’re powerless! And the Manhwa is supposed to be a cliche, so BoF it is!


      Hey @azzo1

      This post is not so much about DO’s but about the where the plot went in the past weeks. I disagree about Haru, she doesn’t know exactly why he left or why he came back and my biggest complaint about her was her refusing to question her world rules but it’s not even about that. It’s that for me the writer basically created another BOF, a real BOF inside the parody of BOF which wasn’t even that much of a parody anymore. Don’t you think the last episode was very convenient? Was it romantic that Haru could never visit her? Absolutely. But they had plenty of moments in shadow so where is the explanation? One moment they can take the entire day alone and the other he can’t meet her. And yes the stage is a cliche but the drama itself wasn’t meant to be so no need to spend so much scenes in Stage for no reason.


    I’ve had enough of the BOF parody in the Stage. I enjoyed the meta aspect at first, but it’s getting boring. I still wish they kept the original Secrets story from the webtoon. I just feel robbed of the depth of the characters even in the Stage. Namju wouldn’t have been insufferable. I would have understood Dohwa keeping on liking Juda after being self-aware, and would have actually been moved by his countless confessions in the Shadow. Baek Kyung wouldn’t have been frustratingly inconsistent in the Stage, and we would have had nice character moments and interactions with him and Danoh. The only thing I like in the BOF parody is Juda possibly being self-aware. I hope the sageuk manhwa storyline is better.


      It’s not even a parody anymore, the scenes are too long and detailed. Having one character say it’s cheesy doesn’t fool anyone, they think the Stage is good drama! Webtoon seems a lot better.


    On the fantasy element, it’s only floating sparkly stuffs which is a real waste 😒
    I wonder why none of the characters, except Haru ever try to poke their head/hand in the black-hole thingy when it appeared. They’re not curious what’s on the other side? And how come the comic always end up on the shelf? I thought squid-fairy shud keep it safer if he doesnt want ppl to be self aware. The self aware keep talking about writer/scenes/telling people you wont remember this – it’s a wonder their friends don’t think they’re crazy.

    Ok these are all rhetorical qs/sharing my thoughts 😅


      You can’t realize the the sparkly blackhole unless you are selfaware so that’s why the other don’t see it, also Dan-oh did try putting her hand in one in the earlier episodes and she told Squid fairy about it but then the blackhole disappeared.


Extraordinary You ep 9 mini rant

I thought this week’s eps would go back to being interesting. Nope. Last week I complained about DO becoming a Candy because she cried a lot and didn’t question anything, Beanies said she was also upset because she couldn’t change her fate. Well, Old Haru is back and now the girl is crazy happy even though her fate remains the same. I guess people will just say it’s because she accepted it. I prefered Haru as tool of action instead of these boring scenes about stuffing him and kissing him. Haru came back but still has the same daydreamer stare even when he is supposed to be in an emotional moment. This is so different from being controlled, compare with the ML in My Ahjussi. Lots of scenes from BOF keep happening without any purpose as if EY itself has no plot. I also detest when DO uses her aegyo voice and pouts, she does that a lot near Haru. I don’t get why she is so nice to Sae-Mi which is a moron. Kyung is still a jerk but at least he is a jerk who asks questions.


    Kyung actually said a very good thing episode ago. “How is you building your whole destiny around one guy any different from what you are doing on stage?”. The main loveline is just that right now. They are cute, but that’s it. I don’t even see any depth or development- Haru and Danoh loved each other from day one (and I have no idea how it took Danoh 7 episodes to name that feeling).


      I’m glad not to be the only one frustrated w the excessive amount of aegyo in the last 2 eps of this week or our once fiesty & clever Dan Oh not being able to clearly express her feelings for Haru. And don’t get me started about how Haru switched from being very self-conscious and shy, to now being Mr. Swoon all the time. Yes, he looks good doing it and I’d rather have fluff than angst but… Aaarrrgh !

      I am much more interested in scenes with self-aware Ju Da and oblivious Do Hwa, now.

      Or Kyung doing some great detective work, as he slowly regresses to secondary role in Dan Oh & Haru’s apparently-scripted love story.


        I am SO interested in JuDa/DoHwa line. She obviously likes him, but doesn’t persua him, probably thinking it wouldn’t matter at the end of the day. Also, why isn’t she letting him know about her awareness? so that she wouldn’t have to officially reject him? Their story is so interesting, every episode I change my mind about JuDa’s motivation


          yes! I am very curious as to why she’s not telling him that she’s self-aware, especially since he makes all these “scene”, “writer” and “shadow” references around her ALL the time, so SHE should know that HE’s self-aware (too)!
          I’m very very curious.


        I can’t believe there would come a day when Juda and Kyung are the ones who hold my attention in this drama. They are so much more interesting and layered now.


The Untamed ep 24

These people talk but don’t really say much. Except LZ, who almost never talks, but still manages to repeat himself. I know, adorable.
When LZ’s uncle asks him if he knows why he is not being allowed to leave the mountain, what does he mean to say?

When LZ’s brother talks about WWX’s going back to their practices he can’t tell he has a reason? I thought he was smarter than that.

