Beanie level: Rooftop room dweller

Found three shows that have made me very happy this weekend.
One is The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim which is living up to the Beanie praise. What a great pair these leads are. I’m glad I waited to watch until it was finished airing. Though I’m not binging it allows me to watch a couple or so in a row.

The other two are Japanese dramas, but not available at the legal sites, well to me. Maybe to some of you they are.

Koi Desu: Yankee-kun to Hakujou Garu. The premise is the FL has impaired vision and meets the ML , considered a delinquent, when he is blocking the braille path she is walking on. This to her kicking him in a sensitive area and he falling for her. It is taking its time building this relationship from his infatuation to friendship to maybe something more. The show has a nice warm feeling to it.

The other show is Kieta Hatsukoi. It’s a Highschool drama with the ML borrowing an eraser from the girl he has a crush on. He realizes she’d written the name of the boy she has a crush on on it with a heart. That boy sees our ML with the erasure with his name and a mix up ensues. It’s a little silly but a whole lot of sweet.


    I’ve been waiting for Kieta Hatsukoi to finish so I can binge it. Other beanies have recommended it too.


    i think i saw this on youtube.. so who are the main couple?


    I’m watching Koi Desu and liking it so far!


      The ML is so great. He is like an over grown Labrador puppy, lol. But I also like the insights into things I’d never noticed or thought about like the bumby sidewalk areas.


        He is! He’s so smitten and the things he does for Yuriko is endearing!

        I like the insights and the awareness about the world of the visually impaired, though I’m not well versed in that area as well but I’d love to know more.


    Read your synopsis of Kieta Hatsukoi and thought, ‘hey isn’t this a manga?’ and it is! Didn’t know there was a live adaptation of this.


With all these new drama platforms popping up, I wonder if anyone ever regrets closing down DF. Whatever company took over and decided to do that.


    I believe that was Warner, who owns HBO Max, and I’m surprised they didn’t put any kdramas on service.


    I wonder that all the time. Stupid AT&T did that.


    Its their loss and every other apps gain. Whoever made the decision, they were actually after the app technology and not the content.


    Penny wise and POUND foolish. I went back to reread some of the articles about the DramaFever demise and Time Warner said it was a business decision to pull the plug because licensing fees had become too expensive. I was annoyed then (Oct. 16, 2018) and still am. If you want to go down memory lane this is how it was reported in Variety:


      They may still not want to do dramas, but besides that great library of dramas they had I also think about the employees. They must of had some great connections.


    I’m still bitter about DF’s shutdown. One of the best, if not THE best K-drama platform ever existed. There are many good things about DF: the extensive library, the clean and friendly interface, and the super reasonable subscription fee. The subscription refund I got after DF’s shutdown is one of the few refunds I’m unhappy to receive 😢.


Secret Love. They are putting this heroine through hell. But I do love that she has her prison unnies.


I just saw that the group ONF, who I dont listen to, are enlisting together in one go. Well, except their Japanese member. Is this the first group to do this?


    Oh wow! Personally I’ve never heard of anyone doing this before, at the very least!

    Just checked quickly their ages and honestly I think it makes sense for them to do this, since their b-days are quite close to one another, they are saving time by doing this, possibly 🤔


    I’ve always wondered why they dont all go at once but i guess someone needs to stick around to make money?


    From Soompi’s comments, Shinwa enlisted at the same time.

    I have not verified if true.


Not drama based but adjacent. I’m sure I’m not the only one who got into skincare more seriously after getting into dramas.
Or I should say I was always into skincare, but my skin wasn’t so it would be a stop and start type thing. When I started using some Korean and Japanese brands I noticed a huge difference. The more gentle formulas didn’t make my skin break out but also helped with some signs of aging that I think the harsher drugstore brands I had mostly used just made worse.
Now that my skin is in a better place I use a mix.
Anyway at 42 I want a more pared down and focused skincare regime.
I’ve liked Gothamista’s videos but really appreciate and plan to use the advice from these two videos, though more targeted to my skin and wallet, lol.
Thought I’d share in case anyone else is at this stage with their skincare.


