Day 11

Driving to work in the early dark and very foggy morning
Hands clenched tight on the steering wheel as I make my way down the freeway
By the time I got to where I was going (45 min later) the fog was clearing
And I marveled at the mist on the foothills of the mountains where the sun was just rising
By then I wasn’t too scared and tense to enjoy the beauty along the road
Driving home 8 hours later in the late afternoon
It was cloudy but clear- and I was taking the back roads home – away from the traffic
Through green fields full of flocks of lazy sheep and jumping lambs
The sun was just beginning to set over the mountains on the west
And I watched hawks fly and swoop overhead to land on the power lines along the road
But this time my hands were not clenched on the wheel but tapping to the music

Yes it can be a stressful commute – but somehow it is still incredibly breathtakingly beautiful
And I am grateful to be here.

Love, February