I knew JC wasn’t smart but why people touch him and don’t realize about the spiritual power? Even when he had fainted, many people must have touched him?

Why is WWX talking about liking someone? I wonder who is on his mind? Maybe because someone keeps studying a way to fix him?


    Not sure how this core thing works but the only sure way to find out is to challenge the person to a fight.


      I thought it was easier to know because Wen Qing could tell just by holding JC’s wrist.


        I think she is an exception because she is trained as a doctor. And I think Wen Sect has a branch that dedicated its training in medical field, unlike the other sects.


The Untamed ep 14

Hi Beanies, I know many of you have read the novel and I was curious if the part in the cave is any different from the drama?


    I’ve not read but here’s the part if you are interested. It starts somewhere at the end of this chap


    It is similar but there is a lot more romantic things that happen between the leads. Pretty much all the parts dealing with the others and the leads killing the turtle is the same (only big difference is the sword is not Yin metal like in the drama, it’s just a sword with an immense amount of resentful energy).

    But the changes are what happens between the 2 leads. In the novel Lan Zhan’s father was still alive up to this point. But like in the drama, the Lan sect was burned down by the Wen’s and when he was shipped off to the training with the Wen’s, his father was on the edge of death (and does die while LZ is away), his brother was missing and his leg had been broken. So he was in an emotionally unstable place. So when WWX mentioned how MianMian could never forget him, LZ lost it a bit by shouting and shoving WWX and then biting him. He then proceeds to bawl. There are other various things that happen in the cave that has later implications. Like the song of course, but also, WWX had gotten the medical purse from MianMian not Wen Ning like in the drama. And after WWX passed out, LZ stole that pouch and has kept it and used it as his money pouch even 16 years later.


      Ok, not nearly as romantic as what I imagined kkk. To be honest I wish they had been even more faithful to the novel but I can’t really imagine LZ biting anyone. I wish he had cried though, it’s ep 14 and all that happened with him, he should be more emotional. I wish he had stolen the purse too.


        LZ has a biting fetish in the book lol 🤣He is always biting or nipping WWX which finally prompted WWX to ask if he is a dog.

        And I also wish they kept the part about the purse in the drama. But they switched how that worked, because in the drama Wen Ning gave it to him while in the novel it was MianMian. I think originally LZ took the purse out of jealousy but then ended up keeping it as a token of WWX.

        But a lot of the changes that happened were because of the Chinese censors. The book for the most part keeps pretty true to the drama except for some of the details (some small and some huge differences). There are whole parts in the drama that are almost word-for-word from the book. I personally think they did a great job of adapting into a drama while avoiding the Chinese censors.


          Biting fetish? I have to find those moments ehehheh.


        @trinpie @lixie

        Although I pointed to Lixie these chapters, I have not read them. I am surprised to learn about LZ’s father in the novel. In the drama, did they mention he had passed on? I always assumed he was no longer around.

        I cannot imagine LZ bawling. It seems out of character. Just today when I was rewatching the part where WWX fell to his death, I realized LZ was crying. I wasn’t aware he did the first couple of times when I watched.


          The only time I remember them ever mentioning LZ’s father was when his brother was talking about the past with LZ’s mother. I don’t think he is alive in the drama, or if he is, he is never mentioned outside of that scene.

          Ya. I can only remember him crying 2 times in the novel (there may be more but I don’t recall them). It was the scene in the turtle cave, which makes sense as he finally broke down after all he had endured. And then after WWX confesses to him. He didn’t cry at the part where he discovered WWX gave up his GC (I actually much prefer how it was done in the drama, so much more heart wrenching and beautiful).

          I didn’t notice he was crying either! I’ll have to see the scene again!


            @trinpie I just read the part in the novel. Is this the part?
            “The glow of the firelight reflected against Lan WangJi’s face as though he was made of warm jade. It illuminated, with utmost clarity, the tearstreaks that ran down his cheek, as well.”

            I’d imagine that this is quite in line with LZ type of crying but not bawling.

            About LZ’s crying as WWX hung at the cliff, it is not very obvious. For WYB’s crying, it is harder to see from the eyes, LOL. I see it from tears streaked down the cheeks, nose and chin.

            Btw, in the drama did WWX confess to him? I may not have reach the part in my rewatch.


            @outofthisworld in my mind he bawled 😆

            I think the closest confession we get was at the silent room when it’s snowing and LZ is playing the guqin. I can’t really think or remember anywhere else. It’s not of course an overt or blatant confession but I personally saw that as WWX’s confession. Just like how I saw LZ’s confession when he stood by WWX’s side on those stairs after everyone discovered he was WWX.


            @trinpie Thanks, I wanted to confirm that. Do you think Lan Zhan knew how WWX felt for him in the drama?


            @outofthisworld I think they both understood they loved each other. They showed their love for each other by their actions rather then anything overt, and I think by the end they both had come to understand how the other felt. ❤



            In the drama, when did WWX find out the title of their song?


            @outofthisworld I feel like I’m in a The Untamed quiz show lol

            In the drama I don’t believe he ever found out the name. Or if he does it’s after they reunite or it’s off-screen. As when they are separating at the end WWX tells LZ he should come up with a name for the song and after they separated LZ mentions he already named it.