    The follow up video


    Wow, thanks for sharing! New subscriber here: she really explains everything really well without getting too technical, and gives lovely recommendations. I was literally taking notes about the AIC3 formulas and the hyperpigmentation tips.
    P.S.: I stand by the Heliocare sunscreen tip – it’s not really expensive (at least where I am), it’s light and it comes in different tones that even out the skin without having to wear foundation. Been using it all year around for ages now, and every time I stray, I end up coming back to it. Just love the texture and the glowy finish


      Glad you enjoyed it. I’ll have to look up the sunscreen. Wearing it regularly is still something I want to work on.


        I always feel like my skin doesn’t need sunscreen basically because I’ve been growing up in a hot and humid climate and it seems like people can just get by not having to apply sunscreen at all. However, I went to a beach back in May and apart from my face that I applied sunscreen on I got severe burnt for the first time. (I had to apply aloevera all over my body and it was quite painful and the darkened skin lasted for a few months. I struggle to apply sunscreen daily though because I always feel like it’ll clog my pores and I easily have breakouts.


          About getting clogged pores, I guess it’s a question of finding the right one for you! I turned into a sunscreen freak in my early 30s. My mom is olive skinned and my dad is a redhead, so over the years, I’ve been getting hyperpigmentation spots (thanks, mom!), and crazy freckles (cheers, dad!) 😭 … Where I come from, summer is all about going to the beach and hanging out outside, so sun exposure is really intense. Now I really regret all those blasé sunscreen-less years


          I live in an area that’s like 50/50 for sun and no sun, lol. But I burn easy and those old burns are coming back to haunt me.
          But also there wasn’t the formulations there are now where they feel like a moisturizer and come in a lot of textures and don’t sting the eyes. I hated when my grandma would slather sunscreen on me and my eyes would burn so.


          As someone who got skin cancer from repeated sunburns during childhood I’m jumping in to say that sunscreen is your friend. Even just one sunburn can cause irreversible skin DNA damage. The damage sometimes doesn’t show up on the surface until many years later. And then there’s the aging effect of the sun on our skin. But not all sunscreens are created equal and some actually don’t offer enough protection or contain harmful ingredients so finding a good one is important. I have clogged pores and breakouts too plus oily skin so I had to try a few until I found some sunscreens that worked for me. If you really don’t like sunscreen at least some skincare that has SPF is better than nothing.


            @blu3butterfly, talking to someone who went through it really brings it home how avoiding sunburn goes well beyond esthetics. Cancer is scary. Hope you are well now! 💚


    Thank you!


    And on a related topic,

    The Emotional Costs of Adult Acne:


    Beverly, may I ask if you need to use a makeup remover to clean your face after a day of using sunscreen? I heard that you should use it because sunscreen tends to stick on your face and won’t be rinsed off just by using water and facial cleanser. One of the reasons I don’t wear sunscreen regularly is because I’m lazy and I don’t want to use a makeup remover everyday just because I apply sunscreen on my face.


      I wanted to ask Fly Colors, too, but I couldn’t tag both of you I don’t know why.


      No. I sometimes double cleanse with an oil or balm. Though I mostly do that in the summer or when I want to feel like I’m getting a deeper cleanse. But with a lot of formulas now it washes off a lot easier like just washing off moisturizer.
      @flyingcolours do you double cleanse at night?


        Thank you!


        Never 😂 I’m way too lazy to double cleanse. But I have the deep seated habit of washing my face twice a day with cleanser because my skin was oily when I was younger, and always felt like it was enough. Lately my skin got drier, so I use a towel to clean my face with micellar water, and then splash it with regular water.
        On an ideal day, my routine is micellar water, tonic, serum, moisturizer and sunscreen (but very often I skip tonic and serum)


Dali ep 11: Only half way through, but this is hard. One of the things that I like so much about this drama is that our leads seem to keep step with or even come out a head of the bad guys. But right now it feels like a mob is starting to descend on them from all sides. I have faith they have some cards up their sleeves, but it had been so satisfying as a viewer to not have to watch them be brought down.


