Music has always been a big part of my life growing up. Coming from a ‘non professional’ music family was one. My grandpa was a great singer and I have lovely memories of us singing together during down time. My father inherited his dads musical abilities too and we would have many impromptu jam sessions.

My choice of music was very diverse from a young age. My dad (born in the 50’s ) and my grandpa (born in the 20’s) had almost different kinds of music that they liked. As a teenager, Britney Spears or the Spice Girls never tickled my fancy as I gravitated more towards alternative rock – Alanis Morisette, Nirvana, Blur, Radiohead. Being born is a completely different country from my parents also meant other languages were open to me too and of course there was MTV of the dish antenna era, which meant more music from different languages got exposed to me.

I work in music now. I work with musicians and I have never been happier.

I have chosen to share a classic Indonesian legendary band here with you. Padi came into my radar during my teens (that dish antenna thing, remember?) and I haven’t stopped listening to them since.