            @trinpie Thank you! LOL, sorry I made you feeling like you were taking a quiz. My memory is bad and I don’t catch things even in my 2nd watch. I am also trying to make sense of why things are the way they are.


            @outofthisworld It’s fine! 😆 It’s fun discussing this stuff and stretching my memory. I’m sure there are things I’ve missed, even after my 2nd watch. And there are definitely things that can be interpreted differently due to them being left a bit vague (probably to avoid the censors).



            Vague due to censorship- Do you mean the ending?


            @outofthisworld The ending and other things. For example, WWX’s death and resurrection was left a bit vague (I’ve seen some people even argue he never even died). Or with JC and his role in WWX death. Stuff like that.


          Is there a place we can get the novel or just posted chapters?


            I downloaded the PDF of the novel from HERE. If you have a kindle you can send it to your kindle and read from there (that’s what I did). You may have to combine the different PDF downloads into a single PDF (I had to atleast).

            The individually translated chapters online are from Exiled Rebel Scanlations. That’s who translated the PDF also.



            Thank you @trinpie!


            I have it but I don’t know how to send it. Did you send the pdf by email?


            Ok found a way to send the pdf! Thanks again!


            @lixie I assume you mean on getting it on your kindle. You’ll have to send it to your kindle by email. Just look-up what your kindle email is (which you can do on under ‘Your Content and Devices’) and then send it to that email with the word ‘convert’ in the subject line. 😁


            @lixie Yay! Enjoy!


    @lixie My fanwall posts might be spoilerish. I believe most beanies who I tagged have completed them, that’s why I did not add those who I know are nowhere near watching the episodes which I am covering.


      You know I used to check all Untamed posts because I never thought I’d like this series and WWX is so pretty. I’m so stupid sometimes. I love BL and fantasy but I hate sageuks so I didn’t even give it a chance before I was really bored and people kept post about it here. I have to thank everyone who posted hehehehehe.


        By saeguks, do you mean all period dramas? Or k period? I asked this because I realized I might be using the term wrongly. Some beanie commented that saeguk is only for Joseon period kdrama. I have no idea if that’s correct. I have been using the term to refer to any period drama even for Chinese ones although they should be called by a different term.


          Any Joseon period drama. The only exceptions are those that have some fantasy in it like Moon Lovers, Scholar, Arang or a gender bender like SS, besides I’m not into Chinese dramas so only BL can make me give them a chance.


            Why not Chinese dramas? The number of episodes?


            I think it’s because I like realistic dramas and characters behaving like that too. It can even be makjang as long as nobody acts like a cartoon kkk, maybe that is a prejudice against them? I confess I didn’t try many but it seems the Chinese FL was always talking in a feminine manner, that aegyo kind of thing. The other reason is that I don’t like hearing some languages like German, Russian and Chinese so that makes me hesitate before picking any drama from these countries.


            I think I can say with confidence that C dramas have better written female leads and characters than K dramas. They also have more female centric dramas than K ones. As for females talking in an aegyo way, maybe you are watching the wrong dramas? I’m thinking perhaps it’s the language which you aren’t comfortable with. Also because of some poor quality dubbing, it can sound weird.

            I am Chinese so I’m probably not 100% objective but I find the Chinese language(Mandarin is the ‘official’ dialect, the spoken form we hear in dramas) most beautiful.



            Maybe it’s just the way it sounds, being very different from the languages someone is already used to hearing? I hope I haven’t offended you in any way. Maybe it’s because some romcoms gave an idea about the leads that are not true. Do you have any good recommendations? If the story is good I don’t really care so much, I don’t even remember it’s a Cdrama when WWX talks.


            @lixie I’m not offended. It’s your right to feel that way about any language, I have my own preferences too.

            My top C dramas are
            1) Nirvana In Fire-period but not historical or wuxia(swordfighting), awesome story, intricate plot, got hooked from ep 5 onwards, hardly any romance, no eye candy.
            2) Story of Minglan -period but not historical or wuxia, strategies, some romance, no eye candy.
            3) All Is Well – contemporary. Excellent if you would like to understand the dynamics of a traditional Chinese family in a fast changing society. Zero eye candy.
            1) Put Your Head On My Shoulders – cute, fluffy but realistic in some ways youth romcom.
            2) Le Coup De Foudre – heartwarming drama about growing pains, friendships, family and love.

            1) Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms
            2) Ashes of Love


            Thank you @outofthisworld!

            I will try some of the contemporary and maybe we can talk about them later!


            @lixie you are most welcome.

            If you go to OT, there’s usually some recommendations of C dramas from beanies who watch more than I do.


            @lixie I also had a hard time initially getting into cdramas myself. I hated the dubbing (which has gotten exceptionally good lately where you can’t even tell they are dubbed, like The Untamed). And like you, I wasn’t a fan of the language. It sounded harsh and unpleasant to the ears. But now that I’ve seen so many cdramas I actually really like the language and it’s as pleasant to me as Korean. Maybe because I’ve gotten used to it, so it doesn’t sound as foreign and strange to me. I also thought the wire-works were silly (and still do, but I’m used to them so it doesn’t bother me anymore). And the first cdrama I went to try (I can’t remember what it was now) I hated the FL voice which turned me away for awhile. She sounded so high-pitch and annoying. Which I’ve now realized is the exception not the rule.