    Seriously if ever a writer should use a surprise truck of doom it should of been for Dali’s uncle. Don’t even let him leave the parking lot of the museum.


    This is its melo phase. I’m hoping it doesn’t last too long or decide to take itself too seriously.


    Mu-hak was really great in this emotional scene explaining how much he tried to not hate his father. Kudos to the actor. That was his super best scene in the whole show for me.

    Have I said it was both super satisfying and heart-breaking how he said he was done with trying to understand his father? *sigh*


Listening to Dramas with a Side of Kimchi podcast as I get ready for work. It is an ep on Secret Love.
It\’s a rainy and windy Monday and now all I want to do is curl back up and finally watch this show I\’ve heard so much about for good and bad.


Last week I put Yumi on hold and now today it is what my mood is telling me to watch.
Plus, I wanted to see Jinyoung\’s character. If he is the second most handsome in the office, then is Minho the first?
Also, do people really do that?

I dont know if it\’s been mentioned, but I really like Yumi\’s outfits.


I\’m going to have to re watch the kiss scene tomorrow. I found really out of place unless it was to show MH\’s insecurities and darkest thoughts, but then it should of been followed with an apology not a kiss.

But about the money Tae-jin offered. I used to be all about the heroine\’s being \”noble\” or whatever and never accepting the bribe or hand out, but now I kind of want to see some one just take the money. Like take it, but not actually accept the strings. 🤷‍♀️

Probably 15 or so years ago I read a Susan Elizabeth Phillips contemporary romance. Just to note she gives her heroine\’s a horrible time of it and some of the stories may not hold up well so not for everyone.
But anyway in one of the books the hero\’s brother offers the heroine money to leave and she accepts the money but doesn\’t leave. And when the hero asks if she really accepted the money she just like smiled and shrugged. I cant remember if she actually kept it, Probably not, but I remember how much I actually cheered her decision.
In this one I\’d rather Dali not take the money, but it would occasionally be fun to see. Instead of acting noble and working 3 jobs go buy a nice apartment.


    What Dali did though was getting TJ’s help before the press conference about her motel incident. That was manoeuvring and press influence that money can’t buy and only people in his position can do. That’s better than taking the money.


Netflix needs to work on it\’s algorithm. I\’m not sure why it thinks that because I watch Korean romcoms and a British Baking Show I\’d want to watch a documentary on a Korean serial killer. But two or three times today my phone has alerted me that Netflix thinks this would somehow be highly enjoyable for me and right up my alley.


    I’ve never had a recommendation from Netflix that even came close to something I’d watch.


    Agreed. Netflix is convinced I must watch The Heirs. The algorithm must have a sense if humor.


    death by cake


    Sometimes, I think Netflix just throws me some classics that many people like or the shows they want to promote instead of really see what I would like.


    Do you remember the Netflix algorithm contests from years ago? It turned to be very hard to improve their recommendation algorithm… so much for AI, for now anyway.


One aspect of the Kim Seon Ho situation I keep thinking of is how having a baby is seen in Korean entertainment and society.
Many fans turn on the celebrity if they are seen to be in a relationship let alone getting married and having a baby, especially celebrities that are up and coming. And the woman who made the post about KSH mentioned an amount of money he\’d have to pay if she had the baby. It makes me wonder if he had a dating clause in his contract.
Then in Korea having a child out of wedlock is not the same as in some western countries, at least from what I can tell. It seems to be a great stigma for the mother and then also the child. Would her family have accepted her, would she have been able to get a job or keep the one she may have. Would her friends have stood by her and supported her? What kind of social supports are in place for single mothers?
And granted this is from dramas but im guessing it is based on fact but we\’ve seen how orphans are treated or if someone\’s parents had a scandal or criminal record. It follows the child and how school to even potential inlaws treat them.


    there is another thing.. you want to have baby because you want to tie down the other person…. imagine you let the woman have baby, then breakup.. will she allow you to move on?

    i am not saying that’s her intention or is right for this case, but in real world those kind of scenarios can also exist


      If you decide to have a baby with someone then you’ve made that choice you have to deal with that person.