            But, I have come to realize, like @outofthisworld has said, the FL tend to be SO SO much better then kdramas. This isn’t of course true of all cdramas, and there are some kdramas out there with exceptionally written FL. But cdramas tend to have much better written, stronger and female-centric dramas which I love.

            And I actually tend to think that characters in cdramas (atleast contemporary ones) tend to be more realistic in cdramas then kdramas. kdramas tend to lean so heavily on their tropes and most of those tropes are pretty unrealistic how reality is. cdramas have their own tropes, but they tend to be more realistic ones.

            As for some suggestions, @outofthisworld actually gave a pretty good list (Nirvana in Fire, Ashes of Love and 10 Miles of Peach Blossoms are some of my favorite cdramas). Some others I suggest that I really liked are:

            Story of Yanxi Palace This one is pretty female-centric and I absolutely love how awesome and intelligent the FL is. Another favorite of mine.

            Love Me If You Dare Follows a criminal profiler/psychologist who catches violent criminals and his assistant. This is also a romance and excellently done.

            Go Go Squid Super cute rom-com between a very smart, but younger university student and a man striving to become the top in the esports community.

            A Love So Beautiful A well-done and realistic take on a high-school romance.

            Oh My General This one can be a bit funny but it’s about a strong female general who had been disguised as a man all this time, and the delicate but beautiful flower-boy she marries. Tons of gender reversals all through this which I loved (the romantic rival is a woman in love with the FL).

            Arsenal Military Academy Not as heavy on the romance but all the characters are awesome which makes this drama so great. About a woman in the 1920s who disguises herself as a man to join a military academy.

            Princess Weiyoung Another historical. About a former-princess whose kingdom was destroyed. She disguises herself as a noble woman in order to get revenge. The FL is also great in this. Really good romance also (the leads ended up marrying irl).



            How did I miss out Go Go Squid! That was just cuteness overload.

            I thought about Yanxi Palace too but I thought Lixie may not like historical dramas. Yanxi Palace is very entertaining with a plot twist in almost each episode. I may be exaggerating but it sure did feel that way! Most of all, very female centric indeed!



            And some more suggestions 🤣

            King’s Avatar Loved this one, about a man who was at the top of the esports who gets brought down and needs to start over. A great underdog drama. No romance in this though.

            Addicted If you like BL you might like this. It can be a little raunchy though if that bothers you (especially near the end). About a romance between 2 high schoolers. The drama kinda ended though as it was only able to air 1 season but I still liked it.

            I Hear You FL and ML pretend to be a couple in a reality TV show which leads to cute cohabitation hijinks.

            I have tons I can suggest. But these are some I really enjoyed or thought were well done. 😆



            Thank you for the recommendations as well! I know Addicted! I even loved the songs, I’m glad they didn’t finish that drama, in the novel it becomes an abusive relationship so it’s better to have that open ending.


The Untamed ep 1-2

Hello fans! Could any of you explain some of the rules of their fantasy world? Will all of that be explained later? After so many pretty pics I\’ve finally given this a chance but it\’s a bit confusing. I know I could just do some research but I don\’t want any spoilers for the rest of the story. What are these immortal people? Are they even really immortal? How did they become that? Where is the guy Wei Wuxian is replacing? How did he come back to life?


    I don’t watch a ton of xianxia or wuxia shows so I don’t want to say anything incorrect but maybe this link will help till the beanies who are more familiar with the genre see your post.


    I think someone can explain it better than me but since I am here, I will try:
    1) the drama opens with WWX’s death and then goes back to where it all started. It will return to the present in ep 32
    2) this is not xianxia(fantasy) but wuxia. The people aren’t immortal, they die. It’s just that the cultivators like WWX, Lan Wangji etc are people with super powers, cultivated from years of training. Think of it like martial arts training but with X-men fantasy powers thrown in the mix.
    3) WWX died when he fell off. His body was never found. His soul/spirit was summoned back to Mo Xuanyu’s body to take revenge on the latter’s behalf. More about Mo Xuanyu will be revealed in the later part of the drama. In short, Mo sacrificed his own spirit to exact revenge on his tormentors.
    4) It might be confusing that WWX looked exactly like himself and not Mo Xuanyu. I haven’t come across any explanation but I guess they just didn’t want to use another actor. This however doesn’t explain why it’s so in the anime too.


      btw, you can refer to this blog for information on the characters etc


      Waahh!!! I always thot that wei wuxian was saved just minutes after he fell from dat cliff… by mo xuanyu… and was kept in sort of coma …. atleast that’s wat I cud make out with the subs…. so wat really happened?


        That would have made Mo Xuanyu a child when WWX died. The drama is kinda loose with this because of the censors so it’s not really explained (some even theorize he never actually died).

        But in the book WWX died and 13 years later (16 in the drama) Mo Xuanyu used a forbidden technique that brings back WWX spirit by sacrificing his own spirit and body. The drama is similar but he doesn’t sacrifice his body as it is WWX’s body that comes back (China forbids possession of body which is why this was probably changed). But he was fully dead, with his spirit scattered in the book.


        which part with subs?


      For 4: Probably because Chinese censors forbids possessing another body which is essentially what he does in the novels.


        Why would they forbid such a thing?


          China has A LOT of ridiculous censors. Like no zombies, no possession, no time travel, the hero has to always be good (no anti-heroes), and many more. Most of these affected this drama and had to make some big changes to the details of the story to avoid the censors. 🙄


            I can already imagine I’m going to ask everything they changed to fit these crazy rules.


      Thank you so much @kirti98, @outofthisworld


    I say just stick with it. The first 2 episodes are horribly confusing. It starts with his death, jumps forward 16 years, then it jumps back 16 years to where everything started that leads up to his death. I didn’t really start getting into the drama until around ep. 7 and then I didn’t really get addicted until about ep. 15 (where everything starts going down).

    The best bet is to kinda ignore the first 2 episodes right now as you will have no idea who anyone is or what’s going on. After it gets back to that present time (ep. 33) then rewatch those first 2 episodes again.


      Thanks! I will, it was confusing but engaging and the lead is very charismatic.


        Wei Wuxian is what first got me into the drama. He is a very charismatic and fun character and his actor did an excellent job with his character.

        But the drama will all make sense as it progresses! I actually had these same questions when I first started watching.


Camellia ep 7

I thought DB was on the way to becoming a nice person. I\’m back disliking her after this episode. Is it so hard in Korea for a father to have a relationship with a child if he is not married to the mother? Pil-Gu is such a sweet kid and he clearly wants to know his dad but she prefers to keep him away. She prefers PG never knew he was kind instead of having that kindness from his real father.


Love Affairs in the Afternoon ep 16

I liked it, nice ending. A bit moralistic though, maybe? I wish it was more On the Way to the Airport and less Valid Love. I am curious, the regular adults in SK way of thinking is more toward OTWA or LAITA? Are cheaters dire offenders that deserve punishment from heaven or simple humans that make mistakes like everyone else? Comments below.


    Everybody got their happy ending. That’s nice, the worst thing they could have done would be to punish JE and JW even more, however they made it so clear that they had to pay the penance for their affair that the story seems to be saying it was a crime. JE really needed time to deal with her own issues but this was very briefly explored in the narrative, for 15 eps show acted as if it was totally normal for her to detest herself even when she was only shoplifting a lipstick. Strange Bird Husband and Bossy Wife apparently turned into regular nice people instantly after getting a divorce, they met their new spouses and had children faster than lightning! I don’t like to say everything in a drama has some hidden meaning or a message but it’s quite impossible not to understand the writer is saying JW and JE could not, or would not, or should not, be allowed to be happy before their previous spouses were. SooAh got her happy ending by finding a new life and being near her kids, I understand she would not go back to her husband because she didn’t love him anymore but it wasn’t explained why DH could not come back to her. I don’t want to say maybe the writer thinks she comitted too many sins because it’s ridiculous. I prefer to believe her husband became a better person and in time they fell in love in again.


      I think everything during the time jump could’ve made better story lines. As in less unneeded drama and forceful separation caused by spouses and more time on the wifes looking for their happiness on their own. An arc of independence and (re) discovery of themselves for both women, one about love for all spouses who were cheated on and self-reflection on their marriage, bio teacher learns to stand up for himself (he and Ji Eun are similar in that aspect). The artist had his “conclusion” with his wife. So simple that it just screamed plot convenience to me.

      For the finale, I think he didn’t have a reason not to come back. That’s the one point I can’t understand because Soo Ah has a good relationship with her kids. Unless, this happiness exists because she’s allowed to live on her own but not with the man she loves. A kind of punishment for me. I don’t know if she and her ex husband will get back together but I won’t support it because her daughters and the artist were the only ones she felt happy with. Ji Eun and bio teacher look hopeful but the show doesn’t unveil their happy times. Like I supposed, bird husband had a happy. His mother doesn’t remember the whole affair and divorce and that looked like an other way to make Ji Eun guilty and his new wife to have a smoother path.

      The last episode left a bitter taste because it could’ve shown us the characters’ journey to their 3-years-later life.


      I loved the drama, but I wonder why SA and the artist didn’t end together, too. I didn’t want and happy ending for both the women at all costs, I rather expected she would return home with her husband sacrificing herself for her children. It would be sad and unjust, but logic in some way. This separation is meaningless to me. He sent her a painting to her new home, so he knew she had left her husband…
      I wonder if her words: “A woman like me doesn’t deserve to stay with you” weren’t noble idiocy but real SA’s thoughts (and writer’s).
      I think Bird Husband’s happiness was necessary to JE’s one, to erase her feeling guilty. I like that Clara told her to live the way she wanted and that she hadn’t murdered anyone. At least one of them thought so!


        Yes, I didn’t understand what she or the writer meant by that phrase either and it’s possibly very moralistic. I understand JE needed to be rid of her guilty feelings but I would prefer if she had done that independently, she only searched for JW after discovering JW’s wife and her ex husband were remarried.