      Also he is mid 30s? He has to know how it all works. No contraceptive is 100%, but none? Come on.


        If this is true, he thinks that it is the woman’s responsibility for proper birth control.

        If he has that mindset, this woman was not the only one.

        They never are.


        comeone.. no contraceptive.. both people know.. nothing specific to this case. you can’t blame one person for that..

        its a mutual decision..whether in the heat of the moment or not

        From a woman’s perspective.. there is never going to be any guarantee that the man won’t leave you if you are impediment to career/priorities.. or for a man that woman won’t leave you because you became poor/priorities


    It is really hard not to judge the situation using values from my country, where no one would have cared particularly about a celebrity having a baby and then breaking up (seems pretty normal), and single parenting is fine and accepted …..and definitely no one would have cared about the badmouthing coworkers thing (find me someone who has never complained about their colleagues and I’ll find you a liar)).
    I have to remind myself that not everywhere is the same as here.


      Comment was deleted


        It kind of reminded me of when my friend gets on a rant about her ex starting with something specific (and horrible) that he did but then devolves into every tiny thing that wasn’t perfect he has ever done, which makes people take first thing less seriously because complaining about the little things that everyone does makes her seem petty.


          Complaining about co workers I get, i was just telling a co worker I have to stop nitpicking, but if true I’ve never said anything about their appearance or thought they were all in love with me. That crosses a line, well to me.


    There are solid reasons why the births to women ratio is sitting at 0.92 (as of the last data I saw).


      I recently saw something about that. There seems to be a few countries with falling birth rates. I think Japan too?


        South Korea is the lowest. Japan is close behind. China is falling – peak working population expected soon.


I try to remember that often the personalities we see on variety is an extension of a character that the actor, idol, or MC has built up. And some of the scandals honestly don\’t bother me depending on what they are.
Saying that I was trying to think of which k celeb it would really bother me if he/she were ever exposed and I really really really want/need Yoo Jae-suk to be a decent person.


    I was thinking about him too earlier!! 😭
    Like, please, anyone but Yoo Jae-suk! 🙈


      I also keep thinking back to my list of favorite k-celeb to imagine which one would bother me the most.
      And while the answer consisted of a few names, I only desperately need IU to be a good person. Otherwise I’m pretty sure I’ll have massive trust issue to even enjoy the rest of K-ent.


        I feel like I’m still just dabbling in her music, but it has been fun to discover what a beautiful lyricist she is.


        I think I’m experiencing massive trust issue now.


    Are you a “Running Man” fan/watcher? I recently started watching it and I have one question, “Why is Song Ji Hyo always silent on the show?” She also doesn’t interact much so how is that she is sustaining her fanbase? I’m not her hater, I’m just curious.


      Not too much anymore. Just the random ep here and there. When DramaFever was with us I was going through them, made for great lazy Sunday watching.
      I’m not sure, but she has always, in my opinion, been more quiet than the rest even with her very popular Gary love line.
      I want to say that she was known for her blank facial expressions but also being lucky or pulling through to win at unexpected moments.
      I think “fans” have often been unkind in recent years to her so that may have an effect too.


      My chingu who is also a big RM fan was talking about this. We both noticed that she changed after Gary left. She is not as enthusiastic as before. I remember her as the Ace member. Maybe she wanted the maknae members enjoy more airtime?

      @purplesheesh is an avid RM fan. She may have a different view.