          Sorry for writing so late. Thinking about Soo-Ah and the painter and her words… it must be only a self-punishment, I can’t see another explanation, even if to me it really is unfair. This consideration lowered a little the enjoyment I had from the drama. If people can be happy, it is a pity wasting their life choosing living unhappy.


Hotel del Luna ep13

a small rant

warning: If you love HDL maybe continue to next post

I haven\’t even finished thie ep yet, saved the rest for later. I know it\’s silly but again I was surprised at how unlikable and unpleasant these characters can be, and people love them. The Maid\’s grudge made me mad. In 200 years she has learned almost nothing. I don\’t understand how they keep talking about karma but they act as if it doesn\’t exist.

All the people responsible for her murder and her daughter\’s are long dead, even the people that would believe such stupid prophecy are long gone, the world changed. She is in a job that reminds her evryday that people do bad things and have bad things done to them, but they move on, they have to, and they pay for their deeds. Well, except for the hotel staff, they don\’t regret or pay for much.

I hadn\’t even forgiven her for trying to make the manager go crazy for selfish reasons and she is already plotting to kill a baby. I have to say it\’s also lovely how she is still completely a fan of the patriarchy system, she only hates the kid if it\’s a boy. The family doesn\’t go on if baby is girl because girls don\’t matter. Nice lady.

MW remains adorable, half an hour in and she\’s joking about killing the baby. CS doesn\’t even get angry at her stupid joke, if that\’s even a joke, and when he helps the woman MW calls her an enemy of the Maid. An Enemy. Sure because in 1300 years she also learned nothing. Again karma doesn\’t really exist for them. She is ready to prove this once more when she allows the possibility of MiRa getting hurt by the ghost. Yes, she changed her mind after the Maid was incapable of letting the baby die. How thoughtful of her. And she confesses again that her grudge is wanting to kill the captain again, even though she already did all that and CS is not even questioning her sanity because he is busy telling her he will make her painful memories go away, why would he even care about her morality.

I shuld also add Bellboy is so nice, he is probably around 90 years old and he thinks it\’s ok to be romantic with a lonely teenager even if he plans to leave her soon. How do they even get chosen to work in this hotel? Is it enough to have a grudge and not be a psycho? Are they picked by MW\’s excellent moral compass?


Love Affairs in the Afternoon ep 15

This show should have been a 12 ep drama. So much filler, this ep had maybe 15 min of real story. I was surprised ChangGook and MinYoung went full villain mode while rich husband behaved more like a decent person. I wish we knew why JiEun had such low self esteem it would explain a lot about her. Also why would they ever sign this crazy contract? Yes, I know they feel guilty but they are already leaving their loved one for this guilt, the contract is just petty revenge just like MY said she would do. I know CG\’s mom means well but she is also stupid pretending JE was on vacation somewhere. After going to such lenghts to make the spouses so selfish it\’s going to be strange if JW or JE remain with them. Anyway the subs for ep 16 are taking a long time. Maybe subbers disliked it and are revolting kkk.


    I have to agree it was unnecessary to make the spouses so horrid. Especially Min Young. The writers wanted to justify the affair to be honest, and that makes me think they want to give everyone a happy ending. The Japanese original was written with the aim of showing how women are oppressed by societal norms and expectations, and even when they appear perfect on the outside, they can be a mess inside. I don’t think it had a happy ending, but I can’t remember it. Here though, the writers will probably end it well. I haven’t seen ep 16 either btw and am loosely following it so this is speculation. No spoilers intended


      Yes and also why so many apologies? Must they apologize to everyone all the time and JE feel so unworthy? She was like that even before the affair, she doesn’t even need a romance, she needs therapy as does her husband. The subs are available! I will come back later to post about the finale.


    I fast forwarded a lot! It seems like the long-term married couple will get back together because of the kids. I hate that they’re using them to bring the wife back because she wants to be with her daughters, not her husband. If he acknowledged his wrong doings and let her be happy as a sign of love, I would be more satisfied. As for the kids, they will need time to adjust or accept the situation or even years to talk to their mother again.

    The artist’s “wife” is infuriating because the “not legally divorced” card was a way to create more unneeded drama. Arrrrrgh. Among everyone, I only feel sympathy for the artist and the youngest daughter who isn’t aware of everything going.

    The other couple… Is the writer giving us a Romeo and Juliet narrative with everyone being against them and dying tragically (or disappearing together as a happy ending). The crazy wife, because at this point she’s not sane, is going to do something to her baby or anything dangerous to hold on her husband. She gives crazy vibes, more like a monster and not a cheated wife. In that sense, the writer did great in not wanting us to root for her but that’s too much. I feel like only the bird husband will have a happy ending because he’s a “good guy” and a pretty young woman is waiting for him anyway.


      Yes, if dramas are realistic about that, it seems it’s very difficult for divorced women in SK.
      The artist’s first wife was indeed unnecessary, why add one more crazy ex to this.
      I also feel like the writer went too far to make the audience like and understand the cheaters, but that is still a way of saying cheating is a terrible thing to do when they should have been saying everyone is allowed to be happy and it’s not always easy to end previous relationships.
      Bird husband is not a good guy, he just pretends to be. He spent 3 years ignoring and treating his wife as a surrogate mother, he has deep issues and like I said above, needs therapy instead of romance, and in 15 when he repeatedly denied her a divorce even when she begged, he crossed the line into badguy land.


        About the bird husband, you’re right he’s pretending to be nice, hence the “good guy”.


Lovers in the Afternoon
Does anyone know the original? I like the show but Jian is a bit strange. Why does she feel she has to stay with the husband? Does she think that\’s what she deserves? Will this story be some morality lesson?


    I don’t know the original but Ji-eun asked for a divorce? If you meant why she stayed with him despite his neglect, well – that’s culture.


      I should have said I’m still on ep 10 and she stayed with him even after the affair. She just felt guilty and had no plans of divorce so I felt she was a little strange even for their culture.


        🤦 my bad. Sorry for the spolier lixie. But about the culture thing, my country thinks similarly about divorce and people stay together despite abuse, cheating and more. I think it fits with the culture that she wouldn’t think of divorce deposited the cheating.


          It’s ok don’t worry someone else had already talked about this. This culture thing is what surprises me when people are so quick to judge anyone about affairs, like anyone can get a divorce so easily and people don’t have any right to put themselves first.


Hello Beanies

I\’m in the mood for some romance!

Do you have any romance drama recomendations? I\’ll add a list to give an idea of the kind I like:

Good – My Girl, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, Date, Another Miss Oh, Familiar Wife, Go Back Couple, I Hear Your Voice, We Married as Job, On the Way to the Airport, The Greatest Love.

Bad – Secretary Kim, Touch Your Heart, Boyfriend, Your House Helper, BTLIOF.


    Jealousy Incarnate, Masters Sun, Marriage Not Dating, My Name is Kim Sam Soon


      Tks! I liked JI and Masters a lot, MND not so much and MNIKSS I dropped because I felt it was too old fashioned, the FL was too weak though I love the actress, maybe because of that.


        I Need Romance 3. Never saw the other two so I can’t recommend those. Witch’s Romance, Hogu’s Love, Coffee Prince, Oh My Ghostess


    Not sure if you will like Twelve Nights..


    Scent of a Woman. I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record😂


    Marriage not dating


    Based on your list, you may wanna try:

    1) It’s Ok, That’s Love
    2) FantastiC
    3) You From Another Star
    4) I’m Not A Robot


    My Love From The Star?


    Maybe try:
    – Strongest Deliveryman
    – 21st Century Boy and Girl
    – My ID is Gangnam Beauty


    Twenty Again
    Dalja’s Spring: looks dated but the plot is not
    Hoogoo’s Love
    Marriage Not Dating: best MIL arc in a drama
    Witch’s Romance: light as air, but short and fun
    Hazardous Wife: not technically a romance, but you should watch it anyway


      Thanks! I never finished Dalja’s after the first eps but I’ll give it another chance!


Sky Castle Ep 19

It was a very nice episode. Many touching moments.

The Kangs were such terrible people, I was surprised to find their redemption arc believable, but I did, nicely done.

Couch Kim finally made sense when it seemed all she wanted was someone to do the right thing, to prove to her it was possible. I still don\’t buy the idea she does it because she is sort of a sociopath full of envy of those privileged people. Then she met SooMi and was back to being the wicked witch.

I disliked what Seung Hye did, it was cheap and manipulative. What kind of lesson is she giving her children? If he accepts her rules she just goes back to a marriage without love?

It was refreshing to have WJ be such a real boy simply being angry at the Kangs and not forgiving them right away.


    Cha’s being comic relief take toll on their portrayal, I don’t think from what we saw redemption is possible in last episode, but Seung Hye, I feel she try to repair relationship between kids and their father, that how I explain it to myself because I don’t see what’s the point in saving marriage that didn’t work from the start. Or it’s possible that for the writer divorce is not an option. I would prefere if they divorce in civil manner and let him rebuild relationship with his children and for Seung Hye to became kick ass divorce lawyer.


      Yes, me too, I think if she chooses to stay with him just to make his relationship with the kids better it sends a bad message. I thought in ep 18 she had a good evolution and became a more responsible parent and in this ep she took 2 steps back.


    It’s interesting regarding Seung-hye and the possibility of her going back to a loveless marriage. A couple of episodes ago, she stated that she got married to basically get away from her patriarchal father ….. so it seems love wasn’t really part of the equation to begin with.

    With the lessons she learned at the side of her father and later the life she’s had with her husband have served to finally open her eyes and helped her see the faults of the system, so to speak. It’s at this later stage in her life that’s she’s garnered the courage to finally challenge said system ….. and this act of challenging is what I think she’s trying to show her children. We don’t know if she’ll be successful and even she doesn’t know, really, but maybe she’s making an attempt to show her children that perhaps it is possible to break out of the long-established mold that has dictated the lives of so many for so long and perhaps find happiness.


      Yes, but I thought her challenge meant she also cared about her own marriage, instead she is using this as leverage to get something he should be able to agree on his own.


        I get the sense that she’s realized she should have just married someone else. While I certainly won’t discount that on some level she does care about her marriage, it has taken a back seat because she cares more about the children’s well-being.

        It would be great if Professor Cha would agree to change his ways on his own, like you said, but he seems incapable of doing so or is simply unwilling.