        Thanks for tagging me, Zora! I haven’t missed a single Running Man episode and Jihyo did lie low for a while (but she’s back now). Honestly, there was really a phase when she lost her identity especially with Somin’s addition and Gary’s departure. She also received a lot of hate for being a “useless member”. Plus, they had a PD who cut most of her scenes or was just shown in a small box at the left bottom part of the screen. Other than that. she’s thriving right now.


    I know which actor is that for me. Please be nice and happy with your family and group of friends. Comeback to dramaland/TV soon~ 🥲


    I am 10000% sure that Yoo Jaesuk is a decent person. I mean, I’d love to believe so. One thing that amazes me is that he knows all the 100+ names of the staff of Running Man and occasionally sends them presents on their birthdays. I’d totally be heartbroken if he isn’t.


I love this song. Especially perfect for a drizzling autumn morning.


Hometown Cha Cha Cha ep 15: Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler

Is this supposed to feel like healing? Who plotted this drama, because it\’s depressing as hell.
We spend episode after episode on nothing and then fill the second to last with all the tragedy. Have our hero finally put down some of his guilt and start to take some true steps out of his grief and then kill off basically the last of his family, oh and he may need to decide to move or not.
Like I get that everyone deals with grief in different ways and sees death differently, but losing someone you loved and loved you back is a blow. I dont get leaving our hero and the town with that kind of wound at the end of a drama. Also, I\’m now thinking of her family, especially her granddaughter, and all of their regrets. I get that death is a part of life and all that but grief is a horrible thing.


I hate complaining about slow subs because what Viki subbers do is amazing, but I really want to know what Dali is saying to that creep


Watching Knowing Bros. and wasn’t expecting Simon D to sing a ballad with Lee Hi.


Dali ep 1
Charming. I like the fashion, colors, and our leads. I really like Dali. Even laughed out loud a couple times.


    And bonus points that our ML also seems to like Dali from the start. His bashful happy faces are sweet.


    wat is this show about?


      It’s definitely a romcom. The ML grew up poor but his family is now new money with a successful chain of restaurants. The FL is more old money, but when her father passes she is left with debt. It’s set up so that the ML helps her with her debt to keep an art museum open and running. A bit of a mystery surrounding the father’s death, but over all, so far, very light hearted. The two leads are very likable with both seeming to be warm hearted, but otherwise opposites. She is refined and book smart and he more street smart and a little rough around the edges.


Cha Cha Cha:
Why is he so bad with parents? I guess it was finally his turn for the second hand embarrassment.


Cha Cha Cha ep 6.

That photo in the book. Would they give our ML such a dark backstory as what that photo could hint at?
Or a family of friends he couldn\’t save?


    Yes, yes, they would would give the hero such a tragic backstory. 😂


    I presume it’s with his parents but the father is hidden in the shadow. Just wonder if it’s some family tragedy or domestic abuse – and the grandfather with whom he spent his childhood in Gongjin was the maternal grandpa.


    I thought that the photo was that of his family (the lady was his mother). I am speculating that the father did not die at the same time as his mother (as he was told), and met him again after college. And that hand in his nightmare might have belonged to his father who might have died or committed suicide later – and his guilt might be because he ignored or shunned his father.


Cha Cha Cha ep 6:

Almost done with the ep. I had suspected from the last ep that the Town Chief, Landlady, Teacher triangle was going to be a little different than I\’d first thought. Any real chance they\’ll ditch the ex husband/boyfriend and fall for each other?


    He’s so not worth it, so yeah. BFFL!


    I wish they would.


    I really, really wish thats the way it’s going. Continues the agenda of dramaland’s year of the lesbians *and* is a much more interesting story to tell than a typical love triangle. I already ship them.


    A strong sailing LandladyxTeacher ship would make me so happy.


    It would be one way to explain the divorce that no one knows the reason for, I tend to doubt it though, she – the landlady was getting way to happy to feed that idiot ex of hers