Sky Castle Ep 18

Why am I thinking they won\’t explain Coach Kim\’s motivation? I just don\’t get how she would go from feeling guilty about her daughter to deciding to punish kids and their families for greed which was her own sin.


    I don’t think she wants to punish the kids. She feels miserable about what happened to her daughter, so she wants the parents to feel miserable like her. She wants to see them hurt and be tormented, the same way as she feels, sort of her revenge on the world. She feels unfair that this happened to her, so she wants the other parents to know that pain. She is targeting the parents not the children. When she picked who she will teach, she wasn’t picking the students. She was picking the parents, the ones that are so devoted to their children and would be willing to do anything to make them succeed, in other words parents similar to her. Then she hurts them using their children.


      She has to want it. She knew YJ would regret leaving but she still manipulated him to go. She was controlling YS making her an even worse selfish girl, she has killed HN, who despite the blackmailing, was still a kid, she has framed WJ. That’s 4 kids she has planned to mess up one way or another.


        That’s true but I think the end game is the parents.


    I don’t think she has a motivation; in fact, I’m not even sure how guilty she feels about her daughter. She’s so selfish that I think she feels angry that she no longer has a prodigy for a child. I don’t think she has a motivation, she simply takes pleasure in other’s misery. And I think that she disguises it in this drive to get these kids into SMU because of her daughter. Before her daughter was the focus of this unhealthy obsession, and it clearly was weighing on the child (per the flashbacks with the husband) but she didn’t care. Coach Kim is the worst part of all the parents distilled into one person.


      Yes, I don’t know if she feels guilty either which I guess makes it even more weird? I hope she has some reason besides this insane desire to destroy what she wanted for herself, a trophy child, and punish the parents for doing what she did. I would only believe that if she considered herself a victim of this greed but it’s not there so it seems like show is just saying she’s crazy and that’s the explanation.


        But I don’t think the show is saying she’s just crazy and leaving it. I think it’s more nuanced than that. This woman is clearly a sociopath. That’s what makes her so uncaring and explains why she takes pleasure in the pain of others.

        I think the fact that she uses these kids and their parents is more that it’s a form of pain that she understands and wants to inflict on others. A normal person’s reaction to what happened to her daughter would be to still love and value the child. She clearly is incapable of that. Instead, this tragedy triggered something in her that just made her turn her anger on others and makes them feel the same thing. I don’t think she cares whether they deserve it or not. She just likes making them hurt.


          She just likes hurting people who were as greedy as her? Without any moral reason? No judgement? It’s too planned, she has to have a reason to target these people.


            Her reason is they’re easy targets — they are essentially who she was. It’s easy to destroy what you know.

            And it’s not just that she likes destroying people who are as greedy as her — it’s that she takes pleasure in it. That’s what a sociopath does. Morality isn’t part of the equation. Maybe she judges them, but ultimately it’s about her own sociopathic desire to destroy. It’s planned in that she enjoys taking her time to break these people down.


            I think that she want some kind of reassurance…to not feel guilty … That any other parent would have done the same or even worse if they were in here shoes.Her husband wanted his daughter to live like a normal kid and that s why he wanted to take Key with him And since she saw this as a treat in the way she wanted to use her daughter to fulfil her own desire so she killed him. So she pick this kind of mons who would do anything even murder to “protect them”


          Yes, the coach is an ultimate sociopath.


MOA 13

We\’re not getting any real explanations? Just JW\’s insanely detailed theories about what happened to SJ and Marco? I thought the crazy in this show could not get me mad. Guess I was wrong. 😛


    I am not watching but keeping up with what I can so that I get some explanation of what actually happened.

    I now wonder if the show can end well i.e. answer most of our questions.


    Wait? I thought it didn’t come from YJ’s head?!? That it actually happened and somehow we were seeing how it happened?? 🤔


      No, it was all just theory, SJ isn’t there and there are no records of what happened, it was all only in his head. A lot of details and one simple sentence to explain the crazy game. Emma, a healing NPC, saw SJ getting stabbed. As if that would cause the game to go into reality.


        Aha! I guess I was too busy looking at dramabeans during that scene hehe! And yeah it does sound stupid! So basically it is still a theory which HASNT been proven 😏


Sky Castle ep 11

This is why I call this a soap opera. They act crazy just to serve the plot. Hyena was supposed to be smart. We didn\’t really know if she was nice but she was clever. Now, I\’m supposed to believe this clever girl never bother to ask for details about her father. After she finds out, instead of talking to the guy, she decides to move in with his family and crazy plot finds a way to put her there. Still, I\’m trying to believe it. Then she starts screaming with the house maid and throwing stuff on the floor. Because that would surely not be suspicious. A kid could do better.


    She did ask for details about her father: they just were never given to her. Remember how her mum always told her that her dad died? that was “the details”.
    In my experience of knowing people who learned about their biological fathers very very very late in life, her reactions are actually normal. minus the “revenge plot”. Screaming at the maid is just her acting out on all the pent up rage/frustration/pain. I mean, who else does she have to direct all this to? She’s all alone.

    [typed on Jan 21st, after having watched ep 18. lol]
